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2019-10-20 Follow the Example of Jesus 以耶稣为榜样

发表于 2024-01-08

We thank God for the church camp.为上礼拜营会,我们感谢神。Also, we thank all who contributed and attended. 也谢谢所有参与服事和参加营会的人。We had great fellowship time! 一个美好的团契!What I wanna highlight is我想强调的是,through reflecting on the two bible verses (John 17:21 and Acts 2:44) which talked about unity.借着查考两段合一的经文(约翰福音1721和使徒行传244)后,that people encountered God’s love 大家经历到了神的大爱。God really set fire to the people whose hearts were ready for Him. 神实在是点燃了那些已经预备好心的百姓。We pray that God would continue to soften more hearts for His use. 我们祈求神继续动工,柔软更多人心,可以被祂使用。


Ask the people beside you how do you achieve success in society? 问问你身边的人,你怎样能在社会上取得成功?What do you leave behind for others? 你走了,留给他人的是什么?What impact do you have on others through your life? 你一生对别人有什么影响?We need examples to follow. 我们需要榜样去效法。Our children need examples. 我们的孩子需要榜样。In the school, in the workplace, wherever we go, we need examples. 在学校,在工作场所,无论我们去哪里,我们都需要榜样。I heard a story 我听到了一个故事which warmed my heart, 很温暖我心, I’m wanna share it with you, but I’m not sure if it’s true or not.,我想和大家享,但我不确定它是否真有其事。A driver was in the queue to buy his lunch at McDonald’s. 一位司机在麦当劳排队买午饭。He was upset because of some family issues he was facing. 因为正面临一些家庭问题,他心情不太好。While he was waiting, he lost patience, and honked the horn to urge the waiter to hurry up. 他等着等着,就失去耐心了,按了喇叭,催促服务员快点。A driver in front of him turned his head around and glanced at him and didn’t say anything. 站在前面的一位司机回头看了一眼,什么也没说。When it was his turn, the waiter told him, “The man in front of you has already bought lunch for you. 轮到他时,服务员对他说:你前面的那个人给你买了午餐And he wished you a nice day. 并祝你一天愉快。” This surprised the driver, but a feeling of love dispelled his sadness. 这位司机很吃惊,但爱的感觉驱散了他内心的不愉快。He was encouraged. 他被鼓励了。


So He also bought something for the next driver, to pass this love onto the next person. 所以他也为后面的一个司机买了些吃的,把这份爱传递给下一个人。The next driver was moved by love, and he bought something for the following driver too…下一个司机也被爱感动了,他又给他后面的司机买了些东西…that day, this action of love carried through to many people who came to that McDonald’s. 那天,这种传递爱的行为在来这个麦当劳店的人身上传递。The world needs examples of love to get rid of coldness and hatred. 这个世界需要爱的榜样来摆脱冷漠和仇恨。What is the ultimate example that we can look to? 那谁是我们可以定睛仰望的终极榜样?None but Jesus! 惟有耶稣!So today, we’ll continue to look at Matt 12:15-21,所以今天,我们将继续分享马太福音1215-21节,


Last time, we looked at Matt 11, 上周,我们分享了马太福音11章,where Jesus calls us for learn from him, 耶稣呼召我们学他的样式,and he will give us rest.他会使我们得安息。For he is gentle and humble. 因为他温柔谦卑。So today, we‘re going to learn from Jesus’ example through this passage in four points. 今天我们要从这段经文中学习四点。Jesus Christ was merciful, 耶稣基督是怜悯,chosen of God, 是神所拣选的,the humble conqueror, 谦卑的得胜者,the compassionate Lord.是慈怜的主。


1An example of being merciful. 怜悯的榜样,15

15 Aware of this, Jesus withdrew from that place. 15耶稣知道了,就离开那里。A large crowd followed him, and he healed all who were ill.有许多人跟着他,他把其中有病的人都治好了。What had happened that caused Jesus to withdraw from that place?耶稣离开那地方的原因是什么?Verse 14 tells us that the religious leaders planned to kill Jesus the Messiah King after his healing of the man with the shrivelled hand.14节告诉我们,耶稣,这位弥赛亚君王治愈了一个人的枯干手后,宗教领袖们商议怎样杀死耶稣。Imagine that, 想象一下,if you had done miracles through the power of God, 如果你行了神迹, but some religious people tried to get rid of you, 但一些宗教人士试图除掉你。yet you had a multitude of followers supporting you, 但你却有很多跟随者支持你,your opponent just had a small group of people. 敌对你的人只是一小群。What would you do then? 那你会怎么做?Would you reason with them? 你会跟他们讲道理吗?Would you quarrel with them? 你会和他们吵架吗?


Despite the big crowd following him, 尽管有一大群人跟着耶稣,Jesus departed quietly and peacefully from the place where he wasn’t welcome. 耶稣还是安静和平地离开了不欢迎祂的地方。


His heart wasn’t focused on whether people treated him nicely or not. 耶稣的心没有专注于人们是否善待他。His focus was on saving and delivering people from their oppressors. 他专注的是,把那些受压制的人 从恶者手下释放拯救出来。Because of self-denial and a lifestyle centred on the will of the Father, 由于舍己和以父旨意为中心的生活方式,nothing could stop Christ from extending his compassion to heal people.没有什么能阻止基督施怜悯来医治人们。Jesus set an example 耶稣为我们树立了一个榜样,when he even grieved over his enemies. 就是他居然为自己的仇敌忧愁悲伤,In Mark 3, 在马可福音3章中,the religious leaders accused Jesus of healing the sick on a Sabbath, v.宗教领袖控告耶稣在安息日治病。5, And he looked around at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, and said to the man, “Stretch out your hand. 5耶稣怒目周围看他们,忧愁他们的心刚硬,就对那人说:伸出手来。” He stretched it out, and his hand was restored.他把手一伸,手就复了原。


When you look at your children with anger, 当你愤怒地看着你的孩子,what do you do?你会做什么?Count their faults? 数算他们的过错?Speak unmerciful words? 说些刻薄的话?Bitterly ask them to listen to you with respect? 在苦毒中要求他们尊重你,听你的话?This is the most unusual thing we learn from the example of Jesus, 这是我们从耶稣的榜样中学到的最不寻常的事情,he was grieved over (feeling great sorrow for) His opponents.祂为祂的仇敌感到忧伤。That’s incredible! 太不可思议了!Christ was full of mercy. 基督充满怜悯。We are told to “be merciful, just as your Father is merciful Luke, 6:36” 在路加福音636,我们被告知你们要慈悲,就像你们的父慈悲一样”,How? 怎么做到? Learn from Jesus, I conclude with three points. 我总结了三点来效法耶稣的怜悯。a, Don’t judge by your own standards (Matt 7:1, John 8:15) A,不要以你自己的标准去论断人(71,约815)  b, Don’t condemn (Luke 6:37). B,不要定罪人(637)C, be forgiving (Matt 18:35, Luke 23:34) 宽恕(1835,路2334)


2, An example of being chosen by God.这是神拣选的榜样。

12:18 “Here is my servant whom I have chosen, 12:18看哪!我的仆人,我所拣选、 the one I love, in whom I delight; 所亲爱、心里所喜悦的, I will put my Spirit on him, 我要将我的灵赐给他;and he will proclaim justice to the nations. 他必将公理传给外邦。


It tells us它告诉我们: a, Christ Jesus was chosen by God. A,基督耶稣是神所拣选的。 b, The One the Father delights in. 他是神所喜悦的 c, Christ Jesus was anointed by the Holy Spirit to save people from their sins in all the nations. 基督耶稣被圣灵膏来拯救全世界脱离罪 Hebrews 5:4 tells us, "And no one takes this honor for himself, but only when called by God, just as Aaron was."这大祭司的尊荣,没有人自取。惟要蒙 神所召,像亚伦一样。(希伯来书 5:4This verse clearly explains that no man can take that role of being a sin offering to cleanse people’s sins, 这节经文明白地说,没有人能担当洗净人罪的赎罪祭的角色, even Aaron, the first high priest from men who was selected by God in the OT, 甚至旧约中神拣选的第一位大祭司亚伦,and didn’t do it out of ambition or human will. 都不是凭自己的野心或人意担当的。The OT promised that the Messiah would be entirely human (Heb 2:17). 旧约应许弥赛亚是完全的人(来217Hebrews chapter 5 explains how Jesus fits the requirements of being the ultimate High priest for all men. 《希伯来书》5章解释了耶稣完全符合成为全人类大祭司的条件。He was chosen, 他被父拣选, fully man and fully God, and able to sympathize with our weaknesses when we are tempted 是完全人,又是完全神,当我们被试探,他能体恤我们的软弱。What do we learn from Christ’s example of being chosen by God? 我们从基督被拣选的榜样学到什么?


Psalm 139 tells us that each of us were uniquely and wonderfully made by God. 《诗篇》139章说我们每个人都是神独特而奇妙的创造。1Corinthians chapter 12 tells us that we are chosen to be different members in the body of Christ, 林前12章说我们蒙拣选成为基督身子,各自做肢体,Jesus is the head. 基督是身子的头。But not all of us are chosen to be eyes, 但不是我们所有人都作眼,or to be ears, 或都作耳,or to be mouths. 或都作嘴。We are chosen to be different parts of the body, 我们是各自作肢体,and to function cooperatively and unitedly as a body by using the different gifts and talents we’ve been given. 运用各自不同的恩赐和才能,彼此合作成为一个身子发挥功用。For example, 例如,if I’m chosen to be an eye of the body, 如果我被拣选成为身子的眼,I’ll receive dreams and visions, 就会得到异梦异象,so that I can be watchful earnestly and properly. 使我可以切切的,合宜的为教会守望。If you are chosen to be a hand, 如果你蒙拣选成为身子上的手,you’ll put your hands on some initiative. 你就会主动的去做一些事。


Why does he have that, while I don’t have it? 为啥他有我没有?”  Don’t compare or envy anothers’ gifts that God has given. 不要比较,也不要羡慕神赐给他人的恩赐。God has gifted you differently for a different purpose. 神赐你不同的恩赐是有不同的目的。You are chosen to play this part of the body with this gift you’ve been given, 你被拣选用所得的这个恩赐作身子的这部分,he is chosen to play that part with that gift he has been given, 他被拣选用所得的那个恩赐作身子的那部分,I am chosen to play one part with another gift I’ve been given, 我被拣选用所得的另外一个恩赐作身子的另一部分,some may say,有人会说 “I don’t have any spiritual gifts.” 我没有什么属灵恩赐 Who told you this?谁告诉你的? Eph 4:8, this is why God says, when he ascended on high, he took many captives and gave gifts to his people所以经上说 他升上高天的时候,掳掠了仇敌,将各样的恩赐赏给人we need to discover the gifts we’ve been given, and use them to build up the body of Christ. 我们需要发掘这些所得的恩赐,要使用他们来建造基督的身体。


In Matt 13:12, Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. 凡有的,还要加给他,叫他有余;凡没有的,连他所有的,也要夺去。(马太福音 13:12This bible verse tells us 这经文告诉我们,that we are all stewards of what we’ve been given, 我们都是所赐之物的管家,whether gifts or talents or money or whatever. 不论是恩赐、才能、钱财或其它。We should take care of the gifts and talents we receive, 我们当管理好所得的恩赐才能,and use them for the common good of the church and for His glory. 为教会全体的益处和神的荣耀来运用它们。It also warns us, 同时神的话也警戒我们,that if we don’t use them for God’s glory, 若不为神的荣耀使用它们,they can be taken away. 它们会被夺走。The more we use it, 我们运用的越多, the more we will be given. 给我们的就越多。So we don’t have to compare ourselves to others, 所以我们不必和别人比,we only need to rest ourselves in God’s plan of being chosen. 只要安息在神拣选的计划中,And do what we are chosen to be and to do in the body of Christ. 并在基督的身子里去成为该成为的肢体、和去做那肢体该做的事。


3,An example of humility. V.19 谦卑的榜样,19

19 He will not quarrel or cry out; no one will hear his voice in the streets.

 他不争竞,不喧嚷;街上也没有人听见他的声音。压伤的芦苇 ,To quarrel is to argue in a contentious manner. 争竞,就是在不服的去争。 “I’m right, you are wrong!” “我没错,你错了!Crying out refers to someone who is shouting to prove he is right. 喧嚷,指的是人大喊大叫证明自己是对的。Jesus confronted the self-righteous religious leaders many times when they rejected the truth. 当自义的宗教领袖拒绝悔改时,耶稣多次和他们对抗。Christ’s humility doesn’t mean that he compromises. 基督的谦卑不是妥协


Just right before this chapter, 就在前面一章,in Matthew 11, 马太福音11章,Jesus honestly declared the just judgement of God on those who didn’t repent, 耶稣诚诚实实地宣告神对那些不悔改的人的公义审判, he says, 他说,“We played a flute for you, you didn’t dance, we sang a dirge, and you did not mourn…woe to you…”我们向你们吹笛,你们不跳舞;我们向你们举哀,你们不捶胸。(马太福音 11:17Christ Jesus honestly declared about what bad things would happen to those who didn’t believe in him. 基督耶稣诚实的对那些不信他话语的人宣告有糟糕的事要临到他们He didn’t compromise because of fear of criticism 他不会因为怕人论断他, or fear of rejection怕被拒绝, or fear of loss怕失去什么就妥协. Rather, he taught and lived the way of God in accordance with the truth. 相反他教导并自己活在真理的道上Have you even done wrong even when you know what is right because of fear? 你是否有曾经因为害怕, 明知道对,却不敢去做的经历?Following the example of Jesus to live in truth with a humble heart before God can set free from lies and fear. 跟随基督存谦卑的心活在真理管制中可以使我们从谎言和惧怕中得自由What is Jesus’s humility? 耶稣的谦卑是什么


Jesus didn’t say that because of feelings of rejection or anger, 耶稣说这话不是出于被拒绝或怒气,so that he entered into emotional arguments or debates with his enemies. 以至于和反对他的人情绪冲动地争辩。He simply presented the truth to confront sins, 他只是讲真理对抗罪,not confront people. 不是对抗人。We also need to learn hate sins, and love people. 我们也当去恨恶罪,去爱人Why didn’t Christ get offended nor turn to emotional anger or arguments with people? 为什么基督没有 感到被冒犯,也没有愤怒的情绪、没有与人争论? Philippians 2:6-8 tells us(腓立比书 2:6-8)说, Though he was God, he did not think of equality with God, something to be grasped, 7 but he emptied Himself…He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.他本有 神的形像,不以自己与 神同等为强夺的;反倒虚己,取了奴仆的形像,成为人的样式;既有人的样子,就自己卑微,存心顺服,以至于死,且死在十字架上。


Jesus willingly laid down his rights. 耶稣甘心放下自己的权利,His humility was reflected in making himself nothing. 他的谦卑反映在他把自己打造成什么也不是。Because he was empty of the self, 因他无有自己,no rejection,所以无论拒绝、no anger, 怒气、no accusation nor anything, 控告、或任何事could stir him up to strive for the will (face) of the self. 都不能搅动他起来为自己争面子(he never felt he was losing face). (他从不觉得丢面子)。Jesus chose to die to the self, 耶稣选择向己死,even onto a cross for the purpose of surrendering himself to the Father’s will. 甚至为顺服天父旨意死在十字架上。 This is the ultimate example of humility in all the universe. 这是宇宙中谦卑的终极榜样。True humility leads us to live a life of dying to the desires or will of the self. 真实的谦卑领我们向己的欲望和自我的意愿死。


4, An example ofbeing compassionate.慈怜的榜样

20 A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out, till he has brought justice through to victory. 21 In his name the nations will put their hope.” 压伤的芦苇,他不折断;将残的灯火,他不吹灭;等他施行公理,叫公理得胜。外邦人都要仰望他的名。(马太福音 12:20-21


Jesus our Saviour came to restore, reconcile, renew我们的救主耶稣基督来恢复、和好、更新、, and to make us whole in Christ. 使我们在基督里成为完全。The whole world is in a state of brokenness, 全世界都处在破碎中,because of sin, disobedience, and self-centredness. 因为罪、悖逆和自我中心。Our inner man is bruised, damaged, distorted by wounds or traumatic events, 我们的心因一些令人难过的事件而被伤害、破坏、扭曲,like “a bruised reed”. “A smoldering wick”? 如同压伤的芦苇”“将残的灯火  When you light up oil lamps, 你点油灯时,if the wick is immersed in oil, 如果灯芯浸在油里,it can light up a room brightly, 它可以照亮整个房间,but if it is dry and lacks oil, 但灯芯若干燥少油,it can’t give light to a room. 它就不能照亮房间。As Christians, 作为基督徒,if we aren’t filled with the Holy Spirit (oil), 我们若不被圣灵(油)充满,our lives can’t be shining like lights, 生命就不能发光, but can be overwhelmed by all kinds of sins, like pride, greed, anger, malice, lust, unforgiveness or disobedience, etc. 而是被各种各样的罪,骄傲、贪心、怒气、恶毒、情欲、不饶恕、不顺服……等等压垮。


In our frustration, 在我们的沮丧失败中,Jesus came to tells us the good news, 耶稣告诉我们好消息, that “a bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out”, “压伤的芦苇,他不折断;将残的灯火,他不吹灭He will not despise us nor reject us! 他不藐视我们,也不厌弃我们!Because he understands us and has compassion on us! 因他了解我们,怜悯我们!He knows that we were born in this sinful way! 他知道我们生在罪中!Nobody is good enough to escape from the power of sin. 没有人好到可以靠自己的好逃脱罪的权势。Jesus will not look at our weaknesses and shake his head like people do. 耶稣不会像人那样,看到我们的软弱就摇头。 Jesus is looking for people who are humble and repentant. 耶稣在寻找谦卑和悔改的人。In Isaiah 57:15, (赛5715the unchangeable God declares: 永远长存者宣告说: “I am the high and holy God, who lives forever. I live in a high and holy place, but I also live with people who are humble and repentant, so that I can restore their confidence and hope.”我住在至高至圣的所在,也与心灵痛悔谦卑的人同居;要使谦卑人的灵苏醒,也使痛悔人的心苏醒。(以赛亚书 57:15


Yes, through the Gospel, 是的,借着福音,the Son of God Jesus Christ mercifully sacrificed himself as a sin offering to forgive us, 神的儿子耶稣基督充满慈怜地献上自己,成为赎罪祭, rather than to accuse or condemn each of us! 祂没有控告,没有定我们任何人的罪!He was resurrected into victory! 祂从死里复活,进入得胜中!This is our example of compassion. 这就是慈怜的榜样。 We should stop condemning ourselves or others! 我们应停止定自己或他人的罪!Stop being used by the enemy of God! 不要再被仇敌利用!We all stumble in many ways because of the fact of the existence of the self. 因自我的事实存在,我们在许多事上都有过失。because the bible says, 因经上说,“we all stumble in many ways. James 3:2a原来我们在许多事上都有过失;(雅各书 3:2上)”Yet, in His name we put our hope! 然而,我们的盼望在于祂的名!Learn from the example of Jesus who is compassionate and gentle. 让我们学习耶稣的榜样,祂慈怜温柔。 He will never despise all who are weak, 祂永不会藐视软弱的人, but willingly sets people free through their faith in repentance by Grace. 反而乐意借着人信而悔改以恩典使人得自由。Learn from the compassionate healer, 让我们学习这位慈怜的医治者,Jesus is interceding for us, 祂正在为我们代求,he said to Peter the apostle, 祂对彼得说“I’ve prayed for you. Peter, that your faith may not fail. When you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” “但我已经为你祈求,叫你不至于失了信心。你回头以后,要坚固你的弟兄。(路加福音 22:32”Jesus also intercedes for us.  耶稣也为我们代求。


Now we have the ability to follow this example of being compassionate, 现今我们能够跟从这慈怜的榜样,because Jesus is interceding for us, 因耶稣正在为我们代求,and our faith will not fail. 让我们不致于失去信心。If we fail, we are not to feel ashamed! 我们若跌倒,不是叫我们觉得羞愧!We are not to feel inferior to others! 也不是叫我们觉得自己不如别人!We are not to be frustrated or depressed! 也不是叫我们感到沮丧或失望!We are to turn back and rely on Jesus! 乃是为叫我们悔改,来依靠耶稣!And we are to turn back and strengthen our brothers and sisters! 并且还要叫我们回转去坚固弟兄姊妹!Because we all stumble in many ways! 因我们在许多事上都有过失!We need to comfort people with the comfort we receive from the Lord in our suffering我们当用苦难中从主来的安慰去安慰人。Jesus sympathizes with our weaknesses by dying and interceding for us耶稣借着死和代祷体恤我们的软弱, and waiting for us to repent 并且等候我们悔改 Shouldn’t we sympathize with our children (Our family members? 体谅我们的家人? Our neighbours? 我们的邻居? Our classmates? 我们的同学?Flatmates? Colleagues?...我们的室友?同事?……) by dying to our anger, unforgiveness and unhealthy expectations and interceding for them?我们不当借死了自己的恼怒,不饶恕,不该有的期望去体恤我们的孩子?为他们代祷?


Follow the example of the victorious Jesus! 让我们以得胜的耶稣为榜样! Be merciful, 怜悯,staying in the chosen position持守在被选召的位上 (don’t compare yourself to others不要拿自己和别人比较), be humble, 谦卑( in our attitudes在态度上, we need to follow Jesus by making ourselves nothing, and dying to the desires of the self我们也当像基督那样,自己什么都不是,向己意不动 but being obedient to the Father’s will向父旨意顺服)and compassionate, 有同情心,we will be able to live in His victory! 我们就能活在祂的得胜里!


Do you wanna pray right now? 你愿意现在来祷告吗?


Pray for mercy…为求主赐怜悯的心祷告.....be merciful as your heavenly Father is merciful…你们要慈悲像你们的天父慈悲一样....forgive people who sin against you…饶恕得罪你的人…they judge by their own standards, 他们照他们自己的标准论断,you judge by your own standards…你也照你自己的标准论断,no one is right…没有人是对的...“Father forgive them”…“父啊,赦免他们!”thank God for His mercy…感谢神的怜悯


Pray that you remain aware of being chosen by God为你可以常意识到自己是选召的来祷告,so that you do not compare yourself to others and be down就不会因和别人比较就灰心,or be jealous or take pride in yourself or boast about yourself或嫉妒、或骄傲、或自夸, because it is all about receiving from God…因为一切都是从神领受的...different gifts and talents are for the common good 人有不同的恩赐和才能是为基督身体共同的益处,that is to  build up the body of Christ as each part works together by using the different gifts…那就是借着每一个肢体发挥不同的恩赐,来共同建造基督的身体....


Pray for gentleness and humility…为温柔谦卑的心来祷告…Jesus emptied himself, 耶稣倒空自己,and died to the self…向己意死...thank Him for being such a humble and gentle example for us…感谢祂为我们作了这谦卑温柔的榜样…we need Him to teach us to follow, 我们需要祂教导我们怎样跟随,so that we are free from negative emotions…使我们能脱离负面的情绪…and our souls can be made whole…让我们的灵魂得着完全....


Pray to be sympathetic towards your children? 为能使你有怜悯的心对待孩子、your family members? 家人、 your neighbours? 邻居、 your classmates? 同学、Flatmates? Colleagues?...室友、同事.....来祷告


You can pray after me:大家可以和我一起祷告:


Thank You Lord Jesus, 主耶稣我感谢你, for forgiving and redeeming me through Your grace and mercy. 因你的恩典和怜悯你饶恕我、拯救我。Thank You for not judging me when I was judging people by my own standards, 感谢你,当我用自己的标准去论断人的时候你没有论断我, thank you for not condemning me when I was condemning people. 感谢你,在我定人罪的时候你没有来定我的罪,Thank you for not giving me what I deserve 感谢你没有以我的过犯待我,rather giving me Your eternal life that I don’t deserve,却将我所不配得的永生赐给我, this is Your mercy! 这就是你的怜悯!Thank you for being merciful to me. 感谢你以怜悯待我,You call me to be merciful like you, 你呼召我像你一样去怜悯,for you have left the example of being merciful to others through your truth and your Spirit. 因为你借着你的真理和圣灵给我们留下了怜悯的榜样。


don’t judge, 不要论断人, otherwise, I myself will be judged.否则我自己就会被论断。 Don’t condemn, 不要定人的罪,otherwise, I myself will be condemned. 否则我自己就会被定罪。Be forgiving, 饶恕人,just as your heavenly father forgave you.” 正如天父饶恕了我一样。


Forgive me 求主赦免我,for my failure to accept and forgive others when they speak or act in ways not like me.当别人的言行不合我意,我就不接纳、不饶恕他们。 (or when my children don’t listen…或者当我的孩子不听话…when I don’t feel respected…当我感到不被尊重...when people disagree with me…当人不赞同我的观点...)…I can get anger easily…我很快就发怒....


Lord, I come to look for Your merciful healing to heal my inner being…主啊,我寻求你的怜悯来医治我的心....we were uniquely and wonderfully made by You. 我们每个人都是你独特而奇妙的创造。And you have given different people with different gifts and talents. 你给每个人都有不同的恩赐和才能。We don’t have to be the same…我们不需要一样


Because of the differences,因我们的不同, it’s inevitable that we see things differently, 我们看待事物的方式就不同,we do things differently,做事的方式也不同, that’s the way it should be. 这是必然的。


You made this beautiful diversity for Your own purposes! 你为自己的旨意创造了美好的多样性,that we may cooperate and unite under the head of Christ Jesus our Lord in faith, 使我们信靠主耶稣基督的带领,彼此搭配同心协力,to function as diverse parts of a whole body. 去发挥一个身体上不同肢体的功用。 In order that the church may be built up, 使教会被建立,and Your name may be glorified through the diversity and unity of the body. 借着一个身体的多样与合一,让你的名得着荣耀。


Lord, help me to remember this truth in my heart. 主啊,求你帮助我将这真理牢记于心。So that whenever temptation comes, 当试探来了,I will not be dragged away from trusting in You 使我不至于脱离对你的信靠,by looking at myself and saying, 看自己就说,“I’m not good enough…我不够好......or I’m not as good as that person…或者我不如那人好…or allowing any  guilt and shame, 或者容许任何罪疚感、羞耻感、self-importance, 自大、anger or any negative emotional feeling to beat me…恼怒或任何负面的情绪感觉胜过我...but let Your humility and gentleness rule in my heart…乃是让你的谦卑温柔在我里面掌权....You have no sin but died for me, 你曾为我舍命,and showed merciful salvation to me, 并将怜悯的救恩赐给我 shouldn’t I die to my own sin,难道我不该向自己的罪死 pride, judgemental thoughts, counting others’ faults, 向骄傲,论断,计算他人的恶去死, and allow your mercy and compassion to be passed to those who like me? 让你的怜悯传递给和我一样的人?


Guide me to intercede for my family members (friends, neighbourhood, classmates, flatmates, colleagues…) instead of blaming and grumbling,


引导我去为家人, 朋友,邻居,同学,室友,同事代祷,不是去指摘和抱怨


For you have set this example for me to follow, 你已经我为设立了榜样and this is the only way of God to set me free from the power of the sins of the self并且这是神的道为使我脱离自我的罪恶权势


Lord, You have open doors for us to walk through,主啊,你已经打开门让我们可以走过, we pray that You will open our eyes 求你打开我们属灵的眼睛,to see what You have called each of us to be and to do in this body of Christ. 让我们看见你呼召我们每个人在基督的身体里要成为什么样的人,要做什么样的事。Guide us to follow Jesus our ultimate example引导我们跟随耶稣,我们一生的榜样,in compassion, humility, gentleness, 怜悯,谦卑,温柔, obedience to the Father’s will 顺服天父的旨意,and to do anything for the glory of the Father, 所做的一切只为父得荣耀,never again for ourselves.不再为自己活! May Your name be glorified. 愿你的名得荣耀。




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