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...羞耻感,we do something by putting masks on our faces 我们就带上面具(masks not to protect us from Covid-19, (不是防新冠肺炎传染的面具,but to conceal the real self是用来掩盖真我的面具),“I don’t want people to know my real self.” “...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:51:53  

...ng into and going out of the church.伤心人就会在进出教会时戴上面具,people are afraid of talking about their real issues in their lives or in their families, 他们害怕谈论自己生活或家庭中的真实问题,because the transformative power of Jesus is no longer real to ...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:05:28  

...le are used to wearing masks or telling lies to protect themselves人们在面具下说谎保护自己; a world of ingratitude我们生活在一个不感恩的世界, where people hold negative emotions人心充满负面情绪, judgemental and unmerciful thoughts论断和无怜悯, grudges嫉妒,...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:33:37  

...lves去隐藏自己 to tell lies,而说谎,and live behind masks. 活在面具之下。“what if people know that I’m not good enough? 如果别人知道我不够好怎么办?Will they still accept me? 他们还会接纳我吗?” When you fear, you wanna escape. 当你害怕,...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:57  

...怕被论断或被拒绝,so we put a mask on and say, 于是我们戴上面具,说:“I’m fine.”  “我很好。” In my ministry在我的事工里, I’ve discovered the enemy's scheme. 我发现仇敌的诡计He will keep drawing your attention to peo...
发表于 2024-09-22 17:28:40  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:60%] [60%]2019-07-28 Pigs or People 要猪还是要人
...Jesus is your saviour just because the bible says so? 或者你戴上面具假装你很好、耶稣是你的救主,只是因为圣经这样说?Do you really know what Jesus has done for you? 你真的知道耶稣为你所做的一切吗? Do you really know how valuable your own soul is? ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:47:17  

...感和苦毒引导活着, I don’t wanna put on a mask我不要再戴面具活在人前, looking all good on the outside while inside hurting外面看着好,里面却是伤害… Lord Jesus, 主耶稣,我的救主 I repent我悔改, I want my life story to be transformed from shame...
发表于 2024-04-14 23:45:03  
