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2018-03-11 Love Fulfills the Law 爱完全律法

发表于 2024-01-08

 (Matt 5:17-20) (太5:17-20)

This year we are gonna continue working on the rest of the book of Matthew我們今年要继续来看《马太福音》余下的部分. And we pray that God would give us fresh understanding and revelation through Matthew’s gospel求神借着《马太福音》赐我们新鲜的认识和启示, so that each of us may grow in faith让我们在信心里成长!

After having taught His disciples about the Beatitudes主把天国八福教给门徒, and having encouraged them to be salt and light又鼓励他们做光做盐, Jesus continued His sermon on the Mount然后,主继续教导山上宝训.  Matt 517- 20  “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished. 19 Therefore anyone who sets aside one of the least of these commands and teaches others accordingly will be called least in the kingdom of heaven, but whoever practices and teaches these commands will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.517-20 莫想我来要废掉律法和先知;我来不是要废掉,乃是要成全。我实在告诉你们,就是到天地都废去了,律法的一点一画也不能废去,都要成全。所以,无论何人废掉这诫命中最小的一条,又教训人这样作,他在天国要称为最小的;但无论何人遵行这诫命,又教训人遵行,他在天国要称为大的。我告诉你们,你们的义若不胜于文士和法利赛人的义,断不能进天国。

From this passage这一段, we see in this summary that Jesus came not to destroy the law总的是说耶稣来不是来废掉律法, but to keep and complete it他持守,成全了律法. We are also required to be submissive to God’s commandants – the law我们也需要顺服神的诫命,就是律法. But it isn’t as a means of salvation but as an expression of our faith to love and to serve但这不是为让人得救,而是表达我们的爱和侍奉的信心.

1, The importance of obeying God’s commands.遵守神命令的重要性

Have you heard people say that有没有听过有人这样说“we are now in the new covenant of grace我们现在是新约恩典时代, we are free from the law不用遵守律法, so we don’t need the OT anymore就不需要旧约了” People said this to me when I was in South Asia我在东南亚服事时有人就这样对我说. It’s no doubt that “the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. See John 1:17” 毫无疑问,律法本是藉着摩西传的,恩典和真理都是由耶稣基督来的。见(约117But Jesus emphasised但是,耶稣却强调说, “Till heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Matt 5:18就是到天地都废去了,律法的一点一画也不能废去,都要成全。(太518  

Jesus didn’t come to destroy the law耶稣来不是要废掉律法, but He was born under the law (Gal 4:4) 祂生在律法以下(加44, perfectly kept the law (Heb 4:15) 完全没有犯罪(来415, and ‘fulfilled all righteousness’ (Matt 3:15) 尽了诸般的义(太315. What we learnt about God’s law in the OT still stands旧约里神的律法仍然有效, but through our Lord Jesus Christ it comes into greater clarity却藉着耶稣基督更加清晰地显明了! Yes, we are saved by God’s grace我们得救是因神的恩典, but we are NOT free from God’s commands但绝不是说,我们不用遵守神的命令了. “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets.你要尽心、尽性、尽意、爱主你的神。这是诫命中的第一,且是最大的。其次也相仿,就是要爱人如己。这两条诫命是律法和先知一切道理的总纲。” Matt 22:37-40(太2237-40

Some people questioned有人质问说, “Why should I obey God’s commands为什么我要遵守神的命令? What’s the point of loving those whom I don’t like干吗要我去爱不喜欢的人?” It’s because of God’s love是因为神的爱! “Now the purpose of the Commandment is love 1 Timothy 1:5a 但命令的总归就是爱。(提前15上)As the result of the fall of Adam因亚当的堕落, the whole world is under the control of the devil是全世界都卧在恶者以下, all the manifestation of the flesh肉体一切的彰显, such as selfishness and self-centeredness 就如自私自利和自我中心are just a hotbed for the dark power to enslave people to be kept under his control and curse正是黑暗权势的温床,要人在它的控制和咒诅下做奴仆.

The World health report says世界卫生报告指出, “as many as 450 million people suffer from a mental or behavioural disorder(全世界)约有4.5亿人患有精神或行为失调. Nearly 1 million people commit suicide every year每年接近1百万人自杀. One in four families has at least one member with a mental disorder4个家庭中就有一个家庭,至少一名成员患有精神失调.” Isn’t that shocking是不是很令人震惊? The result of indulgence of the self, iniquity and rebellion (to do whatever I want) 放荡、罪恶、悖逆(我行我素)的后果is not bring us freedom (that’s a lie) 没有带给我们自由,这是谎言, but is leading to more mental illness而是带来更多的精神疾病, emotional and psychological disorders情绪和心理失调, and physical diseases身体疾病.

As you know就像你所知道的 that I had suffered five years of manic depression just before I became a Christian我信主前患有五年的狂躁症. It could break out anytime at home when I felt unhappy and couldn’t control my temper 只要不开心就发脾气,在家里随时爆发due to the unforgiveness I held in my heart由于我里面有很多不饶恕. But the satisfaction of the self didn’t bring me freedom but imprisonment但自我满足没有带来自由反是捆锁! I thank God for His salvation and His unfailing love感谢神的拯救和不止息的爱. Only walking in the divine Love assures us of freedom只有行在神的爱中才使我们有自由! Our Lord Jesus tells us that the purpose of the devil is to steal, kill and destroy主说恶者的目的就是偷窃、杀害、毁坏! This is the devil’s unchangeable mission task魔鬼的工作不会改变!

How does he make sure his destroying purpose is successful in every human family他是怎样保证自己的计划在每个家庭中都成功的? By creating conflict and rejection通过制造冲突矛盾和拒绝, by causing one in a family to go against the other让家庭成员中一个和其他人斗, telling lies to hurt each other说谎话彼此伤害, and abusing each other in many ways各种各样的互相虐待, because resentment causes people to walk around in darkness因仇恨使人行在黑暗中, and they don’t know where they are going人就不知道往哪里去, so that generational curses can continue to fall upon their descendants因此家族累代的咒诅就继续临到后代. By our fallen natures借着我们堕落的本性, we are free to sin我们在罪上是自由的, but we are unable freely to love unconditionally在无条件地爱上却没有自由. How can we come out of our family curses怎样从家族咒诅中脱离出来? Where is our hope我们的盼望在哪里?  

By believing in God’s commands借着靠信神的命令, and walking in God’s commands in His grace在恩典中行神的命令, which ensures us that we are walking in His love就使我们行在祂的爱中! “Now the purpose of the Commandment is love 1 Timothy 1:5a但命令的总归就是爱。提前15 God sets His commands for us神赐给我们诫命, which are not to control us不是要控制我们, but for the purpose of love to heal and set us free而是爱我们、要使我们得医治、得自由!  By walking in His commandments行在神的诫命中, we are promised that we can be free神应许我们得自由!

Throughout the 13 years of deliverance ministry that I’ve been called to do13年医治释放的服事中, I’ve found that some born-again Christians haven’t been free from their bondages 我发现一些重生基督徒没有从捆绑中得自由of depression仍被忧郁, alcohol酗酒, sexual immorality淫乱, gambling赌博, even drug addictions毒品 which they had inherited from their ancestors这些他们从祖先遗传而来的罪所捆绑, because some of them just directly refused to forgive themselves and their family members因其中一部分人就是不想饶恕自己和家人, others ignored the importance of forgiveness and the practice of love另一部分人则忽视行饶恕、爱人之道, though they had acquired lots of head knowledge of Jesus尽管他们都学习了很多关于耶稣的头脑知识.

How can we be deceived我们怎么会被迷惑呢? The bible says经上说, if a man merely listens to the word若人只是听道, but doesn’t practice what he has heard而不行所听到的, he deceives himself 就是自欺 (see James 1: 22, 25,见 雅12225). Our Lord Jesus Christ set an example for us主耶稣为我们做了榜样, he willingly does exactly what His Father commands him to do他甘心遵从父的一切命令, even sacrificed himself on the Cross for the sake of love就算是要他为爱牺牲在十架上, which gives no room for the devil to attack him这样魔鬼就害不到他,   “He (the devil) has no hold on me, but the world must learn that I love the Father, and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me. John 14:31。他在我里面是毫无所有;但要叫世人知道我爱父,并且父怎样吩咐我,我就怎样行。起来,我們走吧!(约1431

What gives the devil opportunity to have a hold on us是什么使魔鬼有机会在我们里面有权势? When we don’t do what the Father has commanded us to do当我们不做父吩咐我们的! when we keep reconding of other’s wrongs and not willing to forgive当我们继续计算他人的恶,不愿饶恕, or when we just do whatever we want to do就是我们要想干吗就干吗时, which is dangerous实在是危险的.

2, What’s the nature of the righteousness of the Pharisees法利赛人的义,本质是什么?

V.20 Jesus said to His disciples, "Unless your righteousness exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven."20节,主对门徒说,你们的义若不胜于文士和法利赛人的义,断不能进天国。 What a shocking teaching it is多么令人震惊! We know that the Pharisees and the scribes were very godly people in man’s eyes in those days法利赛人和文士在那个年代可是公认非常敬虔的人. They diligently studied the Scriptures他们勤奋学习圣经, fasted twice a week 每周禁食两次and they gave a tenth of all they had什一奉献, even a tenth of their spices甚至献上芹菜和茴香的十分之一.

I once read a story about how the Pharisees tried to avoid temptation of lust我曾经读过一篇文章,介绍法利赛人如何避免情欲试探. Some of them blindfolded their eyes有的法利赛人会蒙住自己的眼睛, so they only could see the ground to move slowly于是只能看到眼皮下面的地,缓缓而行, despite hitting their heads on walls and getting bruised sometimes尽管会撞得鼻青脸肿, in order that they wouldn’t see any beautiful women to cause them to lust就为了不要因看到漂亮女人而起淫念. They really did their best他们实在尽全力了! What’s wrong with their righteousness那么他们的义有何不妥呢? Doesn’t God want us to do our best神难道不要我们尽力吗?

They say他们说, “I give money to the poor我资助穷人…I am kind and considerate我友善又体谅人…I do my best to live a honest life我尽所能诚实做人…I try not to look at beautiful women漂亮女人我尽量一眼都不看…I try as best as I can to do good work我努力做善事…so I am righteous所以我是义人.” ReallyHang on打住! Do you know what Satanist group is doing in NZ你知不知道新西兰的撒旦教组织正在干什么,

I read news from “Newstalk ZB”Newstalk ZB》的新闻, the Satanist group claimed that they would报道撒旦教组织宣称他们 “buy new socks要买新袜子, hats and warm clothing 帽子和保暖衣服for homeless shelters and children living in poverty送给流浪者庇护所和贫困儿童.” Even the Satanist group is giving stuff to the poor in NZ在新西兰,就算撒旦教都捐献穷人.

Are they righteous他们是义人吗? Jesus also said this about the Pharisees主这样提到法利赛人, “You clean the outside, but inside you are full of greed and self-indulgence. Matt 23: 25 你们洗净杯盘的外面,里面却盛满了勒索和放荡。(太2325 God looks at the heart神看人看心! Man looks at the outward appearance人是看外表! God is looking for an inward righteousness神寻找内里的义. Man is only looking for an outward righteousness人寻求外在的义. What is important in God’s eyes神看重的是什么? “He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8世人哪,耶和华已启示你何为善。他向你所要的是什么呢?只要你行公义,好怜悯,存谦卑的心,与你的神同行。(弥68

God cares about justice, love, mercy, and humility神关心的是公义、慈爱、怜悯和谦卑, because they are God’s attributes因这些就是神的性情. Jesus also said this主耶稣还说, “the more important matter of the law is justice, mercy and faithfulness...clean the inside of the cup, and then the outside also will be clean. Matt 23:23b25b那律法上更重的事,就是公义、怜悯、信实……先洗净杯盘的里面,好叫外面也干净了。(太2323下,25下)It is the same说的是一回事! God requires justice, mercy without acting like a god to judge others神要的是公义、怜悯,不会如神一样断定他人, and faithfulness 还有信实. He never wants us to be like cold and religious legalists without a heart of mercy祂不愿我们像冰冷的宗教律法主义者,没有怜悯之心. They don’t do what they say 他们说一套做一套。


You know why people can become religious legalists为什么人会变成宗教律法主义者? Because of fear因为惧怕! Fear of being condemned怕被定罪! Fear of being rejected怕被拒绝! So that they do their best to earn people’s acceptance于是就竭力做好去换取人的接纳. Their focus is not God but people他们的焦点是人不是神! Let’s believe this让我们相信: “there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus如今在耶稣基督里的就不被定罪了! We did not receive a spirit that makes us a slave again to fear我们所领受的不是奴仆的心,仍旧害怕! Even if God rebukes us神就算责备我们, and corrects us指正我们, that’s the Father’s love那是天父的爱! by Christ the Son we cry out, Abba, Father借着基督 神的儿子,我们呼叫,阿爸,父,forgive me赦免我, and renew me更新我! That’s what we ought to do every day我们每天都该这样呼求!

Christians are called to be transformed into His likeness基督徒蒙召转变成为祂的样式, not to religious legalism而不是宗教律法主义者. Our Father God wants to transform us from a cold heart to a zealous heart天父愿意改变我们,使冰冷的心变成热情, from a broken heart to be made into a loving heart受伤破碎的心变成慈爱的心, and from a selfish heart to the heart of Christ自私自利的心变成基督的心.

Our Lord Jesus is the Living God主耶稣就是活着的神! The Living water祂是活水, who is calling us to come召唤我们, and take the free gift of the water of life从生命的水泉白白取水, so that we may become a well of living water to quench the thirsty of this world好使我们成为活水的泉源,可以解世界之渴! For the kingdom of God is a matter of righteousness因神的国只在乎公义、 peace and joy in the Holy Spirit和平,并圣灵中的喜乐 (see Romans 14:17,见罗14:17)!

3, Then how can our righteousness surpass that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law?那么,我们的义如何可以超过法利赛人和律法师的义?

A, Christ is the only righteousness that fits God’s requirement惟有基督的义满足神的标准. “God made him who had no sin to be sin offering for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Cor 5:21.神使那无罪的,替我们成为罪,好叫我们在他里面成为神的义。林后521Because only “in Him there is no sin” (1 John 3:5b)因惟有在他并没有罪(约一35下). So whatever good things we do因此,无论我们怎样行善, if we give our possesses to the poor捐献家产给穷人, and help others or even surrender our bodies to the flames为救人舍己身叫火焚烧, but haven’t love但没有爱, we gain nothing仍是无益. There is no entrance of the kingdom of Heaven for the self-righteous自义进不了天国. As Jesus clearly said主耶稣明明白白地说, “unless your righteousness surpasses…you will certainly not enter the kingdom of Heaven. 你们的义若不胜于……断不能进天国。

I have to do a wee bit of explanation of the meaning of the kingdom of Heaven关于天国,我想在这儿小小地解释一下. In the four gospels we see the different words used to describe the kingdom Jesus talked about主耶稣提到的神的国度, 在四福音里有不同的说法,如“the kingdom of God神的国” and “the kingdom of Heaven天国”, are they the same是不是一样啊? I believe that knowing the difference between these two terms 我相信,认识这两种说法的区别的关键是 is the key to understanding the complete time line of God’s kingdom on earth past, present, and future理解神国度来到地上的过去, 现在 未来的时间表.

If you carefully look into the Bible你若仔细查考圣经, you will find that Jesus was preaching about two components of the Kingdom就会发现,主耶稣一直在传讲神国度的两部分. The kingdom of God came spiritually when Jesus was on the earth当耶稣来到地上,属灵上神的国度就来到了, but yet to come literally to reign on the earth until the second coming of Jesus但要到祂再来时,神的国才实际上的在地上掌权.

Christ preached about the political kingdom (the Kingdom of Heaven) that would be reigning on the earth for a thousand years主基督传讲关于神的国执政,要在地上掌权一千年(就是指天国), as foretold in the book of Revelation in His second coming with its Capital City the new Jerusalem就如《启示录》预言祂带着圣城新耶路撒冷第二次来临, which was as a reward for those overcomers 这是给得胜者的奖赏who overcame temptation, sin and the devil by doing God’s will 他们遵行神的旨意,胜过了试探、罪和魔鬼,not those who were overtaken by doing their own will而不是那些行己意被撒旦所胜的人. That’s why Jesus commanded His disciples所以主耶稣吩咐门徒, “unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. 你们的义若不胜于文士和法利赛人的义,断不能进天国。”  Born again Christians can still live in self-righteousness重生基督徒若仍然活在自义中, and still can enter the kingdom of God还是可以进入神的国.

But if a Christian wants to enter the Political City (the Kingdom of Heaven) 但若要进入执政首都(天国), his righteousness must surpass that of the Pharisees他的义就必须胜过法利赛人的义, because that is the reward that Jesus gives to those 因那是耶稣的奖赏who willingly pay the price to practice “no long myself but Jesus Christ reigning in me” in faith赐给那些付代价操练不再是我,乃是耶稣基督在我里面活着的人. But How但要如何行呢?

B, Believing and trusting in Jesus to bear the fruit of the Spirit.信靠耶稣,结出圣灵的果子  “But whatever was to my profit I now consider loss for the sake of Christ…I consider rubbish, that I may gain Christ. and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith. 只是我先前以为与我有益的,我现在因基督都当作有损的……看作粪土,为要得着基督;并且得以在他里面,不是有自己因律法而得的义,乃是有信基督的义,就是因信神而来的义。” Philippians 3:7-9 (腓立比37-9

What Paul says is how can he be found in Christ as a born-again Christian保罗在说,重生基督徒怎样得以住在基督里面, unless he constantly practices denying and killing the self and its interests for Jesus’ sake除非他持续操练为基督否定自己、治死自己和自己的利益, this is an act of faith for him to gain more of Christ and His righteousness这是为更多得到基督和基督的义,带出的信心的行动, because of love not from other motives是出于爱,而非任何其他动机. Paul was deeply aware of God’s grace 保罗深信神的恩典,and that Jesus loved him and gave himself for him信耶稣爱他,为他舍己. It is God’s love是神的爱, He sent His Son Christ to die for us祂差遣爱子基督为我们舍命! It’s God’s love是神的爱, He gives His Spirit to help us祂赐下圣灵做我们随时的帮助! We need the Holy Spirit to correct us我们需要圣灵的指正, cleanse us and renew us inwardly在内里清洁更新我们, so that the outward will be cleansed also外面也就被洗净!    

Ten years ago十年前, one day一天, I was reading the bible and prayed to the Lord我正读经就向神祷告, “Lord, I believe Your words主,我信你的话, which have judged me that there is nothing good in my sinful nature它审判我在我的旧人里没有良善, but one thing I want to appeal但有一件事我想申诉 because when I was a sinner因为在我还是罪人时, I used to honour my parents by taking them to travel我很孝顺父母,带他们去旅游, and buying gifts for them 买礼物孝敬他们…how can you still judge that wasnt good怎么你还断定我不好呢?” After serval minutes silence几分钟沉默后, as if a small voice told me in my deep heart好像有微弱的声音在我心底说, “Yes是的, you did good thing outwardly你外面做的很好, but how about your heart但你的心如何? Did you have patience to listen to your mum你有耐性听你妈讲话吗? what if your parents didn’t give you good comments若是你父母不说你好, after you had done what you thought that was good for them在你为他们做了你认为好的事后? like Christ who did good thing was rejected就像耶稣基督那样做了好事还被拒绝.”

I was stunned我愣住了, Christ is not just to does good things outwardly基督不只是外在做好, but in his inward being而是在他里面, there is unchangeable love despite being rejected尽管被拒绝 还是有不改变的爱. But my heart was full of impatience and self-seeking我那时的心里只有急躁和求自己的益处, how can I do good in God’s eyes if I rely on my fallen nature靠堕落的旧人我如何能做好事? We are required to do good我们需要行善, but we do not depend on the natural self to observe the law却不是靠天然人守律法. “through the law we become conscious of sin. Romans 3:20b” “律法本是叫人知罪(罗320下)“But “the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ Gal 3:24a但律法引我们到基督那里(加324上)  How do you apply these verses in faith怎样在信心中应用这节经文? Every time you open your bible每次打开圣经, you gonne believe that you are not going to suffer from reading the boring law你要信你不是又要去受罪沉闷读经的罪了, but you are gonna enjoy a date and fall in love with the loving Lord而是信你要去与慈爱的主相交相爱了, the source of Love祂是那爱的泉源, you can pray in faith你可以在信心里祷告,

“Father父啊, now I come to the mirror you give me我现在来到你赐给我的镜子前, that’s your word那就是你的话, your word is spiritual你的话是属灵的, and I myself am carnal而我自己是属肉体的, but in faith但凭着信心, I believe that through your words I can become conscious of sin我信我可以藉着你的话认识罪, and it leads me to Christ 引导我到基督那里and I will be renewed我就要被更新了, because your Holy Spirit will convict me of my sins因圣灵会光照我, and renew me和更新我,

“are there any lies in me我里面有谎言吗?...any fear and jealous有惧怕或嫉妒吗…any selfish thoughts and pride有自私和骄傲吗? Unforgiveness and any unhealthy expectations有不饶恕和不健康的期望吗?…I no longer fear to confess my sins我不再惧怕认我的罪, because whenever I deny myself 因我何时否定自己, and turn to Your words to live 转向你的话来生活 You will bring me into Your love你会带我进入你的爱, joy喜乐, peace平安, and healing医治, and make me whole使我完全…and guide me to live up to what I’ve obtained by Your Spirit求圣灵引导我活出我所领受的 for I surrender to you,因我降服与你…make me a divine love deliverer to my family使我成为属天爱的传递者,带给我的家庭, my school学校, my work place单位…for only Your love is the fulfilment of the law惟有你的爱完全了律法...” This Love surpasses knowledge这爱过于人所识的,Love is the fulfilment of the law爱完全律法


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