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2022-05-29 Blessing or Captivity Again 蒙福还是再次被掳(2)

发表于 2024-01-08

Last time, we heard Rebecca’s testimony 上周我们听了Rebecca的见证,and learnt that blessings and curses are quite real in the bible. 认识到圣经中所提到的祝福和诅咒是全然真实。Some say 有人说: “We’re under the new covenant, “我们在新约之下,and we have Jesus who died and was cursed on the cross for our sins, 耶稣为我们的罪死在十字架上,已经担当了我们的咒诅,so we’re blessed through Him.”  因此我们藉着祂得了祝福。”That’s absolutely right. 这是完全正确的。But that doesn’t mean that through Jesus we receive blessings free of God’s commands. 但是,这并不意味着我们不遵行神的命令也可以靠耶稣得祝福。

If we say we believe in Jesus若我们说我们信耶稣, but we don’t do what He says却不肯行祂的命令. One example in Matt 18在太18, Jesus tells us主耶稣说, that the one who doesn’t forgive those who has sinned against him will be put into a jail to be tortured. 那个不肯饶恕得罪他的人将被交给掌刑的。In other words换句话说, he’ll lose blessing,这个人会失去祝福 but will go into captivity again. 进入再次被掳的光景。Consequently 结果是,that person will walk outside of the blessings and lose his peace. 那人会失去祝福,也失去平安。And he may be sick physically, spiritually, or mentally as a result of being tortured 他被折磨,就会导致身、心、灵的疾病,until he repents. 除非他悔改。So blessing or captivity again? 所以,蒙福还是再被掳? You choose. 你自己选择。Today, we’ll continue to look at今天我们继续来看 Gal 3:13-14, Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree.”14 He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. 【加3:13-14】基督既为我们受了咒诅(原文作),就赎出我们脱离律法的咒诅,因为经上记着:凡挂在木头上都是被咒诅的。”14这便叫亚伯拉罕的福,因基督耶稣可以临到外邦人,使我们因信得着所应许的圣灵。

1, What does the blessing refer to? “祝福”是指什么

We’re told that Christ paid a ransom for us, 神的话告诉我们,基督为我们付上了赎价,so that we could be set free from the curse of our sins, 使我们得以从罪的咒诅中释放出来,and receive blessings through Jesus Christ by faith. 并藉耶稣基督、因信得着祝福。There’re two things included in the blessing. 这祝福包含两个方面。Number one, we then can participate in the covenant God made with Abraham (v.14a). 第一,我们可以与神和亚伯拉罕所立的约有份(14a)Number two, we receive the Holy Spirit (v.14b).  第二,我们得着圣灵(14b)

The Holy Spirit is the source of blessing. 圣灵是祝福的源头。 When He comes into us, 当祂进入我们里面,He wakes us up, 祂使我们的心苏醒,He intercedes for us, 为我们代求,He gives us strength and wisdom; 赐给我们力量和智慧; He restores and guides us into all His truth, 祂恢复、引导我们进入一切的真理,and He transforms us. 更新我们。So it’s through the Holy Spirit that we’re blessed因此,是借着圣灵蒙祝福 and we may live a blessed life as the Son Christ did. 并可以像神的儿子一样活出蒙福的生命。“Holy Spirit, we love You, we don’t wanna grieve You”. “圣灵啊,我们爱你,我们不要让你担忧”。

Eph 1:3 says, Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.  【弗1:3】愿颂赞归与我们主耶稣基督的父 神,他在基督里曾赐给我们天上各样属灵的福气。It tells us, 这节经文告诉我们,that we’re blessed in the unseen (heavenly) realms. 我们所得的祝福是属于肉眼不能见的(天上的)领域。 But how can people know that I’m blessed in Christ? 可是人怎能知道自己在基督里得了祝福? I have a task to do that is to cooperate with God 我需要做的就是与神同工,to make it manifest in my life, 让这祝福藉我的生命彰显出来,so that people will see that I’m blessed 让人看见这祝福,and be attracted to God. 也被上帝吸引。We see this from the life of Joseph. 我们可以从约瑟的生活中看到这一点。He walked in blessing. 他行在祝福中。 Despite his circumstances, he was promoted by God. 尽管他身处困境,却被神高举。He was taken away all his resources and sold as a slave. 他被剥夺了所有的,并被卖作奴隶。Image, what if your brothers took away all your resources 如果你的兄弟们抢夺了你的一切,and sold you to Africa as a slave? 还把你卖到非洲作奴隶,你会怎样?did you feel like the end of the world? 感觉就像世界末日? self-pity? 自卑自怜? Or did you feel resentful towards them? 还是怨恨他们? But Joseph walked in faith. 但约瑟却凭信心行事。God became his source of provision, protection, and promotion. 神成了供应他、保护他、高举他的源头He prospered in the land of Egypt. 他在埃及地兴旺起来。Joseph walked in blessing because of his faith 约瑟行在祝福中是因他的信心。

All Joseph’s resources from man were taken away, 约瑟从人那里得到的一切都被夺去了,but no one could take away the presence of God from him. 但却没有人能将神的同在从他那里夺去。All your resources can be taken away, 你所拥有的一切可以被夺走,but if you take God as the source of your blessings, 但是你若以神为你祝福的源头,and you do His commands in faith, 并以信心遵行祂的命令,He will be all your resources 祂就必成为你的一切的充足。Gen 39:2 says, The Lord was with Joseph and he was prospered.  【创39:2下】耶和华与他同在,他就百事顺利。

It means that everything God put in his hand was worked out well. 这是说神交给他每件事都做的很好。And He also became a blessing to his brothers who sold him as a slave. 他又让卖他作奴仆的弟兄们得了福。 That’s what blessing means. 这就是祝福的真义。 Now, this is the blessing we’re called for: 如今,这是我们蒙召去成为的祝福,就是 “Despite your circumstances, “无论你的处境如何,you’re greatly blessed to be a joyful person because you trust in Him; 你因信靠祂而成为喜乐的人,你是蒙大福的;although you’re wronged 纵然你被冤枉了,you’re greatly blessed to be a peacemaker because your hope is in Him; 但因你的盼望在乎祂而成为和平的使者,你是蒙大福的; Though you may not be rich, 或许你并不富有,you’re greatly blessed to be a cheerful giver because you trust in His provision. 但你因相信神的供应而成为一个欢喜给出去的人,你是蒙大福的。Through the life you’re living you show people that the source of blessing is with you, 藉着你活出的生命,让人看见祝福的源头与你同在,and you walk in blessing like Joseph did 你像约瑟一样行在祝福中。That’s the blessing we’re called for. 这是我们蒙召要成为的祝福。

2, Blessing has a purpose.  祝福的目的

In Gen 12:2, God said to Abraham, 在创12:2,上帝对亚伯拉罕说: “I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. 我必叫你成为大国。我必赐福给你,叫你的名为大,你也要叫别人得福。V.3b and all people on earth will be blessed through you.” 【创12:3下】地上的万族都要因你得福。 Notice here, 注意这里,God made two promises, 神给了两个应许,one is to bless Abraham, 一个是祝福亚伯拉罕,the other is to make him a blessing for all people. 另一个是让他成为万族的祝福。How did God bless him? 神是如何祝福他的? Gen 12:1, God said to Abram, 创世纪12:1,上帝对亚伯兰说:The Lord had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.【创12:1】耶和华对亚伯兰说:你要离开本地、本族、父家,往我所要指示你的地去。

What God was saying here is, 神是在说: “I will bless you and make your name great, “我必赐福给你、叫你的名为大,but first, 但是首先,you must leave behind all sources of provision, protection, and promotion in your father’s house, 你需要放下从你父家来的一切供应、保护和高举I’ll lead you to a land, 我要指示你去一个地方,and you’ll learn to trust in My provision for you”. 你要在那里学习信靠我的供应。” That’s a very big challenge. 那是一个很大的挑战。 “Lay down what you used to rely on, 放下你过去所倚靠的,now rely on God alone”. 单单倚靠神。”Abraham listened to God and walked in faith. 亚伯拉罕听从神,凭信心前行。Just in the next chapter, 就在下一章, Gen 13:2, Abram had become very wealthy in livestock and in silver and gold. 【创13:2】亚伯兰的金、银、牲畜极多。God also blessed him financially. 神也在财务上赐福给他。In the Asian culture, 在亚洲的文化中,when you become richer 当你变得富有时, your non-Christian friends will say, 你的非基督徒朋友会说: “whoa, you’re blessed.” “哇,你有福了。”  But God’s blessing is far more than earthly wealth which can spoil. 但神的祝福远胜过地上可朽坏的财宝。The inheritance God intends to give us never perishes. 神要赐给我们的产业永不败坏。Now, God said to Abraham, 这里 神对亚伯拉罕说: “I’ll bless you”, “我必赐福给你”,but it’s not just for you to be blessed. 但这祝福不单是为你。There’s a purpose for it, 它有一个目的,that you will become a blessing to other people. 就是让你成为他人的祝福。

We receive the blessing through Jesus by faith, 你既因着信、靠着耶稣得蒙祝福,and we’ve gotta fulfil the purpose of blessing, 你也当去完成这祝福的目的,that is to bless others.  那就是祝福别人。If we fail to bless others, 我们若不能祝福他人,and return to a selfish lifestyle like the fallen world has, 却效法这堕落世界自私自利的生活方式,we’ll return to bondage and become captives again. 就必再被掳、再次被囚。 Why? 为什么?Because blessing comes by faith. 因为祝福来自于信心。When we return to live in our old ways of thinking and doing 我们若重回旧的思想、行为方式,we’re actually trusting in ourselves rather than in God, 我们实际上信的是自己,而不是信神,we ruin the blessing. 我们就毁坏了祝福。So what kind of faith did Abraham show us? 所以亚伯拉罕向我们展示的是怎样的信心呢?

In Genesis chapter 13 在创世纪13章,we see that Abraham took his nephew Lot with him我们看到亚伯拉罕带着他的侄子罗得, and Lot was also blessed with flocks and herds and tents罗得也得了羊群、牛群和帐篷的祝福。 A dispute occurred between Abram’s and Lot’s hired workers亚伯兰和罗得的雇佣工人之间发生了争执,because the land was too small for them to stay together. 因为土地太小了,他们不能住在一起。Let’s think about it让我们想想, if you brought your relatives here如果你把你的亲戚带到这里来, and if you had a piece of land big enough to build two houses on, 如果你有一块足够大的土地可以建造两所房子, would you let them choose which piece of the land they wanted?你会让他们选择他们想要的吗?And would you be happy if they wanted to take the good part of the land of you? 如果他们想得你认为好的土地,你会高兴吗?But Abraham generously offered to Lot what he wanted 但亚伯拉罕慷慨地给了罗得想要的 Because Abraham trusted in God’s provision因亚伯拉罕信靠神的供应. Luke 6: 38 Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” 6:38 你们要给人,就必有给你们的,并且用十足的升斗,连摇带按、上尖下流地倒在你们怀里。因为你们用什么量器量给人,也必用什么量器量给你们。”

Giving generously is a great blessing which can set us free from fear and idolatry, 慷慨的奉献是一种巨大的祝福, 它可以使我们摆脱恐惧和偶像崇拜,and experience that God is the source of all supply并经历到上帝是一切供给的来源。Our own story我们自己的见证: When we were called to ministry at the very beginning当我们最初被召去事奉时,we were also called to sell our possessions我们也被召去变卖我们的家产。We sold our investments in funds and shares我们卖了基金和股票的投资; we sold gold and diamond jewellery to give the money away; 我们卖掉了黄金和钻石珠宝,把钱给出去 we’ve sold seven properties since then to support our ministry从那时起,我们已经卖了7处房产来支持我们的事工。But now we see God’s blessing on the next generation,但现在我们看见了上帝对我们下一代的祝福 He’s given them more than what we sold for the kingdom of God祂赐给我们下一代的比我们卖出去奉献给神的国的更多。Nothing is too hard for God 在神没有难成的事。His words are trustworthy他的话是信实的!What a legacy we can leave for the next generation or the generations following? 我们可以留给下一代 或子孙后代什么样的遗产呢?God said to Abraham, 神对亚伯拉罕说:“I’ll bless you; and you’ll become a blessing to others, 我要赐福你。你却要成为多人的祝福” How did Abraham bless others? 亚伯拉罕是怎样祝福他人的?In chapter 14 1414 Now when Abram heard that his brother was taken captive, he armed his three hundred and eighteen trained servants who were born in his own house, and went in pursuit as far as Dan. 15 He divided his forces against them by night, and he and his servants attacked them and pursued them as far as Hobah, which is north of Damascus. 16 So he brought back all the goods, and also brought back his brother Lot and his goods, as well as the women and the people.  14 亚伯兰听见他侄儿被掳去,就率领他家里生养的精练壮丁三百一十八人,直追到但。15 便在夜间,自己同仆人分队杀败敌人,又追到大马士革左边的何把, 16 将被掳掠的一切财物夺回来,连他侄儿罗得和他的财物,以及妇女、人民也都夺回来。 Notice, Abraham lived in the land as a shepherd, 注意,亚伯拉罕作为一个牧羊人住在那地,and he actually was quite vulnerable他实际上是处于弱势群体。Because there were foreign enemies who threatened his life 因为有外敌威胁着他的生命。 That’s why he had trained servants in his house 这就是为什么他在自己家里训练仆人的原因。But compared to the fives kings and their professional armies, 但与五个国的王和他们职业的军队相比 his 318 men were nothing,他的318个士兵根本不算什么。But what kind of faith did Abraham show us? 但亚伯拉罕向我们彰显了什么样的信呢?

Abraham risked his life to rescuer others until he brought them all back 亚伯拉罕冒着生命危险拯救别人,直到把他们都带回来。This illustrates for us such a wonderful picture of Jesus who laid down his life for sinners 这向我们展示了耶稣为罪人舍命的奇妙画面。Jesus said 耶稣说,I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 我是好牧人,好牧人为羊舍命 John 10:11” “This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers. 主为我们舍命,我们从此就知道何为爱,我们也当为弟兄舍命。1John 约壹316”

Abraham imitated Christ by laying down his life for his brothers, that’s acting from his faith亚伯拉罕效法基督,为他的弟兄们舍命,这是他信心的行为Faith without actions is dead信心没有行为是死的What legacy did Abraham leave for us亚伯拉罕给我们留下了什么遗产?The word “legacy” means something we receive from someone who has died “遗产”这个词是我们从已故的人那里得到的东西。Abraham showed us what living faith is亚伯拉罕向我们显明了什么是活泼的信心.

3, Blessing or captivity again? 蒙福还是再次被掳?

Blessing has a purpose 祝福有一个目的. God chooses a man to bless him, and that man should become a blessing to others 神选择一个人来祝福他,这个人当成他人的祝福 Jesus Christ came down to the earth耶稣基督来到地上, he was blessed with all the power and authority of God神赐他一切权柄能力, he came to bless those who had been blind and deaf 他来祝福那些瞎子聋子 broken hearted and set captives free 祝福那些破碎的心灵,和使被掳的得释放。Now, we’re blessed because of Jesus现在,我们因为耶稣而被祝福,but the purpose of blessing is not just to bless us但祝福的目的不仅仅是为了祝福我们, that’s not the end. 这并不是终点。

The purpose of blessing is for us to reveal His life祝福的目的是让我们见证祂的生命,so that we’re enabled to bless others这样我们就能祝福别人; It’s for us to be a testimony of how good Jesus is 这是为我们见证耶稣有多么好的,and what he has done in us and through us以及他在我们里面和借着我们所做的事。It’s a testimony of how we are changed in Christ. 见证我们是如何在基督里被改变的.

“I wasn’t able to give, but now I’m free to give joyfully我给不出去,但现在可以喜乐的去奉献; I wasn’t able to love, but now I’m free to love patiently我爱不了,但现在有忍耐的爱了; I wasn’t able to share the gospel with others, but now I’m free to do so through the power of God. 我不能宣扬主的福音,但现在借着神的大能可以自由地传了。This blessing is for us to testify how good Jesus is 这祝福是为让我们见证耶稣有多好 But what if we fail to meet the purpose of blessing, 但如果我们不能完成祝福的目的, “My time, my money, my energy, why should I spend them on church things? “我的时间,我的金钱,我的精力,我为什么要把它们花在教会的事情上呢?” “I want more我想要更多, I never feel I have enough 我从来不觉得我得的够多……” If we fail to be a channel to bless others如果我们不能成为祝福他人的渠道,if we return to live a self-centred lifestyle如果我们回到以自我为中心的生活方式,we’ll walk out of blessing into captivity again. 我们就会走出祝福,再次进入被掳。When the blessings of joy, peace, love stop flowing from within us to touch others当喜乐、和平、爱的祝福不再从我们的里面流出去 去触摸他人时,we end up in bondage again我们将再次陷入被掳的光景。

The history of the Israelites warns us以色列的历史警告我们. Jeremiah 21:10 I have determined to do this city harm and not good, declares the LORD . It will be given into the hands of the king of Babylon, and he will destroy it with fire.'  耶和华说:我向这城变脸,降祸不降福。这城必交在巴比伦王的手中,他必用火焚烧。’ Jeremiah 25:11 This whole country will become a desolate wasteland, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years. 这全地必然荒凉,令人惊骇,这些国民要服侍巴比伦王七十年。

Jeremiah called the people of Israel to turn from their idolatry and disobedience耶利米呼召以色列人去脱离他们的偶像崇拜和悖逆; he urged them to turn from being shaped by the culture around them to trusting in God’s promises 他催促他们从被周围的世界文化所塑造,转向信靠神的应许。But after they had ignored God’s words但百姓们妄顾神的话, the whole nation was returned to seventy years of captivity 于是整个民族进入七十年的被掳当中。They became like prisoners again. 他们又变成了像被囚禁的一样。

Then Psa 137:1 said, By the rivers of Babylon, There we sat down, yea, we wept When we remembered Zion我们曾在巴比伦的河边坐下,一追想锡安就哭了。Like our NT Christians, 就像我们新约的基督徒,if you sit down weeping, 如果你坐下来哭泣, if you only remember your former better days如果你只记得你以前的好日子, “oh, I was like that, “哦,我从前也这样的。I was blessed. 从前我也很蒙福。I also had wonderful testimonies. 我也有很好的见证。” But now the wonderful days are just memories. “但现在,美好的日子只是回忆。You need to think about, 你需要考虑一下,whether you have lost the purpose of blessing by obeying the Holy Spirit. 你是否已经不再借着顺服圣灵去祝福他人。Blessings can be lost祝福可以丢失, we can go into captivity again, if we turn inward and become self-centred. 如果我们转向只顾自己,成为自我中心,我们就会再次被掳。

Faith is a lifelong journey信仰是一个旅程. Blessing or captivity again?蒙福还是再被掳?You choose你自己选择. The great commission calls us大使命呼召我们; Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. 18 耶稣进前来,对他们说:“天上地下所有的权柄都赐给我了。 19 所以你们要去,使万民做我的门徒,奉父、子、圣灵的名给他们施洗[a] 20 凡我所吩咐你们的,都教训他们遵守。我就常与你们同在,直到世界的末了。” Matt 28:19-20”   We’re called to do something我们蒙召为要完成使命. We’re called to be Jesus’ image bearers to bless others我们蒙召要成为耶稣的形象去祝福他人. If we’re to teach others to obey God’s commands如果我们要教导别人遵行神的命令, we must put ourselves under God’s authority. 我们就必须把自己服在权柄之下。

But most of us are from a generational background但我们这里大多数人都来自这样的家族累代的背景, where our ancestors have served other gods. 就是我们的祖先曾侍奉其他假神。And they have opened doorways to idolatry, hatred, disobedience, sexual sins, greed, abuse, and all kinds of sins. 他们打开了对偶像崇拜、仇恨、悖逆、性犯罪、贪婪、骂人打人等各种罪恶的大门。And that has become the hidden spiritual legacy in our natural lives. 这已经成为我们天然人中隐藏的属灵遗产。We have a battle to win through Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. 我们必须要借着耶稣和圣灵的大能来得胜这场属灵争战。And God knows our struggles. 神知道我们的挣扎。God doesn’t do anything at random. 上帝不会随意做任何事。He is a God of purpose. 神是有计划的神。He purposely chooses to bless you with the Holy Spirit, 祂特意拣选了你,赐圣灵祝福你, He wants you not only to bring your own sins to the cross祂盼望你不单是要把自己的罪带到十字架, to bring an end to that ungodly legacy in your family line,  来终结你家族里不敬虔的属灵遗产 but also He wants you to stand as a channel of blessing to bring light祂还盼望你能成为一个祝福的管道带去光明, healing and deliverance to your family. 医治和释放你的家人。This is what God has been doing in our midst. 这是神一直在我们当中做的事。He wants us from this generation on to build something different for the next generation. 祂盼望我们从这一代开始可以给下一代留下不一样的东西。There could be no more curses but blessings. 不再是诅咒,而是祝福。What a wonderful call we have in Jesus? 这是何等奇妙的呼召?We’re called to be blessed我们被召唤去祝福; we’re called to deal with the problems within our hearts to be set free to bless others; 我们被呼召去处理内心的问题,得自由去祝福他人;Are you hearing His calling this afternoon? 今天下午你听到他的呼召了吗?How do you respond to His call? 你怎么来回应祂的呼召?


Concluding prayer结束祷告:

We thank You, Lord Jesus. 我们感谢你主耶稣。Yes, Lord, You’re our living hope. 是的,主啊,你是我们活泼的盼望。Thank You for bringing us this living hope 谢谢你给我们带来了这个活泼的盼望。We’re blessed with the living hope. 我们因这活泼的盼望蒙了福。Lord Jesus, we worship You 主耶稣,我们敬拜你。We adore You 我们崇拜你。

We thank You so much for what You’ve done for us 我们非常感谢你为我们所做的一切。 Thank You so much for making a way for us to be blessed 非常感谢你为我们蒙祝福开辟了道路。We thank You, Lord. 我们感谢你主。 If you wanna thank Him, let’s do it right now. 如果你想感谢他,让我们现在就来感谢祂。

“Lord Jesus, I don’t want to stay in the place of captivity or in bondage “主耶稣,我不想被囚禁或再次被捆绑, I don’t wanna be bound by judgemental thoughts, 我不想被论断的心思 or selfishness或自私的想法, or bitterness或苦毒, or greed或贪婪, or anything else或其他的任何的心思所捆绑, If today如果今天, you feel there’s something you need to deal with before Him你觉得有一些东西,你需要祂面前处理的, if you feel that there’s an area of bondage within your heart that has held you back from blessing others如果你觉得在你的心里有个领域是被捆绑的,使你不能自由的去祝福别人,

Ask the Lord呼求主, “Lord, show me the areas that I'm not free主啊,求你显明 我在哪些地方是不自由的, I wanna be free我想要自由。I want to receive that freedom我想要得自由, I wanna live a blessed life我想过蒙福的生活, I don’t wanna return to captivity again 我不想重回到被囚禁的光景。” If that’s you, please pray on your own 如果那是你,你就自己祈祷。

“Jesus, set me free 耶稣,释放我得自由 Forgive me and set me free of that 赦免我并使我可以得自由。Or perhaps you have something or somebody to let go of 或者,也许你需要在某些事上,或某些人上放手If you feel someone has offended you, 如果你觉得有人冒犯了你 bring the hurts and your unforgiveness to the cross那就当把你的伤害和不饶恕带上十字架。 Let’s deal with them before the Lord让我们在神面前来处理他们, repent and confess and bring them to the cross悔改,忏悔,把他们带到十字架上, then God will set us free 然后神就会把我们释放出来。“Yes, Lord, I forgive, because You forgive me. “是的,主啊,我愿意去饶恕,因为你饶恕了我。I wanna become a vessel of blessing to bless others我想成为一个祝福的容器来祝福别人 if I only want to be blessed如果我只是想被祝福, but I don’t want to bless others但我却不想祝福别人, if I only wanna receive如果我只是想得, but I don’t want to give却不想给出去, I’ll be taken away the blessing I have had now and return to bondage again 我现在所拥有的祝福就会被夺去,再次回到捆绑当中。


Your blessings are not just for me to be blessed你的祝福不是单为我自己被祝福, but to make me a vessel of blessings而是为了让我成为祝福的器皿, and to show the people around me that I’m able to bless them freely并去对我身边的人见证 我可以自由的祝福他们, I’m able to give now 我可以给他们, I’m set free from fear, worry, selfishness, and greed because of the work of Jesus within me 因着主耶稣在我身上的工作,我从惧怕,担忧,自私和贪婪中得释放 I no longer look like what I was like in Adam我不再像亚当里的我, I’m a new creation in Christ在基督里我是新造的人, I’m gonna live in alignment with Jesus我要与基督来一致。I am blessed in Christ 我基督里得了祝福, and I can imitate Christ and bless others through the Holy Spirit借着我可以效法基督来祝福他。Thank You Holy Spirit 谢谢圣灵,thank You for being with me and blessing me and enabling me to be a vessel of blessings. 谢谢你来与我同在,来赐福我,并来塑造我成为祝福他人的器皿


Yes, Lord, I’m Your testimony 是的主,我是你的见证 That’s the purpose of blessing这是祝福的目的. I’m Your testimony of how Jesus has become the Source of all my blessings 我是来见证主耶稣已经成了我所有祝福的源头. All my resources from men can be taken away 所有从人的资源都可以从我身上被夺去but no one is able to take away my intimate relationship with You但没有可以夺去我与主你的关系. If the Source of all blessings is with me 若是所有祝福的源头与我同在and if I take Jesus alone as the Source of my blessings若是我以主耶稣你为我唯一祝福的源头 and do what You say in faith并且信而行你的命令, what shall I fear? 我还惧怕什么呢?Because the Almighty will be all my resources. 因为权能的上帝要做我所有的资源!Yes, Lord, increase my faith I pray 主啊,求你加增我的信心. help me to gaze upon You at all times 帮助我在任何时候都注目仰望你。


Holy Spirit, break the cycle in my past and help me to have a breakthrough in Christ 圣灵,求你打破我过去的恶循环,帮助我在基督里有突破。 Holy Spirit, help me and make me a channel of Your blessing to bless my entire family, 圣灵,求你来帮助我, 使我成为你祝福的管道去祝福我整个家族,my workplace, our church family, our community…我的工作单位,我们的教会,邻舍, 社区…….

Now, you can also pray for your entire family, bless your children to be godly children of God. 现在,你们也可以为你们的全家人祷告,祝福你们的孩子成为神敬虔的孩子。We also pray for our church family, our neighbours, our city…我们也为我们的教会大家庭,我们的邻居,我们的城市祈祷。


Lord Jesus, we thank You for letting us know that blessing has a purpose. 主耶稣,我们感谢你让我们知道祝福是有目的的。 You’ve blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. 你在基督里赐给我们属天各样的福分。 And You’ve positioned us for blessing你们把我们定为祝福,that we may become channels of blessing to bless others, and bear fruits for You 使我们成为祝福别人的管道,为你结果子。

 Holy Spirit, help us to remember that without fulfilling the purpose of blessing, we’ll end up in captivity again. 圣灵,帮助我们记住,如果没有去完成这祝福的目的,我们将会再次被囚禁。That’s serious. 这很严重。 Guide us to stay in tune with You always引导我们永远与你保持一致, reveal and guide us to bring an end to the ungodly legacy of each family to the cross. 显明并引导我们将各个家庭遗传下来的属灵的不敬虔带到十字架上。Help us to be blessings to the next generation, our church, and wherever we go 帮助我们成为祝福的下一代,我们的教会的祝福,无论我们去哪里都可以去祝福他人。


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