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2017-07-23 the power of praise 赞美的大能

发表于 2024-01-08

Have you noticed that we are living in a negative world? 有没有注意到——我们生活在一个负面的世界?When you open newspapers and start to read, 每当你一打开报纸,you will find many negative news that occur every day. 就看到许许多多负面新闻,Such as broken families, 家庭破裂,broken relationships, 关系破裂,abusing events and calamities, 虐待,灾难,murder, 惨案,and terrible disease... 恶疾,等等,天天如此。The fear of illness and death, 对疾病和死亡的惧怕、a sense of insecurity that are filling with this fallen world, 不安全感充斥这个堕落的世界,so much of what we hear is just negative. 那么多听到的都是负面消息。

Fear can cause us to please man and please ourselves 惧怕会导致我们取悦人、取悦自己,but not to please God. 而不是取悦神。From King Saul, we can see that because of fear of how people looked at him, 我们来看看扫罗王的例子,他因为惧怕人怎样看他,after young David had killed Goliath, 在青年大卫杀死歌利亚后,the fear gave birth to jealousy and anxiety, 这个惧怕生出嫉妒和焦虑,so that he tried to kill David. 以至于他动了杀害大卫之念。

In doing this he sinned against God and he was also rejected by God as a King of Israel.  他这样做得罪了神,神厌弃他做以色列的王。

Fear also can be contagious! 惧怕还会传染蔓延!Do you remember? 记不记得,When Moses sent twelve people to explore Canaan, 摩西差派十二个探子窥探迦南,ten of them gave the Israelite negative report, said: 其中十个给以色列人带来凶信,说:“we are not able to go up against the people, “我们不能上去攻击那民,for they are stronger than us.” 因为他们比我们强壮。”The whole Israelite assembly heard, and disobeyed God’s words, 全会众听到了,就不听神的话,so that they were forbidden entering the land of honey and milk and died in the desert. 不得进入那流奶与蜜之地,死在旷野。

What a terrible lesson they made as warning for us, 这个惨痛教训真是给我们的警戒,which reminds us that we should make every effort to trust in Jesus our Lord and to overcome our fears. 提醒我们要竭力信靠主耶稣、胜过惧怕!We are told to fix our eyes on Jesus, 我们被教导定睛耶稣,not on things we seem, 不是顾念所见的, but the things are unseen. 乃是顾念所不见的。But how do we apply this truth in our daily practice? 但我们怎样才能在日常操练中运用这个真理呢?Praise is a great weapon to help us fix our eyes on the things that are unseen. 赞美!赞美是有力的武器,帮我们定睛于所不见的!

In the bible, God only commends one man King David who is a man after God’s own heart (1 Samuel 13:14, Acts 13:22).  大卫王是整本圣经 唯一被神称为“合我心意的人”(撒母耳记13:14,使徒行传13:22)。We find that David the psalmist who knew the power of praise, 大卫是诗篇作者,深知赞美的能力;in many psalms he wrote, he started with praise of the Lord 他在许多赞美诗中 以赞美主 作开始,and ended them with praise again. 又以再次赞美主 为结束。Today, we’re looking at Psalm 8. 今天,我们来读一读 【诗篇】第8章。

1,o Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory in the heavens. 耶和华,我们的主啊,你的名在全地何其美!你将你的荣耀彰显于天。

2 Through the praise of children and infants, you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. 你因敌人的缘故,从婴孩和吃奶的口中,建立了能力,使仇敌和报仇的闭口无言。

3 When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, 我观看你指头所造的天,并你所陈设的月亮星宿,

4 what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? 便说:人算什么,你竟顾念他!世人算什么,你竟眷顾他!

5 You have made them[d] a little lower than the angels[e] and crowned them[f] with glory and honor. 你叫他比天使微小一点,并赐他荣耀尊贵为冠冕。

6 You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet:7 all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, 8 the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. 你派他管理你手所造的,使万物,就是一切的牛羊、田野的兽、空中的鸟、海里的鱼,凡经行海道的,都服在他的脚下。

9 o Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! 耶和华,我们的主啊,你的名在全地何其美!

Briefly, I’m giving you a summary of Psalm 8 concerning David’s praise of the Lord:


1, Praise the Lord for His glorious name. v.1,9           1,9节,赞美祂荣耀的名

2, Praise the Lord for His strategy for us v.2               2节,赞美主赐给我们的策略

3, Praise the Lord for His creating work and His caring. V.3-4               3-4节,赞美主的 造物之工和祂的眷顾

4, Praise the Lord for His empowerment. V.5-8          5-8节,赞美祂将权柄赋予人

This whole psalm is a praise to the Lord. 整首诗歌就是对主的赞美。Verse 1 and verse 9, that are the same praise, 1节、9节都是相同的赞美之词:“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! 耶和华,我们的主啊,你的名在全地何其美! David was praising the excellent name of the Lord whose name is majestic! 大卫在赞美神威严超群的美名!Most his psalms were made along with music, 许多大卫的诗章都有音乐配合,we can find this from the small words under titles.标注在标题下面的小字里。But praising God is not just singing, 但赞美神不是单纯的唱歌,but is putting ourselves fully into what we sing. 而是把自己倾注于我们的所唱之中。

David did not ask the LORD to bless his soul, 大卫没有为自己向神求福,but for his soul to bless the LORD, 而是为自己祝福神,which is a sacrifice and an offering to God. 这是向神所献的祭。By doing which we find that David resisted and overcame temptations many times, 大卫这样做,抵挡、胜过了许多次试探,for praising or worshiping God help us to focus 因赞美神、敬拜神使我们得以注目于神,on who He is and what He has done, 神是谁,神做了什么,which can turn us from the selfie focused world and our flesh to God’s presence, 使我们从关注自己的世界里、从肉体里,转向神的同在中!and then the enemy will flee! 仇敌就逃跑了!Because whenever the name of Jesus be mentioned and lifted on high, 因每一次耶稣的名被提说、被高举,every keen should bow, every mouth should confess! 万膝都要跪拜,万口都要承认!What powerful power behind our praise and worship to Jesus our Lord!  在赞美主、敬拜主的后面,有何等大的能力!

Once a time, a sister from the Mandarin group testified, 有一次,中文小组的姊妹见证说,that she couldn’t forgive a person who hurt her, 有一个伤害她的人,她怎么也饶恕不了,she prayed many times but it didn’t work, 祷告了很多次还是不管用,her heart still couldn’t stop counting that person’s faults, 她的心就是不能停止数算那人的过错;after putting herself to the worship songs for 3 hours and praising to Jesus, 后来她开始专注地听赞美诗,听了3小时,并且赞美主耶稣,she was set free and filled with love, 她的心就得了释放,充满了爱,so that she could be able to reconcile her relationship with that person. 得以与那人和好。

But this is not enough, because there will be seventy times seven that are waiting for us to forgive, 这还不够,因主说我们要七十个七次的饶恕,how can we get power to conquer our flesh and stand firm? 我们怎样才能得到胜过肉体、站立得住的能力呢?The way of praising God, whether we think we need or not, 赞美神!不论我们需要或不需要,because Jesus deserves, 因为耶稣配得;allowing praising God to become our habit, 让赞美神成为我们的习惯,will help us experience the way of victory and overcoming. 就可以带我们经历得胜。

2, Praise God for His strategy for us –  Praise makes the enemy flee.



This verse reveals whether children of God or infants of God who just became Christians 这节经文启示我们,无论是神的婴孩或是吃奶的,that God has given them a weapon to silence the enemy. 神都赐给他们一个武器,可以让仇敌哑口无言。So, don’t be afraid if you encounter some spiritual warfare, 所以,如果你遇到了属灵争战,and if you don’t know how to pray and overcome the enemy’s scheme, 如果你不知道怎样祷告胜过仇敌的诡计,God has provided a strategic weapon for us to overcome, that is to “Praise”! 神提供给我们的战略武器就是——赞美!Praise God! 赞美神!Praise Him the almighty King who is the king of kings and Lord of Lords! 赞美祂是全能神,是万王之王,万主之主!

When I ministered a church in South Asia, 以前我在亚洲南部牧养教会时,I found that spiritual warfare happened everywhere, 我发现到处发生属灵争战,as many people’s ancestors were idol-worshipers and even their parents are still worship idols. 因许多人的祖先是拜偶像的,又或者父母是拜偶像的。Wherever God’s people confess 任何情况下,神的子民只要承认自己的罪,and worship Him in truth and in the Spirit, 在真理和圣灵里敬拜祂,and sing songs to praise Jesus our Lord our God, 唱诗歌颂耶稣我们的主我们的神,the throne of the almighty will come down among them. 全能者的宝座就要降临在他们中间。Because Psalm 22:3 says, But You are holy, enthroned in the praise of Israel. 【诗篇22:3】说:但你是圣洁的,是用以色列的赞美为宝座的。

Similarly, 同样,任何情况下,wherever Satan’s people burning incense and offer food to their idols to worship their false gods, 撒旦的子民向他们的偶像烧香、献供物,拜他们的假神,the dominion of darkness will come and control that place. 黑暗权势就会来掌控那地。But God has provided a powerful weapon for His children, that is to “Praise”, 但神给祂的儿女的武器,是“来赞美”;when praise is rising, 赞美一升起,enemies will be silenced and they will flee! 仇敌就要闭嘴,他们就要逃跑!

Our home church was established in a very dark spiritual area in East Asia, 我们的家庭教会,位于亚洲东部一个属灵上非常黑暗的地方,where people burned incense to worship idols in each single day, 那里的人每天都烧香拜偶像,sharing gospel to people around the church was very hard. 在我们教会周围传福音是件很难的事。11 years ago, a sister came to me and asked if it was true that the building the church was set had been a graveyard, 11年前,有个姊妹来问我,教会所在地以前是不是坟地……where people worshiped their dead men. 那是拜死人的地方。She saw this scene in a dream. 她在梦中看到这个景象。

I said “yes”, 我说是的。and I realised it was a revelation from God that He was telling the church to praise more, 我意识到这是从神来的启示,告诉教会要更多地赞美;when praise is rising, the enemy will flee! 当赞美一响起,仇敌就要逃跑!People will be set free! 人们就会得释放!Blind will see the light and come to faith! 瞎子就可以看见光,归向信!when praise is rising, the enemy will flee! 当赞美一响起,仇敌就要逃跑!So Broken relationships will be reconciled in the Lord! 破裂的关系在主里就可得修复!Signs and wonders will happen! 神迹奇事就会发生!

That’s why 7 of OTBC came back from there, 所以OTBC的七个人从那里回来后,said that prayers and sung worship are the church’s strengths. 会说祷告和赞美敬拜是那里教会的强项。Praise makes the enemy flee, 赞美使仇敌逃跑,and drives the power of darkness away from us. 赞美驱赶黑暗势力离开我们。When praising is rising, God will fight our battles for us. 赞美声响起,神就起来为我们争战!In the story of Jehoshaphat, 在约沙法的故事里,when the people were praising God, 当人们赞美神时,He miraculously defeated the enemy, 神就施行神迹击败敌人,“As they began to sing and praise, the Lord set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated”  2 Chron. 20:22 “众人方唱歌赞美的时候,耶和华就派伏兵击杀那来攻击犹大人的亚扪人、摩押人,和西珥山人,他们就被打败了。”【代下20:22

So thank God who has given us such a powerful weapon! 感谢神 给了我们这么强有力的武器!And it is easy to practice! 也不难操练!If you fear of something, praise God! 如果你惧怕什么,赞美神!The sense of fear will flee! 惧怕感就会逃跑!If you are anxious and worried about something? 你焦虑、担心某事?Forget yourselves, and praise God! 忘记自己,赞美神!Peace and joy will fill your heart! 平安和喜乐就会充满你的心!If you have no strength to forgive, praise God for what Jesus has done for you and for he or for she, 如果你没有力量饶恕,为耶稣为你和他(她)所做的,the power of darkness will lose its grip on you!赞美神,黑暗势力的捆绑就会从你身上脱落!

3, Praise the Lord for His creating work and His caring.


V.3-4. 3,4节。If you are new Christian, 你如果刚信主,and praising God is new to you, and you ask: 你对赞美神完全没概念,你会问:“How do I starting praise Him? “我怎样开始赞美祂呢?Where do I begin?” 我从哪里开始呢?”King David is a good example for us, 大卫王是个非常好的例子,he used to praise God for who He is to him, 他会为神是谁来赞美,and proclaiming how glorious God He is, 宣告神多么荣耀,and His goodness is boundless.  宣告神无尽的良善。v. 3-4, when I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?


David praised the glory of God, 大卫赞美神的荣耀,he acknowledged what a great God 他承认神的伟大,who are the maker of the wonderful universe, heavens, the moon, and stars.是这个令人惊叹的宇宙、诸天、月亮、星辰的创造者。An article says, if you look up the sky, 有一篇文章说,如果你抬头看天空,you may see about 5000 stars with your eyes, 你可以用肉眼看到大约5000颗星星,with a four-inch telescope, 用一架4英寸望远镜,you can see about 2 million stars, 你可以看到大约2百万颗星星,but with a 200-inch mirror of a great observatory, 但是用大天文台200英寸的巨型反射望远镜,you see more than a billion stars. 你可以看到超过十亿颗星星。The universe is too big to travel around, 宇宙大得无法让我们绕行一周,even if we take the speed of light, 就算现在可以以光速飞行,it would take 40 billion years! 也要花400亿年。What a great God He is! 神多么伟大!He is worthy of our praise!祂配得我们的赞美!

“What is man that You are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him”, “人算什么,你竟顾念他!世人算什么,你竟眷顾他!”,from praising God David wondered God’s great love, 大卫在赞美中惊叹神极大的慈爱:why such a majestic and great God would be mindful of only small beings. 为何如此一位威严伟大的神,却那样留心眷顾 仅为渺小存在之物的人。Yet David didn’t doubt God’s love, 然而大卫毫不怀疑神的爱,he simply expressed his sigh with emotion and his thankfulness. 他单单以深情和感恩叹息着。

Can you see the wonderful thing here? 你发现这里的奇妙之处了吗?When we start to praise God and His greatness with all our hearts and all our minds and all our strength, 当我们开始用全部心思、全部意念、全部力量来赞美神、赞美神的伟大时,the Holy Spirit will guide us to find His love and mercy in His presence, 圣灵就会引导我们,在祂的同在中找到祂的爱和怜悯,and a personal relationship between us and God will be build up. 一种我们与神之间的关系就建立起来了。

Because by knowing how God cares for us and how He loves us from the Holy Spirit, 当圣灵使我们发现 原来神眷顾我们、神爱我们时, we can truly be drawn out from any bondage of the evil power and strongholds, 我们就可以从邪恶势力和营垒的捆绑,such as self-pity, sensing being rejected and any the enemy’s lies. 诸如自怜、被拒绝感和其他仇敌的谎言……之中松脱出来。And when we praise and give thanks to God for how awesome and great God He is, 当我们为神的威严伟大、and How He is mindful of us, 为神如此留心我们、and He cares for us, 眷顾照看我们、向神献上赞美和感恩时,when you praise God and counting what He has done for you on the Cross, 当你数算祂在十字架上为你我所做、and when you and I even don’t deserve it. 而你我竟然毫不配得的恩典 而赞美神时……If we do so, 如果我们做了这些,how could it be possible that our hearts not be touched by His unfailing love, 我们的心怎可能不因祂无止尽的爱而感动,so that we still listen to the enemy’s lies to compare ourselves to others, 怎可能不停止 因顺从谎言而来的比较,and to produce fruits of jealousy, judgment, self-pity, and un-forgiveness, 因比较而结出嫉妒、论断、自怜、不饶恕的果子,and allow the enemy to continually control over our lives? 因此让仇敌继续压制我们的生命呢?!

It’s impossible! 绝不可能!Praise God can reinforce our faith in the Lord! 赞美神可以加固我们向神的信心!Praise makes the enemy tremble and flee! 赞美令仇敌战抖、令仇敌逃跑!Hallelujah! 哈利路亚!Praise our Lord Jesus, who name above all the names! 赞美我们的主耶稣,祂的名超乎万名之上!

4, Praise the Lord for His empowerment. V.5-8


When David was praising the greatness and goodness of God, 当大卫赞美神的伟大良善时,he saw that God made man a little lower than angels. 他看到神使人只比天使微小一点。The Hebrew text “angels” or “heavenly beings” is “Elohim”, which is one of the most common names for God in the Old Testament, “天使”“天上的存在”在希伯来文中是“Elohim”,也是旧约中最常用的神的名字;starting in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning (Elohim) created the heavens and the earth”. 【创世纪1:1】:起初,神(Elohim)创造天地。The name Elohim occurs over 2,500 times in the Tanakh (the Jewish scriptures). 在犹太教经文中,Elohim一共用了超过2500次,It means that God it the creator, sustainer and supreme judge of the world. 意思是:神是创造者,维持者,世界的最高审判者。

V.5, He made man little lower than angels, 5节,祂使人比天使微小一点。some bible scholars believe that David meant to say that man is a little lower than God as mankind is made in God’s image. 一些圣经学者相信大卫这里的意思是,人是照着神的形象受造,就比神微小一点。Verse 5 is quoted by the book of Hebrews in Hebrew 2:9, But we do see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might taste death for everyone. 5节也在【希伯来书2:9被引用:唯独见那成为比天使小一点的耶稣;因为受死的苦,就得了尊贵荣耀为冠冕,叫他因着神的恩,为人人尝了死味。

How merciful our God is that He made us in His image. 神照着祂的形象创造我们,他多么怜悯我们!And He empowered the authority of ruling over the earth to mankind by His Divine purpose. 祂为属天的目的,将管理全地的权柄赐给人。But since Adam and Eve failed, 亚当和夏娃失败后,and were cast out of God’s presence, 我们就从神的同在中被逐出,mankind lost the authority and became slave of sin and death. 人类失去权柄,成为罪和死的奴仆。Darkness covers the whole world! 黑暗笼罩全世界!Broken hearts generate broken relationships in each single family from all the earth, and broken relationships regenerate broken hearts. 在每个家庭,破碎的心导致破碎的关系;破碎的关系再带来破碎的心。

From generation to generation, 一代又一代,human life is full of rejection and indifference, self-pity and loneliness, pride and criticism…人的生命中充满 被拒绝、冷漠、自怜、孤独、骄傲、批评,等等……Where is our hope? 我们的盼望在哪里?Who can save us? 谁可以拯救我们?Praise our God, who never forsake us and reject us! 赞美我们的神,祂从未离弃我们,也不撇下我们!The Second Person of the trinity God, Jesus Christ, 第二个人,就是三位一体真神的耶稣,He made himself nothing, 把自己打造成什么也不是,taking a very nature of a servant, 他取了奴仆的形象,willing to suffer death for the forgiveness of our sins. 为我们罪得赦免 情愿担当死亡。Jesus restored the covenant concerning 耶稣恢复了神的约“You made him ruler over the works of your hands, you put everything under his feet.” Which is in Jesus, “你派他管理你手所造的,使万物……都服在他的脚下。”the promise of dominion is only fulfilled in Christ Jesus! 这是在耶稣里的,管理全地的应许唯有在耶稣基督里成就了。

Not only Jesus Christ himself was crowned with glory and honor, 不单是耶稣基督得了尊贵荣耀的冠冕,but also those who are faithful followers, willing to be obedient to the point of death, and God will give them the crown of life (Re 2:10b). 那些忠心的跟随者,愿意顺服至死的,神也将生命的冠冕赐给他们【启示录2:10下】。What an incredible and wonderful promise that the almighty God made for man! 神给人的是多么不可思议又奇异的应许!We were born to have dominion over such material things, instead of being in bondage to them! 我们为管理这些可见之物而生,而不是被他们束缚!This is what David saw in his praise to God! 大卫在赞美中看到了;When David thought about how great and vast plan that the sovereign God had given to man, he couldn’t help praising God all over again, 而当大卫看到后,他为神向人所怀伟大深远的计划,止不住再次献上赞美,in which he was strengthened and filled with joy that helped him to conquer difficulties! 他也被喜乐所充满,得着力量胜过困难。How a wonderful weapon it is that God gives us privilege to praise Him, 神所赐的赞美祂的特权 是怎样一个强有力的武器呢!and that makes Satan flee and helps us to overcome the spiritual warfare! 赞美使撒旦逃跑,让我们可以在属灵争战中得胜!O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! 耶和华,我们的主啊,你的名在全地何其美!

Do you want to praise Him right now? 你想现在就赞美祂吗?If praising God is new to you, try praising God for who He is to you, personally. 如果你还不知道怎样赞美,试着为 在你心中神是谁 来赞美祂吧!You may try praising God for His mighty name, God of Elohim, the creator of heavens and earth and everything in them! 试着为神威严的名赞美祂,以罗欣的神,诸天的创造者、全地和其中一切的创造者!Here are some ways to get started:


Praise God for His glorious name, His holiness, mercy, and justice


Let them praise your great and awesome name- He is Holy! (Psalm 99:3:)


Our God, the most high, we praise Your holy name, 我们至高的神阿、我们要赞美你的圣名。

we praise that Your name is great and awesome, from the beginning to the end, You are the God of Elohim, the creator of all and the sustainer of all! 我们赞美你的名至大可畏,从亘古到永远,你是神,是万物的创造者,又是万物的维护者!

We praise Your holy name, the God of all, whose name is Jesus, the saviour of all, who was, who is and who is to come, You are the Alph and Omega! 我们赞美你的圣名,万有之神,名叫耶稣,万有的主,昔在、今在、将来永在的那一位,你是阿尔法,你是俄梅戛!

We bless Your holy name! Lord Jesus, the name that is above every name! 我们称颂你的圣名!主耶稣,你的名超乎万名之上!

By the name of Jesus, we are forgiven and saved! By the name of Jesus, every keen should bow, every mouth should confess, that Jesus is Lord!  因耶稣的名我们得赦免得拯救!因耶稣的名,凡有血气的都当俯伏,口都当承认耶稣是主!

We bless Your holy name! 我们称颂你的圣名!By the name of Jesus, the blind can see, the deaf can hear, and the oppressed can be set free! 因着耶稣的名,瞎子能看见,聋子能听见,受压迫的人能得自由!By the name of Jesus, the lame can walk, the broken-hearts can will be healed, and You make everything new! 奉耶稣的名,瘸子能行走,伤心的人得医治,祢使一切都更新!We praise Your faithfulness, although heaven and earth will pass away, Your words will never pass away, 我们赞美你的信实、天地都要废去、and You will remain the same, 你的话永不废去、and Your year will never end! 你的年永远长存。We praise Your eternal goodness that will never change! We bless Your Holy name! 我们赞美你永恒的美善,永不改变!我们称颂祢的圣名!

Praise God for His grace (Eph 1:6)  so that we would praise his glorious grace that he gave us in the Beloved One. Eph 1:6).


We praise that You are the God who formed us in Your glorious grace, The God who knows us, The God who loves us in Your glorious grace! 我们赞美你是在你荣耀的恩典中创造我们的神,是认识我们的神,是在你荣耀的恩典中爱我们的神!We praise that You are God who sent His Son suffered and died for us in Your glorious grace! 我们赞美你是神,你派他的儿子在你荣耀的恩典中为我们受苦和死!

We praise You for Your salvation! (Eph 2:8-9). 我们赞美你的救恩!(以弗所书28-9)It is by Your grace we have been saved, through faith—and this is not from ourselves, it is the gift of God! 我们得救本乎恩,因着信——这不是出于我们自己,而是神的恩赐! We praise You for Your sacrifice and Your salvation, though we don’t deserve it! 我们赞美你的牺牲和你的救恩,虽然我们不配! What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him. 人算什么,你竟顾念他,世人算什么,你竟眷顾他。Thank You for the time when I listened to the enemy’s voice and accepted a sense of angry, rejection, and self-pity, or judgmental thoughts that sinned against You, and ignored You, but You are still here to wait for me and loving me…感谢你,当我听了敌人的声音,接受了愤怒、拒绝、自怜或对你有罪的想法,忽视了你,但你仍然在这里等待我,爱我……O Lord, I praise Your great love that endures forever. 主啊,我赞美你永远的大爱。I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on Your name! 我要举起救恩的杯,呼求你的名。Let my heart be alive before You to bless Your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days! 愿我的心在你面前存活、称颂你的慈爱、使我们一生一世欢喜快乐。Thank You Lord, in Jesus name we pray! 感谢主,我们奉耶稣的名祷告!


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