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2017-10-08 The Lord's prayer 主祷文 (5)

发表于 2024-01-08

Lets see a short video first. 我们先来看短片。We know King David was a man who had great faith in the Lord,我们知道大卫王是大有信心的人,And God called him a man after His own heart .神称他为“合我心意的人”。But when David lowered his guard and stopped seeking the Lord only for a while, 但当大卫放松警戒没有寻求神,一瞬间功夫,he failed and was tempted by the lust of his eyes ,就掉进眼目情欲的试探,and committed the sins of murder, adultery, and covetousness. 犯下杀人、奸淫、贪心的罪。

Thanks be to Gods grace and mercy, 感谢神的恩典和怜悯,David was forgiven, 赦免了大卫,but he had to bear the painful consequences of his sins (Samuel 12:11-12) 但他仍要承担罪的苦果。(撒下12:11-12David suffered the loss of his first son by Bathsheba (Samuel 12:15-18a) 他与拔示巴生的头一个儿子死了,his oldest son slept with his daughter,大儿子与女儿乱伦,one son killed another son,儿子杀儿子,from reading Samuel 12-19 撒下12-19we can see all the miserable things that David suffered are all because of his fall into that temptation. 我们看到所有这些不幸的发生,都因大卫在试探里跌倒的缘故。

Maybe we will not face such a serious temptation to murder as David did ,或许我们不会像大卫那样受试探去杀人,but every sin has its consequences, 但每个罪都有后果,if we just commit a small sin of disliking someone, 哪怕我们只是犯了一点讨厌人的小罪,it also can become unforgiveness, 也会变成不饶恕,and the consequences of unforgiveness are serious .而不饶恕的后果是可怕的。So sin is sin罪就是罪,even a small sin can bring big damage to our lives, 一点点小罪,也必造成生命的大毁坏。Therefore, we need to rely on Gods grace. 因此,我们需要仰赖神的恩典。

Jesus teaches us to pray, 耶稣教导我们祷告,“Lead us not into temptation, 不叫我们遇见试探,but deliver us from the evil one,救我们脱离凶恶。”  Lead us not into temptation, 不叫我们遇见试探,so that we suffer loss, unhappiness, pain, dissention and broken-relationships. 以至于遭受损失、不开心、痛苦、纷争、关系破裂。We want to live in Your peace, joy and victory,我们要住在你的平安、喜乐和得胜里,Deliver us from the evil one.求你救我们脱离恶者。”

1The goal of temptation. 试探的目的。

Jesus teaches us to ask God, 主耶稣教导我们这样求,“lead us not into temptation,不要领我们进入试探”, does that mean that God can lead us into temptation?这是说,是神领我们进入试探吗?so that we have to cry out lead us not into temptation” 以至于,我们非得呼求说“别领我们进入试探”?No, James 1:13 tells us 不,1:13-14说,when tempted, no one should say, God is tempting me. For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone. 14, But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust.” “人被试探,不可说:‘我是被神试探’;因为神不能被恶试探,他也不试探人。但各人被试探,乃是被自己的私欲牵引诱惑的。”

God never promises us a life that is free from temptation, 神从未应许我们过没有试探的人生,Rather, He teaches us to pray and to have faith in His strength and His deliverance 相反,祂教导我们祷告,信靠神的能力和拯救,so that we may be victorious over the evil one. 让我们能胜过恶者。We see from Matt 4, 马太福音4The Spirit of God led Jesus into the desert where the devil tempted him .圣灵引主耶稣到旷野,受魔鬼的试探。Obviously, 很明显,the goal of temptation from Satan is to cause us to sin, 魔鬼试探的目的是叫我们犯罪,But God never tempts anyone with the goal of causing them to sin .但神绝不会试探人,叫人犯罪。

God wants to test our faith,神要试验我们的信心,because the testing of our faith develops perseverance,因信心经过试验,就生忍耐,perseverance must finish its work so that we may be mature and complete,忍耐也当成功,使我们成全、完备,not lacking anything. (see James 1:3) 毫无缺欠。(1:3

I have a breath-taking faith testing story to tell, 我有个惊心动魄的见证,but to cut the story short ,但为简短, I only can tell the gist of it 我只能讲大意。 In 2006, 2006年,I received a dream from God我得了上帝的一个梦, in which I was instructed to invest money into a group of people ,梦中,神指示我去投资一笔钱给一批人,who were new Christians renting our property to run a business.他们是租用我们家办公用楼,要开公司的新信徒。

After we had obeyed Gods instruction and gave money to them, 在我们顺服神的指示,给他们钱后, not so long after 不久, God said to me through Isa 30:2,神借以赛亚书30:2 对我说 ,“who go down to Egypt, 起身下埃及去,without asking for my direction.没有求问我。” So I asked them, 我就问他们, and they admitted that they had started a business by pyramid sales ,他们承认他们已经开始做传销, which was illegal in our country. 这在我们那里不合法 。Though I did my best to stop them ,虽然我竭力去阻止, they didnt listen, 他们不听, The only thing I could do was to pray with tears for them .我只能为他们流泪祷告。

One day,一天, God said to me,神对我说, They will flee, 他们会逃跑,Raymond will take their place to be put into jail. Raymond会代替他们下到监里。” I said this to Raymond, 我就对Raymond,    he was afraid他就害怕, and asked问我 “Why? 为什么? We obeyed the Lords voice,我们顺服神, why should I replace them to be punished,为什么要我代替他们坐监?”  God didnt answe,r神不再说什么, but told me the exact time when they would flee,但告诉我他们要逃走的准确时间,to see whether we would stop them and ask for our money back,来试验我是否会阻止他们或向他们要回我们的钱,or we would give our rights to the Lord to judge .还是会把审判权交给神。

He tested my heart to see whether I would ask Him for justice in my eyes, 祂查验我的心,看我是求我眼中的伸张公平呢 or would follow Christs footstep and pray Father, 还是跟随基督的脚踪,求,“父啊, may this cup be taken from me, Yet not as my will, but as You will.”倘若可行,求你叫这杯离开我,不要照我的意思,只要照你的意思。” Everyone in our home church witnessed the bad thing that happened just as the Lord had told me. 如神启示的,家里教会人人都见证了这事情的发生。

One of the words He gave me was,神给其中的我一句话是, “we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered. 人看我们为将宰的羊。” And He encouraged Raymond on the day of his arrest in that morning by Acts 20:24 Raymond被逮捕的当天早上,神赐他20:24的话来鼓励他, However, I consider my life worth nothing to me我却不以性命为念,也不看为宝贵 ,if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me 只要行完我的路程,成就我从主耶稣所领受的执事。- the task of testifying to the gospel of Gods grace.证明神恩惠的福音。”

After Raymond was arrested, Raymond,被抓后,people started to slander me, 人就开始诽谤我说,saying, its Jane who wants earn more money ” 都是她想赚钱,Our daughter who was 13 years old, 我们女儿那时13岁, suffered threats,也承受恐吓,pressure came from every side,压力从四面八方而来,misunderstanding误解mocking嘲讽,contempt 藐视,even the police threatened me,警察也来恐吓我, saying if I didnt give them money, 说若不给他们钱,they would have Raymond in jail for ten years.他们可以关他十年。

I told the police, 我告诉警方, what we had done was all for the gospels sake.我们所有做的,都是为福音的缘故。Thank God for His word is powerful ,感谢神的话有大能,in our time of trouble,在患难时,no one knew what we were doing,没有人知道我们在干什么 ,only Gods word is our light to guide us into His comfort, 只有神的话是光,引导我们进入祂赐的安慰。There were lots of stories happened during that period for the testing of our faith. 在那时有许多的故事发生, 来考验信心。Anyway, after 21 days testing our faith,总之,21天的信心考试过后,God justified Raymond and brought him out of the detention house.神申了Raymond的冤,把他从看守所带出来。

And the whole police station knew the name of Jesus because of our case .整个警局因这个冤案都知道了耶稣的名。The Chief leader who oversaw this case asked me for a bible, 负责这案子的大队长向我要了一本圣经去,And said并说, “Today, my eyes have seen what a Christian is,今天我的眼看见了什么叫基督徒。” Two leaders told me that they would believe in Jesus.两个警察的头告诉我,他们会信耶稣 。We lost more than thirty hundred thousand CH Yuan in that case according to Gods will, 在那个案子里,我们照神的旨意损失了30多万元,but we won many souls back for the kingdoms sake from that case .但借此为国度赢得了许多灵魂。

That Christmas day, 在那年的圣诞节,we received a greeting card from that police station,我们收到了从警局寄来的明信片, it says May the Lord be with you, 愿上帝伴您们左右,and enable you to spread the gospel everywhere you go.福音传播人间。” Thats incredible in our country! see the greeting card at the screen)这在我们国家是太不可思议了!(请看屏幕,那圣诞卡)

I love faith tests very much, 我喜爱信心的考试 ,because when going through hard times ,因为经过患难, if we hold onto Gods word and pray, 若我们持守神的话和祷告, we can receive the goal of faith, the salvation of our souls. 我们就能得着信心的果效,就是灵魂的救恩 。The power of fear will flee.惧怕的权势就逃跑。Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him Jame 1:12忍受试探的人是有福的!因为他经过试验以后,必得生命的冠冕,这是主应许给那些爱他之人的。(雅1:12

Unfortunately, we cant be victorious over temptation when we dont understand the reason the devil wants to tempt us through our desires.  然而,我们若是不明白魔鬼为什么要试探我们,就不能胜过试探。From Davids case, 看大卫的案例,God gives us a glimpse of the goal by temptation of the evil one,神让我们看见一点 魔鬼试探我们的目的,After David had slept with Uriahs wife,大卫在与乌利亚的妻子同寝后,and sent Uriah into a battle and he had died, 就把乌利亚送去打仗并死在战场,David had Bathsheba brought to his house. 之后,再把拔示巴接到家中。

The Lord was displeased with what David had done, 但大卫所行的这事,神很不喜悦,so He sent the prophet Nathan to David, 就差先知拿单去见大卫,2 Samu 12: 14, Nathan said, 撒下12:14),拿单说,However, because by this deed you have given great occasion to the enemies of the Lord to blaspheme, the child also who is born to you shall surely die.只是你行这事,叫耶和华的仇敌大得亵渎的机会,故此,你所得的孩子必定要死。”

This reveals the goal of temptation ,这里显明了试探的目的,When we fall into temptation, 我们一旦落入试探,we give occasion for our enemies to blaspheme our Fathers name. 就给了仇敌亵渎神的名的机会。It does not just show contempt for us that we fail,这不单因失败我们自己被藐视,but it shows contempt for the Lord .更是让主名受辱。If Christians fall into the temptations of gossip, laziness, adultery, or drugs, and so on, 基督徒落入讲闲言、懒惰、奸淫、药物上瘾等等的试探,it gives the enemy opportunity to show contempt for the Lord. 就让仇敌得着机会来亵渎我们的主。For whenever a child commits a mistake or lacks manners ,孩子一旦犯错误,行为不当,the blame is mostly put on the parents 父母就会因此被人说。

In the same way, 同样,whenever we fail a temptation, 我们若在试探中跌倒,we give a chance to the enemy to blaspheme our heavenly Father. 我们就给仇敌机会,去亵渎我们的天父。We are His children, 我们是神的儿女,if we love our Father, 若我们爱父,we need to be strong in the truth. 就要在真理里站稳。Jesus defeated the devil by walking in the truth. 主耶稣行在真理中,就胜过仇敌。

Jesus prayed for us, 主耶稣为我们这样祷告,For them I sanctify myself, that they too may be truly sanctified. John 17:1917:19我为他们的缘故,自己分别为圣,叫他们也因真理成圣。” By going through the testing of our faith, 借着信心的试验,God wants us to be truly sanctified in His truth. 神要我们因真理成圣。But the devils goal is to find every opportunity to cause us to sin, 但魔鬼的目的,是寻找一切机会,让我们犯罪,so that we may suffer the consequences of sin, 让我们遭受罪的后果,and also he can show contempt for our Heavenly Father through us. 同时,使天父因我们蒙羞辱。

2Three types of temptation. 三种试探。

There is a Chinese saying,中国俗语说,“You will win the battle, if you know yourself and your enemy well.” 知己知彼,百战百胜。How does Satan use temptation to turn us away from God? 撒旦会怎样试探引诱我们离开神呢?We must know the enemys scheme,我们必须了解撒旦的计谋,so that we will know how to resist the devils scheme .因此就能知道怎样抵挡牠。

A, 1 John 2:15-17 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not of the Father but is of the world. And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever. (约一2:15-17)不要爱世界和世界上的事。人若爱世界,爱父的心就不在他里面了。 因为凡世界上的事,就像肉体的情欲,眼目的情欲,并今生的骄傲,都不是从父来的,乃是从世界来的。 这世界和其上的情欲都要过去,惟独遵行神旨意的,是永远常存。

From the word of God, we can clearly see, 从神的话可以看见,there are at least three types of temptation: 至少有三种试探:  a, the lust of the flesh, 肉体的情欲, b, the lust of the eyes, 眼目的情欲,c, the pride of life. 今生的骄傲 。The enemy tempted Adam and Eve in all these three things. 恶者用这三样来试探亚当夏娃。In Gen 3:6, When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food3:6,女人见那颗树上的果子好作食物– the lust of the flesh, 肉体的情欲,pleasing to the eye 悦人眼目– the lust of the eyes 眼目的情欲, and also desirable for gaining wisdom 能使人有智慧– the pride of life, 今生的骄傲 (you will be like God, knowing good and evil) 你便如神能知道善恶。

Now you know the rest of the story, 现在你已经知道下面的事了, the fruit of the tree of good and evil doesnt increase human wisdom, 这分别善恶树的果子不能加增人的智慧,rather, sin and death came into the world 相反,罪和死从此入了人心,all men have sinned.  所有的人都犯了罪。Similarly, when Jesus was tempted in the desert, 同样,当耶稣在旷野受试探,Satan used the same scheme. 撒旦用了同样的计谋。Matt 4:3,If you are the Son of God, tell this stone to become bread” (太4:3) 你若是神的儿子,可以吩咐这些石头变成食物 the desire of the flesh. 肉体的情欲。

While Jesus was hungry, 当耶稣饿了,Satan came close him and tempted him with his desire for food。 撒旦近前来用食欲试探他。B, Matt 4:8, Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour, all this I will give you, he said, if you bow down and worship me.(太4:8)魔鬼又带他上了一座最高的山,将世上的万国与荣华,都指给他看,对他说,你若俯伏拜我,我就把这一切都赐给你- the lust of the eyes. 眼目的情欲。

The fruit was so pleasing to the eyes of Eve ,那个果子在夏娃眼里很悦人, Similarly, the world is so full of splendour to humans eyes. 同样,这世界在人的眼中充满悦人的荣华 。Sometimes, I find that the Casino is like epitome of worldliness, 我发现赌场就是世界一个小缩影 ,the devils scheme is plainly exposed there .撒旦的计谋清晰的暴露。Some Casinos throughout the world are extremely splendid and magnificent in terms of their decors and supporting facilities, 全世界有些赌场,在布置和配套设施上,真是绝对的金碧辉煌,so pleasing to the eye .实在悦人眼目。 When people enter them当人进入那里, they desire more money,人就渴望多点钱,their pride tells them,人的骄傲就说 ,“I may win我可以赢。” And eventually,但最终, they lose all they have.他们失去了所有。

Christ didnt listen to Satans words, 基督不听撒旦的话,because He will not judge what is good and what is bad by what he sees with his eyes, 因为他不用自己的眼睛所看见的,去判断“什么是好,什么是坏”, or decide by what he hears with his ears, 或用他的耳朵听人话语的影响去决定, (see Isa 11:3), thats the key for us to learn how to overcome the lust of the eyes and the desires of the sinful nature .这是我们该学的, 也是胜过眼目的情欲和肉体情欲的关键。Christs delight is not to come to the earth and read news, then to judge which political party is better, and which is bad,基督的乐趣不是来地上,来读新闻,来评判哪个政党好,哪个政党坏 ,or to judge who is right, and who is wrong, 或谁好谁坏,his delight is in the fear of the Lord.他以敬畏神为乐。If we follow this way, we can effectively avoid some temptations. 若我们这样跟随,就能有效躲避一些试探。

We can ask ourselves in our circumstances,我们也可以在环境里问问自己, who told you that?”“这是谁说的?” “oh, its so good,这很好,I want to have it,我想要,she is so beautiful he is handsome I want to,她好美,他好英俊,我想,he is a bad man, I dislike he ,他是个坏人,我讨厌他。” Quiet your heart and ask yourself, 请安静下来问问自己,“Who told me that?这是谁说的?” Turn to God to pray, 转向主,祷告,“in the name of Jesus, 奉主的名斥责,get behind me, Satan. 撒旦,退到我后面去。Ill worship the Lord my God, and serve him only.我单拜主我的神,单要侍奉祂。”

C, Matt 4:5-6, Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written: “‘He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone (太4:5-6)魔鬼就带他进了圣城,叫他站在殿顶上,对他说:你若是神的儿子,可以跳下去,因为经上记着说:主要为你吩咐他的使者用手托着你,免得你的脚碰在石头上- the pride of life 今生的骄傲.

He will command his angels concerning you ,“他会吩咐他的使者 ”which is taken from Psa 91:11-12 这段圣经出自于91:11-12Can you see that Satan knows the word of God very well,你看见吗?撒旦还很知道神的话呢,and he uses the exact words of God to tempt Jesus. 并且他实在用了神的话来试探耶稣。What is Satans intention? 撒旦的目的是什么?Satan tempts Jesus to apply Gods word for his own desires,牠试探耶稣在自己的欲望里去运用神的话,according to his own needs.并照自己的需要随便用。

You can throw yourself down,你可以跳下去,whether you are doing right or wrong,不管对错与否, you dont need to check your own motives, 你不必检查自己的动机,you just need to take the word of God for your own use.你只要拿神的话为己所用。Because God has promised you this and this and this in the bible,因为神应许了这些,so take these words, 所以,拿这些话,God will do it for you.神就会为你做。This is the exact meaning implied by Satans words to tempt our pride. 这是撒旦暗藏的意思来试探我们的骄傲。

To be like God is to take the word for our own use. 像神一样,拿神的话为我们所用。Thats dangerous ,这是十分危险,it can tempt us to be like false prophets, 这可以试探我们去做假先知, it tempts us to be like God. 这试探我们如神一样。For instance, 例如“When I desire to change my job or to change my school ,当我想要换工作换学校,because I dont get along with the people around me.是因为我和人相处有问题。So I say, 我就说, “Gods word said, 上帝的话这样说, I hate the assembly of evildoers, and I will not sit with the wicked. Psa 26:5 “我恨恶恶人的会,不与他们同坐” (诗26:5 So I should change my circumstances. 因此我就应该换环境。

Am I right?这样对吗? Of course, its not right in Gods eyes, 在神的眼中,当然不对, I dont need to change my circumstance .我不是需要换环境,because Gods word says, 因为神的话说,All this is from God, who through Christ reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Cor 5:18.” (林后5:18)一切都是出于神,他借着基督使我们与他和好,又将劝人与他和好的职分赐给我们。From knowing the will of God,从上帝的旨意,we know that this person dont need to change his circumstance,我们知道这人不是需要换环境,but need to ask God for changing his heart to love. 而是需要求主来改变他的心去爱。

Gods words are spirit and life to us. 神的话是灵,是生命。 (see John 6:63)They are life to us. 神的话是生命。 If we abide in His words, 若我们连于神的话,we will be like branches and abide in the vine, 就像枝子连在葡萄树上,and grow in the vine.并且在里面成长。But if we abide in His words,但我们若连于祂的话,we therefore cant abide in our own desires. 就不能连于自己的欲望了。 Its impossible that we can both abide in Gods words and our natural desires, 我们不可能又连于神的话,又连于天然人的欲望, because they are hostile to each other. 因他们两样为仇。

Like the example I gave, 就像我举的例子, If I didnt get along well with the people around me, 若我不能和周遭的人和睦相处, so that I wanted to change my  circumstances.于是我就要换环境。” Then I took the bible verse to support what I wanted to do.然后我就拿神的话来支持我想做的。Does it meant that I was abiding in Gods words 这是不是连于神的话呢? No, 不, I took some of Gods words to justify what I wanted to do, 我只是用了神的一句话来使我想做的合法化,but I was still abiding in the flesh.但我仍然连于肉体的私欲里 。

Because by doing that, 因为借着那样做,my flesh was not killed but fed,我的肉体的欲望不是被杀,而是被喂养, and my faith and my spiritual life didnt grow in the Lord .并且我的信心和属灵生命没有成长。Thats why Jesus says in Matt 16: 25, 这就是为什么主在(16:25),for whoever wants to save his life (soul) will lose it, but whoever loses his life (soul) for me will find it.” “因为凡要救自己生命的,必丧掉生命;凡为我丧掉生命的,必得着生命。”

3 Watch and Pray. (Matt 26:41) 警醒祷告。(太26:41

On the night of Jesus betrayal, 耶稣被卖的那一夜,he went with his disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. 他和门徒去客西马尼园祷告。Jesus said to his disciples, 他对门徒说,my soul is overwhelmed with sorrow, to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me. Matt 26:38我心里忧伤,几乎要死;你们在这里等候,和我一同警醒。(太26:38)” When he came back to them after a short while of prayer, 祷告了一会儿,他回到门徒那里,he found that his disciples had fallen asleep instead of watching. 见门徒都睡着了。

Jesus didnt condemn them, 耶稣没有责备他们,but we can see his sorrow, 但我们可以看出他的忧伤,说,“Couldnt you men keep watch with me for one hour? 你们不能同我警醒片时吗?” So Jesus asked: Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. 他又说,“总要警醒祷告,免得入了迷惑。The spirit is willing, but the body is weak. Matt 26:41”你们心灵固然愿意,肉体却软弱了。(太26:41

After saying these words, Jesus went to pray again, 说完,耶稣又去祷告,Shortly afterwards, when he returned, 很快他再回来,he again found them sleeping, 见他们又睡着了,Matthew told us, 《马太福音》里说,“because their eyes were heavy.因为他们的眼睛困倦。” Have you ever experienced this,你试过没有,when you were praying, 当你正在祷告,you fell asleep because you were very tired却困得睡着了? I have,我有过,Because my spirit is willing, 因为我的心灵固然愿意,but the body is weak. 肉体却软弱了。

Have you fallen asleep while you were reading the Bible? 你试过在读圣经时睡着了吗?Jesus said to his disciples,耶稣对门徒说, “why are you sleeping?你们为什么睡觉呢? Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation, Luke 22:46,起来祷告,免得入了迷惑!(路22:46So Jesus tells us that this sleep is not a normal sleep, 主耶稣告诉我们,这不是正常的睡觉,but has something to do with temptation. 它与试探有关。

See Luke 22:4522:45 he found them asleep, exhausted from sorrow. 见他们因为忧愁都睡着了。No doubt the anxiety levels of the disciples at that time were high, 那时门徒一定处于极为焦虑的状态,after they had heard their masters words,在他们听了主所说的要发生的事,because it had been a long time of experiencing the challenge and the arguments between Jesus and the Jewish leadership. 且因他们目睹犹太领袖对耶稣的抵挡和不服已有一段时间了。They were exhausted from sorrow ,门徒因忧愁及其疲惫,and their eyes were heavy, 眼睛困倦,so they fell asleep 所以都睡着了。

Before the night was through,那夜未完,Jesus was betrayed into his enemies hands, 主就被交在敌人手里,and the disciples failed to acknowledge Him,门徒都不认主, The next day Jesus was cruelly crucified,第二天,主被钉十字架。They had intended to be loyal to the Lord, 尽管他们都想忠心,not very long before, Peter had made a resolution, 不久前,彼得还下决心说,“Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will.众人虽然跌倒,我总不能。”

We are the same, 我们也一样,we make promises to the Lord, 我们与主立约,we make New Years resolutions, 在新年我们立定决心,we give our lives to the Lord, 我们把自己献给主,we want to do right and better, 我们想做好点,but we fail miserably, 但我们失败得很惨。Do you know why? 你知道为什么?The spirit is willing, but the body is weak. 心灵固然愿意,肉体却软弱了。What can affect our body to make it weak in an abnormal way? 什么可以使我们的身体在反常情况下,变得软弱?

If weve recently experienced loss and are hurting ,当我们遭遇损失或伤害,or something has happened that affects our emotions, 或有些事影响到了我们的情绪,feeling depressed or angry or anxious, 让我们沮丧、愤怒、焦虑,sorrow or grief, and so on, 忧伤、难过,等等,grief and sorrow can effectively weaken our bodies.忧伤和难过可以有效的使我们的身体软弱。The medical field describes it like this, 医学上说,the symptoms of grief are utter exhaustion and confusion. 忧伤的症状是身体上的极度疲惫和混乱情绪。

Because they have power behind them, 那背后有权势,The devil tries to tempt us when we feel sorrow and weak, 撒旦会在我们忧伤难过,软弱时试探我们,and draw our emotions into depression and hopelessness. 并且要拽我们的情绪进入灰心绝望中。 We need to pray .我们需要祷告。forgive us our sins, as we also have forgiven those who sin against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” 免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债。不叫我们遇见试探;救我们脱离凶恶 。Matt 6:12-13

Thats why when Jesus, the Son of God who has no sin, 也就是为什么神的儿子,全然无罪的主,was overwhelmed with sorrow,被忧伤充满时,He had earnestly prayed three times, 要三次竭力祷告,until the Father strengthened him, 直到天父加力,so that he could fulfil the task of redeeming his people from their sins. 才完成救赎人类脱离罪孽的使命。Thank for our Lord Jesus Christ who has overcome! 感谢得胜的主!

Heb 4:15 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we areyet he did not sin.(来4:15)因我们的大祭司并非不能体恤我们的软弱,他也曾凡事受过试探,与我们一样;只是他没有犯罪。This is Gods grace. 这是神的恩典。Jesus didnt give up on these disciples, 主耶稣没有放弃门徒,By Gods grace, 借着神的恩典,they eventually had great boldness in faith in our Lord Jesus Christ to bring the gospel to all nations. 他们最终在主里大有胆量和信心,把福音传给万国。

The bible tells us, 圣经说,Elijah was a man just like us,以利亚与我们是一样性情的人,The disciples were men just like us,门徒与我们是一样性情的人,They stood up for the kingdom of God by Gods grace. 他们靠恩典为神国挺身站立。Who can stand up for the kingdoms sake by Gods grace in this age?这个时代,谁能靠神的恩典为神国挺身站立? “Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation, 总要警醒祷告,免得入了迷惑。


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