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2019-09-29 Mission and Compassion 使命与怜悯

发表于 2024-01-08

 (Matt 9:35-38) (太9:35-38

What is the mission of the Church? 教会的使命是什么?What does the bible say the Church should be doing? 圣经说教会应当做什么?People complain everywhere in the world both West and East,由东到西,在世界各地都会听到这样的抱怨:“the church is like a club” “教会和俱乐部没啥差别”,“attending church no longer makes sense” “去教会没啥意思”,“why should I go to church every week? “干嘛要每周都去?” Last week, the leader from Australia told me, 上星期,一位在澳洲服事的领袖告诉我,that nowadays people think once a week church is too much. 现在人们觉得每周一次聚会都太多。So people just go to a church service once, or twice or three times a month. 所以,人一个月只去一两次,或者两三次。My heart was feeling sad when I heard that. 我听了心里很难过。We really need God to set fire on our hearts, 我们真的当求圣灵的火燃烧我们的心,so that we may live a life worthy of Jesus.让我们可以活出与耶稣呼召相称的生命。

Two weeks ago, we shared a message of faith. 两周前我们分享了信心的道。Jesus healed the two blind men, 耶稣治好了两个瞎子,because they acted in faith,因为他们有真信心,by not feeling rejection when Jesus didnt reply to them,尽管耶稣起先拒绝他们,他们却没有接受被拒绝,and still following Jesus, 仍然一路跟着耶稣,until Gods time would come. 直到神的时间到了。So our Lord Jesus said to them, 主耶稣就说:“according to your faith it will be done for you. 照你们的信给你们成全了吧!” Then their sight was restored. 于是瞎子的眼就开了。

Today, well continue to look at the book of Matthew, chapter 9, verse 35-38今天我们继续来看马太福音第935-38节: 35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” 耶稣走遍各城各乡,在会堂里教训人,宣讲天国的福音,又医治各样的病症。 他看见许多的人,就怜悯他们;因为他们困苦流离,如同羊没有牧人一般。 于是对门徒说:“要收的庄稼多,做工的人少。 所以,你们当求庄稼的主打发工人出去收他的庄稼。”(马太福音 9:35-38

1, The mission of Jesus (v.35). 耶稣的使命(35节)

Jesus went through all the towns and villages throughout the region of Galilee. 耶稣走遍加利利各城各乡。What did he do? 他做了什么? V.35, Teaching. Proclaiming. Healing. Delivering (Matt 10:1).  教导,传道,医治,赶鬼(太101)。The area of Galilee was about 40 miles wide and 70 miles long. 整个加利利大约有70英里 x 40英里那么大。A commentary explains, that in Jesus days there were around 200 cities and villages in that region,有解经资料说到耶稣时代的加利利地区大约有200个城市和村庄,with 15,000 people in the smallest of them. 其中最小地方的人口也有15000人。This means that there were at least 3 million people in the region of Galilee.就是说,当时加利利人口数至少在300万以上。Jesus went about the region of Galilee on a mission to these 3 million people,耶稣走遍加利利,对这300万人传道,teaching in their synagogues, 在会堂里教训人,proclaiming the gospel to them, 宣讲天国福音,healing the sick, 医治病人,and delivering the demon-oppressed people. 赶逐污鬼。 

Jesus was acting on his mission statement which he proclaimed in Luke 4 to these 3 million people in the region of Galilee.他照着在路加福音4章里所宣告的使命宣言,对这300万传道。 (Luke 4:18)The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, 19 to proclaim the year of the Lords favor.” 主的灵在我身上, 因为他用膏膏我, 叫我传福音给贫穷的人; 差遣我报告: 被掳的得释放, 瞎眼的得看见, 叫那受压制的得自由,(路加福音 4:18 This tells us, 这里告诉我们,that as the Son of God, 作为神的儿子,Christ Jesus didnt do anything on his own accord, 耶稣基督没有一件事凭着自己做,but was anointed by the power of God. 而是靠神所膏的能力。The anointed power on him was not to show that he was magic performer, 神的能力降在他身上并不是让他能变魔术,but to proclaim the good news; 而是为了宣讲神的福音,to set people free from lies and the oppression of Satan; 释放人脱离撒旦的谎言和压制,to heal the sick; 医治病人,and to proclaim the day of salvation. 宣告拯救的日子来到。Jesus didnt just proclaim the mission statement, 耶稣不单只宣告他的使命宣言,but he did what he said. 而是真实地行出所讲的。The mission of Jesus is also ours! His churchs!耶稣的使命也是我们的!是教会的!

Look at the vision statement we had had before the service was started two years ago, 早在两年前这聚会没开始之前,神就赐下异象宣言: “We are a group of people originally from local and overseas, chosen by the Lord Jesus, being trained as His true disciples a new creation, being led by the Spirit of truth to walk and to do His will. We will be like an instrument of righteousness, to be His workers into His harvest field, to sow and to reap from locally and overseas; with the help of the power of the Holy Spirit, we will be fruitful and able to make disciples of all nations to glorify Jesus name. 我们是一群被主耶稣拣选和带领、成为他真门徒的本地和海外人士,是被真理的圣灵引导来遵行神旨意的新造的人。我们将成为义的器皿,与神同工,在本地和海外撒种和收割神的庄稼。借着圣灵能力的引领,我们将结出累累果实,使万民成为主的门徒,荣耀主的名。

We know that we are walking on that patch by the leading of the Holy Spirit, 我们正在被圣灵带领走在这启示里,although there is a long process of preparing our lives to be like instruments of righteousness, 尽管在我们的生命要经过很长的阶段来预备才能成为义的器皿,we have already seen some fruit of being His workers into His harvest field. 但我们已经看见神差祂工人上禾场收割的果子。The number of people attending the service has grown over the two years. 两年过去,参加聚会的人数增长了,12 people were harvested for Gods Kingdom by receiving baptism. 12个人受洗进入神的国。This is just a beginning of God showing His faithfulness to us. 而这仅只是神显出祂信实的开始。We will see more and bigger thing to happen in this place, 这里必将发生更多更大的事,if we continue doing what is right in Gods eyes. 若我们继续行神眼里看为正的。

What are we as a church supposed to do?作为教会,我们当做什么? After Jesus rose from the dead,耶稣复活之后,he said to His disciples,对门徒说, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you. John 20:21” “愿你们平安!父怎样差遣了我,我也照样差遣你们。” (约翰福音 20:21The Church as the body of Christ is called to carry on Jesus mission. 教会作为基督的身体,当继续耶稣的使命。We are called to carry on Jesus mission -我们蒙召是为完成耶稣的使命: “Teaching. Proclaiming. Healing. Delivering. 教导,传道,医病,赶鬼。But nobody can just do it and be successful without being clothed with the power from on high! 然而,若没有从上头来的能力,无人可以做到!So Jesus commanded the disciples,所以主耶稣才吩咐门徒, “but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high. Luke 24:49” 我要将我父所应许的降在你们身上,你们要在城里等候,直到你们领受从上头来的能力。”(路加福音 24:49Do you know why? 为什么?Because the mission of Jesus draws us into spiritual warfare, 因为主的宣教使命是把我们带进属灵争战里,that we are gonna snatch people out of Satans hand and give them back to God! 我们要从撒旦的手中夺回灵魂,归还给神!Without being abiding with the Holy Spirit, we fail miserably.若不住在圣灵里,我们必败的很惨。

In other words, 换句话说,if we arent abiding in the power of the Holy Spirit, 若不住在圣灵的能力里,we are doomed to fail, 我们注定要失败,and also can be attacked by the evil one. 也会被那恶者攻击。 (I remember, more than 10 years ago, 我记得十多年前,we were sharing the gospel in a petrol station, 当我们在一个加油站传福音,our teenage daughter was also with us to hand out leaflets, 十几岁的女儿也和我们一起分发福音单,and answer peoples questions about Jesus. 回答众人关于耶稣的问题。The next day,结果 第二天,s he lost her voice and couldnt speak for a week without reason. 她无缘无故地失声了,整整一个星期说不出话来。I realised that was a spiritual attack. 我意识到这是属灵攻击。Because we hadnt asked for protection over her before she unexpectedly joined us. 因为在没有预备的情况下她突然加入我们一起传福音,我们没有求神来保守她。But thank God,但感谢神,that we learnt sharing the gospel with others is a spiritual warfare. 这使我们认识到传福音是属灵争战。We need the power and the protection of the Holy Spirit. 我们需要圣灵的能力和保护。

How can we be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit ? 我们怎样才能被圣灵的能力充满?

a. Saturate yourself in the Word of God - the Bible. 住在神的话语——圣经里。Jesus is the word of God himself, 耶稣就是神的道,when he walked on earth, 当祂在世上的时候,he testified他见证说,that he could do nothing without remaining in the word of God. 若不住在神的话语里,他就不能做什么。And He calls us to remain in Him, 他呼召我们住在他里面,that is to remain in His words. 就是住在他的话语里。Jesus promises us, 耶稣应许我们说: If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you John 15:7.” 【约15:7】你们若常在我里面,我的话也常在你们里面;凡你们所愿意的,祈求就给你们成就。 It means that if we really stay in Gods words like Jesus did, 这意味着 如果我们若真像耶稣那样住在神的话语里,our prayer will not focus on what we want, 我们的祷告就不会聚焦在我们想要什么,but on the will of God, 而是聚焦在神的旨意上,and it will be done for us. 祂就会给我们成就。

b. Pray earnestly and constantly and fast.恳切地坚持祷告并且禁食祷告。From Acts 1:13, 使徒行传113节,we see that the disciples devoted themselves to prayer with Mary and Jesus brothers in faith, 我们看到门徒们与马利亚并耶稣的弟兄们一同在信心里祷告,and waited in constant prayer for Pentecost. 他们在这样的恒切祷告中等候五旬节降临。Then, 不久,God poured out His Spirit on them. 神就将圣灵浇灌在他们身上。In the history of Christianity, 在基督教的历史上,there are always hungry souls,总有一些饥渴慕义的灵魂,who were praying earnestly, 恳切地祷告,before the power of the Holy Spirit poured out, sometimes with fasting.有时禁食,直到圣灵的大能浇灌下来。And repentance is always the key to revival, 悔改必是复兴的关键,because Jesus is Holy. 因为耶稣是圣洁的。

c. Obey the indwelling Holy Spirit. 顺服内住的圣灵。Romans chapter 8 clearly tells us, 罗马书第8章清楚地告诉我们,that there are two master inside of us,在基督徒的里面有两个主人,which as Christians we can choose to obey. 我们可以选择顺从哪一个。One is the desires of the self, 一个是肉体的私欲,another is the desires of the Holy Spirit.另一个是圣灵的旨意。Galatians 5 reveals加拉太书5章告诉我们,that they are contrary to each other,它们是彼此为敌。If we obey the self, 我们若顺从肉体私欲,we cant obey the Holy Spirit,就不能顺从圣灵的意思。if we cant obey the Holy Spirit, 我们若不能顺从圣灵,we cant be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, 我们就不可能被圣灵的能力充满,then we are unable to fulfil the call, 那样就不可能完成神的使命呼召,and live a victorious life as Christians. 也不可能过一个得胜基督徒的生活。

Jesus showed example for us, 耶稣为我们作了榜样,when Jesus overcame the temptation of the devil in the desert, 当耶稣在旷野胜过了魔鬼的试探,Luke 4:14 says, (路加福音414)说:“Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit. 【路4:14】耶稣满有圣灵的能力,回到加利利。This reveals the spiritual principle of how to maintain the filling of the Spirit. 这揭示了如何能保持圣灵充满的属灵原则。Jesus obeyed the indwell Holy Spirit first,耶稣首先顺服里面的圣灵,and after being tempted 才能在受试探后he returned in the power of the Spirit.满有圣灵能力地回来。So the same for us, 所以我们也是一样,if we want to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, 如果我们想要被圣灵充满,or maintaining the filling of the Holy Spirit, 或者保持圣灵充满,we need to obey God when we are tempted. 我们必须在受试探时顺服神。

In fact, 事实上,there are so many things that can block us to be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. 有许多事物会拦阻我们被圣灵的能力充满。Such as, 比如,doubt or pride attitude, 怀疑或骄傲的态度,unconfessed sins, 未认的罪,accepting lies, etc. 所接受的谎言等等。I also witnessed some people couldnt be filled with the power of God, 我也看到一些人不能被神的能力充满,just because of money. 仅仅因为贪财。When the Spirit urged them to give,当圣灵感动他们要给出去时,the evil one tempted them, 那恶者就来试探他们说,“why should I give?”“我为什么要给?” they obeyed the later one.他们顺从了后者。Then, they lost the opportunity to be filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit, 这样他们就失去了被圣灵的喜乐充满的机会,and also lost strength, 也失去了力量,because the joy of the Lord is our strength! 因为主的喜乐就是我们的力量!

2, The motivation of Jesus. V.36耶稣的动机 36

36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 【太9:36】他看见许多的人,就怜悯他们,因为他们困苦流离,如同羊没有牧人一般。What drives Jesus to teach the truth? 是什么力量促使耶稣去教导真理?What motivates Jesus to proclaim the gospel? 耶稣传福音的动机是什么?For fame?为名望? For recognition? 为得人称赞?For competition?为争大?For money? 为钱财?For title?为头衔?In (Philippians 1:15-18), 在(腓1:15-18),Paul the apostle tells us,使徒保罗告诉我们,that it's possible to preach the gospel with wrong motivations.有人传福音可能是带着错误的动机。Some people imitated and preached Pauls message,有些人模仿并宣扬保罗的信息,in order to become popular like Paul. 是为了能像保罗一样出名。Others saw Paul as a rival or as competition还有些人把保罗视为竞争对手,and sought to become more popular through their own preaching outreach. 试图通过他们自己的传教能够比保罗更出名。V.17 says, 17节说,that those who hated Pauls message, 那些人恨保罗的信息,were deliberately spreading it,他们传基督并不诚实,in order to cause trouble for him. 意思是要加增他捆锁的苦楚。

In bible says, 圣经说, “who can discern their own errors?Psa 19:12” 【诗19:12上】谁能知道自己的错失呢? “all a persons ways seem pure to them, but motives are weighed by the Lord. Proverbs 16:2” 【箴16:2】人一切所行的,在自己眼中看为清洁,惟有耶和华衡量人心。It is right for us to let the Holy Spirit search our hearts, 我们当求圣灵监察我们的心,and adjust our motivations even in doing Gods work. 就算做主工,都当求主纠正我们的动机。Whats Jesus motivation to teach and proclaim the gospel? 耶稣教导和传扬福音的动机是什么呢? Nothing 不是别的,but out of compassion! 乃是怜悯!What does the bible say about compassion?关于怜悯,圣经怎么说?Jesus took our place 耶稣站在我们的地位上and became like us. 成为我们的样式。He didnt hold our wrongdoings against us,他没有计算我们的恶,or condemn us with bitter judgement. 或苦毒的定罪我们。Rather, 然而,he suffered for our sins, 他为我们的罪受苦,in order to forgive us who dont deserve His mercy. 是为了饶恕我们这些本不配得他怜悯的罪人。So compassion means that we recognize the suffering of others. 因此,怜悯就是我们感知他人的苦楚。We suffer with someone else who is like us who dont deserve mercy. 并且与他们一同经历苦楚,他们跟我们一样,也都是本不配得怜悯的罪人。And his heartbreak becomes ours. 他人的伤心就是我们的伤心。Do you see others brokenness and respond with prayer?你看到了他人的不完全,你的反应是为他们代祷吗?and help them instead of picking at their faults, 是帮助他们,而不是挑剔他们的过错吗?in order that they may encounter the power of God to set them free? 是为了他们或许能得着主的大能并得自由?Out of this motivation of compassion, 正是因为怜悯我们,Jesus came to teach us the truth!主耶稣来教导我们真理!Jesus knew that only the truth can set people free! 主耶稣知道惟有真理使人得自由!Without the opening of the words of truth, 如果没有解开的真理的话语,Gods people were harassed and helpless, 神子民就被欺压,无人帮助,like sheep without a shepherd. 像羊没有牧人那样。They were being devoured by wolves. 羊就会被狼吞吃。 

Jesus identifies himself in John 10, 主耶稣在约翰福音 10 章宣告自己的身份,“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep,”“我是好牧人。 好牧人为羊舍命。 ” Not only did he teach, preach, heal and deliver people, 他不仅教导、 传教、 医治和救人,but also he was willing to die for his sheep!而且他愿意为自己的羊而死!Thats Jesus compassion for us! 这是主耶稣的怜悯心!Not only does He see our difficulties, 祂不仅看到了我们的难处,and know our distresses, 了解了我们的困苦,but also, he has shed His blood for the forgiveness of our sins.而且还为我们的罪得赦免而流宝血。This is Gods compassion for us! 这是神的怜悯!Jesus is the only Shepherd that we need to look to! 惟有主耶稣是我们要定睛仰望的好牧人!

Jesus saw the crowds.耶稣看到他的子民。He saw the wounds of people.他看到祂子民受的伤害。He saw people harassed and tormented, 他看到了他们被欺压凌辱,He had compassion on them! 祂怜悯他们!But the disciples did not. 但门徒们却没有。Why? 为什么?Because the disciples saw with their physical eyes, not their spiritual eyes! 因为圣徒是凭着自己的眼睛所见而不是用圣灵的眼睛去看!

Do you see your family members 你的家人(e.g. your neighbours, classmates, colleague, the people around you…或邻居、 同学、 同事、 和你周围的人……) who are grumpy or behave badly with the eyes of Jesus? 爆脾气,行为不好的人,你有以耶稣的眼光看待他们吗?Do you have compassion on them, 你怜悯他们吗,because you see the suffering caused by sin? 因你看到了他们在因罪受苦?Do you cry for them with tears? 你为他们哭泣祷告吗?Do you seek an opportunity to point them to Jesus in love?你是否在爱中寻找机会将他们引向主耶稣?Jesus had a compassion for the crowds, 耶稣对众人有怜悯心,and we are His temple, 我们是他居住的圣殿,and He wants us to have compassion on them instead of indifference and bitter judgement! 他希望我们对他人有怜悯心,而不是冷漠和论断!

3, Jesus calls us to be the workers of His harvest field. v, 37-38 主耶稣呼召我们成为丰收的庄稼的做工者。37-38

37 Then he said to his disciples, 37 节他对门徒说,“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 要收的庄稼多,做工的人少。 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. 38 节所以你们当求庄稼的主,打发工人出去收他的庄稼。 ” Jesus didnt hide the problem from us, 耶稣并没有向我们隐瞒问题,although the harvest is plentiful, yet the workers are few!尽管庄稼很多,但工人却很少!The kingdom of God needs more workers! 神的国需要更多工人!Actually, its not a problem!实际上,这不是问题!Jesus is offering us a great opportunity to be His co-workers into His harvest! 耶稣是在给我们一个很好的机会,与祂同工收割庄稼!In fact, who will be able to share in the Masters happiness?实际上,谁能分享主人的丰收喜悦?Only those people who have been faithful with little things. 只有那些在小事上忠心的人 (see Matt 25:23) 见马太福音 25:23! Jesus doesnt call for pastors, 主耶稣不是召牧师、missionaries, 宣教士、 evangelists, 传道人、 leaders, or teachers, 领袖或教师,here He calls for workers!他在呼召“工人”!Jesus is calling you and me to the harvest field of men, 主耶稣呼召你我去收割庄稼,women, seniors and kids who need Jesus around us and beyond!就是向远处和近处有需要主耶稣的男人、 女人们,老人和小孩子们传福音!The kingdom of God needs selfless workers! 神国需要无私的工人!The workers who have the compassion of Jesus! 像主耶稣一样有怜悯的工人!The workers have the eyes of Jesus to see the needs, the cry, and the suffering with Jesus! 需要有耶稣那样的属灵眼光、看到“那些有需要的,哭泣的和在受苦中的灵魂”!The workers that can be sent. 耶稣要的是能被差遣的工人。

Today, there are only one-third of seven billion people in the world who claim to be Christians, 如今,世界上七十亿人口中只有三分之一自称是基督徒,that means there are at least 4.7 billon people who are heading to the eternal separation from the Good Shepherd.这意味着至少有 47 亿人正走在与好牧羊人永远隔绝的道路上。There are 74% of non-Christians in Europe, 欧洲非基督徒占74%,75% of non-Christians in Latin America and the Caribbean. 拉丁美洲和加勒比地区 非基督徒占75%。There are 87% of non-Christians in Asia and Pacific, and 88% in North America. 亚太地区 非基督徒占87%,在北美占 88%。The harvest is plentiful, 庄稼很多,but the workers are few. 工人很少。However, 但是,Jesus didnt say, 主耶稣并没有说,“the workers are few, so that you can recruit workers.” “工人少,你们去多招些工人吧。 ”Rather Jesus said, 主耶稣却是说,“ask (pray) the Lord of the harvest!”“你们当求庄稼的主!” Because its not us who can win any souls back, only the Holy Spirit can! 因为不是靠着我们自己可以赢得任何灵魂,只有圣灵才能!The Holy Spirit is the true souls winner! 圣灵才是真正的灵魂收割者!Jesus calls us to pray! 主耶稣要我们起来祷告!To ask the Lord of the harvest to send out worker into His harvest field! 求那庄稼的主打发工人出去收他的庄稼! Its all about Him. 这一切都在于神。

Im glad that God has brought you here who have a heart for the Kingdom to flourish! 我很高兴主把你们带来,是因着你们都有盼望神国度扩张的心!I thank God for your willingness in serving the church in various ways! 我感谢主,因你们乐意在各种方式,各样事上服事教会!But we still need to pray for more workers! 但我们仍然需要祈求更多的工人!The workers are still few! 工人很少!But the harvest is plentiful! 要收的庄稼多!Jesus is calling you and me into a gospel partnership as we ask the Lord for harvest workers! 当我们向主祈求更多工人时,主耶稣在呼召我们成为祂的同工!Are your hearts burdened for the lost? 你对那些迷失的人有负担吗?Do you feel the pain of their sin in your heart? 你因着他们犯罪而心痛吗?So you cry for them with tears? 你为罪人哭泣祷告吗?Are you willing to work for the harvest? 你愿意为主的庄稼付上辛勤劳动吗?Is this the only pursuit worth devoting your life to as a follower of Jesus? 作为主耶稣的跟随者,这是唯一 值得你奉献一生的追求吗?Would you like to re-commit yourself to the call of Jesus you hear today? 今天,面对祂的呼召,你愿意再次向主耶稣献上你自己吗?Lets sing the last song and pray... 最后让我们来唱诗,祷告…  



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