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 (Matt 8: 14-17) (马太福音8:14-17)“If God really loves us, why is there so much suffering, sickness, and sadness in this world? 如果上帝真的爱我们,为什么这个世界上有这么多的痛苦,疾病和悲伤?“If God really loves me, why does He allow me to s...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:37:17  

 (Matt 8:18-22) (太8:18-22)We thank God for today that five people became members at OTBC, and Jing Smith was baptised into God’s family.  感谢主,今天有五个人成为OTBC的会员,而 Jing Smith将受洗归入主的名下。We pray that God will continue to grow th...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:37:28  

 (Matt 8:23-27)(太8:23-27)We are entering the season of Lent with our Baptist family. 我们正进入浸信大家庭的斋期。Lent starts forty days before Easter and ends on Holy Sunday. 从复活节前四十天开始,到复活节前一个星期天结束。The forty days reminds ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:38:31  

 (Luke 12:13-34, 19:1-10)   (路加福音12:13-34,19:1-10)We are still in the season of Lent towards Easter, although we’ve experienced the unexpected shooting event. 虽然我们经历了意外的枪击事件,但我们目前仍然还在进到复活节前的大斋期...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:38:56  

[OTBC Sermons]   [匹配度:100%] [100%]2019-04-14 Entering Jerusalem 光荣进圣城
 (Luke 19:28-48)(路加福音19:28-48)On the traditional Christian’s calendar, today is Palm Sunday, 照传统的基督徒历法,今天是棕树枝主日,the Sunday before resurrection Sunday, 就是在主复活的前一个主日,and five days before Jesus’ crucifixio...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:38:59  

(Luke 24: 28-43) (路24:28-43)Last week, Andrew shared the message of Luke 24: 13-27 with us. 上周Andrew和我们分享了路24:13-27。I was blown away by reading v. 16 in English, 24章16节的英文版圣经让我印象深刻,it says that they were kept from recognizing him. ...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:39:05  

(Romans 6:1-14) (罗马书6:1-14)There is a beggar adopted by a King who wants to train him to be a prince, 有一个乞丐被国王收养,想要训练他成为王子,what happens if the beggar continues to beg, rather than acting like a prince? 如乞丐要继续去乞讨不像个王...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:39:07  

(1 Cor 15:12-26) (哥林多前书15:12-26)What’s the ultimate hope from believing in the gospel? 你信福音的终极盼望是什么?Resurrection! 复活!To rise from death! 从死里复活!Do you really believe in resurrection? 你真的相信复活吗?There’s a young ma...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:39:23  

 (1 Cor 15:35-58) (林前15:35-58) Again, 再一次,we are looking at the topic of resurrection in Cor 15, 我们来看林前15章关于复活的话题。Last week we talked about how Paul the apostle dealt the doctrine of resurrection with the Corinthian Christians. 上周我们...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:39:26  

Last Thursday, 上周四,we talked about the greatest turning point in human history dividing BC and AD,我们讨论了人类历史上划分公元前和公元的最大转折点,which was because of Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection. 是因耶稣的出生、受死和复活。What woul...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:46:54  
