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[见证] [匹配度:100%] 心里倚靠神就得幫助
我叫Helen,来OTBC很多年了。I'm Helen, and I've been at OTBC for many years. 感谢主,带我到这里来接受真理,经历很多的神迹,学习走跟随耶稣的道路。Thank the Lord for leading me here to receive the truth, experience many miracles, and learn to walk the p...
发表于 2024-03-18 18:32:21  

[见证] [匹配度:100%] 见证神的怜悯
I am Alan and have been coming to this Church since July 2022 when my now wife, Kayla, invited me to meet her Pastor, Pastor Jane.  An incredible journey with God begun for both of us, but not without pain. 我是Alan,自从2022年7月我现在的妻子Kayla邀请我见她的牧师Ja...
发表于 2024-03-18 18:58:31  

神医治好伤心的人,成为为主摆上的人God healed the brokenhearted; “She” now willing to give her life fully for the Lord弟兄姊妹们平安!Peace to you, brothers and sisters!今天我想分享的是神怎么样医治我伤心的灵魂,What I want to share today i...
发表于 2024-03-18 18:53:28  
