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耶稣使我们和睦 Jesus is our peace

发表于 2024-08-21


My name is Harvey, and I'm from Taiwan. Two days before I returned to Taiwan last month, Weiwei, Alan, and Calvin and Rebecca all had invited me to their homes for a meal.


God truly listens to our prayers. What I asked for was faith and a grounding in the truth, and God sent these brothers and sisters to host me. Through my interactions with them, my faith was greatly strengthened, and I was made more aware not to repeat past mistakes.


I’m grateful for God’s care, for His presence, and for the support of my brothers and sisters who treated me like family. They also encouraged me as I went back to face my family alone, which felt very warm and comforting.


That night before returning to Taiwan, we had dinner and chatted at Calvin and Rebecca’s place until midnight. I thought it would be easier to stay up all night and head straight to the airport.


When I arrived in Auckland, I started to feel incredibly tired and really wanted to lie down and sleep. After boarding in Auckland, I was thrilled to find that the two seats next to me were empty, even though the rest of the cabin was full.


At first, I hesitated to lie down and sleep, waiting to see if anyone would come and sit next to me, but no one did.

刚好旁边有sky couch的设计,就是别人加价包下三个座位可以躺着睡的设计。我看她们都躺着睡觉了,于是也比较放心躺下去睡了。11个小时的飞机能躺着睡太幸福了。

Fortunately, there was a Sky Couch design next to me, where others could pay extra to book three seats and lie down. Seeing others lying down reassured me, so I felt comfortable doing the same. It was such a blessing to be able to lie down and sleep on an 11-hour flight.


I’m truly grateful to God for His love; He not only gave me three seats but also knew I was hesitant to lie down and arranged for others to show me how, allowing me to sleep peacefully.


I felt joy and gratitude for this. During my journey back to Taiwan, He made His presence known from the beginning, helping me face the challenges with my family.


Wow! Even in such small matters, He cares and arranges things so meticulously, and I know He has a grand plan for the bigger things. I remember Pastor Fu saying that God isn’t just the one who helps her buy cookies; He’s also the one who lets me lie down on my way home!


Thinking about His sovereignty and power instantly increased myfaith.



This trip, I have a few things I wanted to do:

(1) Share my faith in Jesus with my family and bear witness to the Lord. 


(2) Reconcile with my Dad and resolve any unresolved issues. 


(3) Destroy the idols, charms, Buddhist scriptures, and related items from the past. 


(4) Communicate with my wife to reassure her that God is helping me become more responsible, blessing our marriage, and guiding our future in New Zealand. 


(5) I wanted to return to Taiwan with God's presence and peace also, through my actions, bear witness to God's love when I come back to New Zealand. Honestly, I don’t know where to start with these things, so I can only pray about them regularly. 


[Psalm 18:6] “In my distress I called to the Lord; I cried to my God for help. From his temple he heard my voice; my cry came before him, into his ears.” I’m amazed that God is truly alive. He heard my cries and responded to them. 


Be reconciled with my family, for Jesus is our peace.


After I arrived in Taiwan, the first gathering was with my brother to visit my Mum. Surprisingly, my sister, who had previously been unstable and often talked about suicide, also showed up. 


She hadn’t been in contact with Mum for two or three years and would argue after just a few words. Now, she could sit there and listen to Mum’s words completely. 


She mentioned that she felt a sense of divine favour and wanted to change herself, becoming much more cheerful and stable. 


On the way back, my brother gave me a lift on his scooter, and while waiting at a traffic light, we unexpectedly ran into my sister again. 


At that moment, I was thinking about how to arrange a meal with Dad and see if there was a chance to reconcile. 


Suddenly, my brother suggested we have dinner with Dad, and to my surprise, my sister agreed easily. So, the three of us went to Dad’s place together. 


Dad never imagined we’d all be able to gather for a meal. Previously, there would be disagreements or arguments among us, and it had been years since we were all together. 


Today, however, we all came back, smiling and happy, and Dad was overjoyed. Thank God. 


After that day, Dad kindly lent me his motorbike, solving my transportation issues in Taiwan. We also had a normal conversation for the first time in three years of estrangement, and the atmosphere was quite pleasant. 


When he learned from my brother that I had come to faith, he asked me about it, and I admitted it. He didn’t oppose it, which was a relief, as he had previously implied he was worried that none of his children would be devoted to ancestor worship after his death. 


I had been unsure how to tell him about my faith. Thank God for providing me with this opportunity. 


Later, I still felt unsettled, and the Holy Spirit reminded me that I needed to apologise specifically and make amends, not just pray and let it slide. 


So, I went to Dad’s place again, gathered my courage to bring up our past issues, apologised, and promised to honour him. He accepted it, and we reconciled. 


Previously, thinking about the things he had done to me would make me afraid to even approach him, let alone have a one-on-one conversation and apologise. That day, I didn’t think about any of that; I felt completely at peace. 


When my wife and I secretly got married, we had already had a falling-out with Dad. 


After reconciling with him, I introduced my wife to him. This was their first meeting since we had been kicked out of the house. 


My wife, who had previously disliked Dad, was willing to call him “Dad” for the first time and even talked with him alone. Dad was very moved. 


I am truly happy that God not only achieved reconciliation between Dad and me but also between Dad and my wife. This is the power of God. 


[Romans 12:18] “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” 


[Ephesians 2:14] “For he himself is our peace.” 


Later, my wife told me that it was because she saw me forgive and accept Dad that she felt motivated to slowly accept him herself. 


If I had refused to call him "Dad," she wouldn’t have wanted to be the first to call him that. I’m grateful to God for helping me understand that practising forgiveness can touch not only the individuals involved, but also those around us. 


Afterwards, I visited my Grandfather and uncle and bought ten bowls of tofu pudding, which the family loves. It was a very sunny day, and the shop was very busy. I waited in line for 20 minutes and silently prayed for each family member, hoping for an opportunity to share the Gospel. 


In the weeks before I came to faith, I had been plagued by nightmares and spiritual oppression. During that time, I spoke with my Aunt, sharing with her the traumatic details of my childhood. 


She understood that forgiveness requires immense strength to heal the deep-seated shadows in one’s heart. As an elder, she was moved and pleased to see my maturity, transformation, and emotional stability. 


She even joked about coming to faith herself. Later, my brother gave me a similar compliment, saying that seeing me reconcile with Dad was the greatest testimony and a miracle. 


My Uncle is a devout Buddhist, and I was initially afraid to speak to him about my faith, fearing his opposition. 


I never expected that after my Aunt shared my testimony with him, he called me specifically to give his blessings and express his happiness that I had found a spiritual foundation. 


Praise the Lord, the thing I was so worried about turned out to be resolved so easily. 


Next, during a family gathering, God brought along a devout Buddhist Aunt to join us for a meal. 


Praise the Lord, my family members brought up the topic and invited me to share more about my testimony. I kept reminding myself not to judge others, knowing that love is more important than debating knowledge. 


I also spoke about forgiveness, honoring our Parents, and how the Holy Spirit reminds us to reject evil thoughts. They listened without questioning me, and everyone blessed me. 


It's truly unimaginable! It was the best possible outcome. 


[Luke 1:49] “For the Mighty One has done great things for me—holy is his name.” 

二、清除不洁之物信靠祂的必不羞愧。Cleansing Unclean Things: Those who trust in Him will not be put to shame.


After reconciling with my Dad, I went upstairs and destroyed the charms and Buddhist items I had kept in my drawer. 


But then I found an IOU from the god of Wealth temple. I had borrowed $300 from them as a good luck loan and had completely forgotten about it. 


So, I asked Pastor Jane if I needed to repay it, and if so, how? She said, of course, I had to repay it. 


But the temple said I had to either return the money in person or become an online member and pay by card. There was no option for a bank transfer. 


I was stuck in a dilemma. Because after believing in the Lord, one cannot go to temples anymore, nor can one join membership online, and one must definitely repay the money. Pastor Jane suggested I find someone to return the money on my behalf. 

但去这个庙要开车 1.5小时,那个荒郊野外,除非过年求财,才没有人要特地去呢。 

But the temple is a 1.5-hour drive away, in the middle of nowhere, and people only go there during the New Year to pray for wealth. 


When would I ever find someone willing to go there for me? [Psalm 37:5] Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him, and He will act. 


So, I prayed as Pastor Jane taught me, committing the matter to God and asking the Lord to make a way. 


After the prayer, I set aside my worries and went downstairs to have dinner with my Dad. 


He suddenly suggested, along with his current partner, that we drive to the remote hills to eat some free-range chicken. Both agreed, so we set off in his car. 


On the way, they surprisingly showed interest in discussing my testimony and spiritual journey. 


I mentioned how I saw my own faults, my unforgiveness towards my father, and my self-centeredness. After following Jesus, I decided not to focus on myself anymore. 


I said that if my relationship with my father wasn't good, my relationship with my Heavenly Father wouldn't be good either. 


As I spoke, I silently thought, "I really want to love my God, so I'm truly willing to love my Dad." 


I felt the words I spoke had power, and they were moved, saying that my Lord is truly good and not what they expected Christianity to be. 


My dad's partner even jokingly asked if he was interested in joining me in believing in Christ. 


Halfway through the drive, I suddenly realised, "Wait, isn't the god of Wealth temple just ahead?" 


So I asked my Dad if he could help me repay the money, and they happily agreed. 


On the way back, everyone was in high spirits. 


How did everything go so smoothly? I saw God’s response, so quick and faithful. 


I thank God for His guidance every step of the way. When I took practical steps to repent and reconcile with my Dad, He worked in my Dad and made a way for me. God is truly real and alive.

三、爱是永不止息:相信就蒙福 。Love never fails: Believe and be blessed.


I originally thought that my devoutly Buddhist relatives would oppose my faith, but instead, they accepted it and were happy for me. I never imagined that the one who would oppose me the most fiercely would be the person who supposedly loves and understands me the most—my wife. 


What is God trying to reveal to me? It turns out that God says a person’s enemies will be those of their own household. 


One day, I came home two hours late, and my wife, thinking that I had been discussing all sorts of religious nonsense with my brother and not valuing the time to be with her, got extremely angry. She kicked the door, threw things around, and almost kicked me out of the house. 


In the past, whenever I mentioned anything related to Christianity, she would immediately start yelling at me or tell me to shut up. But she would also ask questions, and when I answered, thinking she genuinely wanted to understand, I would end up getting scolded or accused and sent away. 


I used to be the more assertive one, but now I don’t talk back. I respond kindly even when met with coldness, patiently listening and speaking gently. That night, I hid in the bathroom to pray, but she caught me and called me out to scold me.


In the past, I would never have let something like that happen, but now I’m learning to be humble, almost like a servant. The next day, we sat down to talk, and I was so glad that God softened her heart so she was willing to listen as I explained things in non-religious, straightforward terms.


I told her, "Yesterday, when you had that big outburst, you said that if I had treated you the way you treated me, you would have left me long ago. You wondered how I could still endure it.


The One above has taught me not to approach our relationship with self-centeredness because I’ve come to understand that the way I treated you before was wrong. My love was all about control.


One of us has to put aside our self-centeredness to truly accept the other, so I chose to do that. No matter how angry you get, I will accept you. Even if you talk about divorce, I’ll be here waiting for you to change your mind. It’s not because I’m naturally loving, but because Jesus has loved me this way.


With His holiness, Jesus hates sin, and I sin every day, yet He still accepts me and waits patiently for me to turn back to Him. He doesn’t try to control me but instead shows me grace and kindness, remembering me.


Even if you can’t agree with my Christian faith, you’ve still made sacrifices and put in effort, and I believe that shows your love for me.


In 1 Corinthians, it speaks about the true meaning of love: [1 Corinthians 13:4-8] 

4 爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈;爱是不嫉妒,爱是不自夸,不张狂。 

4 Love is patient, love is kind.  It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 

5 不做害羞的事,不求自己的益处,  不轻易发怒,不计算人的恶。 

5 It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking,  It is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 

6 不喜欢不义,只喜欢真理; 

6 Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 

7 凡事包容凡事相信  凡事盼望凡事忍耐 

7 It always protects, always trusts,  always hopes, always perseveres. 

8 爱是永不止息。 

8 Love never fails. 

过去我活在自我中心里,  把自己放在受害者的位置上,只听从自己里面苦毒、自怜、怨恨的声音。 

In the past, I lived in self-centeredness.  I saw myself as the victim.  I listened only to the voices of bitterness, self-pity, and resentment within me. 

觉得自己好可怜,好受伤,  忽略了我爸、妈、老婆,也曾用他们不完全的爱去接纳我,默默支持我。 

I felt so sorry for myself, so hurt.  I overlooked how my dad, mum, and you, my wife,  have all loved me in your own imperfect ways, silently supporting me. 


None of us is perfect.  When I believed and acknowledged that you all love me,  it was as if the knots in my heart untangled. 


I could accept my dad, mum, and you, my wife, a little more.  Thinking of this, I suddenly felt that if I follow Jesus’ example  and love you the way He loves, our marriage is sure to last a lifetime. 


When my wife heard my sharing, she smiled through her tears. 


As a spiritual infant who hasn’t been a believer for long, I really can’t memorize many scriptures yet. With so many urgent matters at hand, I’m hesitant to pray for work or a visa.


For the past few months, I often prayed: "Father, please help me to root myself in truth, increase my faith, and lead me to genuine repentance so that I won’t turn away from You, and so that I’ll know my life has hope, and that You’ll provide for all my needs."


And our Heavenly Father has truly fulfilled His word. [Luke 11:10] For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.


I often receive gifts of fruit, and people have given me blankets and electric heaters. Out of the blue, someone even introduced me to a private caregiving job, which I’ve already started, and a manager helped to recommend me for an employer-sponsored job.


In the past, I lived in isolation and confusion, burdened by invisible heavy chains, deeply bound, and unable to transform myself. After getting to know Jesus, I realised He has been saving me all along. Under the guidance of the Father, I’ve come to recognise my own sins, and I truly see that He is the only one I can rely on.


So, I’ve been diligently listening to sermons and trying to live by the Word, hoping to emulate the faith of the Canaanite woman, waiting for the crumbs of grace to fall from the Master's table.


Before coming to faith, I loved debating and insisted on understanding before believing. Now, I simply believe without questioning. His words are truth, and I know that understanding will follow belief.


Although the future is still full of uncertainties, these experiences have strengthened my conviction that every detail and every event is guided by God, providing me with the best blessings. The only way I can love Him is by completely trusting and obeying Him, and uniting with Him in love.


I’m reminded of a sermon I once heard: "Faith is the channel through which we receive grace; the greater the faith, the greater the blessing. If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can move mountains." And it’s true. Thank the Lord.


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