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...me that I might have been attacked by evil spirits 我有可能也受到了邪灵的影响,被攻击,because my mum went to see the grandma when I was in her womb. 因我妈妈在怀我的时候找姥姥治病,So Jane led me in a prayer of confession and forgiveness 于是叶阿姨带我做了...
发表于 2023-07-02 14:31:35

发表于 2021-12-17 17:39:23

[见证] [匹配度:49%] 从咒诅变为祝福
...嘶”的蛇的声音,直到牧者为我祷告,奉主的名砍断邪灵对我的捆绑,带领我向神认罪悔改,那个嘶嘶的声音就没有了。 过去我自己祷告的时候,因心里压抑就想大叫,大叫后就很舒服。我常常在我们那栋楼的天台祷告...
发表于 2022-05-29 19:00:44

...uked the unclean powers to leave from me.她带着我祷告悔改,斥责邪灵离开。 Praise the Lord By the power of the Blood of Jesus He cleansed and released me感谢赞美主,借着主耶稣的宝血,祂洁净释放了我, But only because I turned to Him and repented. 但这是因...
发表于 2023-02-27 11:52:38
