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2024-03-24 Kingdom Principles 4– Don’t Judge 神国法则(4)—不要论断

发表于 2024-03-24

 (Matt 7:1-2)

This year, we’ve been talking about Kingdom Principles. 今年我们一直在分享神国法则。Jesus died on the cross to break the curse of sins 主耶稣在十架上打破罪的咒诅and bring us into His Kingdom of blessing.带我们进入祂国度的祝福。But why are so many Christians still struggling? 但为什么还有那么多基督徒仍在困扰中?Struggling with mental health, 情绪病, relational problems人际关系问题,or even financial problems?甚至经济问题还是存在。Sin separates us from God’s blessings. 罪使我们和神的祝福隔离。Just because you go to church仅仅去教会聚会 doesn’t mean your personal issues can be sorted.并不等于你的个人问题就得解决. God’s Kingdom operates according to its principles and truth. 神国按真理的法则运行。If we walk in God’s Principles,若我们行在神的法则里 we’ll walk in blessings我们就会行在祝福里.  But if we violate the laws of God’s Kingdom, 但若我们违背神国法则 we can be separated from God’s blessings,会使我们与神的祝福隔绝,and even face spiritual consequences. 甚至面临严重的属灵后果。Because God’s Kingdom isn’t lawless. 因神国不是无法的,There’s a court system in the Kingdom of God, 在神国里有法庭,and the King is the just Judge, 神国的王是公正的法官,although He is love. 尽管祂是爱。So today, we’re gonna learn another Principle – “don’t judge”. 因此,今天我们将学习另一个法则——“不要论断Now first let’s read我们来读 Matt 7:1-2, “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” 1“你们不要论断人,免得你们被论断。2因为你们怎样论断人,也必怎样被论断;你们用什么量器量给人,也必用什么量器量给你们。

1, So why not to judge? 为什么不要论断?

Jesus loves us. 耶稣爱我们。And He saved us by the shedding of his own blood, 祂用宝血救赎了我们,now we've shifted from the kingdom of darkness, 现在我们已经迁离黑暗国度, where everything is secretive and covered up, 在那里一切都是隐秘的和被掩盖的,and we do what we want, 我们想干嘛就干嘛,but as a result但其结果, we end up suffering from fear, 是被惧怕、worry, 烦愁、anger, 怒气、separation, 分离depression, and hopelessness.沮丧和无望辖制。Now we’ve brought into the Kingdom of Light, 如今我们被迁入光明的国度,where the King of kings rules with truth, righteousness and love.公义和爱掌权。Today, It says, “don’t judge”. 今天,经上说,不要论断 What is judgment? 什么是论断? Isa 11:3 He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears. 他行审判不凭眼见,断是非也不凭耳闻; The Son of God Jesus Christ didn’t judge by his physical eyes or ears,耶稣基督神儿子不凭肉身所见所闻下任何判断or what others said或人怎样说。He said, 他说,You judge by human standards; I pass judgement on no one. John 5:15. 你们以外貌判断人(原文作“凭肉身”),我却不判断人。 Christ’s judgement wasn’t from man基督的判断不是从人来的, but from the indwelling Spirit of God而是从内住的圣灵而来。As Kingdom people, 作为神国子民,we have the same Spirit of God who dwells within us我们有同样的圣灵住在我们里面。We’re told to change神吩咐我们要改变, to change the way we judge people.不要论断人.

In the natural man在天然人里, we judge based on our assumptions, 我们根据自己的猜测,often from people’s appearances. 以人的外表来判断。 “He drives a fancy car 他开着豪车and dresses in nice suits, “西装革履,oh, he must be rich哦,他是有钱人…oh, she is poor哦,她是穷人......" We judge ourselves by our intentions我们凭自己的期望判断自己,“I’m stupid…I can’t do it…I’m inferior to him…”"我很笨......我做不了......我不如他......"  The way we judge ourselves我们怎样论断自己, is how we judge others. 也怎样来论断他人。We judge others by their behaviour, 我们常凭行为来论断他人“he is selfish…he is not responsible.”他自私,他不负责任"God judges justly神判断的公义, because He sees the whole picture.因为祂看见全景 , But we can’t但我们不知道, our judgements are often formed from limited data我们是凭有限的认知来判断 or from our bad experiences. 或凭糟糕的经历来判断。

Once, I met a person 有次,我遇见一个人,who immediately showed hostility towards me after learning I was a pastor. 得知我是牧师后,立即表现出敌意。Why? 为什么呢? She said, “I hate all pastors, coz they’re all bad.” 她说,我讨厌所有的牧师,因为他们都很坏。Just because she had had a bad experience with a pastor, 只因她与一位牧师有过糟糕经历,she then hated all pastors. 她就恨所有的牧师。 “I’ll never trust man.” 我不再相信男人。“I’ll never get married.” 我永远不结婚。One bad experience can lead people to make embittered judgement 一次不愉快的经历可以让人们做出苦毒的论断,and become hostile against all. 并对所有人产生敌意。

But we’re told, “don’t judge. 然而,经上说,不要论断。For in the same way you judge others因为你们怎么论断人,you’ll be judged.”也必怎样被论断。 Romans 2:1, You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. 你这论断人的,无论你是谁,也无可推诿。你在什么事上论断人,就在什么事上定自己的罪。因你这论断人的,自己所行却和别人一样。 The principles here is simple这里阐明简单的原则, we reap what we sow. 种的是什么,就收什么For example, if I judge比如,我说:“he is selfish,” 他很自私“he is responsible.”他不负责任。 I’m judging others. 我就在论断人. But because I’m not the judge但我不是法官, God is神是。So, in the court system of the Kingdom, 所以,在神国的法庭里,the enemy can bring a case against me, 仇敌就可以告我,effectively putting me in a position where I’m being sued. 有效地使我陷入被起诉的境地。Who is the one bringing the case against me? 谁会对我提出控诉?The enemy, Satan.是仇敌,是撒旦。As the apostle Peter once said, 使徒彼得曾说:“Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 你们的仇敌魔鬼,如同吼叫的狮子,遍地游行,寻找可吞吃的人。 1Peter彼前 5:8’ And Jesus said, “Satan has asked to sift you as wheat.” 撒但想要得着你们,好筛你们像筛麦子一样。Luke22:31 

And James 4:11 tells us雅各书 4:11 告诉我们, if we judge others我们若批评弟兄,we’re judging the law.就是批评律法。If we don’t quickly sort the case out through repentance 我们若不立刻悔改来解决这个问题,and ask for the blood of Jesus to cancel our debts, 并且求耶稣的宝血来免去我们的罪债,the debts will remain, 这些罪债就留下来了,which will open legal doors for the enemy to attack us. 这给仇敌打开合法的门来攻击我们。Without the cover of the blood of Jesus没有基督宝血的遮盖, we can't withstand the attacks of the enemy.我们无法抵挡恶者的攻击。And God’s judgement of “because you who pass judgment do the same things” will fall on us. 神的判断‘因你这论断人的所行的和别人一样’ 也临到我们身上We’ll become like the ones we’ve judged 我们就会变成和我们论断的人一样 and be stolen our blessings.被偷去祝福.

In my ministry, 在我的服事中,I've met many people who couldn’t understand我遇到了很多人,他们不明白why they continued to experience cycles of family failure, 自己为什么仍然不停陷入家族失败的循环中despite being Christians for a long time. 尽管已经信主很多年。“I’ll never be like my dad…or my mum.” 我不要像我爸或像我妈。They didn’t want their marriage to become like their parents’, 他们不希望他们的婚姻变得像他们父母的那样,yet found themselves in a similar situation. 但却发现自己陷入了相似的境地。“I’ll never be like them who were poor.” 我永远不要像我父母那么穷。They sought breakthrough in their jobs他们寻求在工作上, relationships with their children与子女的关系上, health, finances, and other areas of life在健康上、财务上的等想取得突破. However, despite their efforts, 然而,不管怎么努力,they couldn't seem to succeed. 却总是无法成功。Why? 为什么呢?Coz God words say, 因为神的话说,Eph 6:2-3 “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise-- 3 “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.” 要孝敬父母,使你得福,在世长寿。这是第一条带应许的诫命。 This is a commandment with a promise这是带应许的命令: if you honour your parents若你尊重父母, life will go well for you你就得福. If you judge若你论断父母 you won’t see breakthroughs你就不能有突破and you’ll still experience cycles of failure你就仍然在失败的循环里. Judging others brings us serious consequences. 论断他人将会给我们带来严重的后果。It actually creates cycles of failure in life, 事实上生命中不断的倒霉失败就是论断造成的,and we’re unable to break through. 无法打破。

It’s interesting挺有意思, last Monday I was on a video phone call with my mum上周一我正和我妈视频. Mum turns 90 in two months. 再过两个月她90岁了。Mum had lots to talk about, so, ok, 她有很多说的,Ok“I’m listening, mum, keep talking…”老妈,你继续说,我听着呢……” I put the phone beside me and typed this bible verse in my sermon draft. 然后我就把电话放在一旁,把这经文打在讲道草稿上。That night I couldn’t sleep well, 那晚我睡的不好,during my prayer 祷告时this scenario appeared in my mind, 这个场景就出现了:I was typing “honor your dad and mum.” 我正在打字,要尊敬父母.” But I thought that it wasn’t important...我觉得那不重要I repented quickly, 我迅速向神悔改, I don't want the case to continue against me. 我不愿这案子继续指控我。

Ongoing repentance and forgiveness help us break vicious cycles of failure in life. 悔改和饶恕帮助我们打破人生中的循环倒霉失败. If you haven’t repented from the specific points where you’ve judged your parents, 但若你没有在具体事上去悔改论断父母,the legal case against you remains. 那么告你的案件仍然有效. the enemy still has the legal rights to attack you. 仇敌仍然有权来攻击你. And you’ll be kept under cycles of failure. 你就被困在失败倒霉的循环中.

I ministered to two girls 我曾经服事过两个女孩,who consistently failed their examinations 她们总是考试失败,and was unable to graduate from Uni. 大学毕不了业。The enemy accused them of being inferior to others. 敌人控告她们比其他人笨。But after leading them in the process of prayers of forgiveness for their parents, 但在带他们做饶恕父母祷告后,the curses were lifted, 诅咒被解除了,they passed exams and graduated successfully. 她们顺利通过考试,大学毕业了。Over the last 19 years, 在过去的19年里,I’ve  seen people being blessed in health, in jobs, in relationships, and in finances 我看到人们在身体、工作、人际关系和财务方面都得到了祝福 after repenting from being judgemental.在为论断悔改后。   

2, why do we judge others? 为什么会论断人?

One reason we judge others is because of pride. 我们论断他人的一个原因是因为骄傲。 “This is stupid, I won’t do that…I’m better than that.” 这太蠢,我才不会那样……我比他好。We judge by gender, 我们论断性别,“I want a boy not a girl.” 我想要男孩,不要女孩。We judge race, 我们论断种族,we judge wealth people, 我们论断富人,we judge poor people, 我们论断穷人,we judge because we trust our own standards.我们论断是因为我们信自己的标准。Another reason we judge我们论断的另一个原因 is because we’re offended. 是因为我们感到被冒犯。In the bible, why did the teachers of the law judge Jesus? 在圣经中,为什么律法师要论断耶稣?They judged Jesus to be the prince of demons driving out demons. 他们论断耶稣是鬼王赶鬼,They judged Jesus to be speaking blasphemy. 他们论断耶稣说了亵渎的话。They judged because they were offended. 他们论断,是因为他们感到被冒犯。Harbouring offensive feelings produces bitter judgement, 心藏被冒犯感会产生苦毒的论断,which not only affects us now but also in the future. 影响我们的现在和未来。

In the bible, 在圣经中,Michal, King Saul’s daughter was offended, 扫罗王的女儿米甲被冒犯受伤了,because her father hated her husband, David. 因为她父亲恨她丈夫大卫。 Later, Saul gave Michal to another man. 后来,扫罗还把米甲嫁给了另一个人。You can image, 可以想象,how much anger, 米甲会有多少愤怒、blame, 责怪、bitterness, 苦毒、self-pity, judgemental thoughts Michal would have harboured. 自卑自怜和论断批评。She was offended by her dad’s behaviour. 她被父亲的行为冒犯了。Due to unresolved offensive feelings, 因未处理的被冒犯感,Michal became judgemental.米甲就喜欢论断Heb 12:15 tells us that bitterness can grow 12:15 告诉我们,苦毒之根会生长and defile our relationships with God and with people并污秽我们与神与人的关系。From the unresolved wounds, 因未处理的伤害,Michal carried a bitter, judgemental mindset, 米甲怀着苦毒、论断的心态,her heart grew cold; 她的心渐渐冷漠,she became disconnected from God and people. 远离神也远离人。So when David was dancing with all his strength before God, 所以当大卫在神面前竭力跳舞时,she couldn’t understand what’s going on 她完全无法理解,but only felt shamed before others, 只觉得在众人面前感到羞愧,so she bitterly judged David her husband. 于是她苦毒地论断了丈夫大卫。

Now the problems she had experienced with her dad, 现在她因父亲带来的问题,reproduced bitter fruit in her relationship with her husband. 在与丈夫的关系中再生苦毒的果子。Michal hadn’t forgiven her dad, 米甲没有饶恕她父亲,so she reaped serious consequences. 所以她承受了严重的后果。The unresolved issues she had experienced with her dad long ago这未处理的很久以前与父亲的关系的问题 later had an impact on her life.影响了她以后的生活。She lost her passion for God, 她对神失去了热情,maintaining broken relationships with God and people. 与神和人的关系也破裂了。She suffered loneliness and shame due to barrenness. 她因不孕而遭受孤独和羞耻之苦。The unresolved wounds, which produced a judgemental mindset, 未处理的伤害形成论断的心态,led to her reaping a harvest of bitterness. 最终让她收了苦毒的果子Life didn’t go well for her. 她的生活并不蒙福。

3, How to stop judging others? 怎样止住论断?

Similarly, King David also experienced unfair treatment from King Saul, 大卫同样王也经历了扫罗王的不公待遇,yet David chose to forgive Saul, 然而大卫选择饶恕扫罗。Luke 6:37, “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. 你们不要论断人,就不被论断;你们不要定人的罪,就不被定罪;你们要饶恕人,就必蒙饶恕(饶恕原文作释放)。It's clear that forgiving others breaks the cycle of failure. 饶恕他人显然能打破失败的循环。At what point you’re forgiven, 在哪个点你饶恕他人,you open the door to blessings. 那里你打开祝福之门。This principle is crucial这个原则极为重要 and needs to be practiced daily.我们当每天操练. In the life of King David 在大卫王的生命中 there were two occasions when he could have killed Saul, his rival,有两次他本可以杀死对手扫罗,and become king of Israel. 成为以色列的王。 However, David chose not to harm him, saying, 然而,大卫选择不加害他,并说:“He is the anointed of the Lord. ”他是耶和华的受膏者。I can’t lift my hand against him.我不能举手害他。David trusted in the Lord's judgment and timing rather than his own. 大卫信耶和华的审判和时间,而不是他自己的。When he heard about Saul's death, 当他听说扫罗去世时,instead of rejoicing, 他并没有欢呼,David mourned deeply, 而是深深地悲伤,tearing his clothes and weeping. 撕裂衣服,悲哀哭号。

And he wrote a lament他写下了一篇哀歌 and called Saul the mighty hero of Israel.称扫罗为以色列的大英雄。 David wasn’t a politician, even if he was a king, 尽管是王,但他并不是一个政治家,yet he was a true worshipper of God. 而是一个真正敬拜神的人。 But David’s life wasn’t easy. 但大卫的一生绝不是一帆风顺。 When he was young, he wasn’t valued by his parents. 年幼时,父母不看重他。But he didn’t judge himself and say, 但他没有论断自己说:“I don’t have much value, I don’t have much worth…”我没啥价值,我没啥用……” Nor did he make any vows to himself, 或立下内在誓言,“I’ll never be like my dad…”我不要像我的父亲那样……” After defeating Goliath, 打败歌利亚后,instead of receiving honour, 青年大卫并没有得到重用,the teenage David spent over ten years fleeing from Saul而是花了十几年的时间躲避扫罗 and living in the wilderness. 在旷野生活。Despite these challenges, 尽管经历难处,his heart remained humble and tender. 他的心仍然谦卑柔和。A tender heart can be easily touched by the Holy Spriit. 柔软的心灵容易被圣灵触动。Psa 23:1,4-5, the Lord is my shepherd. 1耶和华是我的牧者,Even though I walk through the valley of shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. 4我虽然行过死荫的幽谷,也不怕遭害,因为你与我同在;你的杖,你的竿,都安慰我。5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows”. 5在我敌人面前,你为我摆设筵席;你用油膏了我的头,使我的福杯满溢。

In times of difficulty, his eyes were always on the Lord, 困境中,他的眼睛始终注视着主,bitterness and a judgemental mindset couldn’t touch him. 苦毒和论断的心态无法触及他。In times of crisis, David said, 危机中,大卫说:Psalm 27:10, though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me. 我父母离弃我,耶和华必收留我。Instead of reacting to rejection with anger and bitter judgement, 面对被拒绝,他没有愤怒和苦毒的论断,David chose to respond with faith in God’s acceptance and love.大卫以信心回应,信神的包容和爱。 He became a godly ancestor of Christ Jesus. 他成为基督耶稣的敬虔的祖先. The Son of God was also called the “Son of David.”神 儿子也被称为大卫的子孙 David’s life was a true example of following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. 大卫的生命是跟随耶稣基督脚踪的榜样。The Son of God came to save, heal, and set people free, 神的儿子来拯救、医治并释放世人,but was unjustly judged by sinners. 但却被罪人不公正地审判。 Without receiving mercy, 没有怜悯,Christ was wrongly and brutally nailed to the cross by sinners. 基督被罪人冤枉,残忍地钉死在十字架上。But even on the cross, 就是在十字架上,instead of demanding justice没有要求给自己伸冤, mercy flowed,反而是怜悯涌流,he cried out, 他大声呼求:“Father, forgive them父啊,饶恕他们,for they don’t know what they do.”他们所作的他们不晓得。 Mercy triumphs over judgment! 怜悯原是向审判夸胜!

Today, how many of us wanna respond to God, and say, 我们有多少人愿意回应神,说: “father, I receive Your mercy today, …父啊,我今天接受你的怜悯,I wanna pass mercy on to my parents, 我要将怜悯传递给我的父母、my teachers, 我的老师、my bosses, 我的老板、those in power, 那些掌权者、on to my brothers and sisters我的兄弟姐妹……”I wanna follow Your footsteps in forgiveness, 我要跟随你的脚步,饶恕他人,I wanna be set free from cycles of failure caused by unforgiveness and bitter judgement. 我要摆脱因不饶恕和苦毒的论断而导致的循环失败倒霉。I wanna repent, I wanna respond to you. 我要悔改,我要回应你You’re the JudgeYou judge justly. 你是审判者,你的审判是公义的。 If that’s you, I invite you to make your way to the front. 如果这就是你,我邀请你到前面来。we’re gonna sing and pray.我们来唱诗,祷告。


“Father, I thank You, 天父,我们感谢你,I thank You for Your amazing grace and unfailing love. 我感谢你奇异恩典和永不更改的爱。No religious leaders sacrificed themselves for the sins of their people, 没有任何宗教领袖为他子民的罪牺牲自己,but You, died and rose again to save us and bring us into Your eternal Kingdom.惟有你,为我们死,又为我们复活,拯救我们,带我们进入你永恒的国度。I thank You! 我感谢你! Yes, even if my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me. 是的,即使我的父母离弃我,但耶和华却收留我。Thank You for receiving me as a child of the Kingdom of Light.感谢你把我带到你光明的国度。 I thank You for all You’ve done on the cross. 我感谢你在十架上为我们所做的一切。Yes, it’s finished. 是的,成了。The blood was shed to pay off the penalty of my sins. 你的宝血已洗净我所有的罪孽。I can be set free. 我可以得自由。 I can break the cycle of failure in life.” 我可以打破生命中的失败循环。

Perhaps you can tell the Lord, 也许你可以告诉主: Holy Spirit, help me, I don’t wanna be led by pride. 圣灵,请帮助我,我不想被骄傲引导。 I don’t wanna become judgmental and still be kept under cycles of failure. 我不想变得爱论断,不想继续困在失败的循环中。 I wanna experience Your blessings. 我想经历你的祝福。Holy Spirit, come, and search my heart to see in what areas, 圣灵啊,求你来鉴察我的心, I still carry wounds and bitter judgement against my parents, 看看我在哪些方面还带着因父母而来的创伤和苦毒的论断, my….I humble myself before You and repent…....在你面前谦卑悔改......

Perhaps you were raised in a broken family, 也许你在一个破碎的家庭中长大,or perhaps you have an abusive dad or mum, 也许你的父亲或母亲待你不公,or perhaps you have a distant father, 也许你有一个疏远你的父亲, perhaps you’ve judged yourself, “I’m useless, I can’t do this and that, I’m stupid…” 也许你论断过自己,"我没用,我做不了这个那个,我很笨......"Or you’ve judged your parents, “he is bad…or she is bad” 或者你论断过自己的父母,"他或她很糟糕......" or you’ve made vow like, 或者你发过誓,“I’ll be like my dad or my mum…”我不要像我爸或我妈 Or you‘ve judged your husband or wife, 或者你论断了你的丈夫或妻子, Or made vows like saying, 或发誓说 I’ll never trust man…I’ll never trust woman…"我永远不相信男人或不相信女人......or I'll never become vulnerable…”或者我永远不要软弱......" or you’ve judged leaders, Or others…或者你论断了领袖或他人” which has given the enemy legal rights to set cycles of failure into your life. 这就给了仇敌在你的生命中有合法权利,启动失败的循环。Now, you can cry out to the Lord for help, 现在,你可以向主呼求,“Jesus, I repent,主耶稣,我愿悔改, I’ve listened to the lies, 我听信了谎言, I’ve made agreement with the lies我听信了谎言so that I’ve judged myself and judged others by my own standards.我用自己的标准来论断自己,论断他人。Now I confess that I can’t see the whole picture, 现在我承认,我看不到全貌,I don’t know why they behaved like that,我不知道他们为什么会这样,I need mercy coz I make mistakes, 我需要怜悯,因我会犯错,so they also need mercy.所以他们也需要怜悯。I thank You for forgiving my failures, 我感谢你赦免我的失败,You didn’t judge me bitterly. 你没有苦毒地论断我。I declare I forgive myself and others. 我奉主名宣告我饶恕自己和他人。coz I can’t see the full picture of why they behave like that,因我无法看到他们为什么会有那样的行为的全貌, they need mercy just as I do. 他们和我一样需要怜悯。

I take the authority of Your name, in the name of Jesus Christ, 我奉主耶稣基督的圣名并主耶稣的权柄,I break the agreement I’ve made with the lies and bitter judgments. 破除一切与谎言和苦毒论断的约定。I break the vows that I once made to keep me under cycles of failure. 我破除曾经起的誓,让我陷入失败的循环。I’m free from being imprisoned due to bitter judgement. 我不再被苦毒的论断困住。Thank you for your mercy. 我感谢你的怜悯。 

Thank You Lord for setting the captives free! 感谢主让被囚的得自由!Come and set up Your Kingdom Principles here in our hearts and in our church. 我们愿你来,愿你在我们的心中和教会中建立你国度的法则。 Let Your Kingdom rule with Your truth and Principles in this place. 让你的国度以你的真理和原则统管这里。Let Your light, 让你的亮光、healing, 医治、deliverance, 释放、joy, 喜乐、peace, 平安、love, 爱、hope be found in this place! 盼望在这里被人找到并支取!Let Your Kingdom come, 愿你的国降临,and Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.愿你的旨意行在地上如同行在天上。


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