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2018-09-16 Taming the Tongue 要控制舌头

发表于 2024-01-08

 (James 3:1-12)(雅各书3:1-12 

My name is Jane, 我叫简,and I’m the assistant pastor here and leading the International service at 2pm. 我是这里下午堂的助理牧师。We started the 2pm service last year with about 10 Chinese students,我们下午2点的聚会从去年开始,那时约有10个中国学生,last Sunday, 上周日,we had approximately 38 people who were of a different race at the service, 我们大概有来自不同种族的38人来聚会,it was more than 3 times bigger than at the beginning. 这比刚开始时聚会人数增长了3倍。We thank God for His amazing work at OTBC. 感谢神在OTBC奇妙的工作。And thank you for your prayers and your support, 感谢大家的代祷和支持,which is very important to expand God’s kingdom here!对神国在这里的扩张非常重要!

A month ago, 一个月前,Chris asked me, 克里斯问我,“Jane, could you please preach for 15 mins to each of the three services on one Sunday while I am away?你能不能在我离开的时候,到3个聚会里分别讲15分钟的道?” “Umm” I answered, 恩,我回答,“Sure, I can have a go.我可以试试。” So Chris gave me this bible passage James 3:1-12 to preach about. 于是克里斯就叫我分享雅各书3:1-12Now, you’re gonne suffer a Chinese accent over the next 20 minutes….接下来的20分钟里,你们要暂时忍受我的中式口音了。Let’s read the passage first. 让我们先来阅读经文。

James 3:1-12(雅3:1-12, My friends我的弟兄们, not many of you should become teachers不要多人做师傅. As you know, we teachers will be judged with greater strictness than others因为晓得我们要受更重的判断. 2 All of us often make mistakes原来我们在许多事上都有过失. But if a person never makes a mistake in what he says若有人在话语上没有过失, he is perfect and is also able to control his whole being他就是完全人,也能勒住自己的全身. 3 We put a bit into the mouth of a horse to make it obey us我们若把嚼环放在马嘴里,叫它顺服, and we are able to make it go where we want就能调动它的全身. 4 Or think of a ship:看哪, big as it is and driven by such strong winds船只虽然甚大,又被大风催逼, it can be steered by a very small rudder只用小小的舵, and it goes wherever the pilot wants it to go就随着掌舵的意思转动. 5 So it is with the tongue这样: small as it is舌头在百体里也是最小的, it can boast about great things却能说大话.

Just think how large a forest can be set on fire by a tiny flame看哪,最小的火能点着最大的树林! 6 And the tongue is like a fire舌头就是火. It is a world of wrong在我们百体中,舌头是个罪恶的世界, occupying its place in our bodies and spreading evil through our whole being能污秽全身. It sets on fire the entire course of our existence with the fire that comes to it from hell itself也能把生命的轮子点起来,并且是从地狱里点着的. 7 We humans are able to tame and have tamed all other creatures—wild animals and birds, reptiles and fish各类的走兽、飞禽、昆虫、水族,本来都可以制伏,也已经被人制伏了. 8 But no one has ever been able to tame the tongue惟独舌头没有人能制伏. It is evil and uncontrollable是不止息的恶物, full of deadly poison满了害死人的毒气. 9 We use it to give thanks to our Lord and Father and also to curse other people我们用舌头颂赞那为主、为父的, who are created in the likeness of God又用舌头咒诅那照着神形象被造的人. 10 Words of thanksgiving and cursing pour out from the same mouth颂赞和咒诅从一个口里出来! My friends我的弟兄们, this should not happen这是不应当的! 11 No spring of water pours out sweet water and bitter water from the same opening泉源从一个眼里能发出甜苦两样的水吗. 12 A fig tree, my friends, cannot bear olives我的弟兄们,无花果树能生橄榄吗; a grapevine cannot bear figs葡萄树能结无花果吗, nor can a salty spring produce sweet water咸水里也不能发出甜水来.

1, A short summary of the book of James《雅各书》简介:

Firstly, I’ll do a little bit introduction to the book of James我先简单介绍一下《雅各书》. Who is the author of the book of James《雅各书》的作者是谁? It’s widely recognized to be James the half-brother of Jesus这信普遍认为由耶稣同母弟弟雅各所写. When was this epistle (letter) written down这份书信是什么时候写的? And who are the original recipients起初写给谁? It’s probably the oldest book in the New Testament《雅各书》有可能是新约中最早的篇章, written perhaps as early as A.D. 45大约写于主后45, before the first council of Jerusalem in A.D. 50写在主后50年第一次耶路撒冷大会之前. From v.1从第1, we see that this letter was originally written to Jewish Christians who were scattered among all the nations 可看到这信起初写给分散在列国中的犹太基督徒(see James 1:1,见 雅1:1). What’s the purpose of this writing写这份信的目的是什么? James was writing to Jews to encourage them to continue seeking maturity in faith 雅各写给犹太基督徒,鼓励他们追求基督里生命的成熟by acting like God’s people and pursuing a life of holiness追求圣洁,活出神子民的样式. For he told them and also us他对他们说,也对我们说, a faith that does not produce real life change is dead 信心若不带来生命的改变就是死的(see James 2:17,见 雅2:17). I love it我喜欢这话! before becoming a Christian在信主以前, I was a non-believing business woman我是个生意人, I hated religion because it only increased the burdens on people我讨厌宗教的原因是宗教加重人的负担. But Jesus is not a religious leader但耶稣不是宗教领袖, He is the living God祂是活着的神! The evidence of a changed life from the inside out proves that Jesus’ salvation is true生命从里到外的改变,见证耶稣基督的救恩是真实的! It also reinforces our faith in God even when we encounter storms in our lives生命改变使我们就算生活中所遇到风暴,都能加强我们对神的信心. And I believe that the more we abide in His holiness并且我信,越多住在祂的圣洁里, the deeper the freedom we will have就越自由. Fortunately很幸运, we are still on the way我们还在这条路上! On the way of sanctification在成圣之路上. We are still here, and still have the opportunity to be transformed我们仍活在,还有机会被改变. How do we know that we are growing怎样知道我们在成长呢? Throughout this passage在这段话里, James tells us雅各告诉我们, spiritual maturity is evidenced by the use of the tongue舌头所出的话,是灵性成熟的见证. Tongue-control is the fruit of self-control控制舌头是自我控制所结的果子

2, The power of the tongue舌头的能力

James begins his teaching by addressing the seriousness of being teachers of God’s Word雅各一开始就强调做教导的是件严肃的事. v.1, not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brother, 我的弟兄们,不要多人做师傅James said, why他为什么这样说? “because we who teach will be judged more strictly因为晓得我们要受更重的判断.” Woo, that’s serious哇,太严重了! But James is not suggesting that nobody should become a teacher in the church但雅各不是说不要做教会里教导人的, but “teacher” is a role that shouldn’t be taken lightly而是不要轻易去做这教导人的职分, and it must be empowered by God必须被神授权. For 1 Cor 12: 28 tells us, “28 And God has placed in the church first of all apostles神在教会所设立的:第一是使徒, second prophets第二是先知, third teachers第三是教师, then miracles其次是行异能的, then gifts of healing再次是得恩赐医病的, of helping帮助人的, of guidance治理事的, and of different kinds of tongues说方言的.” This principle applies to every aspect of a church这条原则适用于教会各方面, whether we teach in youth group or a small group or preach in a church无论青年团契、小组、或讲道,通通适用. Some people like talking very much有的人很喜欢讲话, some like teaching very much有的很爱教导人, but James seems to say to us但雅各似乎在对我们说, “in our natural men, probably much talk is less wise在天然人里,多言不智.” So we need to make sure of the call of God if we teach我们若教导人,就要清楚明白是否有神的呼召. For teachers will face a stricter judgment因做师傅要受更重的判断. Probably you may ask me你或许会问, “how about yourself那你自己呢?” I’m excited about that我有点兴奋.” You know why为什么? It can always remind me and encourage me that I am held accountable to live by the truth I proclaim神的话在提醒和鼓励我,我当活出我所传讲的道, and I am held accountable for practicing what I say我当操练我口所说的话. Preaching for me is a way that God is teaching me (myself) how to stick to His truth讲道对我来说是神借此教导我,怎样去持守行祂的真理,and also lead His people to His Word也把神子民引向神的话语, so together we may be edified in His truth使我们在真理里同得造就.

But “we all stumble in many ways原来我们在许多事上都有过失.” James says this in verse 2 雅各在第2节这样说. “If a person never makes a mistake in what he says, 若有人在话语上没有过失, he is perfect and is also able to control his whole being他就是完全人,也能勒住自己的全身.”  James isn’t telling us that we Christians are perfect雅各不是说基督徒是完美的. Only Jesus is perfect只有耶稣是完美的! James acknowledges imperfection in his walk with God雅各走在跟随的路上, 认识到基督徒的不完全,he is telling us that includes himself包括他在内, all apostles, and all believers, who stumble in many ways所有使徒、所有信徒,在许多事上都有过失, we are imperfect我们是不完全的. We still need God’s salvation and His forgiveness every single day我们仍然每天需要神的救恩和赦免! In fact实际上, Paul the apostle on his way to spiritual maturity使徒保罗在灵性成长的过程中, experienced this struggle也遇到同样的挣扎, “For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do我所恨恶的,我倒去做 (Romans 7:15,罗7:15). Paul might have spoken words that he didn’t mean to保罗也许讲了他不想讲的话. For example例如, in the book of Acts《使徒行传》里, when he was struck unexpectedly before the high priest他在大祭司面前无缘无故被打, he immediately fought back and said to the high priest就立刻反击大祭司, “God will strike you, you whitewashed wall!你这粉饰的墙,神要打你!” Anger can cause us to speak wrongly怒气会让人说错话. And people who stood beside him told him站在旁边的人提醒说, “you dare to insult God’s high priest你敢辱骂神的大祭司吗?” Paul immediately repented and turned to God’s words保罗马上悔改转向神的话, “I didn’t realize that he was the high priest我不晓得他是大祭司, for it’s written经上记着说, “don’t speak evil about the ruler of your people不可毁谤你百姓的官长.” (see Acts 23:1-5,徒23:1-5).

Do you see你看到吗? When Paul the apostle turned from his own thoughts to God’s truth当使徒保罗从自己的思想转向神的真理, at that moment his tongue was tamed他的舌头被制伏了. Our Lord Jesus teaches主耶稣教导说, “For a man’s heart determines his speech. 因为心里所充满的,口里就说出来. Matt 12:34b, TLB(太12:34下,当代圣经) To tame the tongue we must tame the heart制伏舌头,必须先制伏心. James recognizes the depth of our sins雅各认识到我们人的罪之深, and the pollution of our hearts人心里的污秽满盈, and the ongoing needs of God’s saving Grace更认识到我们需要持续不断地经历神的救恩!

Let’s look at:  A, Power To Control 舌头有控制力(v. 3-6)

This passage gives us 3 illustrations about how the tongue controls and destroys us有关舌头的控制力和毁坏力,这段话里有三点阐述.

I. Bit (v.3), the tongue is like a bit being put into the mouths of horses so that they can be controlled


II. Rudder (v.4), the tongue is like being steered by a small rudder which controls a boat.  舵(第4节):舌头就象小小的舵,能控制船只方向

III. Fire (v.5-6), the tongue boasts that can light a fire. a world of evil can set the fire of hell into one’s life.  火(5-6节):舌头能说大话,是个罪恶的世界,能从地狱里点起火来毁坏生命

B, Power to Destroy舌头有毁坏力.

How does the tongue destroy us舌头怎样毁坏人? The tongue can make us corrupt and even sick舌头可败坏人,甚至让人生病. Remember Miriam还记得米利暗吗? After she talked against Moses because of his Cushite wife她因摩西娶的古实女子就毁谤他, the discipline of the Lord came upon her神的管教临到米利暗, and she became sick with leprosy for 7 days她就得了七天的大麻风. In the NT新约里, many times Jesus teaches us耶稣很多次教导说, “Do not judge你们不要论断人, and you will not be judged就不被论断. Do not condemn你们不要定人的罪, and you will not be condemned就不被定罪. Forgive你们要饶恕人, and you will be forgiven就必蒙饶恕. Luke 6:37(路6:37Why should we not criticize others为什么不要批评他人? Because we all stumble in many ways因我们在许多事上都有过失! No one is perfect没有人是完美的. James 4:11(雅4:11Don’t criticize and speak evil about each other, dear brothers弟兄们,你们不可彼此批评. If you do人若批评弟兄,论断弟兄, you will be fighting against God’s law of loving one another就是批评律法, declaring it is wrong论断律法. But your job is not to decide whether this law is right or wrong, but to obey it你若论断律法,就不是遵行律法,乃是判断人的. We need forgiveness and God’s grace to accept each other in God’s love我们需要神的赦免和恩典,当在神的爱中彼此接纳, and to quench the fires of hell熄灭地狱的火. So that we ourselves will not fall into temptation and suffer loss就不至于落入试探受损失.

3, Tame the tongue要控制舌头

James continues his teaching雅各接着说, from v.7-v.127-12, it tells us that the tongue is a restless evil舌头是不止息的恶物, full of deadly poison满了害死人的毒气. But now we have Jesus as our saviour但我们现在有耶稣为救主, and we use our tongues to praise Him我们用舌头来颂赞祂, we need to tame our tongues by believing in truth就当信真理,控制舌头, so that we can keep on growing into Jesus’ likeness好继续成长成为耶稣的样式, and to become a mature Christians成为成熟基督徒.

A, The tongue can use words to breakdown舌头所出的言语可拆毁: Relationships关系, family life家庭生活, marriage婚姻, jobs工作, mood情绪, worship敬拜. The tongue is so powerful that our lives can be changed and the world around us can be shaped舌头大有能力,可改变我们的生活,塑造周围的世界. Proverbs 15:4(箴15:4, The tongue that brings healing is a tree of life温良的舌头是生命树, but a deceitful tongue crushes the spirit乖谬的嘴使人心碎. Throughout 13 years of deliverance ministry经过十三年的医治释放事工, I have observed in lots of cases我观察了很多案例, when married couple declared forgiving and gracious words to each other instead of being critical of each other当已婚夫妇彼此宣告饶恕和恩言,不再彼此批评, their marriages were healed and restored婚姻就得了医治和修复. Proverbs 18:21(箴言18:21, The tongue has the power of life and death生死在舌头的权下, and those who love it will eat its fruit喜爱它的,必吃它所结的果子. It tells us that our words affect our own lives这是说,我们的言语实际影响着生活

Words to言语可以: Curses咒诅, Lies说谎, Gossip闲言, tearing down拆毁, Discouragement泼冷水, Blame责怪, Attack攻击, Boasting夸大, Discrediting诋毁, Devaluing贬低, Accusation控告, Defensiveness自保, Hate仇恨,

Ridicule戏弄:With an Attitude from the heart心里发出的动机: Bitterness苦毒, unforgiveness不饶恕, unkindness不友善, malice恶意, Pride骄傲, being critical挑剔, mocking嘲笑, cynicism冷嘲热讽, negativity负面, ingratitude不感恩

With this passage James tells us雅各在这里说, “but no man can tame the tongue惟独舌头没有人能制伏. it is restful evil是不止息的恶物, full of deadly poison满了害死人的毒气. v.88节)This tells us that it’s impossible to tame the tongue by our sinful nature就是说,在肉体里控制舌头是无望的, “no man can tame the tongue惟独舌头没有人能制伏”, but we now have new life in Christ但在基督里我们有新的生命, Jesus came to redeem us by His grace in shedding his blood for the forgiveness of our sins耶稣流血舍命,使我们罪得赦免,以恩典救赎了我们, our tongues and our speech ought to be like those of a redeemed people我们的舌头和言语理当与蒙恩之人相称.

How to tame the tongue如何控制舌头?

a, Be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry快快地听,慢慢地说,慢慢地动怒 (see James 1:19,雅1:19)..

b, Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing不以恶报恶,以辱骂还辱骂,倒要祝福 (1 Peter 3:9,彼前3:9)

c, Blessing words, like encouragement, respect, peacefullness, positivity, speaking in truth and in the love of Christ. 说祝福的话,就如鼓励、尊重、和平、积极的话,符合真理的话,基督爱中的话

d, Get rid of bitter envy and selfish ambition in our hearts. 除去苦毒的嫉妒和纷争. (see James 3:14,雅3:14)

e, Tongues for Worship – bless the Lord. 用舌头敬拜,赞美神

This is the way why our tongues were created我们的舌头受造正是为此! To praise our God for His grace and many mercies舌头为颂赞神的恩典和丰盛的怜悯! To pray to God for those who are in need是为有需要的人向神祷告! A tongue to pass mercy and grace onto others舌头为传递怜悯和恩典, to proclaim freedom for the captives为宣告被掳的得释放, and comfort those who mourn安慰伤心的人, a tongue to be used by our Lord Jesus and His Holy Spirit to speak truth in love舌头是被主耶稣和圣灵所用,在爱中讲真理! We thank our Lord for He has given us this ability in the new life感谢主赐给我们这新生命里的能力, which is in Christ这是在基督里的!

Let’s us pray我们来祷告, “Lord Jesus主耶稣, we praise You我们赞美你! for your way is perfect你的道是完全的, and Your word is true你的言语是炼净的. You are a shield for all who take refuge in You凡投靠你的,你就做他们的盾牌. Thank you for calling us to grow into spiritual maturity by taming the tongue感谢你呼召我们,要我们制伏自己的舌头,使属灵生命长大. Forgive us赦免我们, for the times we didn’t keep our tongues from uttering wrong and hurtful words我们有时说错话,说伤害人的话,没有约束自己的舌头, which might have hurt our relationships破坏了人际关系, now, we turn to You again我们现在再次转向你, please help us to tame our tongues by believing and practicing Your truth in every circumstance请帮助我们,在每个环境中信真理、操练真理,控制自己的舌头, so that we may freely receive Your grace好让我们白白接受你的恩典, and freely give Your grace to others with our tongues也用我们的舌头白白给出去, that Your name be glorified through our tongues使我们的舌头能荣耀你. In Jesus name we pray祷告奉耶稣的名求”.


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