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2017-03-05 Be victorious over temptation 胜过试探1

发表于 2024-01-08

From the newsletteryou know that we have entered the season of Lent. 从周报上可以知道,我们已经进入大斋期。You may ask me, what does Lent mean? And why does it last forty days? 你可能会问:“大斋期是什么意思?为什么要40 天呢?”Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and occurs 40 days before Easter. 大斋期是从圣灰星期三开始算,直到复活节前一天,共40 天。

The 40 days represent the time Jesus spent in the wilderness, enduring thetemptation of Satan, when He was preparing to begin his ministry. 40 天预表耶稣在开始他的服事前,在旷野受撒旦的试探。Lent is a time of repentance, fasting and preparation for the Resurrection atEaster. In the early church, Lent was a time to prepare new converts forbaptism. 大斋期是一段悔改,禁食和预备迎接耶稣复活的日子。在初期教会,它也是为慕道友预备受洗的日子。

Thank God that we already have someone who is preparing for baptism, isntthat awesome? 感谢主,我们已经有一位弟兄预备要受洗了,是不是很棒?We praise the Lord and His salvationand pray that His gospel would spreadfar. 赞美主耶稣的救恩,我们祷告祈求福音广传。If a Christian would like to observe Lent, setting aside some time to focus onJesus death and resurrection, that is absolutely a good thing. 如果基督徒想遵守大斋期,分别时间出来定睛耶稣的死和复活,这绝对是件好事。

However, we cant earn grace by what we have done, but by what Jesus havedone for us. 但我们不能靠我们所做的来挣(赚)取恩典,而是靠耶稣已经为我们做成的工作。Repentance is not just for 40 days, we should turn to God every day. As Luke3:3a says: Produce fruit in keeping with repentance.”而且,悔改不只是这40 天,而是每天都转向神。就象《路加福音》3 8 节上说:要结出果子来,与悔改的心相称。

Thursday before last, after finishing the bible study, we chatted and laughedat many worldly jokes. 前一个周四,查经结束后,我们大家一起聊天,因很多世俗笑话就笑了很久。During the night, I got a dream, in which a picture and a scripture was given tome, “…dont you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God?Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes enemy of God.” 夜里我得了一个梦,梦见一个景像 和一句神的话:岂不知与世俗为友就是与神为敌吗?所以凡想要与世俗为友的,就是与神为敌了。”

After waking up, I repented to the Lord with faith and I gave thanks toHim Im not ashamed and dont feel accused if He rebukes me 我醒来后,向主诚心悔改,并且感谢祂;对祂的责备,我一点也没有羞耻感和被控告感,because only His word can give us wisdom to acknowledge the way weshould go, if we can keep walking in Gods way by forsaking our own way,and remain in Him, we can produce fruit of the Holy Spirit.因为祂的话可以给我们智慧,使我们认出当行的道路。如果我们持守在神的道中,就是离弃自己的道路,持守在祂里面,我们就可以结出圣灵的果子。

Today, we are gonna to read Matt 4:1-10 今天,我们来读一读马太福音4 1-11 Traditional exegesis gives us three points about the temptation of Jesusdescribed in the passage. 对这段话中提到耶稣受试探,传统的解经有三点。The first temptation is the lust of the flesh, the second is the pride of life, andthe third is the lust of eyes, which is very true. 第一个试探指的是肉体的情欲,第二个试探指今生的骄傲,第三个指眼目的情欲。But today I only want to speak about the first temptation the lust of the fleshwith three points, later, we will continue with the other ones.今天我只分享第一个试探——肉体的情欲,共有三点;以后,我们会继续分享后面两个试探。

1, Gods word defeats the enticement to prove something on our own.神的话胜过“自我证明”的诱惑。

v.2 After Jesus fasted forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. The tempter came to him and said: If you are Son of God, tell these stones to becombread.” 从第2 节开始:耶稣禁食四十昼夜,后来就饿了。那试探人的进前来,对他说:“你若是神的儿子,可以吩咐这些石头变成食物。”“Are you Son of God? I dont believe you, if you are Son of God, show this tome This is how Satan tempted Jesus. “你是神的儿子?我不相信,你要是神的儿子,你能不能做这个给我看看”这是撒旦对耶稣的试探。

Was Jesus tempted only once? Throughout his ministry on earth, we can findthat wherever he went, different kinds of people tried to tempt him.耶稣只被试探过一次吗?他在地上服事的时候,从头至尾,无论他去哪里,我们看到都有不同的人这样试探他。

In Matt 26: 63, If you are the Christ, the Son of GodThe high priest doesntbelieve him. John 10:24, If you are the Christ, tell us plainly. The Jews didntbelieve him.马太福音26:63:你是神的儿子基督不是?——大祭司不信他;约翰福音10:24:你若是基督,就明明地告诉我们。——犹太人不信他;

In John 7: 2-4, But when the Jewish Festival of Tabernacles was near, 3 Jesus’brothers said to him, “Leave Galilee and go to Judea, so that your disciplesthere may see the works you do. 4 No one who wants to become a publicfigure acts in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to theworld.” 约翰福音7:2-4:当时犹太人的住棚节近了。耶稣的弟兄就对祂说:“你离开这里上犹太去吧,叫你的门徒也看见你所行的事。人要显扬名声,没有在暗处行事的;你如果行这些事,就当将自己显明给世人看。

They implied that If you are the Son of God, show us something to prove thatyou are the Son of God. Listen:“If you are the Son of God, tell these stonesto become bread. Are they similar? 那个意思就是说:“如果你是神的儿子,显个什么,证明一下呀!”是不是和“如果你是神的儿子,你把石头变成面包来看一看呀”很相似啊?

Matt 27:40, Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God. The deviltried to entice Jesus to do something on his own, and to refuse Gods wayand Gods timing. 马太福音27:40:你如果是神的儿子,就从十字架上下来吧。——魔鬼想引诱耶稣凭自己做事,来证明自己,弃掉神的方法和神的时间;Jesus once said: the Son can do nothing by himself, he can do only what hesees the Father doing. He keeps what he says. 耶稣曾说:“子凭着自己不能做什么,惟有看见父所做的,子才能做。”——祂怎样说,就怎样行?

In Tim 3: 16, He appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit. 提前3:16说,神在肉体显现,被圣灵称义。The evil one tried to entice Jesus to prove himself on his own way by comingdown from the cross, so that he might destroy Gods plan of salvation. 那恶者试图引诱耶稣用自己的方法来证明自己,就是从十字架上下来, 来破坏神的拯救计划。

Thank our Lord Jesus, who didnt come down from the cross to prove hisinnocence by himself, 感谢主,他没有从十架上下来,用自己的方式证明自己无罪,Rather, he only surrendered himself to the Father, even taking risk andsuffering unjust judgement to the point of death. 相反,他只将自己完全交托父神,就算为信心承受危险,到被不公义治死的地步。

This is our only example that we need to follow. If we follow his footsteps,light will shine through us, and we will also share in his victorious joy. Do youbelieve it? 这是我们唯一要跟随的榜样,若我们跟随他的脚踪,光就会从我们身上发出来,我们也会经历到他得胜的喜乐,你信吗?

Have you ever heard voices like this: If you believe in God, why doesnt Hemake you rich你有没有听到过这样的话:“你信上帝?上帝怎么没让你发财呢?”If you believe in God, why are those non-believers more successful thanyou? ”“你信上帝?不信的人怎么过得比你还好呢?”If you believe in God, why doesnt He give you a good job” 你信上帝?上帝怎么不给你一份好工作呢?”

Voices that entice you to desire something or get something by your ownefforts, or that leave you dissatisfied and downcast. 这些声音要挑起你的私欲,要么叫你靠自己去得,要么叫你抱怨灰心。This may result in anger, envy, strife and hatred which lead you to sin againstGod. Then you may lose the presence of God, which is the devils scheme.;然后就是生气,嫉妒,纷争,怨恨,叫你得罪神,于是,你就失去了神的同在,这就是撒旦的计谋。

Have you realised that? How can we overcome temptation to gain the victory?Jesus said: It is written Man does not live on bread alone, but on every wordthat comes from the mouth of God.”你有没有意识到撒旦的诡计?我们怎样才能战胜试探、成为得胜者呢?耶稣说:“人活着,不是单靠食物,乃是靠神口里所出的一切话。”

How a wonderful weapon God has given us? That is the word of God, which ispowerful! 神给了我们何等奇妙的武器!那就是神的话,它是大有能力!Men do not live on bread alone. This implies that physical nourishment is notsufficient for a healthy life. 我们活着不是单靠食物,这话告诉我们,食物的营养不足以带给我们健康的生命。

If it was, wealthy and famous people would not get depressed and suicidal,isnt that true? 如果单单好食物可以使我们生命健康,那么为什么一些富人、名人,还得抑郁症、要自杀呢?Jesus said, man does not live on bread alone, if so, God would have given theIsraelites more food to eat, when they were walking in the desert. Jesus herequoted the book of Deuteronomy 8:3: 耶稣说,人活着,不是单靠食物。如果可以靠食物,以色列民行走旷野的时候,神早就赐给他们更丰富的食物了。

耶稣引用的是申命记8:33 He humbled you, causing you to hunger and then feeding you with manna,which neither you nor your ancestors had known, to teach you that man doesnot live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of theLord.“他苦炼你,任你饥饿,将你和你列祖所不认识的吗哪赐给你吃,使你知道,人活着不是单靠食物,乃是靠耶和华口里所出的一切话。”

Therefore, dear brothers and sisters, how we can stand firm during the time oftemptation when we are enticed by the lust of flesh or to do something againstGods way? 因此,亲爱的弟兄姊妹,当我们被私欲引诱,受试探、要得罪神的时候,我们怎样可以站立得住呢?Trust in Gods words, Man does not live on bread alone, but on every wordthat comes from the mouth of God.” 当信神的话:“人活着,不是单靠食物,而是靠神口里所出的一切话。”

How do we apply this in our daily life? We are to read Gods word every day;我们要怎样应用这节经文在我们的生活中呢?我们当每天读神的话,Let personal devotions become our spiritual discipline and a habit, and withGods grace and the help of the Holy Spirit, to keep His words in our mind,and walk in them. 让我们养成一个灵修的习惯,和操练属灵的约束,靠神的恩典和圣灵的帮助,将祂的话语牢牢记在心中,并行在其中。

Last Thursday, the small bible group practiced how to eat and drink Godsword by reading it repeatedly and praying about it until we were soaked in it,which is awesome. 这周四,我们查经小组操练了怎样吃喝神的话—反复读、祷,直到浸泡在神的话里面。May all of us continually desire Gods word, and keep walking in His way, inorder that we may share in our masters joy in His victory. 愿我们所有人都渴慕神的话,持守在祂的道路中,使我们可以得享主耶稣得胜的喜乐。

2, Gods word defeats the enticement to doubt Gods provision.神的话胜过不信“神的供应”的诱惑。

Now let us back to the question - Why did the Spirit lead Jesus to be temptedafter fasting 40 days and 40 nights, when he had just been baptised? 让我们回到前面的问题——为什么耶稣刚刚受洗,就被圣灵引导受试探四十昼夜?When the book of Luke talks about Christs genealogy, Luke 3:38 says: theson of Adam, the son of God. The son here is all written in lowercase, notwith a capital S.

路加福音讲到基督的家谱,3 38 节:“赛特是亚当的儿子,亚当是神的儿子。”这里的“son (儿子)”用的是小写,而不是大写。In Hosea 1:11 When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I calledmy son. This son concerning Israel is also written in lower-case. 【何11:1】以色列年幼的时候我爱他,就从埃及召出我的儿子来。这里,神也称以色列为祂的儿子,但也是小写。

The first son in lower-case Adam failed. Did the Israelites, the other son inlower-case, overcome the temptation? Lets see numbers 11:4-6 第一个小写的儿子亚当失败了,另一个小写的儿子以色列人有没有胜过试探呢?让我们来看民数记11 4-6 The rabble with them began to crave other food, and again the Israelitesstarted wailing and said, If only we had meat to eat! 5 We remember the fishwe ate in Egypt at no costalso the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions andgarlic. 6 But now we have lost our appetite; we never see anything but thismanna!

11:4-6他们中间的闲杂人大起贪欲的心,以色列人又哭号说:“谁给我们肉吃呢?我们记得在埃及的时候,不花钱就吃鱼,也记得有黄瓜、西瓜、韭菜、葱、蒜. 现在我们的心血枯竭了,除这吗哪以外,在我们眼前并没有别的东西They failed in the temptation of the lust of appetite as well, Appetite andstomach, are they so important? Are they so dangerous in some way?Whydoes the devil always tempt the appetite of Gods people? 他们也没有胜过食欲的试探,食欲和肚腹,真的那么重要吗?从某个程度上说, 食欲是危险的事吗?为什么魔鬼总是用肚腹来试探神的选民?

We are not talking that if we have a natural appetite that is a bad thing. No.God wants us to enjoy all food that He created for us. 这并不是说正常的食欲本身是坏事,神要我们享受祂为我们创造的所有美食。But we are talking that if we only live for the needs of our stomach that is aterrible thing, which can cause us to lose spiritual blessings from above andsin against God. 而是说,如果我们只关注肚腹的需要,就会犯罪得罪神,失去从上头来的属灵的祝福,这是非常可怕的。

I remember, that when I first accepted Jesus, I was still a business woman. Ineeded a new a housemaid or a housekeeper to cook for the family. 记得我刚信主得救时,我还是一个忙碌的商人,我要找一个新的保姆来帮家里做饭 。 After prayer, a woman from an agency came to my home, to cook for us. 我祷告后,我们就从一个家政公司找到了一个阿姨。Three days later, I realised that I had never met such a terrible cook, thecolour of the food on the table was dark, because it was over cooked andalmost burnt Can you imagine the taste? 三天后,我发现这位阿姨,是我见过的, 做饭最难吃的人,摆到桌上的菜是黑颜色的,因为煮过头,快烧焦了,你能想象出那菜的味道吗?

Someone suggested to me: You should change your housekeeper, she is aterrible cook” 有人建议我说: “你赶快换一个阿姨吧,这个人实在太差了,”Another one was very angry with her after having meals with us, which wascooked by her. He said to me: To be honest, I dont like her ”又有一人,和我们一起吃了她做的饭,就对她很生气, 对我说:“说实在的,我一点也不喜欢她。”But I suspected that it was from the Lord, who was dealing with my habit ofbeing fussy about food.但我感觉到也许是出于神,差她来对付我挑食的习惯。

I repented to the Lord about my picky-eating, which used to cause me to getdissatisfied with food and with people who cooked. And I asked God to giveme an appetite for His words more than for food that spoils我因自己对食物的挑剔向神悔改,求神改变我的胃口,让我渴慕祂的话,胜过这朽坏的食物。Thanks to God, after experiencing this housekeepers terrible cooking, Godhas changed my appetite. Im free from picky-eater. Hallelujah! 感谢主!借着这位阿姨煮的难吃的饭,我的胃口被神改变了,从挑食中得释放。哈利路亚!

And Im grateful for everything that God provides. Praise the Lord, who turneda bad thing into a good thing.并对神所赐一切都感恩。赞美耶稣,祂使坏事变好事。Also, I observed Gods goodness toward this housekeeper, who became aChristian 3 weeks after I had employed her. Praise the Lord indeed. 同时,我也看到神对这阿姨的恩典,来我家三周后,她也成了基督徒。赞美主!

We know that a little yeast can work effectively through a dough. 我们知道一点面酵可以很快使面团发起来。If we give the devil a space, allowing a little yeast to be worked in us, it cancause us to complain about people, and doubt Gods provision. 如果我们给撒旦留一点小地步,一点酵,就会使我们抱怨人,不信神的供应。

Why is the food so plain? Why didnt God supply what I wanted? I dont likethe food, so why should I be thankful?”“为什么这么难吃?为什么神不给我想要的?我不喜欢这些食物,有什么好感恩的”?“I should work hard, to earn more money, so that I can get what I want. Thosekinds of thoughts can lead us into temptation, and cause us to suffer loss.我要花更多时间去赚钱, 买我想要的。” 这些意念会引诱我们进入试探,和让我们受损。

The devil never stops tempting Gods people, his mission is to deceive andtempt us, to accuse us and speak lies, to deceive us to live in the flesh, so thatwe cant testify Gods reality, and we also cant glorify His name.魔鬼从来没有停止对神选民的诱惑,牠的工作就是欺骗和引诱,控告、说谎,引诱神的百姓活在肉体里,使我们不能见证神的真实,也不能荣耀神的名。

Who can win the battle, so that Gods name can be glorified?谁才能胜过这场属灵争战,让神的名得着荣耀呢?Jesus Christ! The Son of God has overcome temptation. Through him, we alsocan share in his victory.耶稣基督——神的儿子,他已经胜过了试探, 借着他,我们可以进入他的得胜。

Jesus Christ a hundred percent relied on Gods provision and Gods word. 耶稣基督百分百的依赖天父的供应和天父的话语,Even if his body suffered hunger, he still valued Gods word, which assuredhim to overcome Satans scheme.   即便他的身体承受饥饿感,他看重神话语,使他得胜撒旦的计谋。Again, let us proclaim: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every wordthat comes from the mouth of God.” ,让我们再一次宣告:“人活着,不是单靠食物,乃是靠神口里所出的一切话。”

3, Gods word defeats the desire to be our own god.神的话胜过“自己作神”的私欲。

v.1 says: Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by thedevil. Did you notice? Why? Why did the Holy Spirit lead Jesus to be tempted?Is it important to us? First of all, lets see who the devil is? 4:1耶稣被圣灵引到旷野,受魔鬼的试探。你有没有注意到?为什么圣灵引导耶稣去受试探?这真的很重要吗?首先,我们来看,魔鬼到底是谁。

Rev 12:9a that ancient serpent called devil, or Satan, who leads the wholeworld astray. 12:9 上大龙就是那古蛇,名叫魔鬼,又叫撒但,是迷惑普天下的。Do you remember in Genesis 3, how the ancient serpent tempted Adam andEve, and then they fell and went astray?记得吗?在创世纪第三章,那古蛇怎样引诱了亚当和夏娃,使他们受了迷惑,得罪了神?So, sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, came to allmen. 罪从一人入了世界,死就籍着罪临到众人。

Remember? In Gen 3:1, The serpent contradicted and distorted Gods word tothe woman: Did God really say you must not eat from any tree in thegarden?创世纪三章1 ,蛇否定并歪曲了神的话,对女人说:“神岂是真说不许你们吃园中所有树上的果子吗?Satan continued: For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will beopened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” 撒旦又说:“因为神知道,你们吃的日子眼睛就明亮了,你们便如神能知道善恶。”

Then they stretched out their hands and did it quickly. Why? They desired tobe like God in their own way. 于是他们很快伸手摘了果子吃,为什么?因为想照自己的方式作神。In fact, we are created in Gods image, and in His likeness, but we cantmanifest Gods holiness, righteousness and His Divine Love on our own. 事实上,我们是照神的形像,按祂的样子被造的。但我们不能照自己的方式来彰显神的圣洁、公义和神圣的爱。

Adam and Eve fell into temptation, because they didnt realise how crucial it isto keep Gods words in mind. 亚当和夏娃在试探中失败了,因为他们没有意识到将神的话存记于心是何等的重要!And they were enticed to believe that they could become their own god, tojudge what is good and evil by what they saw through their own eyes. 他们被引诱,就相信他们自己可以作神,透过自己眼睛所见的,去判断善恶。

Since then, Mankind has suffered the result of this sin, our eyes have beenopened, when we live in our flesh, when we rely on our own eyes, 从那时起,人类就开始承受这罪的苦果,我们的眼睛是那么明亮,当我们活在肉体里,我们就相信自己的眼睛。

When we meet people, our eyes and our ears tell us, oh, this is a good man,he is very nice but later, we find out that he is a crook, he deceived us andstole all our stuff ” 当我们见到某人,我们的眼睛和耳朵就告诉我们: 哦,这个人是好人,他很善良,不久,却发现他是个骗子,他骗了我们还偷了我们的东西”We were cheated and hurt. Oh, I dont like him, I hate him” 我们被骗了,我们受伤了,然后说:“我讨厌他,我恨他。”Or I dont like him because my first impression of him was not good butlater, we find out that we have misunderstood him and mis-judged him ” 有时候,我们会说:“我不喜欢他,因为他给我的第一印象不好。”但是后来才发现,是我们误解了他,对他判断错了。

This kind of sin can lead to the breakup of family, so that human suffers theresult of broken relationship. 这罪能导致家庭破裂,人类因此承受人际关系破裂的苦果。How can we still trust in our own judgement when we cause brokenrelationship between each other, and therefore risk losing the presence ofGod? No, thats the devils scheme. 难道我们还要相信自己的判断,以至于使人际关系破裂、与神隔绝而受苦?不,这是魔鬼的诡计。

Lets be wise, Jesus has shown us the way to overcome temptation, that is totrust in Gods word. 让我们作智慧人,耶稣已经为我们做了榜样,如何胜过试探?那就是信神的话。Isaiah 11:3 (NIV) 3 and he will delight in the fear of the Lord. He will not judgeby what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears;【赛11:1-33 他必以敬畏耶和华为乐,行审判不凭眼见,断是非也不凭耳闻;This verse is Isaiah who received revelation concerning Jesus Christ. He willnot judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with hisears;这经文是以赛亚预言耶稣的话。他行审判不凭眼见,断是非也不凭耳闻。

With his eyes, he saw, the fact is that after fasting 40 days and 40 nights, hewas hungry. With his ears, he heard a voice saying tell these stones tobecome bread, which He could easily have done. 照他眼睛所见的是,他禁食四十昼夜,是很饿的;他耳朵听到的是:“吩咐这些石头变成食物”,这对他来说,很容易做到。However, Jesus never did anything by judging with his physical eyes andphysical ears, instead, he relied on every word that came from the mouth ofGod. 但耶稣从不照肉眼所见的、肉耳所听见的去行事,乃是信靠神口里所出的一切话。

Jesus says: If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and takeup his cross and follow me.” 耶稣对门徒说:“若有人要跟从我,就当舍己,背起他的十字架,来跟从我。Adam was defeated, the Israelites were defeated, but Jesus Christ, the Son ofGod, has won the battle for us. 亚当失败了,以色列人失败了。唯有耶稣基督,神的儿子,为我们赢得了胜利。

Lets turn to His Love, through his grace, deny ourselves, take up the cross tocrucify our lust on the cross, 让我们转向祂的爱,靠着祂的恩典,弃绝我们自己,背起十字架,将我们的邪情私欲钉上十字架。Let us only exalt Him and His word in our daily practice, so that we may bevictorious over temptation, to glorify His name.让我们在每日的操练中,单单尊崇祂和祂的话,得以胜过一切试探,荣耀祂的名。

A Praryer:Thank you, Lord, for your obedience and your sacrificial love. You didntcome down from the Cross, when the evil voice enticed you, saying: Comedown from the Cross, if you are the Son of God.主啊,谢谢你的献上和你牺牲的爱,因此当人引诱你说:‘你若是神的儿子就从十字架上下来吧’,你没有那样做。

You held on to the word of God even though you suffered severely And Youare now back in the glorious place of the most High Adam failed, theIsraelites failed, but by the suffering you bore for our fallen nature, thebetrayal, the mocking, and the death you suffered for us即便你受苦受难,你都持守住神的话语,你如今又回到你荣耀的居所。亚当失败了,以色列人失败了,但借着你为我们的犯罪的天然人受苦,你被出卖,你被嘲弄,

You won the victory, through your resurrection, you have also given us theHoly Spirit to help us to overcome what a gracious Father You are Thankyou for such wonderful love 你得胜了,借着你的复活,谢谢你赐我们你的圣灵来帮助我们,谢谢你奇妙的爱,你是我何等恩典的天父。

How can I waste time labouring for the food that perishes, rather thanlabouring for the food that leads to eternal life? You love me so much andwant me to stand in Your victory to overcome the enemy and glorify Yourname.我怎能再去为朽坏的食物劳力,而轻忽你永生的食物呢?你如此爱我,你愿我能站在你得胜的地位上去胜过仇敌,因此荣耀你的名。

Forgive me, that like Adam and the Jews, I didnt acknowledge the existenceof a spiritual battle, that the devil is like a roaring lion looking for someone,who is not keeping the word of God in mind, to devour.请赦免我,像亚当和以色列人,我没有认出属灵争战的真实存在,你说那恶者好像吼叫的狮子,到处寻找可以吞吃那些没有把你话语记在心中的人。

How many times I’ve failed to keep Your word in mind? I’ve given a foothold tothe lust of the flesh,that cause anger judging other people on myown doubting Your word .doubting Your provision feeling ashamed andaccused .But You’ve loved me, laid down your life for me Your love willnever fail .多少次,我忘记了你的话,就给肉体私欲留了地步,这私欲使我去恼怒,去论断他人去怀疑你的话,去接受羞耻感和被控告感,但你爱我,为我舍己,你的爱永不止息。

Now I turn to Your truth and to Your unfailing love. Cleanse me by Yourprecious blood and fill me with the power of Love  to forgive myself, andforgive XXX  May I taste Your gracious salvation by confessing before You.现在我转向你的真理和你的爱,求你用宝血洁净我,用你爱的大能充满我,使我饶恕我自己,饶恕…某某…….借着这悔改,让我尝到你救恩的滋味。It is not by my own effort that I can be victorious over temptation, but by Yourgrace and Your word, and through abiding in You. 让我认识到,这不是因我自己而胜过试探,而是因你的恩典,你的大能,和借着与你连结去得胜。

So, Lord, teach me Your way, remind, and inspire me to delight in readingYour word, praying in the Spirit, and walking in Your way, so that I may sharein Your victory over my circumstances to glorify Your name. In Jesus name we pray! 主啊,求你教导我你的道,求主你提醒我,继续激励我,喜爱读你的话,在圣灵里祷告,在圣灵里行事,因此我能在环境里进入你的得胜,来荣耀你的名。谢谢主,奉主耶稣的名祷告!


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