... Jesus is
100% perfect.” 告诉我说:"在耶稣面前没有人是完美的,只有耶稣是100%的完美"。I
always keep that in mind, and I love her smile, so soft and gentle. 我一直把这句话记在心里,我喜欢她的笑容,那么地柔软而温和。 But for some reas...
...eration of reality· 痴迷于成功,权势,才华,美丽或者完美型伴侣,达不到完美就沮丧情绪化,难以调节情绪Obsessed with
success, power, talent, beauty or the perfect partner, depressed and emotional
when less than perfect, find difficult to manage emotions&...
...我们都是罪人,需要来到神面前悔改并饶恕,因为我们不完美,只有圣洁的主才是。Una vez experimenté un momento en el que estaba enojado con mi abuela por
algo y después de unos minutos experimenté un sangrado nasal continuo que
parecía que...
... was a sinner, I wasn’t perfect. 首先承认自己是罪人,我不完美,Then acknowledging the hurts, I realised that the hurts were related to
my original family, where I got hurt from my parents and brother’s words and
behaviours. 然后承认自己所受的伤痛,我明白...