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发表于 2023-02-27 14:04:38  

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发表于 2023-02-27 14:04:52  

弟兄姊妹们,下午好。我的名字叫Kayla,去年8月7号在新西兰OTBC教会受洗归入神的家。Good afternoon, brothers and sisters. My name is Kayla, and I was baptised into the family of God in OTBC Church in New Zealand on August 7th last year.这将近7个月以来,在我...
发表于 2023-02-27 09:42:07  

I’m Alan Jarvis. I’ve been joining the service for 7 months. 我叫Alan Jarvis,在这里聚会7个月了。 Today I stand here to tell how God, over the past 7 months, has changed the life of a 20 year old Western Christian. 今天我在这里想见证神在过去7个月里,...
发表于 2023-02-27 11:52:38  

发表于 2023-06-14 14:46:11  

[见证] [匹配度:100%] Keith的得救见证
Hello everyone, I'm Keith. 大家好,我是Keith。When I was a child, I heard of a sacred belief called Christianity, 从小,我就听说一种神圣的信仰叫做基督教,and some of my relatives often took me to read the Bible and participate in some church activities. ...
发表于 2023-07-02 14:51:37  

[见证] [匹配度:100%] Melody的得救见证
Hi everyone, I'm Melody. 大家好,我是Melody,Like both Jasper and Keith, 和他们俩一样,I'm 15 years old, 我也是15岁,and go to Burnside High school. 就读Burnside High school. Thank God who brought me here for baptism today. 感谢上帝今天带领我来接受洗礼。When I wa...
发表于 2023-07-02 14:44:41  

Jim的见证:I am Jim Guo, 我是Jim Guo,my wife's name is Lili Gao, 我妻子的名字是Lili Gao,and my son's name is Jasper Guo. 我儿子的名字是Jasper。We come from Beijing, the capital city of China. 我们来自中国的首都北京。I have lived in China for 46 years, 我在中国...
发表于 2023-07-02 14:31:35  

[见证] [匹配度:100%] 神的公义与怜悯
大家好!今天我要来做一个见证,不过是我失败的见证。  Hello everyone! Today I am here to give a testimony, but it's a testimony of my failure.   我感谢神,神的恩慈领我悔改。也可以让我从失败中再次靠着祂的恩典站立。 &...
发表于 2024-03-18 17:58:41  

[见证] [匹配度:100%] 饶恕耳朵得医治
我叫丽丽,在OTBC聚会一年多了。I'm Lili, and I've been attending OTBC for over a year now.感谢主,给我这个机会做见证。Thank the Lord for giving me this opportunity to give a testimony about Jesus and His reality. 在上个主日,有些弟兄姊妹看见了。Last...
发表于 2024-03-18 18:07:14  
