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2022-05-22 Blessing or Slavery to Sin Again 蒙福还是再次被掳(1)

发表于 2024-01-08

Today, 今天, Rebeca will give us her recent testimony about God’s healing and grace Rebeca将和大家分享她最近经历神的医治和恩典的见证。Then I’ll give you a short message about ‘blessing or captivity again” 然后我和大家分享一点关于进入祝福还是再次被囚的信息 Next Sunday we’ll look at it in more details. 下周我们会详细分享这个主题

Rebeca’s testimony Rebeca的见证:

在今年的218日早上 On the morning of February 18 this year, 我妈妈说她作了一个梦my mother said that she had had a dream,梦里见我的头撞到一个正方形的花岗岩石上,撞到头破血流 in which she saw my head hit a square rock and my head was bleeding. 于是我问叶姐这梦什么意思? So I asked Jane what this dream meant? 叶姐说:石头在圣经里都是讲基督Jane said, “The stone in the Bible is all about Christ. 基督是石头,是磐石。Christ is the cornerstone and the rock. 你的头撞石头You hit the stone with your head你用头,自己的方式和基督相撞 which meant you clashed with Jesus in your own way”她问我是否内心在悖逆神She asked me whether my heart was rebelling against God. 我说最近是有悖逆神I said that I had rebelled against God recently,读经读不进So I couldn’t read the Bible properly,也不想祷告and I didn’t want to pray either。因为心里埋怨神没有给我想要的东西Because I complained in my heart that God had not given me what I wanted, 我心里也非常的苦and my heart was also very bitter。我也知道是得罪神的I knew that I had sinned against God,但只是头脑知道But I only knew it in my head,在我心里,我并不明白 and I didn’t know it in my heart

神认识我,怜悯我God knew me and had mercy on me,就借叶姐跟我说so He spoke to me through Jane, “为什么要照你的时间方式去得自己想要的东西呢?why do you wanna get something in your own timing and in your own way? 以色列民在旷野和神闹,有用吗?Think about the Israelites, was it helpful for them to quarrel with God in the wilderness? 结局是自己倒闭在旷野 不能进入应许之地They ended up stranded in the wilderness, and unable to get to the Promised Land. 你不肯信祂的话If you don’t believe in His words,改变自己 to change yourself,若你给悖逆打开门If you open a doorway to disobedience, 你也会遭撒旦的攻击you will also be attacked by the evil one,生命也受损and you will suffer loss,值得吗? Is that worth it? 从这个梦看 From the dream you can see,若是出于神的 If it’s from the Lord,你家就一定有疾病和意外的咒诅your family may have suffered generational curses, like repeated or chronic diseases, and random accidents,   要是悖逆神 if you keep disobeying God 进入家族咒诅的攻击的圈里 and allow the cycle of generational family curses to catch you就要遭殃了 you’ll suffer loss。"当她提到咒诅  When Jane mentioned generational curses我好像有点清醒过来 I seemed to wake up a bit

神说,寻求就能寻见God said, seek and you will find。我开始寻求神,等候神释放的时候I began to seek God and waited for the time that God would deliver me. 但为什么我的心还是对神的话没有热情But why was my heart still not enthusiastic about the words of God,读不进去I was unable to read the bible祷告也堵住了and my prayers couldn’t get through。一直到411日晚上Until the night of April 11, 我做了一个梦I had a divine dream,是神光照我罪的梦in which God convicted me of sins只是知道自己得罪了神 but I only knew that I had sinned against God 但具体是什么罪,自己却不知道 what the specific sins that I had committed I still didn’t know. 神在一步一步借着我的寻求显明出来,God was revealing something to me step by step through my pursuing我却不晓得祂在做事 but I didn’t even realize that.

就在413日那天On April 13, 我和父母视频 I had a video call with my parents,跟妈妈说这边的维生素好 I said to my mum that NZ’s vitamins are better 邮寄给他们 and I would post some to them我爸就说国外的货物不好 My dad said they are not better than their local vitamins, 我就笑我爸 I teased my dad, 为什么你心脏支架用美国货 why do you use American products for your heart stents? 我爸听后,非常生气When my dad heard this, he was very angry。就在当天半夜, 大约二点左右 That night, about 2pm,我两肩膀突然非常疼痛 I felt my shoulders were very painful,痛到不能睡觉I couldn’t sleep because of the pain,只能起床读经祷告 I could only get up to read the bible and pray,很奇怪,当读经祷告时就好一些 Strangely, as I was reading the bible I felt a little bit better。那晚上我三次痛醒,完全不能睡觉I woke up three times that night and couldn’t sleep at all。这痛是半夜刺痛,白天就不怎么痛了。The pain was stabbing in the middle of the night, but went away during the day. 但白天也感觉不是太舒服 But I still could feel the uncomfortable feelings in my shoulders.

自己也猜测,会不会是因为罪,I wondered whether it was because of my sins所以才这样(因为神先有梦) coz I had had a dream before the pain happened. 也想到陈哥的30天腿疼被魔鬼掐,和我现情况太像了。Meanwhile, I recalled the testimony Raymond gave that he had suffered from leg pain for nearly 30 days due to disobedience, and I found that I was quiet like the thing he went through. 那是非一般的疼痛It was incredibly painful, 钻心的痛heart-piercingly painful,每天到睡觉时At that period each night before I went to bed,就担心晚上会不会痛I was worried whether my shoulders would hurt at night or not。晚上就又痛了Then the pain came back again in the night,因为痛,所以每天寻求神Because of the pain, I sought God every day,在我自己知道的事上去认罪祷告, and asked God to forgive me whatever I could realize was a sin,但还是没能改变现状but the situation didn’t change,一直疼痛了7 I kept suffering from the pain for 7 days 我没有去看医生I didn’t go to see the doctor,因我刚做了体检, 一切指标都正常I just had had a medical checkup and everything was normal.

421日周四下午 On April 20, a Thursday afternoon,我去找叶姐 I went to see Jane她问了我的情况She asked me about my situation,突然她问我and suddenly she said to me,”在这痛之前有没有论断权柄”Had you judged God’s delegated authority before you suffered from the pain?” 我开始想不起 I had no idea about that,心里向神做了个祷告 but I prayed to God in my heart. 刚做完这祷告After I had finished my prayer,神就让我想起那晚和妈妈的视频I was reminded that that night I had had a video call with my parents,取笑挖苦爸爸I had teased my dad。叶姐让我读箴言3017, Jane gave me Proverbs 30:17 to read戏笑父亲,藐视而不听从母亲的,他的眼睛必为谷中的乌鸦啄出来,为鹰雏所吃。The eye that mocks a father, that scorns an aged mother, will be pecked out by the ravens of the valley, will be eaten by the vultures.

我这才知道自己戏笑父亲I then realized that I mocked my father,属灵的眼睛瞎了 I was blinded in my spiritual eyes,自己还被魔鬼欺压 and was oppressed by the evil one叶姐就带我作了承认自己的过犯Jane then led me into a prayer in which I confessed my sins 接受主耶稣的饶恕并去接纳饶恕爸爸的祷告 and I received the power of forgiveness of Jesus Christ to forgive myself and forgive my dad。祷告完After the prayer,叶姐对我说Jane said to me, 她的领受是疼痛会好很多 she had a revelation from the prayer that I would feel much better,但还会有一点点But there would be a little pain remining,7天后会消失 it would last 7days,为让我学习敬畏神 it was for me to learn how to revere God但她也为我祷告But Jane also interceded for me若神觉得还有什么事没有洁净的,求祂继续显明。That if there were still something which needed to be cleansed in God’s eyes, she asked God to keep revealing it to me. 

当晚的疼痛真是减少了很多,That night I did get much better终于可以睡觉了and I slept well,就像祷告完叶姐所领受的just as Jane had declared to me after the prayer。神认识我, God knew me认识我里面的罪的营垒 and He knew what strongholds lay within me,神不是单单要医治我肉体,God didn’t just want to heal my body更是要来医治我的心和我和父母的关系 but also wanted to heal my heart and my relationships with my parents,教我如何除掉我内心的坚固营垒 and teach me how to get rid of the strongholds within me.

可是我不明白神的心意But at that moment, I didn’t understand God’s will. 我只想让我自己不受疼痛的折磨。I only wanted to get my pain sorted. 我也不认识属灵的世界,不警醒,I didn’t really know the reality of the spiritual world, and I wasn’t alert也不知道只是嘴巴的悔改,内心的营垒不去打掉, I didn’t even know if I just prayed with my mouth but I didn’t try to tear down the strongholds within me,仇敌还会来反攻the enemy would come back to tempt me again. 我以为祷告疼痛得了医治,就没事了 I thought if I had prayed and God had healed my pain, the game was over。感谢神怜悯我,也知道我不明白。I thank God for His mercy, that He knew that I didn’t really understand what He wanted me to understand through this incident.

周四先让我经历神医治的真实 After Thursday when I experienced God’s healing,周五晚上考试就来了 a similar testing of faith came again on Friday这次是妈妈视频,This time I had a video call with my mum只是对像换成了妈妈,事情也换了。This time it’s not my dad but my mum, and with a different topic,我又失败了 I failed again. 因为我没有真信神话语的严重性,Because I didn’t really believe the seriousness of the word of God也不明白箴言3017节真正的意思,and I didn’t really understand Proverbs 30:17, 没认识到自己里面害我自己的营垒有多大 as well as the power of the stronghold within me that could harm me.

在和妈妈的视频中During the conversation with my mum on screen,我又和妈妈在孩子教育问题上起了争论I got into an argument with my mum over the topic about how to educate children, 并且我觉得我的方式比她的好 and I thought my way was better than her way, 我们就很快了结束了视频 we ended the video call quickly。结束视频后After the video call,我心里有点生气I felt that my heart wasn’t in a good place,去向神祷告and I prayed,想起了周四的讲道 I was reminded of what I had heard at the bible study,我的判断是照自己觉得好的去判断That I was judging according to what I thought was better, 那也不是出于神that was judging out of the tree of good and evil which wasn’t from God, 是照着吃分辨善恶的果子的旧人在判断不是出于神的but I still believed that my way was better than my mum’s.但我还是觉得我的方式比妈妈的好。

当天是周五 that night (Friday night), 半夜两个肩膀又疼起来 in the middle of the night I felt my two shoulders were in pain again没办法睡觉I couldn’t sleep again。我也知道肯定是自己的问题 This time I knew that I had a problem with me again 但不知道问题出在哪里 but I didn’t know what was wrong. 神怜悯,Thank God for His mercy一早就感动了叶姐给我发短信 Saturday morning,问我怎样了Jane asked me how it was going?我就把和妈妈视频的事告诉叶姐I told Jane what had happened to me and also about the video call I had had with my mum. 她说,Jane said, 主耶稣理解我们,因为他来代替我们,他知道我们的弱点, “Jesus understood us because He came to stand in our place, he knew our weakness, 他知道你妈妈的观点从哪来里,也知道你的观点从哪里来 and He knew where your mum’s perspectives come from and where yours come from. 它们是从你生活的世界中得来,They were picked up from the world in which you were living; 他们都不是来自真理They were all not from the truth, 但耶稣没有揪住你的错不放,而是为你的罪而死but Jesus didn’t count your faults but died for your sins, 如果你真的相信你的观点来自神if you really believe your perspectives were from God, 你就应该效法基督的脚步 you should have followed in Jesus’ footsteps 向自己的对而死,to die to your own rightness 并且为妈妈祷告and to pray for your mum 并交托神让祂来证实你的观点是出于祂and leave room for God to prove that yours was from Him. 不然的话Otherwise, 你的也是自义 yours are also from self-righteousness.”

叶姐还说Jane also said, 神是公义的”God is just, 祂看见也知道你父母已经把他们所有的给了你He sees and knows that your parents have already given you what they have, 他们为支持你已经把自己所有的都给了你 they have supported you financially by giving you all they have. 这是他们对你的在天然人里面的爱That’s the love they could show you in the natural. 你用什么回报了你的父母呢How have you repaid to your parents? 你从心里感谢他们吗Do you thank them from your heart? 你觉得你爱他们比他们爱你更多吗?Do you love them better than they love you? “ 没有No, 我意识到我还从来没有想过这个问题 I realized that I hadn’t even thought about this before. 我觉得我爱父母I thought I loved my parents, 但挖到心里深处but digging deeper into my heart, 里面是对他们的论断 there was judgement, 不感恩ingratitude, 不服disobedience and 不饶恕 unforgiveness towards them. 我觉得我是对的I thought I was right,他们是错的 they were wrong. 因为这些Because of that, 我打开了门让魔鬼来折磨我I opened the door to the devil to come in and torture me. 那天That day, 叶姐又带了我做了一些认罪和饶恕的祷告Jane led me in a prayer of confession and forgiveness again. 感谢主Thank God, 神的工作是何等的真实the work of God was so real to me. 那天晚上,我又可以睡觉了That night I could sleep again, 也不感觉痛了and the pain was gone. 但还是有点不舒服 But there was still a little bit discomfort in my two shoulders. 我还没有完全得医治I hadn’t had a full healing yet. 

叶姐说,需要我和妈妈都来到神面前彼此饶恕(因为我和妈妈都是基督徒)。Jane said that I and mum needed to come to the Lord to forgive each other. (because my mum is also a Christian). 于是在 428日周四下午(那天正好是第一次祷告完,得了医治的第7天)So on 18 April, another Thursday afternoon,  that was just the seventh day after the first prayer I had done and got much better) 我来到叶姐家和妈妈视频 I went to Jane’s place and called my mum,我们一起来到神面前,认罪悔改 we came to the Lord together and I confessed my sins and asked mum to forgive me。那天神大大的同在That day the presence of God was so strong, 当我认罪悔改后,立刻,我的肩膀就不痛了 after the prayer, the strange feeling in my shoulders was totally gone. 神再次医治我God healed me again. 感谢主医治我的身体和心灵 Thank God for His healing for my body and soul.

以赛亚书 53:4 他诚然担当我们的忧患,背负我们的痛苦;我们却以为他受责罚,被 神击打苦待了。5 哪知他为我们的过犯受害,为我们的罪孽压伤。因他受的刑罚,我们得平安;因他受的鞭伤,我们得医治。6 我们都如羊走迷,各人偏行己路,耶和华使我们众人的罪孽都归在他身上。Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. 5 But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed. 6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

在祷告中,During the last prayer我真的好像看见了因着自已属灵瞎眼my eyes were opened to see that because of the blindness of my spiritual eyes,我对父母的好都是表面上的,I had honoured my parents outwardly做给人看的,to show people that I was good自己也觉得那是对父母好,and I had deceived myself that I was good其实内心里因着吃分辨善恶的果子,but inwardly due to the fruit of eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil 就论断他们I had judged them in my own way,论断神赐的权柄 I had judged God’s delegated authority,我的罪压伤了基督I crushed Christ by my own sins,在叶姐一次次的带我祷告中,during the prayer Jane was leading me to 我真看到自己是对父母没有基督那样的爱I see clearly that I didn’t have the love that Jesus gave me for my parents 没有感恩 I thanked them deeply from my heart,也没有怜悯 and mercy on them,当看到自己里面的恶 When I saw my own sin.里面的埋怨,都是自己的罪 I recognized that it was my own sins which had brought me into bitterness and suffering。那时,我才深深的看到主耶稣对我饶恕,怜悯,和爱That day, I experienced Jesus’ forgiveness, mercy and love in a deep way,把我的罪都担在他自己的身上 all my sins were put on His shoulders我哭啊,哭啊,I was crying and crying with tears神的爱充满了我的心,God’s love filled my heart我心里真的有点神那样的爱进来,带我去尊重父母,I had the strength to honour my parents with the love Jesus showed me on the cross为他们怜悯代祷 and am able to pray for them now.

这次神对我的管教 From the discipline I experienced this time,让我认识到,不能去顺服论断I learnt that I couldn’t yield to judgement,不能去让基督十字架上舍命除罪的咒诅的功效,I couldn’t nullify what Christ had done on the cross to cancel the curses of my sins 因着我论断父母,because of continuously committing the sin of judgement towards God’s delegated authority. 因着我在环境里的不信,就废了基督的付上除咒诅的功效。I couldn’t nullify what Christ had done on the cross to cancel the curses of my sins through my unbelief.

我知道这营垒不是一天就建起来的,Now the strongholds aren’t fully built in one day感谢神的怜悯,祂差遣祂的儿子基督耶稣,祂的圣灵,祂的话语来拯救我Thank God for His mercy that He send His Son Jesus Christ, His Spirit, and His words to save me. 并且安排了教会和祂的仆人来引导我借悔改经历祂的真理Also I thank Him for providing me this church and sending His servant to help me to experience the truth through true repentance. 这不是单单关于医治This is not just about healing, 这是让我认识基督钉十架,救我们脱离累代家族咒诅的真实。For me it’s about tasting the reality that Christ died on the cross to redeem us from the curses of sins, 是那样的真实which was so real. 

这次我认识到若我继续走老路I learnt if I keep going on in the old way 并且照坚固营垒的声音去想去做and live according to what the strongholds tell me to think and to do, 邪灵们就会来折磨我the evil spirits will come to torture me, 并且我的失败也影响我的孩子来论断我and my failure can also cause my son to judge me, 这就像一个累代的捆锁this is like a generational chain,若我不饶恕我的父母去论断他们 if I don’t forgive my parents and judge them, 我的孩子也论断我my son will also judge me, 那样家族里的循环坏事就还会发生在我们身上then the cycle of the bad things in the family will continue to have power in us 因着悖逆神的命令because of our disobedience to God’s commands. 那样,人怎么能从我们身上看见借着耶稣在十字架上的工作带给我们的祝福呢?then how can people see that we are blessed through Jesus’ work on the cross? 感谢神在我身上奇妙的工作Thank God for His amazing work in me. 319 凡我所疼爱的,我就责备管教他,所以你要发热心,也要悔改。Revelation 3: 9 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. 感谢主借着管教使我认识祂的恩典和怜悯!Thank God for allowing me to experience His grace and mercy through discipline.

Today’s message今天的信息:

Wow, ,we have such an awesome God 我们的神奇妙,who has been doing such awesome things amongst us. 祂一直在我们中间做奇妙的事。Thank God for making His way know to us through Rebeca’s testimony. 感谢神藉Rebeca的见证让我们来认识祂的道路。Probably some may say, 也许有人会说: “Oh, this is not my life, , 这不是我的人生经历,this’s so far away from my experience with God. 这和我对神的经历相差甚远,This is just Rebeca’s story.” 这只是Rebeca的事。” But actually, 但实际上,the word of God never changes, 神的话语永不改变,and God shows no favouritism to anyone. 祂也不偏待人。Blessings and curses are quite real in the bible. 圣经中所提到的祝福和诅咒是完全真实的。In Gal 3:13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.” 14 that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. 【加3:13-14】基督既为我们受了咒诅(原文作,就赎出我们脱离律法的咒诅,因为经上记着:凡挂在木头上都是被咒诅的。”14这便叫亚伯拉罕的福,因基督耶稣可以临到外邦人,使我们因信得着所应许的圣灵。

These two bible verses tell us, 这两节经文告诉我们, that there is a purpose hidden in Jesus’ work on that cross. 主耶稣在十字架上所成就的工隐藏着一个目的。What is that purpose? 是什么目的呢?It’s to free us from the curses of sins就是释放我们脱离罪的咒诅, and bring us into the blessings of Abraham 带领我们进入亚伯拉罕的祝福,that we may receive the promised Spirit of God. 使我们可以得着所应许的圣灵。Let’s think about it, 想想看, if Jesus died on the cross in order to set us free from curses, 如果耶稣钉十字架是为救我们脱离咒诅, curses must be very serious and real. 那么诅咒一定是非常严重又非常真实的。Otherwise, he wouldn’t have done that  否则,祂不必这么做。If Jesus paid the penalty for us 如果主耶稣为我们受刑罚,so that we can receive blessings, 使我们可以得祝福, then, blessings must be very real. 那么这祝福一定是非常真实的。Because God never tells lies. 因为神从不说谎。Yes, we’re under the new covenant. 是的,我们在新约之下。But still we’re called to follow in His footsteps. 但我们仍被呼召要跟随祂的脚踪行。 Gal 6:8 tells us, 6:8告诉我们,whatever we choose to follow there are always consequences 我们的选择决定我们将承受的后果。Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Gal 6:8)顺着情欲撒种的,必从情欲收败坏;顺着圣灵撒种的,必从圣灵收永生。(加6:8 “You’re slaves to the one whom you obey --- whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness. Romans 6:16b” (岂不晓得你们)顺从谁,就作谁的奴仆吗?或作罪的奴仆,以至于死;或作顺命的奴仆,以至成义。(罗6:16下)

They tell us, 这些话告诉我们, moving from cursing to blessing requires a response. 脱离诅咒、进入祝福需要我们去有行动配合。Moving from bondage to blessing depends on how we choose to respond. 脱离捆绑、进入祝福取决于我们选择如何去。It doesn’t happen automatically to move our lives out of slaves to sin, 我们的生命脱离罪的奴役、or out of oppression, or out of defeat 脱离压制和失败、and come into a place of blessing. 进入祝福的过程不会自动发生。It aways requires how we actually respond to God’s word. 这取决于我们如何真实去活出神的话。If we fail to respond to God, 我们若不行在神的话里, but choose to respond to the old ways of thinking, 却选择行在旧的思维模式里,we’ll end up in bondage again  就必再次被罪辖制。

But God knows our weaknesses, 但神知道我们的软弱, He knew that we’ll always fail to follow His commands in our sinful nature, 知道我们在旧人里根本不可能遵行祂的命令,that’s why He sent His Son Christ to die on our behalf所以祂差遣祂的儿子基督替我们死, and sent His Holy Spirit to be with us. 又差遣祂的圣灵与我们同在。The Holy Spirit comes to bless us, 圣灵来是为祝福我们,He comes to help us, 帮助我们,He comes to give us spiritual wisdom  and discernment, 赐给我们属灵的智慧和辨别力,and He convict us of sins, 并光照我们的罪,so that we may know what a sin is, 使我们认识自己的罪,and when we confess our sins, 当我们承认自己的罪、and we repent and bring them to the cross, 悔改,把它们带到十字架,Jesus’ cross will cancel our debt, 主耶稣的十字架必免了我们的债, and the Holy Spirit will deliver us from the hands of our enemies to set us free. 圣灵必救我们脱离仇敌的手,叫我们得以自由。The more debts we have that are cancelled, 我们被赦免的债越多,the more we’ll love Him. 我们对祂的爱就越多。And the Holy Spirit comes to strengthen us and heal us, 圣灵来了为要坚固我们、医治我们,and He’ll guide us and lead us into all His truth, 并引导带领我们进入祂一切的真理,and transform us to be more like Him. 改变我们更像祂, Is our God good? 我们的神好不好?Is He worthy of our thanks and praises? 祂配不配得我们献上一切的感恩和赞美? Let’s not take the blessing of the Holy Spirit for granted. 不要以为圣灵的祝福是理所当然的。 Let’s give Him a shout of Halleluiah. 让我们向祂欢呼哈利路亚。Thank You, Lord Jesus. 感谢你,主耶稣。We thank You for Your wonderful love towards us. 我们感谢你奇妙的爱。We thank You for Your goodness. 感谢你的仁慈。You’re worthy of our praise! 你配得我们尊崇!Let’s sing the last song, “worthy of it all”. 让我们来唱最后一首诗歌“worthy of it all”


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