...意的人,远离神之后,竟犯下抢夺、淫乱、诡诈、说谎、假冒伪善、蓄谋杀人……这么多的罪!Lord, a man after Your own heart turned away from You and committed robbery, fornication, deceit, lying, hypocrisy, and deliberate murder... so many sins!主啊,...
...救,明白真道,离弃罪恶,脱离人前虚浮的荣耀、骄傲、假冒、贪心,因贪财者之心要夺去贪财者之命。The Lord desires that all people be saved, come to the knowledge of the truth, forsake sin, and depart from worldly glory, pride, pretense, and greed. The heart o...