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2017-04-12 God’s salvation for our body, soul and spirit 灵,魂,体的救恩

发表于 2024-01-08

Today is Palm Sunday, which is the final Sunday of Lent and a week before Easter, when Jesus was raised from death. It is the time Christians to remember when our Lord Christ Jesus was betrayed, suffered, and crucified on the cross. 今天是棕枝主日,主耶稣复活前最后一个主日;是提醒基督徒纪念主耶稣被出卖、受难、被钉十字架的日子。

 Palm Sunday marks the moment the Son of God entered the holy city Jerusalem in triumph riding a donkey, the crowds threw palm branches and clothes at his feet to honour him as the Messiah King, though they later called for him to be crucified. 棕枝主日是神儿子骑着驴驹进入圣城耶路撒冷的那天,虽然后来群众又吼叫说 “把他钉十字架”, 但那天,人把棕树枝和衣服铺在他脚前,尊他为弥赛亚和君王。

Palm branches are widely recognised as symbol of peace and victory. At that time, a king riding a donkey symbolized peace, while a king on a horse symbolized war. Lets read Matt 21:1-11 人们普遍把棕树枝当成是和平和胜利的象征;在那个年代,如果国王骑着驴子就象征着和平,如果国王骑在马上就象征开战。让我们读马太福音21:1-11

This bible passage is talking about when Jesus entered Jerusalem, a large multitude gathered around Him, who acknowledged that Jesus was the Messiah, which fulfilled the prophecy that was written in the book of Zechariah five hundred years ago.  这段经文描述了耶稣进入耶路撒冷之前,一大堆群众围着祂,称他为弥赛亚;成就了在 500 多年前写在《撒迦利亚书》里的预言。

Wouldnt it be amazing if anybody prophesied that you would come here 500 years ago? Wow, it would be fabulous! the book of Zechariah was written in 520 BC. 如果有人 500 年前预言你要出世,你不觉得奇妙吗?哇,实在太奇妙了,《撒迦利亚书》是公元前 520 年写的(比耶稣进耶路撒冷早了 500 多年)。

Prophet says in  Zechariah 9:9: Rejoice greatly, O Daughter of Zion! Shout, Daughter of Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and having salvation, gentle and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.先知在9:9说:锡安的民哪,应当大大喜乐;耶路撒冷的民哪,应当欢呼。看哪,你的王来到你这里!他是公义的,并且施行拯救,谦谦和和地骑着驴,就是骑着驴的驹子。

500 years before Jesus entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey, Zechariah spoke about the salvation of God and about the coming Messiah who would arrive Jerusalem on a colt. 在耶稣骑着驴驹进入耶路撒冷前的 500 多年,撒迦利亚就预言了神的拯救,关于那要来的弥赛亚,他会骑着驴驹子进入耶路撒冷。

 In Matt 21:1-3, Jesus said to his two disciples to go to the village ahead of them, that they would find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. 在《马太福音》21:1-3,耶稣打发两个门徒,让他们先去村子里,就必看见一匹驴栓在那里,还有驴驹同在一处。 Astonishingly, Jesus said to his two disciples, if the owner asked them, why they were taking the donkeys, they were to answer, the Lord needs them.  And the owner really gave them the donkeys, its unbelievable! But it happened! Gods word is powerful!  令人惊奇的是,耶稣对祂两个门徒说,如果有人问为什么牵走驴和驹子,就说“主要用它。”驴的主人真的就让他们牵去了,太不可思议了。 但事情 就样发生了,神的话是大有能力!

Who can 100% accurately predict the future? Only God!  If you are interested, you can check online, there are 44 Messianic prophecies that were written in the OT a thousand or hundreds of years ago, before Christ was born, 谁可以 100%预测未来呢?只有神。你若感兴趣,就可以上网查,在主前,一千多年前,或几百年前,就已经在旧约里,记载了 44 个关于弥赛亚要来的预言 。That have been fulfilled by Jesus Christ accurately. Thats why we believe that the bible is not a book from man, but is the inspired Word of God.  这些预言全都准确应验在耶稣基督身上。这就是我们信圣经不是人手写的书,而是神话语的默示的原因。

This historical accuracy and reliability sets the Bible apart from any other book or record. Praise God!  历史(见证圣经)的准确性和可靠性,把圣经从其他书籍和文献完全区别开来。赞美主! V.8, A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, while others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. 8 节:众人多半把衣服铺在路上;还有人砍下树枝来铺在路上。

The crowd honoured Jesus as a king, so that they spread their clothing on the road. Why? 群众拥戴耶稣为王,就把衣服铺在路上。为什么要铺衣服在地上呢?In 2 Kings 9, the prophet Elisha sent a messenger to give a Word from the Lord to Jehu. After pouring oil over Jehu, the messenger said to him in verse 12, 'Thus says the Lord, "I have anointed you king over Israel"'. 《列王志下》9 ,先知以利沙差人将神的话带给耶户。第 12 节,使者将膏油倒在耶户头上,就对他说:“耶和华如此说:我膏你做以色列王。” 

Then, everyone who was present took their garment and placed it under Jehu's steps, and they blew the trumpet, shouting, "Jehu is king!"(9:13). 他们就急忙各将自己的衣服铺在上层台阶,使耶户坐在其上;他们吹角,说:“耶户作王了!”  Similarly, the multitude recognized Jesus as the Messiah king by spreading their garments to meet him there. The Palm tree was a sign of joy and victory. 同样的,耶稣来的时候,群众也认他是弥赛亚,是君王,于是把衣服铺在地上迎接他。棕树枝象征着喜乐和胜利。

They spread palm branches as they met the King Messiah, which symbolized that Jesus Christ was about to make his triumphal entry into Jerusalem. 群众以棕树枝迎接弥赛亚君王,喻表耶稣基督将要得胜进入耶路撒冷,and where by his crucifixion and resurrection, he gained the victory over sin, Satan, the world, and death; and laid a solid foundation for joy and peace, to all that believe in him. 在那里,他被钉死又复活,他战胜了罪、撒旦、世界、和死亡的权势,为信他的人 建立了喜乐和平安的根基。

V. 9, they shouted: Hosanna, to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!. What does Hosanna mean? 9 节,众人喊着说:“和散那归于大卫的子孙!奉主名来的是应当称颂的!高高在上和散那!” “和散那”是什么意思呢?Hosanna is like hallelujah, often used as an exclamation of praise, but it is originally a plea for salvation. 和散那类似哈利路亚,是赞美的话,但和撒那起初是呼求拯救的意思。

The Hebrew root words are found in Psalm 118:25, which says, Save us, we pray, O LORD!. The Hebrew words yasha means deliver and save, and anna means beg and beseech. These two words combine to form the word in English, is hosanna.” 希伯来字根在’诗篇 118:25’里出现,“耶和华啊,求你拯救” 希伯来字 yasha(拯救)和 anna(恳求,哀求)合在一起,就是英文’hosanna’。 Literally, hosanna means I beg you to save! or please deliver us!” “Save us. 和散那照着字面直译,就是“求你拯救”,“请拯救我们”“救救我们吧”的意思。

So, when they shouted: Hosanna! They were acknowledging Jesus as their Messiah, and a cry for salvation and recognition that Jesus was able to save. 所以,当群众喊着说:“和散那!”,就是表明他们承认耶稣是弥赛亚,向弥赛亚发出求救的呼求,并认定他能施行拯救。 The crowds looked for a Messiah who would rescue them politically and free them nationally, but Jesus had come to save them spiritually, thats why Jesus was hung on a cross 5 days later but resurrected on the Holy Sunday.  群众盼望的是一位可以在政权上救赎他们、使他们国家脱离奴役的救主(因为他们受罗马统治),但耶稣来是为了拯救他们的灵魂,为此耶稣在 5 天后被钉在十字架上、但(那三天后)的礼拜日复活。

God knows that mankinds primary need is spiritual, not political, cultural, and social. 神知道人最首要的是灵魂的需要,不是政治、文化、或是社会的需要。The purpose of the good news is to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.  Acts 26:18” 福音的目的是“要叫他们的眼睛得开,从黑暗中归向光明,从撒旦权下归向神;又因信我,得蒙赦罪,和一切成圣的人同得基业。徒 26:18

Lets see what kind of spiritual needs does Jesus Salvation encompass?让我们来看看,耶稣基督的救恩都涉及了哪些属灵方面的事?  A, Open their eyes   B, Turn from darkness to light. C, Turn from the power of Satan to God D, Receive forgiveness of sins. E, For those who are sanctified by faith in Him will receive an inheritance. A,叫他们的眼睛得开;B,从黑暗中归向光明;C,从撒旦权下归向神;D,得蒙赦罪;E,使成圣的人得着基业。

Frist of all, it is to open our eyes, how important it is that our eyes need to be opened. 首先,是开我们的眼睛,这是何等重要! Those Jewish people were pitifully blinded, although they took off their cloaks and spread them on the road to honour Jesus Christ as Messiah in Jerusalem, shouting Hosanna to the Son of David, 可怜瞎眼的犹太人,虽然当耶稣进耶路撒冷时,他们称他是弥赛亚,连衣服都脱下来铺在他面前,并且喊着说“和散那归于大卫的子孙”。

they still didnt know what they were shouting for.  So do we really know what we are praising, singing or shouting about? 他们其实不知道他们喊的是什么。我们是否真知道我们赞美、歌颂、呼喊的是什么呢? “Hosanna” “save us! Our eyes need to be opened by Gods mercy and His Salvation. “和散那”,“拯救我们”,我们的眼睛需要神的怜悯和救恩来开启。

Twenty years ago, when I was a non-believer, there was a famous fortuneteller who was a doctor in a big official hospital where my mom worked  二十多年前,我还是一个非信徒。我母亲工作的政府大医院里有一位医生,会算命。 a friend heard about him, asked me to take her to meet him, as it was hard to make an appointment with him.因不容易挂到他的号,我的一个朋友就要我带她去找那个医生,When I took my friend to see him, he suddenly pointed at me, and said that a bad thing would happen to me in the next monthand I didnt believe him, but what he had said happened. 于是我就带上朋友去找那医生,那医生突然指着我说,下个月你要遇一件倒霉事。我不相信,不过他说的(倒霉事),后来就应验了。

The dark power can predict things that may threaten people and cause them to fear and to worship him, because the Bible tells us that the whole world is under the power of the evil one (1 John 5:19) 黑暗权势能预测一些恐吓人的事,是为叫人害怕,就去拜牠,因圣经告诉我们,全世界都卧在那恶者手下。(约壹 5:19 Curious, I went to see him again, and told him a lie, saying that what he had predicted had not happened. 我很好奇,就又去找他,跟他撒了个谎,说他预测的不准,那倒霉事没有发生。

He was provoked to say, Its impossible that I could be wrong! I will try again. He consulted his cards and suddenly, he became confused and said: 他被激动了,说:“那不可能!我不可能说错的,我再算一次!”他就摆了卦,忽然,他困惑的说: “where will you go after you reach your age of 33 or 34 ? I am unable to find a trace of you after you reach the age of 33 or 34. Where will you go? why I cant see the trace of you after then?” “你 33,34 岁后去哪里了呢?那之后我就找不到你了,你去哪里了呢?我怎么就看不到你的行踪了呢?”

I didnt understand his perplexing words, but they stayed in my mind. 我真听不懂 他说的奇怪话,但这事一直记在我心里。 10 years later, I became a Christian. One day, I was reading Colossians 1:13 For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves. 10 多年后,我成了基督徒。一天,当我读到歌罗西书1:13:祂救了我们脱离黑暗的权势,把我们迁到他爱子的国里。

Immediately, the fortune-tellers words came to mind, where will you go, after you reach the age of 33 or 34? Im unable to find a trace of you after then.” 突然我想起这算命先生的话,“你 33,34 岁后去了哪里呢?33,34 岁后,我找不到你的行踪了。” Suddenly, I understood why, because I was brought into the kingdom of light, when I was 35, I no longer belonged to the dominion of darkness! And the book of the rest of my earthly life has been presented to Gods kingdom. 一下子我就明白了——因为我被迁到爱子光明的国度里,不再属于黑暗权势了,记录我在地上余下日子的册子,被转移到神的国度里去了。

Thats why the evil one was unable to trace me! Praise God! My understanding of Gods kingdom and the dominion of darkness was opened up after reading this bible verse. 所以恶者就再也找不到我的行踪了。赞美主!读了这句话,我对光明国度、和黑暗权势的理解就被神开启了。 When our eyes are opened, we will know that Christ came for salvations sake, not for anything else! What is His perfect salvation for us? How can we taste His perfect salvation by our faith? 当我们的眼被打开,就会知道耶稣来到地上是为拯救,不为别的,他所要给我们的完全的拯救是什么?我们怎样借着信尝到这完全的救恩呢?

Before we can answer these questions, we must know how we are wonderfully made. 在回答这些问题前,我们必须清楚知道我们是如何奇妙被造的。 God made us according to His image, and He is the God of the trinity Father, Son, and Spirit. Likewise, man is three parts body, soul and spirit. 神照着他的形象造人,祂是三位一体的神,父,子,圣灵。人因此也有三部分:身体,魂,和灵。

We know this explicitly from the bible, 1 Thessalonians 5:23 Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 我们从圣经里知道得很清楚,在帖撒罗尼迦前书5:23,愿赐平安的神亲自使你们全然成圣!又愿你们的灵与魂与身子得蒙保守,在我们主耶稣基督降临的时候,完全无可指摘!

Paul wished that God would sanctify the church entirely, and the three parts of man would be preserved blameless, which meant in purity and without sin and being saved entirely. 保罗盼望神使教会全然成圣,又愿人的三部分都蒙保守而无可指摘。 It shows that Gods complete salvation for us encompasses our three parts spirit, soul, and body. 这表明神完全的拯救是包含对人的三部分——灵,魂,身子的全然拯救。

 1, Salvation for the rebirth in our Spirit.  灵的重生得救。 

In Genesis, when God first created Adam by breathed into his nostrils, he became a living being. 在创世纪里,神创造亚当时,将生气吹进他的鼻孔,亚当就成了有灵的活人。After he ate the fruit, the word of truth tells us that he died, but his physical body still lived until he reached 930 years old. 亚当吃了禁果后,真理告诉我们,他死了,但他的肉身却还活到 930 岁。

During those years of physical life, he still could talk and father his two sons. However, he was cast out of Gods presence. 在亚当有生之日,他可以说话、还生养了两个孩子。然而,他从神的同在中被赶逐出去了。Ephesians 2:5 explains, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressionsit is by grace you have been saved. 《以弗所书》2:5 这样解释,“我们死在过犯中,便叫我们与基督一同活过来。”

The bible explains that we were dead in sins before God as non-believers. But we maybe say, I wasnt dead, I could walk, I could eat and speak. How could I have been dead?” 圣经解释说,我们在不信的时候,在神面前,是死在罪中;但我们或许会说:“我没死啊,我可以走,可以吃,可以说话,我怎会是死人呢?”Since Adam fell into temptation, his spirit died, mankind died spiritually, and were unable to have conversations with God any more. 自从亚当在试探中跌倒时,他的灵死了。人类在灵性上是死的,就不再能与神交流了。

Thanks to our God our Saviour, who died for our sins, after he had been resurrected from death, Jesus appeared to His disciples, and breathed on them and said: Receive the Holy Spirit. Do you remember this?  感谢神我们的救主,为我们的罪而死。耶稣从死里复活,向祂的门徒显现,并向他们吹气说:“你们受圣灵。” 大家记得吗? It is by grace we have been saved, because Jesus once told Nicodemus, flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit.” 这是因恩典,我们得蒙拯救。因耶稣曾对尼哥底母说:“从肉身生的就是肉身;从灵生的就是灵。”

When we receive the Holy Spirit by repentance and baptism through faith, we are born again. It means that at that moment a new baby is born spiritually and we are saved and brought into Gods kingdom. 我们悔改受洗后,受了圣灵,就重生了。就是说,一个属灵的婴孩出生了,我们从此被迁到神的国度里。

In our home church, many people after they had received baptism, the following day, they would tell me a similar dream, in which they saw, a newborn baby was lying beside them or in their arms. Then I knew, that they had been born again in Gods eyes, and were saved. 在我们那个家庭教会,许多人在受洗后,就会告诉我,他们做了一个相似的梦,有的说,梦里身边躺着个婴孩,有的说,怀里抱着个婴儿。我就知道,在神的眼里,他们重生得救了。

But this is just a beginning for a person who tastes Gods salvation, we are called to go on to maturity.  重生得救只是人蒙拯救的起点,神呼召我们进到完全的地步。Spiritual death still will come, if a Christian who set the mind on flesh, the bible says it is death (Rom 8:6), which is referring to the spiritual death. 因为属灵的死亡仍然会临到一个基督徒,若他体贴肉体,圣经说,体贴肉体就是死, 就是指灵的死,与神隔绝。

Thats why some Christians when they were born again, they had a wonderful honeymoon period with the living God, and they experienced Gods instructions actively by receiving dreams and living words .这就是一些基督徒见证说,当他们刚重生得救,他们经历了和永活神的蜜月期,他们收到神活泼的指引,赐他们梦和赐活泼的话语。 but later those kinds of things became rare, even it stopped.  Why? 但是之后,这样的事变少了,甚至没有了,为什么?

Because if we dont know the importance of setting our minds on things above, we will fail temptations by walking in our ways, 因为如果我们不认识设立属天思想的重要性,我们会在自己的道中,在试探中跌倒。 And if we ignore the necessity of confession and repentance, spiritual death will come again. (James 1:15) 并且,如果我们再轻忽认罪悔改的重要性,属灵的死亡就又来了。

Thats why we need to pray constantly and to ask the Holy Spirit to help us, and to stir us to long for feeding ourselves on Gods words, as well as walking in it, and by that we may grow up into salvation1 Peter 2:2)这就是我们需要祷告,和求圣灵来帮助我们,兴起我们里面的渴望读经,并行道,借着操练行神的话,叫我们因此渐长以致得救。(那是说,一直活在救恩里面)

2,  Salvation for our physical bodies.  身体的得赎 。

In Gods perfect salvation, He first regenerated our spirit (John 3:6), the following process is to transform our soul, and final step is to transfigure our mortal body into an immortal shape. 在上帝全备的救赎计划中,祂第一步重生我们的灵( 3:6),接下来改变我们的魂,最后,改变我们必朽坏的身体成为不朽坏的形状。  Im gonna to talk about the second part the transforming of our soul to the end, as only this part we have to pay the price by our faith, but other two parts of Gods salvation, we only need to receive by faith.  第二步关于“魂的改变”我将会留到最后来讲,只有这个部分需要我们付上信心的代价,而其它两部分的救恩,我们只要信就可以白白得着。

1 Corinthians 15:50-53, I tell you this, brothers: flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God, nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable. 51 Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, 52. in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. 53 For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality.

林前 15:50-5350 弟兄们,我告诉你们说,血肉之体不能承受 神的国,必朽坏的不能承受不朽坏的。51 我如今把一件奥秘的事告诉你们,我们不是都要睡觉,乃是都要改变,52 就在一霎时,眨眼之间,号筒末次吹响的时候;因号筒要响,死人要复活,成为不朽坏的,我们也要改变。53 这必朽坏的总要变成不朽坏的(“变成”原文作“穿”。下同),这必死的总要变成不死的。

From reading this passage, we know that our current body cant inherit the kingdom of God, as its perishable, when the last trumpet sounds which is written in Re 11, all of us will receive an imperishable body. 从这段经文我们可以看到,我们现有的身体不能承受神的国,因它是可朽坏的。启示录 11 所提到的号筒末次吹响的时候,那时 我们将要得着一个不朽坏的身体。

You may ask me what that will be like? The only answer that I can give you is from the bible verse, 或许你会问,那不朽坏的身体将是怎样的?我只能从经文里告诉你答案:Philippians 3:21 who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.【腓 3:21】他要按着那能叫万有归服自己的大能,将我们这卑贱的身体改变形状,和他自己荣耀的身体相似。

Now we know that we will be transformed into bodies like his glorious body when the time comes, we will be completely rescued by Him, but we must wait, as even the apostle Paul is waiting with groans (Rom 8:23).  现在我们知道了,时候到了,我们的身体要改变形状,要和基督荣耀的身体相似,我们将全然的得赎。但我们必须等候,即便是使徒保罗,也是一样在叹息等候(8:23)。

 3, Salvation for the transforming of our souls.  魂的全然得救- 像耶稣。

This part is very important for those Christians still alive on the earth, people like you and me, which determines if we will taste His perfect salvation and go on to maturity or not. 这个部分对于我们这些活在地上的基督徒来说非常重要,它将决定我们是否能进到完全的地步,得尝祂全备的救恩。 So please listen carefully. In the beginning of the bible, when God breathed on Adam whose body was formed from clay, he became a living soul. 所以盼望大家能仔细听。在圣经的起头,当神向泥土所造的亚当吹了一口气,亚当就成了有灵的活人。

The word soul is translated from the Hebrew word nephesh. It means that Adam became a living person (or a live life). “魂”这个字是从希伯来文“nephesh”这个词翻译过来的。意思是,亚当成为一个活人(一个生命)。 For instance, King David said in Psalm 62:1 Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. 比如,大卫王在诗 62:1里说,我的心默默无声,专等候 神,我的救恩是从他而来。

He felt that his life, his thoughts, his mind, his willpower, and everything about his ego, I will” “I think,” “I feel found rest in the Lord, because he knew that his salvation came from God, so he stopped struggling by himself.  他感受到他的生命、他的思想、他的意念、他的意志力,一切关乎“自我”的“我要”、“我想”、“我感觉”都在主的面前默默无声,因他知道他的救恩从神而来,因此他不再靠自己努力挣扎。

Therefore, the soul can be defined as the ego, which consists of three factors: the will, the intellect, and the emotions. 因此,“魂”可以解释为 “自我思想”,包括三个部分:意志,理智和情感。 When Jesus predicted his death, he prayed: Now My soul is troubled, and what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour? But for this purpose I came to this hour. 28 Father, glorify Your name. John 12:27-28” 当耶稣预言祂的死,祂祷告说:“我现在心里忧愁,我说什么才好呢?父啊,救我脱离这时候,但我原是为这时候来的。28 父啊,愿你荣耀你的名。”(约 12:27-28 上)

Jesus said: my soul is troubled, which means that the Son of God wasnt like any false gods in Greek mythology who had no emotions, rather, Christ had emotions like us. His soul is troubled at that moment. 耶稣说“我心里忧愁”,(中文翻译成心,其实原文是魂),这表明神的儿子不像希腊神话里的假神没有感情。基督和我们一样,是有感情的,他会有忧愁的要命的时候。 In his time of trouble, he cried out: save me from this hour. It means that he also had a will which wanted to be saved from the terrible hour of crucifixion. 在他忧愁的时候,他呼喊:“救我脱离这时候...”表明他有一个“想要”,就是想要被救离十字架的苦楚。

But his will didnt follow his troubled feelings. He didnt rebel or disobey the Fathers will, rather, he denied himself. His intellect followed his faith to do the Fathers will instead, he realised that for this purpose I came to this hour.但是他的“想要”,没有顺从那忧愁的感觉,去反抗或违背天父的旨意,而是否定了自己,他的理智顺从了信心,他意识到, ‘但我原是为这个时候来的”,去遵行天父的旨意 。This is an example for our souls if we want our souls to be saved completely. We should learn from our Lord to deny ourselves and to be obedient to the Fathers will, even taking risks and paying a price for our faith.  如果我们想要我们的魂全然被拯救,基督就是我们的榜样。纵然需要为信心冒险,付代价,我们也当效法他否定自己, 去顺服天父的旨意。

Consequently, Gods salvation for our souls requires our faith and our actions.  因此,神对我们魂的拯救,需要我们的信心和行动的配合。If we dont want to take up our crosses and deny ourselves, and follow Christ Jesus footsteps, how can our souls be saved entirely?  若我们不想背自己的十字架否定自己,不愿跟随耶稣基督的脚踪行,我们的魂怎能全然得救?

For example, if we experience a similar situation, and we pray:  若我们经历了相似的处境,我们祷告说:  Now, my soul is troubled, what do I say? Because our souls are overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death, and we realise that we will suffer terrible things according to the Fathers will,  “我现在心里(魂,感受)忧愁,我说什么才好呢?” 因我们的心,已经忧愁到死的地步了,意识到顺服天父的旨意意味着经受极大的痛苦, and we cry out: save me from this hour But the Father doesnt answer, rather, he allows suffering to happen. 我们呼喊:“救我脱离这时候...”但是天父没有回应,祂甚至允许我们遭遇苦难。

What do we do? If we say, ok, Lord, because you didnt do what I asked you to do, I am angry with You 我们会怎样?我们就说,好吧,主啊,因为你没有照我所求的来做,所以我很生气。  I will walk away, and start to watch TV shows every day instead of feeding my soul on Your words, and I will stop praying as well.我要离开,我要以每天看电视,代替读你的话不再用真理喂养我的魂,我也不要祷告了。I will turn back to my earthly life style and do whatever the world teaches me to do. 我要回到我从前的生活方式,照世界的教导去行。

Then, how can our souls be saved when trouble comes and we still trust in our own feelings and react according to the sinful nature, and dont seek Gods will and believe in Gods good purpose for us?  这样,当患难来了,若我们仍然信自己的感觉感受,仍照天然的性情行事,不寻求神的旨意,不相信一切都有神美好的旨意,我们的魂怎能得救呢?

Here is a testimony, a sister asked me to share with you, as she didnt get time to write it down. 一位姊妹有个见证,没有时间写下来,让我和大家口头分享。 This week, she sent a text to me, saying that her parents had come to visit her, and had stayed with her homestay, but they and the host had a big disagreement, because of various differences between them.这个星期,她发信息告诉我,她父母来探望她,住在她寄宿的家庭里。父母和寄宿家庭的主人有很多的差异。

That day, her host had ordered her parents to move out immediately, and she had said to the host in anger: I also will move out soon.  终于有一天,寄宿家庭的主人要她父母马上搬走,搞得她也很气,就吼回去:“我也要马上搬出去!” That evening, four of the group gathered together to pray for her case and the whole church, 那天晚上,小组 4 个人一起同心为她和教会祷告。 because we had noticed that the evil one had brought trouble to many of us, the evil one wants us to look at peoples actions, and to judge people according to what we think about, then if we dislike and hate people, we will be lost in sins. 最近我们注意到那恶者搞了我们当中很多人,要让我们去注重别人的行为,要我们照着自己的意思去判断,让我们讨厌人恨人,想要使我们犯罪。

That night, I texted her how to recognise Gods good purpose when we have troubles, 那晚,我发信息告诉她要怎样在难处中,认出神美好的旨意, and how we should keep Gods commandments to forgive and love our enemies so that not only our souls can be saved but also others might be saved.  当怎样遵行神的命令,去饶恕和爱仇敌,不单使我们自己的灵魂被拯救,也可使他人得拯救。 Later, she told me, she prayed a lot during this time of trouble, and prayed to die to herself, and to receive Jesus love and His forgiveness to forgive others. 后来她说,她这次祷告了很多,祷告向自己死,接受耶稣的爱和饶恕,去饶恕别人。 

Then good things happened, her mom brought a thankyou card to the host to say thanks and to apologise although she isnt a Christian. God did amazing reconciliation work between her parents and her host. 然后事情就发生了转变,她母亲虽然不是基督徒,竟然买了一张感谢卡,写给寄宿家庭的主人。神借此在他们当中做了奇妙的和睦工作。 Besides, because she had to look for a motel for her parents, unexpectedly, she got a job at that motel. 还有,因她要为父母找个住宿旅馆,出乎意料的是,这家旅馆居然给了她一份工作。

Eventually, her testimony testifies that if someone wants to experience more of Gods salvation for the soul, he must constantly repent from his own way of self- centeredness and pray in self-denial and do Gods will in times of trouble. 她的见证说明,如果人想要经历更多神对魂的救恩,就该不断的悔改,离弃以自我为中心的道路,祷告否定自己,在患难中遵行神的旨意。 Thanks be unto God! We are on the way to sanctification. Jesus doesnt force us to follow, He invites us to follow.  感谢主 ,我们正走在成圣的路上,耶稣没有强迫我们去跟从祂,祂邀请我们来跟从。

In our circumstances and our times of trouble, if we choose to die to what I want” “I think and I feel, which may be contrary to Gods will or rebel to Him, and instead live according to His word and His will, that is by taking our cross and denying ourselves to follow Him.   当我们在自己的环境里,或遇到患难时,若我们愿意向悖逆神的 “我要(这样)”“我想(那样)”“我觉得(应该要那样)” 的想法死,照着祂的话,祂的旨意行,就是背起自己的十字架、舍己跟从祂了。

If we do so constantly, although we may fail, by Gods grace, when we repent to the Lord, and turn back His ways, our souls will be renewed time after time, and increasingly become like Him, which is Gods wonderful salvation for us.  如果我们不停行道,尽管会失败,但是因神的恩典,只要悔改转向主,转向主的道路,我们的魂就会被一次一次地更新,逐渐成为祂的样式。这就是神美好的救恩。

Therefore, in gratitude, we shout: Hosanna (save us), to the Son of David!” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Thank You, Jesus, our Lord God Almighty, who is mighty to save!  因此,在感恩中,我们呼喊“和散那,拯救我们,大卫的子孙”。“奉主名来的是应当称颂的!”感谢你,耶稣!我们的主,全能的神,你是有大能施行拯救。     


Yes LordHosanna, to the Son of David.” “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!. All praise and glory, all authority and kingdom are Yours! Blessed is Your Holy name forever.  是的,主,和撒那,归于大卫的子孙,奉主名来的是配得称颂的!赞美和荣耀,国度和权柄都是你的!你的名配得称颂到永远。

Thank you for the words that You gave us, so that we may know more about Your perfect salvation towards our spirit, soul and body.  主,谢谢你今天赐我们的话语,使我们可以更多的认识你对我们灵,魂,体全备的救赎。 How wonderful salvation it is through the Son Christ Jesus who died on the cross and raised from death has given to us, by faith weve received this gift,  借着你儿子基督耶稣为我们死在十字架上,他从死里复活,把这何等奇妙的救恩,借着信白白赐给我们。

Thank You for the rebirth that through the power of the Spirit, Youve given us, and an imperishable body that Youve promised in Your salvation. 谢谢你借着圣灵的大能重生我们,和那在你救恩里,所应许的不能朽坏的身子。

and thank you for the perfect salvation towards our souls. How easy it is for us to live according to our ego and to react from I will” “I think,” “I feel instead of seeking Your will, when we are in times of trouble. But we found that when we walked in the way of ego, troubles were increased all the more,  也谢谢你 ,这全备的救恩对我们魂的拯救。当我们遇到患难,我们是何等的容易活到自我里去,顺从这些“我要”,“我想”,“我感觉” 而没有寻求你的旨意,但是当我们走在自我的路上,麻烦更加的增多。

forgive our ignorance, Lord, because Your love is endless and unfailing, so we cry out:  因此, 主啊 求你赦免我们的无罪,因你的爱永远长存,我们呼求:“Wash our sins away by Your precious blood, renew our inner thoughts according to Your truth and the power of Your Spirit .用你的宝血洗净我们的罪,照你的真理和你圣灵的大能,更新我们内里的思想。

So that when trouble comes, we may remember Your example to deny our own thoughts that are from the teaching of the world, which may cause us to tell lies, blame others, and to hate others. 因此,当患难来临,我们就能记得你的榜样,来否定我们自己从世界来的,叫我们去说谎,抱怨他人,讨厌别人的思想,Teach us the way of self-denial. By the power of Your Holy Spirit, correct us, when the will, the emotion, and the reaction of the intellect are on the opposite way toward Your commandment of love,  教导我们走否定自我中心的路。当我们的意愿,情绪,理智的反应, 走在你爱的命令的相反的路上时,求你借着圣灵的大能,随时纠正我们。

and guide us on the way of only doing Your will and what You have commanded us to do, so that our souls may be saved constantly into Your perfection. 并且,求你引领我们走在你的旨意和你命令的道中,因此,我们的魂就要不断的被拯救,直到进入完全的地步。 Because You call us to be blameless and perfect. In Matt 5:48, You command us Be perfect, as Your heavenly father is perfect.  因为你呼召我们要成为完全人,在马太福音 5:48, 你说“ 你们要成为完全人,因为你们的天父是完全的。”

Yes, Lord, this is what we are desiring, save us continually, we want to grow up in You and attain to the fullness of Christ, 是的,主啊,这是我们所求的,求继续的救赎我们,使我们能在你里面成长,直到长成基督的身量。so that whenever we go, people wont see us, but will see Christ, and we may be able to powerfully bring more to the presence of You. Thank You Lord, in Jesus name we pray Amen!因此我们去到哪里,人都不是能看见我们,而是能看见基督,我们也能大有能力的将人带到你的面前。 谢谢主耶稣,奉主耶稣的名祷告,阿门!


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