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2017-04-02 Be victorious over temptation with communion 胜过试探3

发表于 2024-01-08

We have looked at the first two temptations, the first one when Satan tempted Jesus by asking him to tell the stones to become bread. 们分过前个试探,第一个试探是撒旦诱祂把石头变成面Jesus refused him by giving Gods word,Man does not live on bread alone,but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” 耶稣用神的话来拒绝牠:人活着不是单靠物,乃是靠神里所出的切话。

The devil failed but he didn’t give up, he tempted Jesus again,魔鬼失了但却不放弃,继续引诱耶稣:“throw yourself down from the top of the temple, so that God will command his angels concerning you and you will not strike your foot against a stone.从殿顶上跳下去,主要为吩咐祂的使者,免你的脚碰在石上。Jesus refused him again by telling him do not put the Lord your God to the test”. Then, the devil tried the third time. let’s read Matt 4:8-11耶稣再次神的话不可试探主你的来拒他,于是,魔鬼三次试探耶稣。

让我们读《马太福音》4:8-11 8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all thekingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 All this I will give you, he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”10 Jesus said to him, Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.”11 Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.魔鬼又了一座最高的山,将世的万国与万国的荣华都指给祂看,对祂说:若俯伏拜我,我就把这一都赐你。耶稣,退去!因为上记着说:当拜你的神单要事奉祂。是,魔鬼离耶稣,有天使来候他。

Have you noticed that in the third temptation, Jesus directly called out the tempter’s name, “Satan.”你有没有留意到第三次受探时,耶稣直接叫出了那 Why didnt Jesus call out the tempter’s name the last two times, what incited Jesus to call out: “Satan, away from me.” 为什么耶在前两次试探时有叫他的名?是什么原因激动了耶叫出撒旦,离开We know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, fully man and fully God, who knew the devil’s desires from the beginning, that he never stops desiring to be worshipped like God.我们知道耶基督是神儿子,完全的人完全的神,祂从起初就知道撒旦的私——就是想要神一样敬拜。

In Isa 14:12-14, How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! 13 For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation, on the farthest sides of the north;14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.《以赛14:12-14明亮之星早晨子啊,你竟从天坠落?你攻败列国的何竟被砍倒在上?你心里曾说:要升天上;我高举我的宝座在众星以上;我要坐在聚会山上,在北方的极处。我要升到高云之上;我要与至上同等。

In our Chinese version, we don’t have this name Lucifer, it is called Day Star,son of the dawn. 在中文和合本里 Lucifer 这个名字,而叫他明亮之星,早晨之子It is a translation of the Hebrew word-“Heylel, which seems to mean “lighter-bearer” or brightness”. 这是从希来语Heylel来的,意指带着明亮Satan was an angel, but he fell and was cast out from heaven. Jesus once told his disciples, I saw Satan fall like lighting from heaven. Do you know why?撒旦曾天使的一位,他坠落了赶逐天上,稣曾告诉门徒: 我看见撒旦从天上坠落,像闪电一样为什么?

From v13-14, 5 times, the evil one stated “I will”, in the last statement, he declared: “Ill be like God. 13-14 节里,我们看总共有次,撒说:我要,最一次他宣告: 我要与至者同等”,what a haughty and arrogant heart! he wants to be like God and the worship that only belongs to God. Also, he wants humans to follow his way to rebel against the Creator God. 何等狂傲的心! 他想要做神,想夺取本属于 至高神的敬拜。且他要人和他一起去悖逆创造主。

Today, I’m gonna to share with you three points about the third temptation of Jesus.我想和大家分享点,关耶稣的第三个试

1, Resist Satan by forsaking the worship of idols.以弃绝偶像崇拜抵挡撒旦。

v.8, Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour. 8 魔鬼又带祂上了座最高的山,将世上的万国与万国的荣华都指给祂看。We’re not sure if it is a vision or a real thing, but Luke 4 tells us that Satan showed Jesus in an instant all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 不知道是一异象,还真实的?福音四章里提到撒旦瞬间,将万国和万国的荣华指给耶稣

What does their splendour mean? Worldly splendour like art, architecture, fame, wealth, success, power, and a luxurious life, maybe banquets, beauty, anything beautiful that people chase after. 什么是万国的荣华?世上的艺术,建筑,名气,财富,成功,,奢的生活,还有宴、美貌等,所追求的在世间,认为美事物Satan said to Jesus, if you want to have these, “bow down and worship me.撒旦对稣说如果你想这些,俯伏拜我Jesus called out: Satan, away from me. Jesus knows that Satan craves worship, and wants to be like God. 耶稣说:撒旦,离开我。旦渴望与神等,拜。

In the old days, he deceived Adam and Eve, and even the Jews, to worship him by enticing them to crave things and satisfy themselves with what they wanted. 从前旦欺骗了当和夏娃,后探犹太,借着引诱他们求自己想要的东西来俯拜他。Adam lost the authority that God gave him to be like a king of the earth. Do you remember that God told Adam the purpose of being created?亚当因此失去了神赐给他做地上之王的权柄。还记得神诉亚当他受造的目的是什么吗?Let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.里的鱼空中的,地上的牲畜和地,并地上所爬一切昆虫。

It means that humankind was created to be like a king to rule over the earth,and all the creatures on the earth. 是说人的受造好像王一样去管理地,和地上全部活物。In other words, tigers or other wild animals should not eat man, but should obey to man, because the Sovereign God gave man such authority.也就是说,老虎或其他野兽不该吃人反倒该听从人类因为掌 将这权柄赐给了人。Hallelujah! Are you excited by Gods promise?哈利亚,对的应许感到激动吗?

Unfortunately, Adam fell into temptation and lost authority. In Peter 2:19 says: “for whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved.” 可惜的是,亚当败了,去了这权柄。彼得后2:19因为人谁制伏,就是谁的奴仆。Satans scheme worked and sin overcame Adam, since then, human nature becomes a slave to the devil and sin, which is filled with fear, insecurity, and anxiety.撒旦的计谋和制伏了亚当,自,人性成了撒旦和罪的仆,充恐惧、不安和焦

But Jesus Christ, fully man and fully God came to destroy the works of the devil, and to give us new life, restoration, and reconciliation! The convent is restored by Jesus! Praise Him.但耶稣基督,完全人和完全神,神儿子显现是为除灭魔鬼的作为,了我们新生命、使我们被恢复、又让和睦。个约定修复了,赞美耶

Satan never wants to stop telling lies, Jesus told us that the devil from beginning was a liar, so he tried to deceive: worship me, I will give you these” 但撒旦从没有停止说谎。耶稣告诉我们魔鬼从起就是说谎的,他才会说:拜我,我就给你这东西,Can Satan really give us anything good if we spend our whole life chasing wealth, possessions, fame, and power in this world instead of serving the sovereign God? 若我们不侍奉管万有的神,一生追富有、物、名声、权力,撒旦真能给我们这吗?

Heaps of wealthy and famous people have testified that they had earned money and fame, but when cancer or other incurable disease came, their world was ruined很多有钱有名的人,已经们挣得了钱财名,但当癌症或其他不治之症来临时他们就崩了。That’s why Jesus said: What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul? Jesus also said: you cannot serve both God and Money.” 这就是什么 耶稣赚得全世界,赔自己的生命,有什么益处呢?祂还说:你们不能既奉神,又侍奉玛

Does this mean that we dont need to have a job? Absolutely not.难道要我们就不要去工作?当然不It says that we should not sell our soul to worship what the world teaches us to crave money, success and self-glory, or other things that we think could give us peace and security, that is idol worship.这是说,不让我们灵魂去跟随世界教导去追求钱、成功自我的荣耀其他的我以为以带安全感,和的东西,那就是拜偶像

God has promised us: Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. Heb 13:5 , He tells us: Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have. 神应许我们:我总不下你,也不丢弃 13:5,祂说:你们存心不贪爱钱,要以自己所有为足。Because of the fallen nature, which has been enslaved by fear, insecurity, and anxiety, so that nothing can satisfy. 因为堕落的旧人已经成恐惧、不安和焦虑的奴仆,什么都填不满它。The solution of the fallen nature is to deny the self and crucify it on the cross with Christ, thats why Jesus said, take up your cross and follow me. 决旧人的出路是否它,将它与主同钉十字架,就是为什么耶稣,背起你字架,跟从我。

But Satan tells lies to the world, if you could earn more money, if you could have more possessions, then you would find peace and security; 撒旦用谎言迷惑这世界,如果挣得更,拥有多,你会有安和保障If you owned these, you would have a happy life or you would gain more respect...but eventually, what good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, yet forfeits his soul果你拥有这东西,会有幸福人生,人就会尊重你,但最终,若赚得全世界,上自己的生命有什么益呢?

I testify God’s word is true indeed! I thought that I was on a right way, when I devoted my previous life to my business career. 证上帝的话实在实,当我之前致力于我生意事业我曾觉得我是走对路的。As a 30 years old young lady, I earned an average of USD 150.000 per month,was I rich? Yes, I was.作为一个 30 岁的年轻人,我均每月赚 15 万美元,我曾经吗?的 ,曾经富有。But wealth didnt bring me happiness and peace, rather, I lost my temper, and I got terrible depression. Fear was filled with my heart, and I was going to die. 但财没有给我来平安和幸福,而坏脾气,忧郁症,那时惧怕充我的心快要死了

My doctor in Hong Kong said to me: “Nothing can heal you, you must eat multiple medicines until you die. And other two doctors said the same thing to me. 香港的医生对我的病是看不好的,你终身吃各种药,到死。其他的医生也对我了一样话。Thanks to Jesus our saviour and our healer. I got immediately healed when I first repent to Him! The fear was gone. 感谢耶稣我们的救和医治者,当我向祂第一次悔改,我就立即了医治。恐惧离了。

Throughout 7 years ministered the church in Shenzhen, which God called me to establish, by selling most our possessions to support the ministry there and to give some certain people who needed, now I feel secure though I’m not as rich as before, for Jesus faithfulness is my strong refuge.在神呼我建深圳教,和牧会 7 年中,我们乎变卖了所有的财产来支持教会事和给某些要的,虽然我在不再像从前那样富有了很有安全感因为耶的信实是坚固的障。

So, brothers and sisters, if we live according to fear and the fear of being rejected, that can cause us to worship idols, idols like money, possessions, and especial worship the self. 所以,弟兄姊妹,如果我们活在惧怕中,和怕被人拒绝中,就会导致我们拜偶像,拜金,拜财物,更是拜自己。The self cant be satisfied, so the more we feed the self, the more we feel unhappy and bitter.自我是填不满的, 因此越喂养自我, 我们就越不快乐和充满怨恨。

But if we trust in Gods promise, and be content with what we have, to starve the flesh, and to feed the soul on Gods word, it will help us to resist Satans enticements. 但如果我们信靠神的应许,以我们所有的为足,不去满足肉体私欲,用神的话喂养灵命,就能帮我们抵挡撒旦的引诱。

2, Resist Satan by setting our minds on things above  以思念天上的事来抵挡撒旦。

V.10 Jesus refused Satan and said: “Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only. Then the devil left him. 10 节,稣抵挡撒旦说:当拜主的神,单要侍奉祂。”于是魔鬼离开祂。1 Peter 5:9 tells us, Resist the devil, standing firm in faith. How do we resist the devil when he is invisible? 得前书5:9要用坚的信心抵挡它。我们看不到魔,怎么抵挡它呢?

Jesus told us: God and serve Him only that can help us to resist the “Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.” If we worship devileffectively.耶稣教导我们:拜主你神,单要侍奉祂。敬拜神,侍奉就会帮助我们有效地抵挡魔鬼。How do we apply it in our daily life? 我们当在常生中怎样练呢?In John 4:24, Jesus says, God is Spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth. 约翰福音4:24耶稣说,神是个,所以拜祂的,须在真理和圣灵里拜祂。

We know that truth is the word of God, so keeping God’s word and His way in our hearts and minds is crucial.我们知道,真理就是神的,最紧要的是把的话和的道记在心里。Because Jesus Christ demonstrated that every time he overcame the tempter,it was because of the word of God, in which he lived. 耶稣基督在地上示了每一次胜过试探都是因他住在神话里。Without being rooted in Gods word and His love, how can Christians overcome temptations?若不是根于神的和神的爱,基督么可胜过试探呢?

This week, I read a testimony about a previously famous singer who got cancer. 这周我看到一个证,她曾一位有名的歌手,得了症。She accepted Jesus in her time of distress, through God’s grace and love, she had chemo 43 times can you imagine chemo 43 times? What a terrible and painful experience? 在她最苦难的候,接受了耶,靠着神恩典和爱,她居然做了 43 你能想象 43 化疗是多么可怕痛苦的经历吗?

Two years later, she pulled through and was totally healed. Her testimony once encouraged many people to follow Jesus. 两年后,她渡过难关并且完全康复了她的证曾感动许多人来随耶稣。But because she didn’t root her faith truly in God’s word, after she was healed, a big company offered her a shortcut to success, to tell the world that because of their healthy products she had taken, her cancer got healed.但因她有扎神的话,复后,一个大公给她提供一个捷径可以成,就是让她做见说,是她了他们公司的保品,她的癌症了。

Now she earns USD 40,000 per month by promoting sales and telling her story to the world with a radiant image, and she is more successful than before, but God and His amazing work was kicked out of her story because of money.现在,靠着销那个健康产品每 4 万美金,以丽的形象四处去述她的故事,比前更成功了。但上帝和上奇妙的工作为钱被踢了那医治见证。

What a sad story! How long will these good days last? What if any other cancer appears to her body? 多么可! 这些好日子能持多? 要是她里再生癌了会怎样?When I think about this, I realised that if we aren’t rooted in truth, we also will be like her to be tempted into temptation, because we all have a same nature.若我没扎根在理里我们就会像她一样,进试, 因我们有一样的然性情。

For Jesus told us that you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.因为耶告诉们,你们晓得真,真理叫你们得自由。By Gods word, we receive love through faith, and Gods love can help us to cast out fear, and close the door of our hearts to Satan. 从神的话语里,借着信我们得爱,神的爱能帮我赶出惧,并向撒旦关门God wants us to worship Him in Spirit. But if we just study Gods word in our heads, that can result in a dry, a passionless and a joyless legalism. 果我们用头脑学习神的话,就会掉进到枯、没有热情、没有喜乐律法主义去。

Rom 8:5 says, those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires, but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 【罗马书】8:5,因为随从肉体的体贴体的事,从圣灵的人体贴灵的事。From the church of Corinth, we see that Christians have their minds set on their nature desires, that can cause jealousy, anger, and quarrelling, and other problems. 从哥多教会我们见,基督体贴肉体,就会致嫉妒恼怒和纷争等问

Because the tendency of the sinful nature is to put me, I, my, first” ahead of both God and others, everything is about me”, which results in self-centeredness or self-worship, and easily progresses to self-pity, anger, bitterness, and even depression. 为属罪本性总我,第一位,放在神和他人, 一切都为了 就导了自我中心,和自我崇拜。并且很容易发展成自怜,发怒,毒,甚至

When we become aware in the flesh that a person is enjoying an advantage or a blessing or an achievement that we wish was ours, we will feel unhappy and bitter, and that also can lead to other sins. 当我们的体意识,别人在为得了好处祝福成就在高兴,我们肉体就不高兴,到酸酸的,因觉得那应我的, 若这样从,就导致他的罪。

Saul, the first king of Israel, who set his mind on earthly things, valued how people looked at him more than how God looked at him, because of envy, he committed the sins of rebellion and murder, which destroyed his relationship with God. 以色列的第一位王扫罗,他体肉体看重人对的看法,过于神,因着嫉妒,就悖逆神,要人,这使他和神关系破How dangerous it is, if we believe lies, and live a life to please ourselves, for we have no good apart from Him. 我们若信取悦自活着,是何等危险?因为我们的好处不在以外。

Col 3:2 gives us a way out, set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. 歌罗西书 3:2,给我们一条出,就是们要思念上面的,不要思念地上的事。Because the essence of desiring earthly things is connected to self-centeredness or self-worship, which is contrary to God’s way of love that we should honour others above ourselves. 因为思念地事的本是和自中心,自我崇拜相联系的,这是和的爱的道路,要人过于荣自己相反的。

Walking in the wrong way, we will never feel joy. In other words, unhappiness and feeling disappointed will always follow those who set their minds on me, I, my”. nobody care for me they should listen to me it’s mine 在那条道上,们将无喜乐可。换句话整天就是,我啊没有人关心他们应该听我的是我的,不高兴感和失感将一直跟着这些人。

Thanks God, who gives us a way out! Let us repent and turn away from focusing on me, I, my. And turn to seek first His kingdom and His righteousness,putting on love, to love our God, and to love one another with a grateful heart, that can help us to resist and close the door to the devil. 感谢主给我们一条出路,让我们悔改,从整天,我啊的转出来,转向求祂的和祂的义让我穿上爱感恩的心来爱神和爱人这样可帮助我们抵挡撒向他关Do you agree?你们阿门吗?

3, Love God more than anything else.爱神超过一切。

Jesus Christ resisted Satan’s temptation, as he only surrendered himself for Gods use. 耶稣只降服于的吩咐,就抵挡撒旦的试He was ready to only follow the Father’s will in total obedience, which resulted in the greatest gift to the world: salvation and the reconciliation of humankind to the eternal God. 预备己完全服天父的旨意,成就了给世界的最大礼物:就是救恩,让 人与永生神和

He chose the way of going to the cross to suffer pain and death, for the purpose of saving us, instead of enjoying a kings life of earthly satisfaction, wealth and power, this is His Love for us. 拯救我,祂选择接架的痛和死,放了本他的,君的享受,财富,和权力,就是祂对我们的He became poor, so we could become rich, He was rejected, we are accepted, He was condemned, we are forgiven. 他成了贫穷,叫我们可以成为富足,他被弃绝,叫们被纳,他被罪,叫们得赦免。

He was crucified, we can have eternal life! He has promised that He will never forsake us or reject us. 祂被钉在十字架上,叫我们有永生。应许我们总不撇下我们,也丢弃们。This is Gods great love for us. Jesus Christ laid down his life for us, He said in John 10:8, no one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord this command I received from my Father.就是神我们的大爱,耶基督为我们舍,祂约翰福10:18 说,没人夺我命去,是我自己的,这是我从我所受命令。

He indicated that it is he who willingly chose the way of being crucified on the cross, he only did the Father’s command. 说那是他自愿选择被钉死十字,祂只遵天父的令。I believe that the following words are the key to overcome temptation, 我相信接下来的话,是胜过试探关键。Jesus said: “the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me. John14:31 耶稣说:叫世人道我爱父,并父怎吩咐我,就怎行。 14:31

Christ Jesus only desired to love the Father by doing what the Father commanded him to do, there wasnt any other desire in Christ’s heart, so Satan failed to tempt him. 耶稣基只愿爱父,就是神的吩而行;在他心中别无所求,所以,撒旦在他前失败了。As his followers, if we follow this way, Satan also will fail to tempt us. 做为他的跟随,我们若样跟随,撒旦在们面前要失

That’s why after Jesus had been resurrected from death, He asked Peter three times do you love me more than these?” 这就是为么在复活之后,稣三次问彼得我比些更多吗?We all know that Peter denied the Lord three times, and failed the temptation because of fear when the Lord was arrested, 道彼得三次不认,主被捕时,因着惧怕他在试探跌倒了;

but Jesus never forsook those followers whose faith was weak, by asking three times “do you love me more than these?He was telling us a secret to overcome temptation, that is to love our God more than anything else. 但耶稣总不会下信软弱的跟三次问爱我比些更多吗? 是在告诉我们,胜过试探的秘诀就是爱神超过一切所有。

Peter conquered his fear by receiving the Lord’s acceptance and His divine love, and in Jesus perfect love, Peter had no fear.徒彼得接受了主的爱和接纳后,在主完全的爱里,他过了惧怕。Tradition tells us that when Peter died as a martyr, he chose to be crucified up-side-down, because he said; I am unworthy to die as my Lord died.” 历史记载,得为殉道。死时,他选倒钉在十字架上,因为他说我不配主有一样的死法。

The one who had denied the Lord glorified God. 曾经那位 不认主的门徒,最后,他荣耀了神的Today, Jesus is also asking us: “Do you love me more than these?今天,耶稣也这样问我们你爱比这些更多吗? (repeat?)May all of us who have accepted His love give Him a response in love, and say: “Yes Lord, I love You, but it isnt enough, teach me the way of loving you more than anything else, so that I may glorify Your name in my circumstances.但愿我们这接受祂爱的人在爱中应说:的,主,我爱你,但真的够,你教导我怎样爱你胜过其他事物,让能在环境中荣耀你的名。

Prayer:Lord Jesus, thank you for choosing us who are weak in nature. 感谢主,你拣选我们这在肉体中软弱的人。But you have promised us that you will never forsake us or reject us, because You have paid the price for purchasing us to be Your children and Your body.但你应许我们,永不撇弃也永不丢弃我们因为你用宝血买赎了我们,成为你孩子,成你的体。

Even though sometimes, we I failed you, and you never fail usme.Thank you Lord for your unfailing love, 虽然我们有时失败,你失望了,你却没有叫们失望. 啊谢谢你永不止息的爱。Forgive us (me), when we (I) focused on me, I, my  jealousy and anger and quarrelling followed me unhappy and feeling disappointed was about to devour me now I know that this is a way of endless darkness .求你免我们,当我们专我的,我的嫉妒恼怒,竞就来了开心和失落的情绪要我湮主啊,我才知,原来这是一条止境的黑暗之路

Because of feeding the self on earthly desires, I allowed bitterness, jealousy, anger, blaming others, judgemental thoughts…into my heart to build strongholds, which caused me to think negatively, joylessly, and ungratefully, and to be tempted into temptation easily. 用属地的私欲来喂养自,我打开门让苦毒,嫉妒,抱怨他,论断人的心思 进入的心中,来建立固的营;这使我想事情很负面,完全无乐可言,也没有恩的心, 试探就失败了。

Now, I declare that I renounce going on this way of death, and I willingly turn to Your way. By Your grace, help me to go on the way of taking up my cross daily to crucify the self, and the way of feeding myself on Your words daily. 在,我告我绝行走在条死亡之我愿意转向你道路着你恩典帮助我天天背起自己的十字架,来向己死,天天用神的话来喂养自己。

By the power of Your Spirit destroy the stronghold of bitterness, jealousy, and quarrelling which are in me. I receive Your forgiveness to forgive myself and to forgive those I think that they treated me unjustly, and fill me with Your love, so that I may be able to love my enemies. 求圣灵释放大能摧毁我里面的苦毒,嫉妒,和争竞的坚固营垒。我接受你的饶恕,饶恕我自己,也饶恕那些我认为亏负我的人,求用爱充满我,好叫我可以去爱我的仇敌。

Lord, guide me to walk in way of loving You, and of serving You only! Lead me to walk in the way of loving others, so that I may worship You in my daily practice to glorify Your name! Thank you Lord, in Jesus name we pray.主啊,引领我走在爱你,我神的道中,单单的侍奉你。并且引导我走在爱他人的道上,因此我就在我日常的生活中敬拜你,来荣耀你的名,谢谢主,奉主耶稣的名祷告。


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