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2024-04-28 Closing Doors and Entering a New Realm of Life 关门,进入新生命

发表于 2024-04-29

Next Sunday, we’ll have people being baptised. 下周日我们将有人要受洗。How exciting! 好兴奋!Today, we’re gonna make more rooms for Jesus. 今天,我们要为耶稣腾出更多的空间。Some may already knew the story, 有些人可能已经知道这个故事,that God called me to do “deliverance ministry” through two dreams. 神借着两个梦呼召我做 "释放事工"One was 19 years ago, 一个是在 19 年前,the other was 10 years ago另一个是在 11 年前, after I had enquired of God as to what He was calling to do here. 在我求问神呼召我在这里做什么后。In the night夜里, the English letters: D-E-L-I-V-E-R-A-N-C-E英文字母 D-E-L-I-V-E-R-A-N-C-E one by one appeared in my dream.一个个出现在我的梦中。This indicated that this ministry would extend to the nations神要这医治释放的事工扩展到万民。It has been happening throughout the years 这也正在这些年里发生。

In Luke 4:18 (KJV),在路4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, 主的灵在我身上,因为他用膏膏我,叫我传福音给贫穷的人;差遣我报告被掳的得释放,瞎眼的得看见,叫那受压制的得自由。The English word “deliverance” is from the Greek word “aphesis”, 英语中的 "释放 "一词来自希腊语 "aphesis"meaning forgiveness, liberty, remission. 意为饶恕、自由、赦免。"Captives" is from the Greek word "aichmalotos," "俘虏 "一词源于希腊文 "aichmalotos"meaning a prisoner of war. 意为战俘。 In other words: 换句话说:“to preach forgiveness to the prisoners who have failed in the spiritual war向那些在属灵战争中失败 and are kept in spiritual prison. 被关在属灵监狱中的囚犯传讲饶恕。

After Adam's fall, 亚当堕落之后,we inherit failure by the nature. 我们在旧人里承受失败。The devil takes authority撒旦夺了权柄, leading us to sin 领 我们得罪神。But through Jesus’ forgiveness on the cross, 但借着耶稣在十架上的饶恕we can repent and renounce, 我们可以悔改,shut legal access for demons, 关闭魔鬼的合法通道,and be free and made new in Him. 在祂里面重得自由,成为新造的人。

1, There can be doorways for the devil to come in.那恶者可以从破口中合法进入

In Ephesians 以弗所书4:22-3022-32 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 22就要脱去你们从前行为上的旧人,这旧人是因私欲的迷惑渐渐变坏的。23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 23又要将你们的心志改换一新…26 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry,26生气却不要犯罪,不可含怒到日落; 27 and do not give the devil a foothold.27也不可给魔鬼留地步… It says, 他说,if we desire a changed life, 我们若要改变生命,we must put off the old, 就必须脱去旧的,and be renewed in our minds,心意更新,putting on the new. 穿上新的。

What is the old? 旧的是什么? V.22 says,22节说, the deceitful desires are of the old self. 私欲的迷惑来自老我。V.25 says, 25节说,telling lies.说谎。Then, 接着,v.27 talks about anger. 27谈到了发怒。We all get angry at some point. 是人都会发怒。But here says,但这里说 “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, 27 and do not give the devil a foothold.“生气却不要犯罪.不可含怒到日落.27也不可给魔鬼留地步。”  So it says that it’s possible to give the devil a foothold. 这里说,给魔鬼留地步进入是可能的。“Foothold” in Greek is “topos”, 在希腊语中,"立足点 " "topos"a doorway, 是门 a legal licence. 是许可证。unresolved anger produces bitter judgement, and emotional hurt怒气不处理,就生出苦毒的论断并情绪伤害 which opens doorways for evil spirits to torment us. 为邪灵打开合法通道来折磨我们。The bible urges us not to open doorways圣经敦促信徒不要为魔鬼打开门 or create legal rights for the devil,或给它合法权利。It robbed Adam, 魔鬼掳掠了亚当,and also will steal our peace, 也会夺走我们的平安、 joy, 喜乐、 love, 爱、authority, and the blessings God has prepared for us.权柄和神为我们预备的祝福。It's possible. 这是可能的。Coz we can't disobey God's word without consequences. 我们不能违背神的话而不承担后果。

2, Unresolved sin and emotional trauma.  未解决的罪和情绪创伤

Therefore, 因此, what are the doorways that we need to close? 我们需要关闭哪些门呢? 

A, Unresolved sin 未解决的罪like telling lies, 如说谎话、unresolved anger, 未解决的愤怒、 unforgiveness, 不饶恕、stealing, 偷窃、unwholesome talk (curse words) 不健康的言语(咒诅的话) (Eph 4:22-30) 

Once, 有一次,we had a person who couldn't stop making a sound like snakes hissing. 有一个人总是不停地发出蛇嘶嘶的声音。After church,聚会结束后,I prayed for her and rebuked the evil spirits to leave, 我为她祷告并斥责那邪恶的灵离开,then she could talk freely. 然后她就可以自由说话了。She told us that someone had cursed her, 于是她告诉我们,有人咒骂了她,and in anger, she had cursed the person back. 她一气之下就咒骂了那个人。From that point on, 从那时起,her tongue had been controlled by a power, 她的舌头就被一种力量控制了,which forced her to make a sound like snakes hissing, 迫使她发出蛇嘶嘶的声音 and her body had felt cold. 身体也感到冰冷。Praise the Lord, 赞美主,after leading her into a prayer of forgiveness, 在带领她做了饶恕祷告后 her tongue was loosened, 她的舌头松动了,and her body warmed up again. 身体也暖和起来。We learnt from a real case that demons can come in and torment believers physically and mentally, 从一个真实的案例中学到,魔鬼可以入侵,through bitterness and sinning with the tongue, 借着苦毒和口舌的罪来折磨信徒的身心, such as telling lies若说谎 or speaking curse words或说坏话. But to shut the door 若要关门 and be set free from that torment从被折磨里得自由, we need repentance and forgiveness我们需要悔改和饶恕。

B, Another doorway through our thoughts. 借着我们的心思意念进入。John 13:2  says, 13:2说,before the supper had ended, 在最后的晚餐结束前,the devil had already put the idea of betraying Jesus in Judas’ mind. 魔鬼已经把背叛耶稣的想法放进犹大的心里。And Judas accepted it and acted on it. 犹大即刻接受并去行动了。Then, he committed suicide. 然后,他自杀了。So suicidal thoughts come from the devil.自杀的念头从魔鬼来。Another example,另一个例子是, Jesus said,耶稣说 “anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 528凡看见妇女就动淫念的,这人心里已经与她犯奸淫了。 This refers to fantasies and lustful imagination that open doorways for demons to enter. 这是指各种幻想或淫乱的想象给魔鬼打开门。Some people watch fantasy movies,有人看奇幻电影,and are addicted to romantic fiction or pornography, 有人沉迷爱情小说或色情作品,forming fantasy images 幻想某个形象,and imagining romantic love with an unrealistic person, 想象与某人浪漫相爱,as a way of escaping real life or the pain of lack of love. 以此逃避现实生活缺乏爱的痛苦。In reality, 实际上,they have committed adultery in their hearts他们已经在心里犯了奸淫,and given the spirits of lust and lies legal access to enter给了情欲和谎言的灵合法的进入通道and create problems in their marriages and their lives. 在他们的婚姻和生活中制造问题。If they don't repent如果不悔改,and close the door to fantasy, 不关上想像的门,their marriage won't go well, 他们的婚姻就不会好,which can also affect the next generation. 这也会影响到下一代。

C, Generational sins are doorways that needed to be closed. 关闭累代的罪门。

In Mark 9, 在《马可福音》第九章中,a man asked Jesus to help his son, 有一个人求耶稣医治他儿子,coz the spirit threw the boy to the ground, 因他被邪灵摔倒,he foamed at the mouth, 口中流沫,gnashed his teeth and became rigid. 咬牙切齿,身体枯干 V.21, Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he been like this?” “From childhood,” he answered. 21节,耶稣问男孩的父亲:他这样有多久了?他回答说:从小的时候。The word “childhood” is the Greek word “paidiothen”, “小的时候是希腊语“paidiothen”meaning “from the infancy of a child”. 意思是从婴儿时起It says that evil spirits can gain access into an infant through family generational sins. 这里说,邪灵可以借着家族累代的罪进入婴幼儿。It means that the problem doesn’t start with this generation. 这是说这问题不是从这一代开始的。It doesn’t start with you, 不是从你开始的,or you children. 也不是从你的孩子开始的。It starts with your ancestors who broke God’s laws 而是源于你的祖先违背了神的律法,and didn’t bring the problem to the cross to be sorted. 并且没有把问题带到十字架上得解决。Generational sins can be idolatry (worshipping other gods), 累代的罪可以是偶像崇拜、adultery (committing sexual sins), 淫乱、性犯罪、disobedience (children don’t listen to parents), 悖逆(孩子不听父母)、violence (parents have violent behaviour), 暴力(父母有暴力行为)、alcohol, 酗酒、drugs abuse, etc. 滥用药物等。Because the generational sins in a family haven’t been sorted through repentance and forgiveness, 因为家族中的这些累代的罪没有悔改洁净,now the next generation suffers because of it. 下一代就因此受苦。

Isa 61:1-4 tells us, 说,that God doesn’t just wanna heal the brokenhearted, 神不单要医治我们的破碎心灵,and set us free from sin. 使我们摆脱罪恶,v.3 says, He calls us to be oaks of righteousness, 3节说,祂还呼召我们成为公义树,to rebuild ancient ruins that have been devastated for generations. 重建累代荒废的根基。In other words, 换句话说,Jesus started a ministry of deliverance 耶稣开始了医治释放的事工,to set the captives free 使被掳的自由,and reconnect us to God. 使我们与神恢复关系。He chooses you from your family, 祂从你的家族中选择了你,He wants you to be the fruit of His work, 祂盼望你成为祂作工的果子,so that you can become the godly generation in your family to stop generational sins, 以致于你可以成为你家族中敬虔的一代,止住累代的罪,close the doorways to evil spirits, 关上给邪灵开的门,and bring an end to the old cycles of bad things 终止你家族中的循环倒霉,and start new cycles of blessing for your family.进入全新的祝福循环。This call is also suitable for us to bless His church and everywhere we go. 这个呼召也适用于我们去祝福祂的教会并所到之处。

For this purpose, 为这个目的,we need to build a good relationship with God 我们需要建立与神的好关系,through reading, praying, 借着读经、祷告,surrendering to His will through the help of the Holy Spirit. 靠圣灵的帮助,顺服神的话语,And we need to recognize and deal with issues in the family line. 我们需要认识并处理家族中的问题。You can blame your ancestors or even Adam, 你可以去责怪你的祖先甚至怪亚当,but if you wanna the issues to be sorted若你想走出困境you need to forgive你需要去饶恕。The issue might be hidden, 这些问题可能被隐藏,and family may not talk about it because of shame, 因家人可能羞于启齿,but you need to seek God and face it. 你需要寻求神并面对它。

For my own example, 我自己的例子,when our daughter was 12 years old, 我女儿12岁时,her teacher rang me 她的老师打电话给我,and complained that she couldn’t concentrate during class, 投诉她上课注意力不集中,she would focus on a sparrow outside the window until it disappeared. 比如她的视线会跟着外面的麻雀走,直到飞走了。I wasn’t happy to hear that. 我听到后不是很高兴,So I dealt with my anger through prayers of repentance and forgiveness, 所以我就祷告悔改饶恕,先处理我的怒气,till my heart was filled with God’s compassion. 直到我心被神的怜悯充满。

Then, I clearly heard the Lord say, 然后,我清楚地听到主说:“a generational curse.” “这是累代的咒诅。” It didn’t start with the child. 原来问题根源不是从这孩子开始的。How can the door be closed? 那么如何关上这罪的门呢?I led my child in a prayer to confess her sin of disobedience, 我带我的孩子祷告,承认她悖逆不顺服的罪,and to forgive me as her mum and her ancestors并饶恕我这个母亲和其他祖先……In two weeks, 两周后,her teacher rang me again, 她的老师又打电话来,and asked me how I educated my child so effectively, 问我怎样教育我孩子那么有效,the girl had become so focused. 这孩子变得非常专心。I shared the story with the teacher, 我和老师分享了这个故事,she came to accept Jesus as her Saviour. 老师也接受了耶稣为她的救主。God is Praised! 神配得赞美!

God continued to guide me to find out where the issue had started.  祂仍在引导我去找问题的根源。In Exo 20: 3-6 “You shall have no other gods before me. . “除我以外,你不可有别的神。4 You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. 不可为自己雕刻偶像,也不可做什么形像仿佛上天、下地、和地底下水中的,5 You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, 你不可跪拜他,也不可事奉他,因为我耶和华你的神是忌邪的神,恨我的,我必追讨他的罪,自父及子,直到三四代;6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments爱我、守我诫命的,我必向他们发慈爱,直到千代。 It's very clear that He blesses those who love Him by keeping His words for a thousand generations. 这里清楚地说,神祝福那些守祂命令的到千代。But He imposes a generational curse upon all generations until the fourth 但神让累代的咒诅施加到第四代,as a consequence of the sin of idolatry. 因拜偶像的罪。 Idols could be anything that people love more than their Creator God. 拜偶像可以是人爱任何东西超过爱造物主。It could be visible idols可以是有形的偶像, like those in Buddhist temples像庙里的拜拜, or invisible idols或无形的, like money如金钱、fame 名声、power 权力,or the desires of the self. 或拜私欲。

In my case在我这个案例里, one day God revealed to me 有一天神向我启示,that because my grandmother from my father’s side committed suicide因我祖母自杀 during a time when the government was prosecuting intellectuals在斗臭老九(知识分子遭逼迫)时期, she was overwhelmed with fear她因惧怕 and hung herself at my grandpa’s Art Gallery在我祖父领导下的文化馆里上吊了。We don’t talk about that at our home在我们家,没有人会说这事。But because my grandma obeyed the thoughts of the enemy因我祖母听了魔鬼给的意念, which opened legal access for the enemy to enter这给了敌人合法的通道 and cause generational causes in the family both emotionally and physically 在家族中造成情绪和身体上的累代诅咒。

For example, I once had experienced manic depression 例如,我曾经经历了躁郁症,until I repented and forgave, the door was closed. 直到我悔改饶恕,门才关上。My daughter couldn’t concentrate, 我女儿注意力不集中,but after repentance and forgiveness悔改饶恕后,she was blessed in many aspects of her life.她许多方面都得到祝福。My mum, whenever she held grudges against my dad, 每当我妈妈对我爸爸心里不饶恕,got into trouble: 她就会遇到麻烦:emotionally she felt sad, 情绪上忧伤难过,and physically fell ill, 身体也生病,until she had repented and forgiven my dad, 直到她悔改饶恕我爸爸 So the door to the destructive work of evil spirits in a family 邪灵在家族中毁坏的工作only can be shut through our faith in Jesus in true repentance and forgiveness.只能借着我们对耶稣的信和真正的悔改饶恕来关闭。

D, Occult experience can be a doorway.  邪术打开了门。

In Deut 18:9-13, When you enter the land the Lord your God is giving you, do not learn to imitate the detestable ways of the nations there. 你到了耶和华你神所赐之地、那些国民的民中、你不可学着行可憎恶的事。10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 你们中间不可有人使儿女经火、也不可用法术、行邪术、观兆、行邪术、施行法术、11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 用迷术的、给人行巫术、问鬼求事的。12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord; because of these same detestable practices the Lord your God will drive out those nations before you. 凡行这些事的、都为耶和华你神所憎恶的;因这些可憎恶的事、耶和华你的神将他们从你面前赶出。13 You must be blameless before the Lord your God. 你要纯全、归耶和华你的神。(申命记18:9-13

This is also talking about idolatry, occult involvement. 这里讲的也是偶像崇拜、巫术邪术。The occult is defined as involving hidden, secret, and mysterious powers related to the supernatural. 邪术即是涉及超自然的隐秘和神秘力量,Consulting mediums, 如求问灵媒、tea leaves, 茶叶占卜、fortune cookies, 幸运饼干、fortune-telling, 算命、horoscopes, 星座运势、crystal balls, 水晶球、black magic, 黑魔法、charms, 护身符、hypnosis, 催眠、palmistry, 手相、tarot cards, 塔罗牌、telepathy, 心灵感应、voodoo, 巫毒、tattoos纹身, yoga, 瑜伽、zodiac studies, 生肖、dead ancestors’ worship, 祖先祭拜、drug addictions, 药物成瘾,or any games involving zombies or ghosts, 或任何与僵尸或鬼魂有关的游戏,or books or movies or pictures that cause your imagination to connect to the unknown world, 或引发你的幻想与未知世界相连接的书籍,图片电影,open doors for spirits of lust, 都会为情欲、fear, 惧怕、lies, 谎言、death to torment the person and impact even the family.死亡之灵开启入口,折磨个人甚至家族。

In my ministry, 在我的事工中,I saw young people being tormented by spirits. 我见过年轻人受邪灵折磨,Some would have bad dreams or see dark shadows to frighten them during the night; 有些人做恶梦或在夜间看到吓人黑影,some would have lustful pictures in their minds 有些人脑海中会出现淫荡的画面,even though they had never touched any of that kind of books or movies; 尽管他们从未接触过那类的书籍或电影;some therefore committed sexual sin以致于有人性犯罪 and felt regretful afterwards but couldn’t resist it. 事后感到后悔但又无法抗拒。They're all signs that a doorway needs to be shut, 这些迹象,门要关上,but the issue may have started previous to them. 但这问题或许是从他们前代开始的。As parents, 作为父母,if your children have these problems, 如果你的孩子有这些问题,and if they are mature enough to understand the truth, 并且他们已经足够成熟,能理解真理,you can lead them in a prayer of repentance and forgiveness, 你可以带领他们进行悔改饶恕的祷告,and in the name Jesus set them free. 并以耶稣的名释放他们。Jesus says, 耶稣说,“then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” 你们必晓得真理,真理必叫你们得以自由。John 8:32. Otherwise, you need to intercede for them. 不然,你就要为他们代祷。

E, Cult worship. 异端邪教 

Gal 1:9, As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God’s curse. 我们已经说了,现在又说一遍:如果有人传讲给你们的福音与你们所领受的不同,他就应受咒诅。 It says, 这节经文说,a cult or heresy means to receive another gospel, which results in being put under a curse. 异端邪教即是接受另一个福音,结果是被放在咒诅下。A cult can be defined as a religious group which distorts the truth or focuses on half-truths. 异端指的是那些扭曲真理或讲一半真理的宗教团体。The two most well-known examples of cults today are the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons. 现今最著名的两个异端是耶和华见证人和摩门教,Freemasonry is another one. 还有共济会。

I've ministered to some cases 我辅导过一些案例where because of their engagement因为他们自己 or their ancestors’ engagement in Freemasonry或祖先参与了共济会 or other hypocritical religious practices或假冒为善的宗教行为,doorways were opened for cycles of estranged relationships, 家族中给关系疏离、sexual sin, 性犯罪、spiritual blindness, and spiritual bondage in the family. 属灵瞎眼和属灵捆绑开了门,They suffer from confusion 他们常犯迷糊,and difficulty making decisions很难做决定,feelings of unworthiness 觉得自己无价值,or fear of eternal punishment, 或害怕永刑,thoughts of constantly being watched or judged, 感觉常被监视或被论断,feeling overwhelmed by shame and rejection, 充满羞耻感和被拒绝,or by panic due to accidents. 或者因曾经意外事故而害怕。They also experience feelings of hatred towards their entire family 整个家族被仇恨辖制,or suffer from cycles of financial curses or failure in marriage, 或家族里总有人遭财务诅咒或婚姻失败,or failure in health, 得遗传病,or in other aspects of life. 或其他方面的倒霉事。

Who can save us? 谁能拯救我们?Who can deliver us from all this bad luck? 谁能将我们从所有厄运中解救出来?The bible says, the truth will set you free! 圣经说,真理使你们得自由!Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sins. 耶稣为了赦免我们的罪死在十字架上,He broke the curse of sin! 祂打破了罪的咒诅!Forgiveness is the key to freedom. 饶恕是得自由的关键。When Jesus Christ was hanging on the cross, 当耶稣基督被挂在十字架上,he looked down from the cross onto the scene, 祂从十字架上往下看,where the Roman soldiers were gambling for his clothing, 罗马兵丁在为他的衣服拈阄,the religious leaders were mocking Him, 宗教领袖在嘲笑祂,the crowd was despising him 人群在藐视祂,the disciples were abandoning him门徒们离弃他。Surrounded by all these most unworthy people, 围绕着这群最不配的人,Jesus prayed for them, 耶稣为他们祈祷:“Father, forgive them, for they don’t know what they do.” “父啊,赦免他们,因为他们所作的他们不晓得。” Mercy and forgiveness flow through the cross, 怜悯和饶恕藉着十字架流淌出来,making restoration and eternal healing possible for each of us who don’t deserve it! 使每个不配的人能得到恢复和永远的医治!His unfailing love and free gift of forgiveness can set us free. 祂饶恕的大爱叫我们可以得自由!


Prayer: 祷告:

Thank You, Lord! You are our living hope. 感谢主!你是我们永活的盼望,We thank You for all that You've done on the cross. 感谢你在十字架上所成就的一切,Thank You for Your unwavering faithfulness to the Father's plan, 感谢你对父的计划创始成终的信,even unto death, 至死忠心,so that we may receive blessings from the eternal Kingdom of light. 让我们在永恒光明的国度中蒙福。We give You praise…   我们赞美你……Now, I invite those who are going to receive baptism to come forward. 现在,我邀请那些要受洗的人到前面来。Or if you want to make your way to the front and pray after me, you are welcome to do so.或者如果你想到前面跟我一起祷告,也请上来。

Jesus, my Lord and Savior, 耶稣,我的救主,I thank You for paying the price on that cross to save me. 感谢你在十字架上为了拯救我付代价。Thank You for forgiving my sins and paying the penalty through Your sacrifice. 感谢你借着你的牺牲宽恕了我的罪,为我偿还了罪的代价。I acknowledge that I and my ancestors have sinned against You. 我承认我和我的祖先得罪了你,Please forgive my ancestors who have worshipped false idols, 请赦免我的祖先拜假神、engaged in the occult or cults like Freemasonry, 参与共济会等异端邪教,or practiced hypocritical religious rituals. 或者参与假冒伪善的宗教仪式,They thought that they were right, 他们自以为对,just as I thought I was right, 就像我以为自己是对的一样,but we were deceived by evil spirits. 但我们被邪灵欺骗了。The doorways were opened for spirits of lies and rejection, 门开了,让谎言和拒绝的灵,spirits which steal, kill and destroy to come in and cause problems to the family.偷窃、杀害和毁灭的灵进来,给家庭带来问题。My entire family suffers from feelings of hatred, 我全家都因仇恨、rejection, 被拒绝、confusion, 迷惑、unbelief, 不信、fear, 惧怕、shame, 羞耻感,and engage in lying to each other, 彼此说谎受苦,resulting in curses affecting health, 健康受咒诅、mental health, 心理、finances, 财务、marriages, 婚姻、premature death, 早死、accidents, and other aspects of family life. 事故以及家庭生活的其他方面都受咒诅。Forgive us Lord, 主啊,求你赦免我们,for my ancestors didn’t know what they did. 因为我的祖先不知道他们所做的,Just as You interceded for them when You were hanging on the cross. 就像你在十字架上为他们代求一样。Thank You for loving them. 感谢你爱他们。I receive this love and mercy to forgive my ancestors…我接受这份爱和怜悯,来饶恕我的祖先……my grandparents…我的祖父母……my parents…我的父母……who may have done something wrong to you…可能曾对你做错事的人......but remember, forgiveness is the key for you to be set free…但记住,饶恕是你得自由的关键......

Now also, ask the Lord to forgive yourself. 现在也请主赦免你自己。If you have got involved in any occult practice, like: 如果你曾沾染过邪术,比如:Consulting mediums, 求问灵媒、tea leaves, 茶叶占卜、fortune cookies, 幸运饼干、fortune-telling, 算命、horoscopes, 星座、crystal balls, 水晶球、black magic, 黑魔法、charms, 护身符、hypnosis, 催眠、palmistry, 掌相、tarot cards, 塔罗牌、telepathy, 心灵感应、voodoo, 巫术、tattoos, 纹身、yoga, 瑜伽、zodiac studies, 占星学、dead ancestors’ worship, 祭拜祖先、drug addictions, 药物成瘾,or pornography, 或色情,or any games or movies involving zombies or ghosts, 或者任何涉及僵尸或鬼魂的游戏,or books or pictures that cause your imagination to connect to the unknown world. 或引发你幻想与未知世界相连接的书籍或图片。

Lord, forgive me 主啊,求你赦免,for opening a doorway for the spirits to enter my life through these things that are forbidden for Your holy people in the bible. 因着这些在圣经中所禁止的事情,打开了灵界进入我生命的门。I ask You to cleanse me with Your precious blood right now. 我求你用你宝血洁净我。In the name of Jesus, 我奉耶稣的名,I ask Your Holy Spirit to release Your resurrection power into my life, 求圣灵在我生命中释放复活的大能,to disconnect me from the power of fantasy and any lies. 断开我与幻想和谎言权势的连结,I renounce any judgement I made against others, 我弃绝我对他人的论断,I renounce any attachment to my soul and body, 弃绝他们与我灵魂体的连结,Holy Spirit, 圣灵tear down the strongholds of fear, lies, unforgiveness, imagination, lust求你拆毁我里面的惧怕,谎言,不饶恕,想象,淫乱的营垒…and In Jesus’ name 奉主耶稣的名I rebuke them to leave my life我命令他们离开…I ask You, the Spirit of truth, rule over me. 圣灵,真理的灵,求你掌管我。I ask Your resurrection power to break any curses in my life 我求你复活的能力打破我生命中的任何咒诅,and set me free from family curses. 使我摆脱家族诅咒。I give my life to You Jesus. 我把我的生命交给你耶稣,Fill me with Your resurrection power and love. 求用你的复活能力和爱充满我,Ignite the fire of the Holy Spirit in my heart. 在我的心中点燃圣灵的火焰,Make me hunger and thirst for Your truth. 使我饥渴慕义,Coz only the truth can set me free…只有真理能使我得自由……


Thank You, Jesus, 感谢你,耶稣,for setting the captives free through Your truth and power. 你用真理和大能使被囚的得释放,You are so good. 你如此美好。We pray that You will continue to make Your truth and goodness known to us. 祈求你继续向我们彰显你的真理和美善,Help us to make more room for the Holy Spirit to dwell within us, 帮助我们给圣灵更多的空间,让祂在我们内心居住,so that we may walk and grow in Your truth, love, and blessings, 使我们能够在你的真理、爱和祝福中行走和成长,and be a blessing to others. 并成为别人的祝福。 Amen.阿们。



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