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2018-02-04 The Beatitudes 7 天国八福之七

发表于 2024-01-08

We thank our Lord Jesus for instructing us 感谢主,借着天国八福教导我们 how to live a blessed life in this fallen world through the Beatitudes that we are looking at 怎样在这个堕落的世界里 活出蒙福的人生. This whole series is not about how to become a Christian天国八福不是告诉我们怎样成为基督徒, but about how you grow into maturity that you are able to yield fruit 而是如何成为一个成熟的、结果子的基督徒。

A week ago一周前, a friend gave us a pot of eggplant有人给了我们一盆茄子植物, which was a challenge for us这实在是对我们的挑战, because we didn’t know how to grow plants as we used to live in an apartment previously因为过去我们都住高楼里根本不懂种植物. But the person who gave us this plant said但送来的朋友说, “it’s easy, you just need to water it很容易啊,只要浇水就好了。” Ok, it’s easy 好吧,这容易! So we put it in our backyard 我们就把它放在后院了。

Two days later两天后, I suddenly remembered and asked my husband我忽然想起来了,就问我丈夫 “Did you water the plant 你给那盆植物浇水了吗?” He said 他说, “no 没有” We quickly went to the plant我们赶紧去那里看, gosh天哪! the leaves of that plant were withered 叶子都枯黄了. Then, I watered it 我就给它浇水. The other day第二天, it became green again 叶子又青翠起来!

In the same way同样的, we have already entered God’s yard我们都进了神的院子, but if our lives are not watered但我们的生命若不得浇灌, we also can die spiritually and yield no fruit我们属灵生命也会死了,没有果子! You know, why I forgot to water the pot plant 为什么我会忘记给那盆植物浇水? because I didn’t have this habit previously因为我没有养成种植植物的习惯! Similarly同样的, why can Christians stop growing and yield no fruit为什么基督徒会停止成长不结果子? Because they haven’t cultivated the habit of being guided to walk in God’s way 因他们没养成一个行神道的习惯. Therefore所以, as Christians作为基督徒, we are to offer our faith in God’s grace当在恩典中 浇奠我们的信心 and turn to God’s way to live 转向行神道而活!

Today今天, we are going to look at the seventh beatitude我们来看第七福“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Matt 5:1-9” 使人和睦的人有福了,因为他们必称为神的儿子 (太5:9

Can you see there is progression in the Beatitudes你能发现这是一个连续前进的过程吗? Last week we looked at “the pure in heart” 上周我们学了“清心”, which is what God is looking for from us 那是神向我们的心所要的. He doesn’t care if we behave well before men 祂不在乎我们单单外表在人前的行得 好. He looks for a pure and a sinless heart within us 祂在乎一个清洁无罪的心, but this is only possible by abiding in Christ 但这唯有连于基督! Consequently 因此, we are able to be peacemakers 我们才能成为使人和睦的人, and to be called sons of God 并被称为神的儿子!

1, What does peacemaker mean? 什么叫“使人和睦的人”

The bible tells us 圣经告诉我们, for God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him, and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through His blood, shed on the cross. (Colossians 1: 19-20) 因为父喜欢叫一切的丰盛在他里面居住。既然藉着他在十字架上所流的血成就了和平,便藉着他叫万有,无论是地上的、天上的,都与自己和好了。(西1:19-20

Jesus laid down his life to save us from God’s wrath耶稣舍己救我们脱离神的忿怒, and to make peace between us and God在人和神之间成就了和睦, Christ Jesus is the peacemaker 基督是使人和睦的人! So that we could be reconciled to God through Christ’s blood因此借着基督的血,我们与神和好! Also, by God’s grace同时 借着神的恩典, we are given the ministry of reconciliation 祂又赐我们使人和睦的职分“all this is from God, who reconcile us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” (2 Corinthians 5:18) 一切都是出于神,祂藉着基督使我们与祂和好,又将劝人与他和好的职分赐给我们(林后518)。

God is calling us to reflect His peace to the fallen world神召我们将祂的和睦显给这个堕落的世代! Those who bring reconciliation to broken relationships are carrying on the work of Jesus那些使破碎的关系得和睦的,就是在延续耶稣的工作 ! They are called sons of God他们要称为神的儿子! This is what we are seeking to do as mature Christians 这也是作为成熟基督徒所寻求和要行的。 But we live in a world which is filled with rivalry我们活在一个充满竞争, violence and strife暴力和冲突的世界. Every level of society is affected社会的每个层面都受其影响. In schools在学校, business companies商业公司, and even in families甚至在家庭里. How do we stop violence and strife in a country or a city我们怎样在一国一城中止息纷争呢?If there is strife or violence in a country or a city若在一国一城里有暴力争竞, it’s because there is strife in a family一定是人的家里有争竞. If there is strife in a family若人的家里有争竞, it is because there is strife in our hearts一定是人的心里有争竞! It’s because our broken relationships bring violence and strife to the society 人际关系的破裂就把争竞暴力带到社会! That’s why God calls us to be peacemakers这就是为什么神呼召我们要成为使人和睦的人, not peace-breakers 不是破坏和睦的人!

What does peace-breaker mean破坏和睦的人指的是什么?In Rom 16: 17-18a Paul warned(罗马书1617-18上), “I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites.  保罗警告教会说:“弟兄们,那些离间你们,叫你们跌倒,背乎所学之道的人,我劝你们要留意躲避他们。因为这样的人不服侍我们的主基督,只服侍自己的肚腹。

From this verse we see从这节经文来看,that peace-breakers are those who cause divisions破坏和睦的人就是在人群中引起分裂,and trouble amongst people和制造麻烦的人, and their motivation is to satisfy the self 他们的动机就是为满足自己 and manipulate others to listen to them想操纵人听他们的. This is totally the opposite to peacemakers这与使人和睦 截然相反! For peacemakers cause unity因使人和睦是带来合一! When a family is in unity 当一个家庭合一, they are really blessed家人就都蒙福! When a church is in unity当一个教会合一, it will see revival indeed就能看见复兴! You know why? 知道为什么?

Because因为 Psalms 133 says《诗篇》133章说, “How good and pleasant it is, when brothers live together in unity!看哪,弟兄和睦同居,是何等的善,何等的美! How good will it be到底有多善、有多美? It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, down upon the collar of his robes这好比那贵重的油,浇在亚伦的头上,流到胡须,又流到他的衣襟。

What does this “precious oil” mean “贵重的膏油”是指什么? The oil symbolizes the Holy Spirit 油代表圣灵!The anointing power of the Holy Spirit圣灵膏抹的能力! Also同时, the presence of the Lord 代表神的同在! This verse implies 这经文暗指, that when brothers live together in unity 当弟兄和睦同居时, it is like the anointing power of the Holy Spirit就像圣灵的能力 poured out on their heads to their bodies由头到脚倾倒下来一样! The presence of God is with them wherever they go 他们去哪里,神的能力都同在! Can you image what a pleasant picture that would be你能想象这将是怎样一个场景? Happiness 幸福, healing医治, peace平安, and joy和喜乐! Revival 复兴! Restoration 修复关系! And Reconciliation 一片和睦! When people live in unity当人们和睦同居, a family will see prosperity家庭会兴旺! A church will see revival教会会见到复兴! A country will see restoration and properit!国家会因关系修复而昌盛!

 In Luke 5:17b(路517下)说,it says that the power of the Lord was present for Jesus主的能力与耶稣同在, to what 去干吗? To heal the sick 去医治病人! And when the paralytic’s sins were forgiven当瘫子的罪赦了,his relationship with God was restored 当他与神的关系修复了, he then went out in peace and joy 他就带着平安和喜乐离去了! For true peace is found only in a restored relationship with God 因为真正的平安和睦是在与神修复的关系里! Yes是的! Jesus alone brings peace to this fallen world唯有耶稣带平安和睦来到这世界! And He calls us to continue His work as peacemakers to bring the power of reconciliation to this world!  祂呼召我们继续祂的使命就是“使人和好”的职分,将和好的能力带给世界!

2, Peace-breaker VS Peacemakers破坏和睦的人 VS 使人和睦的人

But the devil wants to destroy this blessing by utilising our tongues但魔鬼利用我们的舌头搞破坏! Our tongues can turn us from a peacemaker to a peace-breaker舌头可以把我们从使人和睦的人变成破坏和睦的人! James 3: 2-6,(雅3:2-6

Can you see 看见吗?that if we don’t allow our tongues to be controlled by the truth若我们的舌头不被真理管制, we put ourselves in a dangerous place我们把自己推向危险. Because Pro 21:23 says(箴言21:23, he who guards his mouth and tongue keeps his soul from troubles. 谨守口与舌的,就保守自己免受灾难。 It reveals that if we allow negative words to come out from our mouths 若我们常说负面的话, our souls will suffer problems我们的灵魂就会受苦! Pro 13:3, He who guards his mouth preserves his life. But he who opens wide his lips shall have destruction.(箴言133),谨守口的,得保生命;大张嘴的,必致败亡。Through these verses God has given us a principle to check ourselves借着这经文,神告诉我们一个自我检验的原则, if you find that your soul is much troubled 若你发现你里面很不平安, or there are many problems occurring in your life or in your family或在你的生命中,家庭中有很多的问题出现, better to check最好检查一下, if you have opened your mouth too wide你的嘴巴是否大张着? Gossip 闲言八卦, slander说人坏话, bitter苦毒, negative or judgmental words负面和论断, or being a busy-body或多管闲事 are destructive forces against the life of Jesus Christ and His church对你里面基督的生命和教会都是一种摧毁的力量.

Sometimes有时, when people do so人这样做, they don’t realise that they are doing wrong并不觉得自己错, rather they think they are right and just还觉得自己很对很正义! Throughout 7 years ministering to God’s church in my own country 在我自己的国家7年服事神的教会中, I saw some families that were ruined after the wife or the husband opened wide their mouths 我看到有些家庭因夫妻大张嘴,to speak bitter words to each other彼此说苦毒的话 or even to God’s church或者对神的教会说苦毒的话,家就垮了. Because they harboured lots of unsettled bitterness因他们怀藏很多没有处理的苦毒, and unforgiveness in their hearts 和不饶恕在他们心里 starting with “you should…” 原因是起初的“你应该, “you should do this for me你应该为我这样做…” “you should care for me 你应该关心我” “he shouldn’t be like this 他不应该这样…” Due to these unsatisfactory yeast of “ you should” 由于一点不满意的“你应该”的酵that hasn’t reached their standards 不能达到他们的标准, it has become a bitter root of lies这就变成了苦毒说谎的根, unacceptance or unforgiveness不接纳和不饶恕的根, which brought trouble就给他们的灵魂带来麻烦, friction and division to their own souls摩擦和分裂, and their families同时带到家庭, as well as God’s church带到神的教会, and ruined their relationships 摧毁他们的人际关系, also caused them to become peace-breakers 导致他们成为“破坏和睦的人”! So how important it is to get rid of a little yeast of bitterness and unacceptance 所以,除去哪怕一点苦毒和不接纳的酵是何等重要, so that our hearts will be washed pure!  好叫我们的心得洁净!

I also witnessed how some troubled families were brought to prosperity 我也看见曾经糟糕的家庭被兴旺, after several years of practice cleaning up their hearts 是因借着多年的操练洁净他们的心and speaking out gracious words to each other 和彼此说恩言. Similarly同样的, some prosperous churches had declined一些兴旺的教会衰退了, but some churches但有些教会, when they practiced forgiveness for their enemies who had spoken falsely against them当他们操练去饶恕毁谤他们的仇敌, and left God to judge让神来审判, stood firm in their faith在信上站的稳, God brought them through the hardship to the great blessing of prosperity! 神就使他们患难后赐他们极大的祝福!

Thus因此, Job 22:21  Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you. 约伯记2221,你要认识神,就得平安;福气也必临到你。God has called us to live in peace (1 Cor 7:15b) 神召我们原是要我们和睦(林前715下)! It’s a calling from God for each of us这是神对我们每个人的呼召! We are called to contribute to the peace of our family呼召我们为自己家庭和睦出力, and of our church community和教会的和睦出力!Wherever we go无论去哪里, we go with this calling to bring peace (reconciliation) to our family我们是带着这使人和睦的呼召进入家庭, to our work places进入工作场地, to our schools进入学校, to supermarkets进入商场, to restaurants饭店…wherever任何地方! We are called to be peacemakers神呼召我们成为“使人和睦的人”, when we make peace with others当我们与他人和睦, we reflect the likeness of God to this fallen world 我们将神显明给这个堕落的世界! But if a person lives with unresolved conflict in his own heart但一个人自己的心都在争竞里, can he bring peace to others 他能给别人带来和睦吗? No! 不能!

3, Therefore, how can we become peacemakers? 那么,怎样成为使人和睦的人?

A, Peace flows from purity in someone’s life.和睦出自生命的洁净

In Isa 32:17, it says, the fruit of righteousness will be peace, the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever. 《以赛亚书3217》说,公义的果效必是平安,公义的效验必是平稳。 From this verse从这节经文中看到, we know that “peace” is the fruit of righteousness平安 是公义的果子, not rightness by human standards而不是人以为 正确 的果子. Christ Jesus is our righteousness耶稣基督是我们的公义,in Him there is no sin在祂里面毫无罪! In Gen 3 《创世纪》第三章里, we see that the origin of division was because of sin我们看到人类最先的分裂是因为罪, when Adam and Eve rebelled against God当亚当和夏娃背叛神后, their relationship was broken 他们的关系就破裂, “The woman you put here with me – she gave me some fruit from the tree, and I ate it.” 你所赐给我、与我同居的女人,她把那树上的果子给我,我就吃了。 There was no peace in his heart anymore亚当心里自此之后再无平安, only rejection只剩下拒绝, blame责怪, unacceptance 不接纳 and division 分裂. But now the grace of God has revealed to us但如今,神的恩典向我们显明, if we surrender ourselves to the Lord只要我们降服于神, and trust in Him信靠祂, He has promised that he will keep us in perfect peace. 已应许保守我们在十分的平安中 “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. Isa 26:3”  坚心倚赖你的,你必保守他十分平安,因为他倚靠你。(赛263

But there is more to peace-making 但这对成为“使人和睦的人”还不够. James 3:13-18 gives us a clear clue of how to be peace-maker (雅各书3:13-18 给了我们一个明确的线索,怎样成为“使人和睦的人”? 13 Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. 14 But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. 15 This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. 16 For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. 17 But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. 18 Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. 你们中间谁是有智慧、有见识的呢?他就当在智慧的温柔上显出他的善行来。你们心里若怀着苦毒的嫉妒和纷争,就不可自夸,也不可说谎话抵挡真道。这样的智慧不是从上头来的,乃是属地的、属情欲的、属鬼魔的。在何处有嫉妒纷争,就在何处有扰乱和各样的坏事。惟独从上头来的智慧,先是清洁,后是和平,温良柔顺,满有怜悯,多结善果,没有偏见,没有假冒。并且使人和平的,是用和平所栽种的义果。

Impurity不清洁: harbouring bitter envy藏有苦毒的嫉妒 (comparison比较, unforgiveness不饶恕, gossip闲言, and slander和毁谤) – self-seeking in the heart 求自己的益处 (doing everything to honor himself 做任何事都为荣耀自己) – boasting 自夸 (in the worldly standards of trying to be better than others照世俗的标准想比他人好 – causing disorder导致扰乱 – evil practices 坏事 (to be utilised by the demonic power 被恶者利用)

Purity清洁: a pure heart 清洁的心 – being peaceable 和平 – being gentle 温良– being submissive柔顺– full of mercy 满有怜悯– without partiality没有偏见 -without hypocrisy 没有假冒– peacemakers who sow in peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.使人和平的用和平,栽种义果。

A leader of our home church我们家里教会的一位同工, when she became a Christian当她刚信主时, her husband had a gambling addiction for many years她丈夫是个赌徒. He used to not go back home at night because of his gambling因为好赌晚上常不回家, he borrowed money from loan sharks and on credit cards他借高利贷又透资信用卡, the wife had to pay for all of them姊妹就要帮他还. She once tried to kill him with a knife她曾有一次用刀去砍她丈夫, and by pouring boiling water over him又想浇滚水在他头上. But it only made the situation worse 但这些使情况更糟! After she had listened to God’s word当她听了神的话, she made a resolution to only live for Jesus她下决心为耶稣而活! For two years两年的时间, she kept practicing forgiveness with tears她流泪祷告行饶恕的道, and asked God to cleanse her own heart求主洁净她自己的心, so that she would be able to bring love and peace to her husband who was lost因此她可以带着和平去爱她失丧的丈夫!

After two years两年后, one day一天, God instantly turned her husband’s heart around 神一下子把丈夫的心拨转过来! And also turned their financial curse into an abundant blessing 也使他们的财务咒诅变成丰盛的祝福! The husband now has become her co-worker to serve the home church together with her她丈夫现在也成为她的同工和她一起服事教会! Job 22:21 Submit to God and be at peace with him, in this way prosperity will come to you《伯2221》顺服神(你要认识神),就得平安,福气也必临到你. That’s true 这是真的! A miserable story turned into a story of blessing一个苦的人生故事成了蒙福的见证, a story of restoration and reciliation 修复和和睦的见证! That is because the wife sought a pure heart都是因为那个妻子寻求一个清洁的心, a heart that trusted in God in a terrible situation一颗在困境中信靠神的心, and to be purified by the Word of God and the blood of Christ她以神的道和基督的血洁净自己, instead of seeking her own satisfaction while counting others’ faults!不因求己意的满足,就去计算指摘他人。

B, A peacemaker does not avoid conflict, but keeps a loving heart. 使人和睦的人不逃避冲突,但存爱人的心

Our Lord Jesus is the peacemaker我们的主耶稣就是使人和睦的人! The cross is evidence to show that Christ didn’t avoid conflict十字架是他不逃避矛盾冲突的见证. Our Lord came to speak truth in love to the world主在爱中对世界传讲真理,but the world was offended但这个世界却感到被冒犯了! That’s why Jesus said 这就是主为什么说, “do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division Luke12:51.” 你们以为我来,是叫地上太平吗?我告诉你们:不是,乃是叫人纷争。(路1251)。

Our Lord brought light to the dark world, 为此,我们的主把光带到黑暗世界, but the world rejected him而这却世界拒绝了他, and crucified him on the cross把他钉在十字架上! The world is in each one of us 这世界就在我们每个人里面!But this is in fact the way the Son of God made peace and brought reconciliation to this world但事实上,这就是神儿子使人和睦、成就和睦的道路! If we follow His way 如果我们跟随祂的道路to share the good news to this dark world把福音带到这黑暗世界, we also will be confronted by others 我们也会被人抵挡.

Serval years ago几年前, after I had attended a church service我去参加了一个聚会, when I was walking out from that church当正结束离开时, I heard a person talking beside me我听见有人在我旁边说话, who was very angry with the preacher他对那讲员很生气, I asked him我就问他, “why are you so mad at that preacher为什么你对那个讲员那么生气?” He replied他说, “The preacher said that sinners should repent to God那讲员说罪人要悔改, which was condemning to me 那是在定我的罪…” I realised that he was offended by God’s word我意识到他被神的话冒犯了. So I said to him, “God loves you于是我说:“神爱你, and loves me也爱我, but He wants us to repent and turn to His way但祂要我们悔改归向祂,Repentance can bring peace悔改使我们得平安...” After the conversation对话结束,he calmed down那人才平静下来。


Can you see看到了吗? That when our human nature accepts offence当我们的天然人接受被冒犯的感觉, we fail to hear and to see things positively就不能正面的去听和看待一件事。 But what if you practice trusting in Jesus’ cross但你若操练信靠耶稣的十字架会怎样呢? when you feel that people offend you当你觉得有人冒犯你, you rather embrace the fact that you yourself also will offend others unknowingly你信你自己也会不知不觉的冒犯人, if you pray and cast all the sense of being offended out of you若你祷告,将被冒犯的感觉赶出你的心, and you show your understanding 你去理解他人and God’s mercy to your enemy把神的怜悯施给你的仇敌, you make peace indeed你就成就了和睦!

C, Lay down your rights for Jesus’ sake.为主放下自己的权利

 Although sometimes it’s not easy to make peace尽管有时成就和睦很难, we still can我们仍然可以做到! How is that possible 为什么这是可能的? Because the ultimate peacemaker is dwelling in us因为这位和睦就住在我们里面!But how to do it? 但怎样才能做到呢?We lay down our own rights for His salvation’s sake为主救恩的缘故放下自己的权利! Let not our own rights rule in us不让自己的权利作主, but Christ rule in us 而是基督在你里面掌权!

We live in a world of rights我们生活在充满权利的世界,where people always say人们总是说, “It’s my right这是我的权利。It’s my right as a stuff这是我作为员工的权利…it’s my right as a wife or a husband这是我做妻子或丈夫的权利…it’s my right as这是我的权利…” Because of the persistence of holding on to our own rights and our pride因为我们抓住自己的权利和骄傲不放, we lose our peace and get hurt我们失去平安,且受伤害. I believe that if the wife I talked about just now我相信,刚才说的那位妻子, had held on to her rights若她抓住她的权利不放, their marriage would have broken up他们的婚姻一定破裂了, and we wouldn’t see how God worked things out wonderfully for them我们也看不到神在他们身上的奇妙作为! This is our Lord’s way这才是主的道路! Because our Lord Jesus didn’t stand on His own rights though He is the Creator, 尽管祂是创造主,主耶稣却没有抓住自己的权利, “he was oppressed and afflicted, yet he didn’t open his mouth.” “But he was pieced for our transgressions;…… the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed. Isa 53: 7a, 5”  他被欺压,在受苦的时候却不开口。哪知他为我们的过犯受害,为我们的罪孽压伤,因他受的刑罚我们得平安,因他受的鞭伤我们得医治。(赛53:7上,5

He laid down His rights for the sake of loving祂放下自己的权利,来爱你和我 saving and healing you and me来拯救和医治你我! For reconciling us to the God almighty为的是使我们与全能神和睦! Our Lord said to us我们的主说, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you! John 14:27我留下平安给你们,我将我的平安赐给你们。(约1427 We are called to “let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts. Col 3:15”  我们蒙召“叫基督的平安在你们心里做主(西315How can we allow the peace of Christ to rule in our hearts in hard times在难处中,我们怎样叫基督的平安在心里作主?Trust in God by laying down our rights for Jesus’ sake 信靠神,为主放下自己的权利, seek purity in our own hearts 追求我们自己的心得洁净,fear not conflict不怕起冲突, but keep a loving heart但存爱心. In our difficulties在难处中, we are to look at Jesus our Lord in faith提醒自己在信心中定睛耶稣, not our own rights不是我们的权利, and pray并祷告 “Lord, if You had held on to Your rights主啊,如果你抓住你的权利, I would have been separated from You forever我就与你永远隔绝了!But thank you for making peace with me谢谢你为我成就了和睦, while I don’t deserve Your sacrifice我不配你为我牺牲, so I’m willing to value being at peace with You 我愿看重与你和睦…I’m choosing to follow in Your footsteps我愿意选择跟随你的脚踪 by laying down my rights for the sake of making peace,为成就和睦的缘故,放下自己的权利…make me a channel of your peace让我成为你和睦的管道…” Blessed are the peacemakers, for they are called sons of God!”使人和睦的人有福了,因为他们必称为神的儿子!


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