...白真道,离弃罪恶,脱离人前虚浮的荣耀、骄傲、假冒、贪心,因贪财者之心要夺去贪财者之命。The Lord desires that all people be saved, come to the knowledge of the truth, forsake sin, and depart from worldly glory, pride, pretense, and greed. The heart of a greed...
...empted, we become 'pregnant' with sin, giving birth to all manner
of sins,贪心、虚荣、骄傲、负面情绪、不感恩、怨神怨人、苦毒、不饶恕、恨人杀人……such as
greed, vanity, pride, negativity, ingratitude, resentment towards God and
others, bitterness, unf...
...and complain… 却忘了自己也是这样待父母,活在背逆,贪心,不感恩,不知足里…forgetting that I treated my own parents similarly, living in rebellion, greed, ingratitude, and discontent. 荣耀全能的主却甘心为这样忘恩和作恶的人,舍了生命!...