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... in the heart. 我们计算人的恶、心里怀藏怒气、苦毒、怨恨,就在使圣灵担忧。   In the OT, 旧约中, the Israelites “rebelled and grieved God’s Holy Spirit” (Isa 63:10) 以色列人竟悖逆,使主的圣灵...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:47:02  

...埋怨,they felt angry, hurt, and resentful. 他们就发怒、受伤、怨恨。They became bitter because their expectations weren’t met, 他们苦毒是因为他们的期望没有达成, “I want this…but you didn’t give me what I want, so You’re not good.&rdq...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:06:06  

...g, bitter, and resentful heart only imprisons itself. 不饶恕、苦毒和怨恨的心只会牢狱自己。 But forgiveness set us free from pain 饶恕释放我们心中的苦痛 and empowers us to expand the Kingdom's territory. 赋予力量去扩张神国度的领地。 Joseph forgave his br...
发表于 2024-07-14 23:19:44  

...ef and resentment after losing her kids. 她孩子死后一直在伤心和怨恨里。Despite being Christian for a long time, 尽管她做了基督徒很久,her heart was attached to grief and resentment. 仍然被悲伤和怨恨所捆绑。 Until after she had truly believed in God’s word...
发表于 2024-06-20 16:10:29  

...nful and broken heart. 心中所存的尽是怒气、苦毒、不饶恕、怨恨、谗言、论断、仇恨。It is useless to try to mend our relationships even if we say sorry after having indulged our negative emotions. 发泄了负面情绪,就算道歉也没有用,关系补不好。Becau...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:51:06  

...别人得到了你认为你配得去得的东西而感到愤怒、苦毒或怨恨不平。When a person gets promotion,当一个人晋升了, or recognition, 受表彰了,or he succeeds. 或成功了。In the bible, 经上说,Joseph’s brothers hated and envied him, 约瑟的弟...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:51:53  

... resentful statement during pregnancy, 如果你在怀孕期间说了一些怨恨的话,like, “I didn’t wanna get pregnant, …”“我不想怀孕……” or whatever curse words out of frustration you spoke over your baby in your womb, 或者你出于沮...
发表于 2023-05-28 21:41:39  

...overwhelmed by fear, 如果你的心被恐惧、 anger, 愤怒、malice, 怨恨、anxiety, and restlessness, 焦虑和不安所淹没, your life is absolutely restless.你的生命绝对没有安息。King David experienced so much pressure, difficulty, and trouble.大卫王经历了如此多...
发表于 2024-01-08 22:00:11  

...ent, bitterness, and resentment, 我为着我以愤怒、论断、苦毒和怨恨来回应对我不公的人而悔改,I turn away from trying to control the pain and relationships in my own strength. 我愿转离靠自己掌控我的痛、掌控我的人际关系,I turn away from reacting to p...
发表于 2022-09-25 16:59:47  

...sness, 不喜乐、unrest, 不平安、impatience, 急躁、malice…怨恨……And the wall of rejection and fear will be built between you and your kids or other people. 这样你和孩子之间、和他人之间会筑起一道拒绝和惧怕的墙。Actually, we can’t con...
发表于 2024-01-08 21:48:57  
