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2018-08-26 Treasures in Heaven 论天上的财宝

发表于 2024-01-08

(Matt 6:19-24) (太619-24 

Where is your treasure你的财宝在哪里?When we are kids, our treasures might be chocolate孩童时代的财宝可能是巧克力, or our parentscompliments或者父母的夸奖. When we are teenagers到少年时代, our treasures might be pin money财宝可能是零花钱, good marks高分数, or something else或者别的东西. When we become adults成年后, where is our treasures我们的财宝在哪里? What do we really value什么是我们真正看重的? Lets do a test来测试一下.

If someone says, I value friendship有人说是友情. But if his friend damages his expensive car但如果朋友搞坏了他的名车, his attitude towards his friend changes他就变脸了, what does he value most那他看重的到底是什么呢? The car, not the friendship是车,不是友情. A sister from our home church我们家里教会有个姊妹, she thought that the person she loved most in the world was her husband她觉得在世上她最爱的人是她老公. But in the night, she dreamed a dream但夜里她做了个梦, in which she was asked to write down a persons phone number whom she loved most梦里她要写下自己最爱的人的电话号码. She thought she would write down her husbands phone number她以为自己会写下老公的号码, but spontaneously she wrote down her own number却不由自主地写了自己的号码. Who does she value most她最爱的是谁? The self是自己. God knows the heart神认识人的心. What do we value most我们最看重什么? Things that can cause us to fear or anxiety or get us angry immediately就是那些立马就能让我们害怕、焦虑、生起气来的东西, when they are being taken away from our hands当他们被夺走. It can be money可能是金钱, a good job或一份好工作, a good house漂亮房子, or peoples compliments人的称赞, or pride and ego或骄傲和自我, and so on等等 

So after teaching about fasting在论禁食后, Jesus lists those things that we really need to face and pray about主耶稣列出我们需要正视和祷告的, like mammon that we should to deal with in faith就如需要以信心对抗的玛门, worry that we need to conquer必须征服的忧虑, judging others which is a vital problem that Christians have to fight against in faith和务要与之争战的、致命的论断. Today, we are looking at Treasures in Heaven我们今天来分享论天上的财宝:

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth不要为自己积攒财宝在地上, where moth and rust destroy地上有虫子咬,能锈坏, and where thieves break in and steal也有贼挖窟窿来偷; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven只要积攒财宝在天上, where moth and rust do not destroy天上没有虫子咬,不能锈坏, and where thieves do not break in and steal也没有贼挖窟窿来偷. For where your treasure is因为你的财宝在哪里, there your heart will be also你的心也在那里. The eye is the lamp of the body眼睛就是身上的灯. If your eyes are good你的眼睛若亮了, your whole body will be full of light全身就光明. But if your eyes are bad你的眼睛若昏花, your whole body will be full of darkness全身就黑暗. If then the light within you is darkness你里头的光若黑暗了, how great is that darkness那黑暗是何等的大呢! No one can serve two masters一个人不能事奉两个主; Either he will hate the one and love the other不是恶这个、爱那个, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other就是重这个、轻那个. You cannot serve both God and Money (mammon)你们不能又事奉神,又事奉玛门. (Matthew 6:19-24,太619-24) 

From reading this passage读了这段话, Jesus brings up a question directly主耶稣直接提出一个问题, as Christians作为基督徒, where is your treasure你的财宝在哪里? And where is your heart你的心在哪里? Jesus says主说 Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth不要为自己积攒财宝在地上…”  As natural man作为天然人, what do you think when a person has plenty of money and stores it up你看到有人很有钱,并且存起来, so that he may relax, eat, drink and be merry in the future将来就可以悠闲地吃喝快乐一辈子,你会怎么想? We say我们会说, umm, a smart man who has a successful life是个聪明、成功的家伙!But what is Jesus judgement但是,主耶稣怎么评价呢? Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed你们要谨慎自守,免去一切的贪心; A mans life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions因为人的生命不在乎家道丰富. Luke 12:15(路1215)”

Then He judged然后又说, You fool无知的人哪! Whats the point in storing up your wealth for tomorrow when you will die tonight今夜必要你的灵魂;你所预备的要归谁呢?This person is rich in mans eyes but poor in Gods eyes这人在人眼中富有,在神眼中却是贫穷的! (see Luke 12:20-21,路12:20-21). Jesus is not saying that we shouldnt save money主耶稣不是叫我们不要存钱. What his teaching states is that we shouldnt save money out of earthly worries他要阐述的是,我们不当因忧虑而存钱, instead相反, we should trust in Him by setting our minds on things above我们应当思念天上的事,信靠祂 (see Col 3:2,西3:2).

In Deuteronomy 15:4(申154)说, It says, however, there should be no poor among you就在你们中间没有穷人了, for the land the Lord Your inheritance(在耶和华你的神所赐你为业的地上, he will richly bless you耶和华必大大赐福与你, if only you fully obey the Lord your God and are careful to follow all these commands I am giving you today你若留意听从耶和华你神的话,谨守遵行我今日所吩咐你这一切的命令.God wants to richly bless us by getting rid of poverty if we obey His commands fully只要我们完全遵行祂的命令,神要赐福给我们,使我们中间没有穷人!

And in the NT, it tells us《新约》里说, 9 For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ你们知道我们主耶稣基督的恩典, that though he was rich他本来富足, yet for your sake he became poor却为你们成了贫穷, so that you through his poverty might become rich叫你们因他的贫穷,可以成为富足. 2 Cor 8:9(林后8:9Who is Jesus耶稣是谁? He is the eternal God Himself就是永生神自己! When he came down on earth他来到地上时, He left all of this glory and the riches behind抛下所有荣华富贵, in order to redeem us and save us from the slavery of Satan and this world为要将我们从撒旦和世界的权下赎买出来, and to become His sons and daughter成为祂的儿女. It was for our sake He became poor祂为我们成为贫穷, in order that His children (we) can share in His riches by grace in faith使我们因恩典、凭信得享祂的富足! What kind of riches does Jesus wants to give us主耶稣想给我们怎样的富足? But God, who is rich in mercy 神既有丰富的怜悯,Eph 2:4a(弗2:4下)” “The Lord耶和华, the compassionate and gracious God有恩惠,有怜悯, slow to anger不轻易发怒, abounding in love and faithfulness大有慈爱。Psalm 145:8(诗篇145:8.The real treasure and the wealth riches arent wealth and money like the world tells us永存的真富足,不是世界认为的财富金钱, but Jesus himself而是耶稣自己, and the promise to be successors of His kingdom并承受祂国的应许. James 2:5 tells us(雅25)说, Listen, my dear brothers and sisters我亲爱的弟兄们,请听: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world 神岂不是拣选了世上的贫穷人,to be rich in faith 叫他们在信上富足and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him并承受祂所应许给那些爱祂之人的国吗? The real treasure is Jesus真正的财宝就是耶稣! If we are rich in faith by being obedient to Gods commands and overcoming temptations我们若遵行神命令且胜过试探,在信上富足, and produce crops that multiply thirty, sixty, or even a hundred times并三十倍、六十倍、一百倍地结实, we will be able to inherit the kingdom就可以承受神的国.

In the parable of the sower借着撒种的比喻, Jesus tells us that one temptation that can choke the growth of our spiritual lives and make them unfruitful is the deceitfulness of wealth主耶稣说钱财的迷惑,会把属灵生命挤住,使之不能结实. Satan deceives us by telling lies撒旦的谎言是, if you have money, you are rich有钱就是富足! If you have fame and wealth and power有名有利有权, you are rich and respected就是富足,就会受尊重.Thats the scheme of Satan这是撒旦的计谋, who wants to deceive us to chase after the wind骗我们去捕风! When I was a high school student高中时, I believed that money was powerful我相信钱很有用, so I tried to do business when I was a teenager所以在那时就尝试做生意, in my 20s到了二十多岁, I was a workaholic and tried hard to make money 我成了工作狂,辛辛苦苦赚钱, by my 30 years old三十多岁, I became a rich woman but I was going to die 我很富有,但却快死了because I went into manic depression and no doctors or medicines could heal me因我得了躁狂症,医生药物都治不好. I suddenly had realised that money was so weak and powerless when confronting death我突然意识到,在死亡面前,金钱是那么软弱无力. How true God words are神的话何等真实those who trust in their wealth and boast of their great riches那些倚仗财货自夸钱财多的人, no man can redeem the life of another or give to God a ransom for him一个也无法赎自己的弟兄,也不能替他将赎价给神. Psa 49:6-7(诗49:6-7)” It tells us that nobody can redeem their life through money谁也不能用钱赎买生命! For this reason因此, Jesus questions us主耶稣问我们, where is your treasure你的财宝在哪里? What do you really value你真正看重的是什么? What you really value shows where your heart is你真正看重的是什么心就在哪里.When you value money当你看重钱财, your heart can go up and down你的心会忽上忽下, your relationship between you and your brothers and sisters can be broken because of money你和你弟兄姊妹的关系会因钱而破裂, even sin against God because of money甚至会为钱财得罪神. When you value your fame你看重名声, your heart can go up and down because of fame你的心会为名声忽上忽下. But when you value and seek the really treasure to rule in your heart但你若看重寻求真正的财宝在心中掌权, His peace and joy and righteousness will be with you祂的平安喜乐和公义就会与你同在! 

Then, further in the passage再接下来, The eye is the lamp of the body眼睛就是身上的灯. If your eyes are good你的眼睛若亮了, your whole body will be full of light全身就光明. But if your eyes are bad你的眼睛若昏花, your whole body will be full of darkness全身就黑暗. If then the light within you is darkness你里头的光若黑暗了, how great is that darkness那黑暗是何等的大呢. Jesus brings out another question主耶稣又提出另一个问题, as Christians作为基督徒, where is your focus你关注什么? What are your eyes focused on你的眼睛注视的是什么? Are you focused on things seen or the unseen你关注的是可见的事还是不可见的? Are you focused on things that are temporary or enteral关注的是暂存的事还是永恒的?

Back to the beginning回到创世之初, Satan successfully deceived Adam and Eve 撒旦成功引诱亚当和夏娃by guiding their eyes to focus on things that can be seen策略就是引导他们的眼睛关注可见的事, eat it吃吧, and your eyes will be opened你们的眼睛就明亮了, and you will be like God就能如神一样知道善恶.When they took it and ate it他们就摘来吃了. Their outward eyes were opened于是外面的眼睛明亮了, but their inward eyes which had focused on God were blinded 但里面注视神的眼睛却瞎了and the light within them became darkness里头的光就黑暗了. When God called him当神呼唤亚当, where are you你在哪里, Adam answered亚当回答说 I heard you in the garden我的园中听见你的声音, and I was afraid 我就害怕because I was naked因我赤身露体; so I hid我便藏了. Gen 3:8(创3:8)”

From three verbs we can see从这三个动词我们看到, how great is that darkness那黑暗何等的大: the fallen nature focuses on fear堕落的人性注视的是惧怕 (eyes look at how people think and speak of me注意的是人怎么看我怎么说我comparison比较things that they can be seen that are perishable 可见的都是可朽坏的事feeling ashamed感到羞耻 (I was naked我赤身露体: anything that can be compared with because of what the eyes see任何因眼见而可比较的事money钱财, education教育, houses房子, beauty美容等等, if I dont have that我们若没有, I am naked就是赤身露体, and feel ashamed就感到羞耻… – live in darkness住在黑暗, rejection被拒绝, loneliness孤独, fear惧怕中(I hid我就藏了: I dont want to speak to you不想和你说话)

If Christians still live in the old way基督徒若仍然住在旧人里, how great is that darkness那黑暗何等大呢? Where should our eyes focus我们的眼睛应当注视什么? What are your eyes focused on when you visit someones house or meet somebody who is rich你去人的家或遇见一个富人你的眼睛会注视什么? Oh, they are so rich他们好富啊they have such a beautiful house and with such a luxurious lifestyle他们的家好漂亮啊他们的生活多豪华啊…” As Christians作为基督徒, you should pray in faith你当在信心里祷告, Get behind me, Satan退我后面去撒旦! We fix our eyes not on what is seen原来我们不是顾念所见的, but on what is unseen乃是顾念所不见的. For what is seen is temporary因为所见的是暂时的, but what is unseen is eternal所不见的是永远的. 2 Cor 4:18(林后4:18 Jesus is the only example that I should follow耶稣基督是我们跟从的唯一榜样Ill not be naked if I dont have that我不会因没有这些东西而羞耻, but Ill be naked if I sin against God得罪神我才羞愧clothing myself with Christ Jesus is my treasure披戴基督就是我的财宝…” If you focus your eyes on things that are unseen你若定睛在所不见的事上, your whole body will be full of light全身就光明! Otherwise要不然, the light within you will become darkness里面的光就黑了! 

The finally question to come up with you cannot serve both God and Mammon (money)”你们不能既事奉神又事奉玛门”带出最后一个问题, that is who are you serving?”就是”你事奉谁”的问题。 As Christians we all know who we are serving作为基督徒我们都知道我们事奉谁吗? God是神! But what are we really serving when we havent overcome all the various temptations但在还没有胜过各种各样的试探前,我们真正事奉的是什么.

Lets look at a story我们来看一个故事. A rich young man came to Jesus and asked him what he should do to inherit eternal life一个富有的年青人来到耶稣跟前问怎样可以承受永生. Jesus told him to obey the commandments耶稣告诉他要遵行神一切诫命.  This young man told Jesus年青人说, all these I have kept我都遵守了.which meant that he had served his God with all his heart, all his mind, all his soul and with his strength就是说他已经尽心尽意尽性尽力地事奉神了 

Similarly同样地, we all judge ourselves by what we think what we have done我们都以自己觉得已经做了来判断自己, but God knows the heart and will test us但神认识我们的心会试验我们, in order to bring the hidden things into the surface要将隐藏的显明出来, so that we may see what we have concealed deep in our hearts 使我们得以看到藏在心深处的东西and be able to repent and turn to Him fully就悔改完全转向祂. Thus, Jesus challenged him于是耶稣挑战他, if you want to be perfect你若愿意做完全人, go, sell your possessions 可去变卖你所有的and give to the poor 分给穷人and you will have treasure in heaven就必有财宝在天上. Then come, follow me你还要来跟从我. Matt 19: 21-22(太19:21-22)”.  One of the ten commandments says十诫中说, You should have no other gods before me除了我以外,你不可有别的神. Exodus 20:3(出20:3. It means that God must come to the first place in our life意思是神必须在我们生命中成为第一位.

But when the young man heard what Jesus said但这个年青人听了后, he went away sad because he had great wealth忧忧愁愁地走了因为他的产业很多. We may easily judge this young man我们可能很容易这样论断他, Oh, he idolized his wealth他以财富为偶像, he worshipped his money rather than God他拜的是钱不是神, whatever会有很多说的But have you ever thought about yourself可你有没有想到过自己? What if Jesus challenges you要是耶稣这样来问你, If you want to be perfect你若愿意做完全人, give the money you have prepared for yourself and for your children to the poor把你给自己和孩子留的钱分给穷人give the money you have stored up in you bank account to the poor把你账上的钱分给穷人sell what you have and give to the poor把你所有财产变卖分给穷人, and you will have treasure in heaven这样你就必有财宝在天上. Then, come你再来, and take up your cross, and follow me背起十字架跟从我.How would you react你的反应是什么? Truthfully老实说, as human beings作为人, when we hear this challenge我们一听到这个挑战时, fear will immediately overwhelm us惧怕会马上淹没我们, and tell us if we do so告诉我们要是这样做了, well be naked就会赤身露体, we will have nothing to rely on就会无依无靠, we will lose our security就会没有安全感, thats why the young man went away sad所以那年青人忧忧愁愁地走了.

Because as natural men作为天然人, we live by sight我们凭眼见活着, and our security relies on what we have我们的安全感建立在我们所有的东西上. But as Christians但作为基督徒, now现在, we live by faith, not by sight 我们行事为人是凭着信心,不是凭着眼见。(2 Cor 5:7,林后5:7). Yes, the lack of faith is the major reason for this young man went away sad年青人忧忧愁愁地走掉主要原因是小信, no matter how well he had behaved religiously不论他曾经表现得多好多敬虔. The same for us我们也是! No matter how much good work you have done in the church不管你在教会做了多少好事, when God asks you to lay down something you hold onto当神要你放下你手抓住的, such as money比如金钱, a job工作, a house房子, or a hobby或者一项嗜好, or your beloved ones你爱的人, children孩子, whatever that is related to the ego任何与自我有关的, if you say, why? no如果你说为什么?我不要, it still doesnt prove that by faith you are serving God就仍然证明你没有凭信心事奉神. Thank God for His mercy感谢神的怜悯, even when we fail He doesnt condemn us尽管我们跌倒祂不定罪, but He is waiting for us to grow in faith而是等候我们信心成长, so that we may glorify His name好让我们荣耀祂的名.

Where does our faith come from信心从哪里来? Romans 10:17(罗10:17Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message可见信道是从听道, and the message is heard through the word of Christ听道是从基督的话来的. Faith comes from the word of Christ信心来自基督的话. Lets look at Jesuswords again让我们再来看耶稣的话, In Mark 10:21(可10:21, Jesus looked at him and loved him,耶稣看着他,就爱他,对他说 “one thing you lack你还缺少一件事” he said, go, sell everything you have and give to the poor去变卖你所有的分给穷人, and you will have treasure in heaven就必有财宝在天上. Then, come, follow me你还要来跟从我. It tells us这话告诉我们, that the intention of Jesus who demanded this young man to give all his possession away is out of love耶稣要年青人把财产分给穷人的意图是出于爱! he loved him就爱他. Thats totally the opposite way from the worldly point of view on what love looks like这与世界认为的爱是什么完全相反. We say我们说, if God loves me如果神爱我, he will give me money, a house, a good job, gifts祂会给我们钱房子好工作礼物.But it says但这里说, Jesus loved him耶稣爱他, and required him to give all his possessions away要他把财产分给人.What kind of love is it这是怎样的爱? Listen to Jesus, he says我们来听听耶稣的话, and you will have treasure in heaven你必有财宝在天上! Then, come, and follow me你还要来跟从我.Gods love is to give us possessions that lasts forever神的爱是要赐给我们存到永远的财产, that are eternal是永恒的. By sight we judge that if I give my things away凭着眼见我们会判断说我要是给完了, I lose them all我就没有了. But by faith但凭着信心, His words say神的话说, whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord怜悯贫穷的就是借给耶和华, and He will repay (reward) him for his deed他的善行,耶和华必偿还. Proverbs 19:17(箴19:17)” By faith we believe and declare凭着信我们相信并宣告, that if I give or lay down whatever Jesus requires from me主耶稣要我给出去或要我放下的, I lend them to the Lord是我借给祂, and store them up in heaven存在天上, and He will repay (reward) me祂必要偿还! Like Paul the apostle says就如使徒保罗所说, For I know whom I have believed 因为我知道我所信的是谁and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that day也深信祂能保全我所交付他的. 2 Tim 1:12(提后1:12)” God is able to keep what you have committed to Him神能保全你所交付祂的! Its all about relationship这全都关乎你和祂的关系! Brothers and sisters弟兄姊妹, dont go on the way this young rich man did不要继续走这富有的年青人的路, where he merely obeyed Gods commandments in an outwardly religious way他守神诫命只守在外表的敬虔, but inwardly he still feared and relied on things that he could see但里面却仍然害怕仍然倚靠可见的东西 

Although Jesus commands虽然主说, Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth不要为自己积攒财宝在地上…but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven只要积攒财宝在天上…” Jesus calls us to invest our money, our time and our energy or everything we have in the kingdom of God 主耶稣呼召我们投资我们一切所有,金钱,时间,精力在神国度上. But the goal of His command is love但神的命令是总归是爱 (1 Tim 1:5提前1:5)! God will never deprive us of anything神永不会剥夺我们什么, for He is the Creator of all因祂是万有的创造主! He wants to set us free祂愿意使我们得自由! Free from fear脱离惧怕! Free from the bondage of the slavery to this world脱离这世界的苦工! Our Father in heaven我们天上的父, who loves us深爱我们, He didnt spare his own Son甚至不爱惜自己的独生子, but gave him up for us all为我们舍了how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things难道祂不会把万有都白白地赐给我们吗? Yes, He wants to give us all He has祂愿意把所有的都给我们, He Himself and His eternal Kingdom就是祂自己和祂的国度! In Love, He came to us因爱祂来到我们中间! In Love, He is calling us to spend more time with Him因爱他呼召我们花更多时间和祂在一起! In Love, He is calling us to set our hears above因爱祂呼召我们定睛上面的事! In Love, He is calling us to embrace the real treasure 因爱祂呼召我们拥抱真正的财宝that we cant see but is eternal就是看不见却存到永远的 

Last story最后我们来看一个见证, Watchmen Nee倪柝声, was mightily used by God a few decades ago在几十年前被神大大使用的仆人. When he was a young man他年青时, one day一天, he suddenly found out who the real treasure was in his heart突然醒悟到他心里真正的财宝是什么? God是神? or his girlfriend who was a non Christian还是正在交往的女友?那女友不信主Nee had been praying earnestly to seek Gods permission倪柝声就恳切求神准许他的交往, but God didnt answer但神没有回应. He was in great distress because that once young people had fallen in love他极度苦恼, its very hard for them to give up their beloved因坠入爱河中的年青人往往无法自拔. He lost Gods anointing power 他失去了神的能力until one day he laid aside his beloved 直到有一天他放下心中所爱and chose Jesus as his treasure选择耶稣为他真正的财宝. Was God so cruel神很残忍吗? No! God knows whats best for us神知道什么对我们最好! You will never lose anything when you choose Him to be the first place in your life你选择神做你心中的第一位什么也不会失去! Ten years later十年后, he re-encountered his girlfriend他再次邂逅以前的女友, who had been saved and was also serving Christ这时女友已经得救也在服事主. Watchman Nee married her when he was 31 years old倪柝声三十一岁时和她结婚. She became his helper and co-worker in the Lord妻子成了他主内的助手和同工. 

Throughout his life贯穿一生, Watchman suffered poor health倪柝声经历疾病, poverty贫穷, imprisonment坐牢, and even personal attacks from other believers in Christ甚至还有主内肢体的人身攻击. But his faith showed to the world that Jesus was his treasure但他的信向世界表明耶稣才是他的真财宝, so by his influence in Christ 400 churches were built in China中国有四百多家教会受他在主内的影响而建立, through his suffering借着他的受苦, many came to know Christ许多人开始认识耶稣. Nee was arrested for his faith and imprisoned in 1952一九五二年倪柝声因信主被捕坐牢. Only his wife was allowed to visit him当局只准他的妻子探监. He died in prison in 1972一九七二年他死于监狱. Under his pillow there was a paper with this writing在他枕头下有一张纸条写着- Christ is the Son of God who died for the redemption of sinners 基督是神的儿子,为人赎罪而死and was resurrected after three days三日复活. This is the greatest truth in the universe这是宇宙间最伟大的真理. I die because of my belief in Christ我因信基督而死. Watchman Nee倪柝声.   Hebrews 11:13 (来11:13All these people were still living by faith when they died这些人都是存着信心死的. They did not receive the things promised并没有得着所应许的; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance却从远处望见,且欢喜迎接, admitting that they were foreigners and strangers on earth又承认自己在世上是客旅,是寄居的. For where your treasure is因你的财宝在哪里, there your heart will be also你的心也在那里



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