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发表于 2023-05-04 23:34:25

发表于 2023-06-11 19:17:12

[近期讲章] [匹配度:22%] 2022-04-17 瞎子的信
...你自己舔伤,保全自己生命,就必丧掉生命,为主丧自己人命的,就必得主里丰盛生命! 这里几个神子民的信:父母的信、法利赛人的信、瞎子的信,你是哪一个? 瞎子的信,经历了医治,受到了人的拒绝和逼迫,在...
发表于 2024-01-08 14:59:59

[OTBC Sermons] [匹配度:20%] 2017-08-22 Put God first 把神放第一位 (3)
...by God’s word to put away the old values from the world.我们心里有的价值观,必须先靠神的话语更新。 This is an action of our faith to show that we are keeping in repentance.这是我们信心的行动表明我们持守在悔改里。So, keeping God first is our action...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:28:07

...我开始认真看待不敬虔的魂结这回事,并开始着手删除与关系有关的所有相片,Giving away or selling past items from Jug, kitchen knives, to my Bed, bedding, sofa, fridge, washing machine捐掉或者卖掉过去的从水壶、厨房刀具、到睡床、床上用品、...
发表于 2023-02-27 11:52:38

... them from the old habits, 他们并没有求上帝的恩典改变他们的习惯,for they don’t think that’s a problem. 因为他们认为这不是问题。For they claim that Jesus has done everything for them, 因为他们称耶稣已经为他们做了一切,so that they are no...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:39:07

[OTBC Sermons] [匹配度:19%] 2017-08-29 Put God first 把神放第一位 (4)
...了,but the way we think remains in the old, 我们的思维方式还是的,what would be the benefit of experiencing that for the growth of our spiritual life? 对我们属灵生命成长又有什么益处呢? It’s just wasting time if we only want to change the circumstances and no...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:28:14
