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2017-07-18 The power of being thankful 感恩的大能 (Praise 4)

发表于 2024-01-08

Thanks be to God! We have been talking about praising and thanking God for this series.  We talked about why we should Praise God, for God is worthy of our praise. 赞美神使我们定睛于祂是谁、祂做了什么,这样,就能把我们从自我中心里拯救出来,领我们住在祂的得胜里。

Praising God can help us focus on who He is and what He has done, which can deliver us from self-centredness, and also help us to live in His victory. 感谢神!最近我们分享了一系列的“赞美和感恩”,为什么我们要赞美神?因为神配得一切赞美。We also talked about being thankful, which can change the way we see things and think about things from a negative way to a positive way, in other words, to see things with the eyes of the Holy Spirit not the eyes of the flesh. 我们也分享了要感恩,感恩能使我们从负面角度看事情、想事情里转到正面,也就是说,用圣灵的眼睛来看——不再是用肉体的眼睛。

Thank God for His word is faithful. Recently, we have heard many testimonies among us about healing and restoration though we are a small group.  Have you started to praise and thank God every day and in everything and in all circumstances?  感谢神,祂的话语如此信实。我们这个聚会虽还微小,最近却听到不少医治和修复关系的见证。你有没有开始操练每天、每个环境下赞美和感谢神呢?

As the bible commands us, Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is Gods will for you in Christ Jesus .Thess 5:18. Giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ .Eph 5:20  .神命令我们:凡事谢恩。因为这是神在耶稣基督里向你们所定的旨意 。帖前518。凡事要奉我们主耶稣基督的名常常感谢父神 。弗520 Is it easy to do? Although its not easy, the goal of Gods command is love, which can help us to gain a pure heart, a good conscience and a sincere faith. 这容易吗?当然不容易,但神的命令总归是爱,爱使我们得着清洁的心、无亏的良心、无伪的信心。

Last week, we heard the story that after Rachel found that her hand bag had been stolen, she started practicing thanksgiving to God, then her emotions were kept safe from complaints and other negative thoughts, and God turned a bad thing into a good thing. 上周,我们分享了Rachel发现自己的包不见了之后,开始操练向神感恩,于是她的情绪没有滑落到抱怨和其他负面情绪里去,神把一件坏事变成了好事。

When I said this, some people asked me: A good thing? Did she get her hand bag back? I asked: What do you think is the best blessing that God could give you? Money? A good job? Good marks that you may pass your examination? Or anything else?” 当我讲变成好事,有些人就问我:“什么好事啊?她找回她的包包了吗?”我就问:“你认为 什么是神给你的最好的祝福?钱?好工作?考试得高分?还是什么?”

The gift of God is eternal life! The best blessing that God wants to give us is Himself. The relationship between Him and us! The deep, and the intimate relationship just like He and His Son Christ had on the earth, this is what He wants to give us - the best blessing. 神的恩赐是永生,神要给我们的最好的福,是—祂自己,是祂和我们建立关系。就像祂和祂的独子基督之间那样的深深的亲密关系。

Being thankful can change the way we think, and the way we see things, which gives us wisdom and builds up our faith in God. so today, the first point I want to share with you is:  学习感恩可以改变我们看事情、想事情的方式,使我们得着智慧,并在主里建立信心。今天,我想分享的第一点是:

1, Being thankful can renew our sight to see things new.感恩---新视角---新看见

Do you know what one of the duties of the priests in the OT is?  1 Chronicles 23:30, They are also to stand every morning to thank and praise the Lord, likewise at evening. 你知道旧约里祭司的职责是什么?代上2330:每日早晚,站立称谢赞美耶和华。

What do they have to do? Thank and praise God every morning and every evening! Do you feel bored doing that? Every morning and every evening thank God and praise Him? 他们必须要做什么?早晚称谢赞美神。你是不是觉得这很闷呢?每早每晚,称谢赞美祂?

We are ALL priests of God in the NT, what should we do? Declare the praises of God all of our days! Have you ever explored what we will do in eternity in the bible? 我们都是新约的祭司,我们的职责是什么?是一生宣扬神的美德。你有没有探索过整本圣经关于我们在永恒里将做些什么事?

Lets see where God opened up a glimpse of heaven to us in Re 4, when John the apostle saw Gods throne in heaven, v6 b, in the center, around the throne, were four living creatures, and they were covered with eyes, in front and in back. 我们来看:46,神向我们揭开天上的一角,那时使徒约翰看见神天上的宝座:宝座中和宝座周围有四个活物,前后遍体都满了眼睛。

What do they do? v,8b Day and night they never stop saying:  “‘Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.  他们在做什么?第8节下,他们昼夜不住地说:圣哉!圣哉!圣哉!主神是昔在、今在、以后永在的全能者。Have you noticed that day and night they constantly praise God.They never stop. And then, what do others do? 你有没有留意到?他们日与夜、不停歇地 赞美主神。然后,其他人在干什么?

v9-11, 9 Whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to him who sits on the throne and who lives for ever and ever,  the twenty-four elders fall down before him who sits on the throne and worship him who lives for ever and ever. They lay their crowns before the throne and say: You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things,  and by your will they were created and have their being.  9-11节,每逢四活物将荣耀、尊贵、感谢归给那坐在宝座上、活到永永远远者的时候,那二十四位长老就俯伏在坐宝座的面前敬拜那活到永永远远的,又把他们的冠冕放在宝座前,说:我们的主,我们的神,你是配得荣耀、尊贵、权柄的;因为你创造了万物,并且万物是因你的旨意被创造而有的。

Look,Here it says whenever the living creatures give glory, honor and thanks to God, the twenty-four elders worship Him with praise, honor and thanks as well! 看,这里说“每逢”(任何时候)四活物将荣耀、尊贵、感谢归给神的时候,二十四长老就敬拜神,也将颂赞、尊贵和感谢归给神。It means that day and night they are on duty to thank and praise God just as we are commanded to do as priests of God on earth. Have you noticed that?  Now what comes to your mind? Boring?” “feeling bored?” 也就是说,他们和我们这在地上的祭司,职责是一样的——都是日夜称谢赞美神!你发现了吗?现在,你心里在想什么?好乏味啊?好沉闷啊?

V.9 says, “Whenever”, it means that day and night they say, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come.” They say the same phrase to God? Are you wondering if they would get bored by saying the same words to thank and praise God? 9,“每逢”的意思是,早上晚上他们都赞美:“圣哉!圣哉!圣哉!主神是昔在、今在、以后永在的全能者。难道他们只说一样话吗?你想,他们总说相同的话,称谢赞美神,不是很沉闷吗?

Brothers and sisters, I thank God who gives us time to practice, otherwise, how could we adapt to a lifestyle in heaven if we didnt discipline ourselves to practice praising and thanking God in this life? 弟兄姊妹,我感谢神给我们操练的机会,假如我们今生不约束自己来操练向神赞美和感恩,我们将来怎么能适应天上的生活方式?Gods wisdom is far more than what we can comprehend. Only He knows how to change the way we think and see things. Being thankful in all circumstances can make it happen. 神的智慧远超过我们的理解,惟有祂知道如何改变我们看事想事的方式,操练凡事感恩就可以改变我们。

Once, I asked of God, Lord, why do they give You thanks and praise day and night and never stop saying the same words? Arent You bored by this? 我有一次问神:“主啊,为什么他们每天早上晚上不停止地说相同的话呢?你不觉得闷吗?Or arent they bored saying the same words over and over again? How can we praise and thank you using a script to talk to You?”反复说一样的话,他们自己不觉得沉闷吗?我们赞美感恩怎能像背一句话那样呢?”

God didn’t answer me, but the other day, when I saw God’s wonderful deeds, I couldn’t stop praising God, saying, “Thank You Lord, thank You Lord!” The same words but a different expression because I saw God’s different wonderful deeds, who is the God that makes everything NEW in every moment. 神没有回答我,但有一天,当我看到神奇妙可畏的作为时,我不停地赞美神,“感谢主!感谢主!”同样的话,却不同的感受,因我看见神奇妙可畏的作为,在每一刻,祂将万事都更新了。

If we have such eyes to discover the fullness of the blessing of Christ, although we say same words to thank God, yet the expression from our hearts and minds is different, Have you experienced this? Yes, you must have experienced it. 如果我们有这样的眼睛,来发现基督祝福的丰满,就算是相同的感谢的话,我们的心境是何等不同,你有没有经历过啊?你一定经历过。

That’s why Re 4: 6b says that the living creatures were covered with eyes, in front and in back! They are able to discover God’s greatness and goodness and all His good attributes in every moment without getting bored! Because of our God who makes everything new.4:6:如此说,四活物,前后遍体都满了眼睛。他们能在每一刻都发掘到神的伟大、良善和一切美好的属性,并且永不觉沉闷,因为我们的神,是将万事都更新的神。

So whoever serves and follows Him and fixes their eyes on Him will never get bored, but will always be excited and exclaiming about Gods wonderful work in their lives.  所以,每一个跟随,服事祂、定睛于祂的人,永不觉沉闷。他们总是会因神在他们生命里的奇妙工作而兴奋,而时常欢呼。

Do you want a life that can always be cheerful? 你想要你的人生常常喜乐吗?God has given us a way to come out from all negative emotions, such as depression and compliant, self-pity, feeling rejected, and criticism, and so on, to being thankful which is powerful enough to overcome the control of the evil power. 神给我们一条路,使我们可以从一切负面的情绪,像忧郁,抱怨、自怜、被拒绝、挑剔、等等中出来,那就是感恩,感恩足以胜过邪恶势力的控制。

The more we practice being thankful in all circumstance, the more the negative strongholds within us will be no longer fed and will starve. “Thank God for this… thank God for that…” Counting reasons to thank God in all circumstances enables us to see things differently and to be joyful always. 在任何景况下,我们越操练感恩,我们里面负面的营垒就更多的不被喂养, 被饿死。“感谢神这个……”“感谢神那个……”任何景况下都数算出各种感谢神的理由,就使我们看事情有不一样的角度,就能常常喜乐。

2, Being thankful can renew our relationship with God and with people.感恩---更新---与神与人的关系

From the OT to the NT, there are a hundred and forty more bible verses which command us to give thanks to God. A few weeks ago, we shared that since Adam and Eve fell, mankind has fallen into the sin of ingratitude. 从旧约到新约,一共有超过140句圣经经文,吩咐我们向神感恩。几周前,我们分享了亚当和夏娃犯罪后,人类就掉进不感恩的罪中。

But by the blood of Christ, we are redeemed and we are now new creation which is being built on truth and love. And we are commanded to arm ourselves with the same attitude as Jesus Christ has. 但借着基督的血,我们被赎回,成了新造的人,建造在真理和爱的根基上面。圣经吩咐我们,当以耶稣基督的心为心。We also checked some scriptures about how Jesus set an example for us to be thankful to the Father. Today, we will look at a story in Luke 1711-19, 我们也查过一些耶稣给我们做榜样的经文,他是怎样感谢父的。今天,我们来看看,1711-19

ten men who had leprosy met Jesus, all ten were healed of their skin disease. To be honest, leprosy at that period was an incurable disease, which was considered detestable and contagious. 有十个患大麻疯的人来到耶稣面前,十个人都得了医治。说实在的,那个时代里,大麻疯是一种无法医治的,可憎的,高度传染性的恶疾。In the OT when people found that they had leprosy, they had to cry out Unclean, so that they were forbidden from approaching people even their family members.  旧约时代,如果人得了大麻疯,他们必须叫喊“不洁净” ,以使他们不能接触外人,包括家庭成员。

So, leprosy was not only a horrible physical disease, but also an inward hurt the lepers suffered due to rejection and humiliation. Also, they were separated from the worship to God in the Temple and the presence of God, which was very sad. 因此,大麻疯不只是可怕的身体疾病,因着被拒绝和受羞辱 ,麻风病人还承受着心理伤害。同时,他们很惨,被隔绝不许进入圣殿敬拜神,也不许进到神面前。Like us, we were separated from Gods presence because of our sins, which was like the contagious leprosy. 我们的罪就和传染的麻风病一样, 我们因为罪,也曾这样被隔绝在神的面之外。

What did we deserve? Please dont beat me! 我们配得什么?请不要打我啊。I have to tell you the truth, what we deserved was just like the lepers, to be separated from Gods presence, and to suffer loneliness, pain, and sicknessrejection and humiliationand the eternal fire and enteral judgment because of our sins. 我必须要说实话,就像那大麻风病人,因为我们的罪,我们配得从神的面前被赶出去,去承受孤单,痛苦,疾病,拒绝,和羞辱,永不灭的火和审判,

But God doesnt give us what we deserve, but gives us His eternal life, His love and mercy, His grace and salvation that we dont deserve. 但神没有将我们该受的给我们,却将祂的永生,祂的爱和怜悯,祂的恩典和拯救,这些我们不配的赐给了我们。Shall we shout thanksgiving to the merciful God? Lets say, Thank YouLord Jesus!” 我们要不要对怜悯的上帝大声感恩呢?让我们对祂说,“谢谢,主耶稣” 。

How should we respond to God? Stop judging one another, stop picking at others faults and stop grumbling about anything else, but be thankful in all circumstances, then our relationship with God and with people will be changed. 我们该怎样回应神呢?停止判断他人,停止挑剔他人,停止抱怨,当在任何环境献上感恩。这样,你与神和人的关系就会改变了。

A few weeks ago, a girl convicted by Gods words, and said: How can I still live in this world when I realised that I had committed so many sins, it must be Gods grace that sustains me to be alive.几周前,有个女孩被神的话光照,说:“我犯了这么多罪还活在世上,这一定是神的恩典,使我存活。She said, “I thought I was a good and innocent girl, I deserved to be loved, but when God’s light shone upon me, I found out that my heart was like a cesspool, it’s terrible! How can I still be alive and not die? I deserve death! Thanks be to God who saves me.” 她说:“我以为自己是个单纯的好女孩,别人就应该爱我,但当神的光照在我身上,我发现自己的心像粪坑一样,好可怕。我怎么还能活着没有死呢?我是该死的,感谢神救我。”

Then she came to the church and started to serve in the kitchen to express her thankfulness to God.然后她就来教会 ,开始在厨房帮忙,来回应她向神的感恩。Praise God for His salvation and His healing power that changes peoples hearts and behaviour from blindness and ingratitude to self-awareness and gratitude.  赞美神的拯救和医治的大能,改变人心和行为,能使人从瞎眼和不感恩 转向觉醒和感恩。

When Jesus saw the ten lepers, he took pity on them, and they were cleansed. Like us, when we came to Jesus, asked for forgiveness, “Lord, forgive us.” Jesus took pity on us by shedding his blood for us to cleanse our sins, which is like when he healed their leprosy. 耶稣看到十个患大麻疯的人,就怜悯他们,他们就得了洁净。就像我们来到主前,求主饶恕,“主啊,赦免我”。主怜悯了我们,流血洁净我们的罪,像祂医治大麻疯一样。

How we respond to Jesus our saviour and our healer can determine if our relationship with God can go further or not. 我们怎样来回应救主耶稣,我们的医治者,这决定了我们的和神的关系是否可以再进一步发展。v.15 One of them, when he saw he was healed, came back, praising God in a loud voice. 16 He threw himself at Jesus feet and thanked himand he was a Samaritan. 15节,内中有一个见自己已经好了,就回来大声归荣耀与神,又俯伏在耶稣脚前感谢他;这人是撒玛利亚人。

Nine of them had been healed but didnt go back to give thanks to Jesus, we dont know if they obeyed Jesus and showed their bodies to the priests or not.其他九个人也得了医治,却没有回来感谢耶稣。也不知道他们有没有照耶稣的话去做,就是把身体给祭司察看。

And if they still lived in the sins of disobedience and ingratitude, how could they keep the healing and restore their relationship with God and with people?但若他们仍在悖逆和不感恩的罪中生活,不与耶稣建立关系,这个医治怎么持守?if they didnt have a relationship with Jesus? Its really hard for them to live a life of blessing to others. 他们又怎能恢复与神与人的关系呢?根本就无法活出一个祝福他人的生命。

The sinful nature is not only rude but also ignorant of the word of truth, though nine of them were Jewish people proficient in the OT.  尽管他们当中九个是犹太人,精通旧约圣经,但犯罪的旧人仍然对真理一无所知,并且还无礼貌。However, the one who came to Jesus and gave thanks to God was blessed! That person not only received the physical healing, but also developed his relationship with Jesus. 但那个来谢恩的,却蒙了祝福,不单身体得了医治,还和主耶稣建立了关系。

Jesus the One Who Created the universe said this to him, “Rise and go, your faith has made you well.” You know, what a big blessing it was to this person, who came to thank Jesus to not only have received physical healing but also to have received God’s word.那创造宇宙万有的对他说:“起来,走吧!你的信救了你了。”你知道吗?对那人这是多大一个祝福,他回来感谢神,不单得了身体的医治,还得了神的话。John 6:63, The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.  The words from Jesus mouth were life to him! He received a double blessing from the Lord. 663下:我对你们所说的话就是灵,就是生命。耶稣嘴里出的话对那人就是生命, 那人得了双重祝福。

You see? Being thankful turned his relationship with God from wrong to right! Thats the most important thing in our life that is to turn our relationship with God from wrong to right! 看到吗?因着来向神感恩,他与神的关系由错变对,我们生命中最重要的事,就是要把和神的关系搞对。Ingratitude can keep people in the prison of selfishness, bitterness, unforgiveness and chronic unhappiness and dissatisfaction. How many people want to be joyful? Lets practice giving thanks to God for everything. 不感恩把人关闭在自私、苦毒、不饶恕和长久不开心和不满足的监牢里。多少人想成为快乐的人?当操练凡事向神感恩!

12 years ago, I found that I would easily get angry with people when I spoke once, twice and three times, 10 times or more, but people didnt listen and still came to ask me the same questions again and again. 12年前,我对那些我说了一遍、两遍、三遍、10遍以上都不听的、还在不断的问 相同的问题的人,很容易生气。

One day, I learnt a secret, that is to give thanks to God, “thank God that the people didn’t listen… thank God that they came to ask me the same questions again and again…thank God that He knows the way to kill my impatient flesh…thank God that He knows the way to guide me into the fullness of Christ” 有一天,我学到一个秘诀,就是感谢神,“感谢神那些人不听我的……感谢神他们一遍又一遍问我相同的问题……感谢神知道怎么治死我无忍耐的肉体……感谢神知道怎样引导我进入基督的丰满里。”

When the prayer of thanksgiving guides you to acknowledge the will of God, won’t you be cheerful and joyful? Being thankful can renew our relationship with God and with people, if you practice that it is powerful enough to change your life, and that can make you become a joyful person in every situation.当感恩的祷告 ,引导我们认出了神的旨意时,难道我们不开心喜乐吗?感恩的心可以更新我们与神与人的关系,如果你去操练这道,足以改变你的生命,使你成为在每一个环境里都喜乐的人。

3, Being thankful to God, and being thankful to people. 感恩神---感谢人。

I heard someone say, I thank God, but I dont thank people. Thats completely on the wrong track! How does God do His wonderful things for us? Normally, through people! Right? 有人说:“我感谢神,但我不谢人。”这完全错了。神怎样为我们施行奇妙的事?通常是通过人,是不是?If we say yes, I thank God but I dont thank people, thats a lie, if we dont thank people whom we can see, we wont thank God whom we cant see.” 如果我们说:“是,我感谢神,但我不感谢人”,这是个谎言,如果我们不感谢可以看见的人,我们就不能感谢看不见的神。

Likewise, how can we say I love God, yet, hates his brother, 1 John 4:20 says, that he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. 同样,我们怎能说“我爱神”,却恨他的弟兄,就是说谎话的;不爱他所看得见的弟兄,就不能爱没有看见的神 (约壹 4:20)。

In this corrupt world, ingratitude and thanklessness are far too common. Children forget to thank their parents for all that they do. I want this,I want that, Complaining and blaming instead of gratitude when their wishes cant be satisfied. 在这个败坏的世界里,不感恩和忘恩负义太普遍了。孩子们忘记感谢父母的付出,“我要这个,我要那个,”当他们的愿望不能实现时就是抱怨和责备。

10 years ago, when I led a church service, I asked people to list 10 things every day that you can thank your spouses or your children or your parents or your friends or people around you for. 10年前,我在带领一次聚会中,请大家列出“每天10件感谢配偶、孩子、父母或朋友的事”。Then, some people repented to God, because they found that they couldnt count even 10 things to thank people for, all they had held was complaints because people didnt meet their standards. 有些人就开始向神悔改,因为他们发现就是十件感谢别人的事,他们都找不出来,因为别人不能达到自己的标准,心里全是不满,觉得没有什么好感谢的。

When I asked them to list 10 things to thank their spouses for, one person secretly said to me: I cannot find 10 things that are worth thanking him for. But I can list 2 pages of faults to blame him for.”当我请他们列出十件感谢配偶的事,有人私下对我说:“我找不出十件值得我感谢他的,我倒可以列出两页纸来数落他的不好。”

Imagine, what the world would be like if people around you counted your faults and complained and blamed you for all the things you had done every day, and you also did the same thing to them? That would be a horrible and a ruined world to live in. 你想一下,若你周围的人每天都在数算你的错、埋怨你、指责你做的事,你也是同样这样待他们,那会是住在怎样一个恐怖和毁灭性的世界里呢?

How many marriages and other relationships grow cold and eventually people are separated because of the sin of ingratitude? Because we take people who help us for granted, and show no gratitude for them. 因为不感恩,有多少婚姻和人际关系变得冷淡,最终分手收场?因为我们觉得别人对我们的好都是理所当然的,从来没有去感谢过。

Have you noticed that even the world knows that thank you” “please and sorry are often called the magic words because they work like magic.你有没有发现,连这个世界都知道 “谢谢你”,“请,对不起” 的神奇, 因起到了神奇的作用。Think about the time when people say thank you and show their respect to you, will you be happy about that? 想一想,当人对你说 “谢谢你”,以此来表示尊重你时,你有没有为此高兴?

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you. For this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matt 7:12 所以,无论何事,你们愿意人怎样待你们,你们也要怎样待人,因为这就是律法和先知的道理。太7:12 Would you like to practice saying thank you to your spouse, your flatmate, and your brothers and sisters who help you right now? 你愿意现在就操练说 “谢谢你”, 对你的配偶,你的室友,弟兄姊妹说一句,“谢谢你”?

Many years ago, I asked a young Indian guy, what do you do in your free time? his reply impressed me a lot, he said: I keep memorising the words of thank you and yes, please in my heart, and make sure I speak them out.” 多年前,我问一个印度年轻人,“你有空的时候做什么?”他的回答给我留下很深的印象:“不停地背thank you, yes, please”,一有机会就留心 对别人说出来。

Thats a blessing for him I am sure! You know why? Because we are commanded to show proper respect to everyone, Love the brotherhood. Fear God, honor the king . 1 Peter 2:17  .我相信这一定是给他的祝福。为什么呢?因为神吩咐我们:“务要尊敬众人,亲爱教中的弟兄,敬畏神,尊敬君王。彼前217

Jesus Christ died on the cross and redeemed us from our sins, to restore our relationships between God and people, how do we show our respect to people and allow the Holy Spirit to do the restoration work in our relationships between us and our spouses, parents, children, colleagues, and others? 耶稣基督死在十字架上,救赎我们脱离罪,使我们与神与人和好,我们要怎样来表达我们对别人的尊重,让圣灵来修复我们与配偶、父母、儿女、同事、其他人的关系呢?

Stop taking people who help us for granted, but show respect to them by saying thank you, and let people know that we appreciate them and are thankful for them.  让我们不再把别人的帮助当做是应该的事,而是向他们表达尊重,说:“谢谢你。”让他们知道我们感谢他们,为他们做的而感恩。

Even those whom you think are your adversaries and are against you, if you give thanks to God for them from your heart with your mouth and refuse to repay any bitterness and criticism, God will do magic things for you.连那些你认为敌对你的人,如果你为他们从心里到口里向神献上感恩,并拒绝一切苦毒和挑剔去敌对人,神就必会为你做奇妙的事。

Do you believe this? You know why? Because God is faithful to His promise, when a mans ways are pleasing to the Lord, he makes even his enemies live at peace with him. Proverb 16:7你相信吗? 你知道为什么?因为神的应许是信实的,“人所行的,若蒙耶和华喜悦,耶和华也使他的仇敌与他和好。”箴言167

It means that if our eyes don’t look at others to react when we think they treat us badly, but look to the word of God, and give ears to His commandants and do what is right in His eyes, the Almighty God will turn every bad situation into blessings, and He will work out the good in everything for us! Thats the power of being thankful.  也就是说,如果我们的眼睛不看那些我们觉得对我们不好的人,也不自己去敌对他们,而是寻求神的话,遵行他的诫命,做祂眼中看为对的事,全能神就必会使坏事变成祝福,使万事为我们效力,叫我们得益处,这就是感恩的大能。

Shut the doors to bitterness and criticism of the devil, open the doors of being thankful in everything to God, and we will grow mature in godly character and be able to be joyful always. 向魔鬼的苦毒和挑剔关门,向神凡事谢恩,我们就会在敬虔的品格上成熟长大,也能够活出常常喜乐的生命了。

prayer:Lord, thank you for your Word:Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Lord, thank You for Your unconditional love. we really don’t know why You love us so much, we sinned and failed, we all fell short of Your glory, you came to look for us, and You shed Your blood to cleanse us. We were imprisoned, you came to free us from the prison. We were sick, You came to suffer the stripes, so that we are healed. We lost peace because of our sins, You came to take the punishment for us, so that we can have peace and hope.

Lord, none of us deserve to spend eternity with You. None of us deserve to be loved by You. But You love us still. This is Your mercy! Lord, we thank You for Your mercy! We thank you, Lord, for Your love.We thank Jesus that he died for our sins.We thank Jesus that he freed us from legalism. We thank Jesus that he hears our prayers. We thank Jesus that He intercedes for us The key thing is that we don’t deserve it, but He still loves us so much.

We thank God and we also should thank people. Can you please find ten people to give thanks to God for? We thank God for the people who around us who helped us, but somehow, we took them for granted and didn’t realise the effort that they made for us.

Not only that you think that they are good, but also that previously you thought they weren’t good, but after hearing the word of God, now you want to give thanks to God for them, because without them how we can know our own sins and deeply taste the gracious salvation of God? 

Being thankful is good for us, only God can make our enemies live at peace with us, if we do right in His eyes, we ourselves will be blessed and also we may become a blessing to others.We thank Jesus that He gives us strength.We thank Jesus that He is Truth.

Jesus answered, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. The only way to the Father is through me. John 14:6 We thank Jesus that He is our peace…whenever we die to our own standards and judgemental thoughts, and abide in His truth, we are living in His peace.

We thank Jesus, that He will never stop loving us  we will never lack love We thank Jesus, that He gives the victory But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57 We thank Jesus that He has prepared a place in heaven for us  so we no long fear death we have eternal life.


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