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发表于 2024-03-19

I am Alan and have been coming to this Church since July 2022 when my now wife, Kayla, invited me to meet her Pastor, Pastor Jane.  An incredible journey with God begun for both of us, but not without pain. 我是Alan,自从20227月我现在的妻子Kayla邀请我见她的牧师Jane后,就一直来到这个教会。对于我们俩来说,这是神开启的不可思议的旅程,但并非没有痛苦.

We have been married just over a year. I witnessed her transformation from a psycho, who would blow up and throw knives at me. I witnessed the manifestation of demons. But we see the woman today.  She prays a lot. She connects with the creator God. She has dreams and visions.  She is serving the Free English Class. 我们结婚刚一年多,在这段时间里,Kayla经历了很多。我亲眼目睹了她过去一个神经病的女人曾经她生气发火的时候,我被她扔刀子过来扎我,目睹她被鬼附彰显出来。到今天我们看到的眼前这个女人,靠着经常祷告、与创造我们的神相连接、有梦和异象,为教会的免费英语课服事。

You would expect me to rejoice and praise the Lord. I instead believed the lie that as the head of Kayla and this family, I shouldn’t fall behind Kayla. I forgot to look to Jesus. I looked only at the self and my own expectations of keeping up with Kayla.你会期待我很喜乐并赞美上帝但我相信了一个谎言,我是我们家与Kayla的头,那么我不应该落后于Kayla。但是我忘记去注视耶稣,只看自己,期望赶上Kayla

As a result of the lie, jealousy grew in my heart and I listen to the many voices in my head:

Why can’t I hear from God?

 Why my prayers suck?

Why do I stumble with judgement and fear deep in my heart?

Why can’t I overcome the judgement and fear?







The result of letting the lie in and listening to the voices of the flesh were serious. Disease infected my foot and for a week I applied ointment, but this did nothing and in fact it got worse. 放任谎言并聆听肉体里出来的声音的结果是严重的。我的脚感染了疾病,涂了一周药膏,没有任何作用,事实上情况变得更糟。

Why did my foot get worse? Because in my prayers, I didn’t turn to the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the root cause; instead I was jealous and continued to listen to the negative voices.为什么我的脚病更糟糕了?因为在我的祷告中,我没有转向主,也没有请求圣灵揭示根本原因反而我嫉妒并继续听从消极声音。

But Praise the Lord! He is gracious. After a leaders’ meeting of the English class, the Lord revealed this jealousy and I said a prayer of Repentance with Jane and Kayla and broke all agreement with the evil spirits. The next day I went to put the ointment on my foot, and I realised the foot was completely healed.   但赞美主,他是慈爱的。在一次英语课讨论会后,主显明了这个嫉妒的罪。我和JaneKayla做了悔改祷告,打破了与邪灵的所有联结。第二天我去给脚涂药膏,发现脚完全好了。

Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord for He is merciful to a sinner like me and His love endures forever. Amen. 赞美主,赞美主,因为他怜悯像我这样的罪人,他的慈爱永远长存。阿门。



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