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【罗8:6】原来体贴肉体的就是死,体贴圣灵的乃是生命平安。【Rom8:6】The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.

发表于 2025-02-04

原来体贴肉体的后果是那么严重,就是死啊!好像亚当吃善恶树的果子一样,死了——与神隔绝!It turns out that the consequence of carnal consideration is so serious—that is, death! Just like Adam eating the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, he died—separated from God!因为体贴肉体,就是顺服分辨善恶的肉体思想,继续在吃分辨善恶树的果子。Because carnal consideration means obeying the fleshly thoughts of distinguishing good and evil, and continuing to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.体贴圣灵,需要读经、祷告,不怕拒绝自己,或被人否定自己,To care for the Holy Spirit, you need to read the Bible and pray, not be afraid of rejecting yourself or being denied by others.靠圣灵光照里面的“人的意思”,凭信心背起自己的十字架,除掉自己的意思,顺服真理圣灵,才会在各样的急难、困苦、不如意的环境里有真平安。Rely on the Holy Spirit to illuminate the "human will" within, take up your own cross by faith, remove your own will, and obey the Holy Spirit of truth. Only then will you have true peace in all kinds of emergencies, difficulties, and unsatisfactory circumstances.以下是祷告:The following is a prayer:


主耶稣,我感谢你,你诚诚实实,徇情面,为不体贴自己的意思(你自己的痛苦),你在客西马尼园汗如血滴地流,仍在祷告:Lord Jesus, I thank You for Your honesty and impartiality. You sweated like blood in the Garden of Gethsemane for not considering Your own will (Your own pain), and You were still praying: “父啊,若是可行,就将这杯撤去,但不要成就我的意思,乃要成就你的意思。” "Father, if it is possible, take this cup away from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done."我默想这话时,才明白,原来真正要不体贴自己的意思,需要有受苦的心志,是要付上代价的——被误会、被逼迫、被拒绝、被否定、被鞭打、被钉死。When I meditated on this, I realised that to truly not consider Your own will, You need to have a willingness to suffer, and You have to pay a price—being misunderstood, persecuted, rejected, denied, whipped, and crucified.借着默想这经文,使我思想你为我的罪受凌辱的十字架脚踪,带我更深体会你的爱。By meditating on this verse, I think about Your footsteps on the cross where You suffered humiliation for my sins, and I have a deeper understanding of Your love.


从前,一有不如我自己意的事,我就问:“为什么?神为什么看顾?”抱怨、灰心、失去信心。In the past, when something didn’t go as I wished, I asked, "Why? Why doesn’t God care?" I complained, became discouraged, and lost faith.如今我要在不如意的环境里,转向我的神:神啊,我要相信,一切都有你美好的旨意,你要我活出信心,体贴圣灵的意思,就有真平安。Now, I want to turn to my God in an unsatisfactory environment: God, I want to believe that everything has Your beautiful will. You want me to live out my faith and consider the will of the Holy Spirit, and then I will have true peace.


主,求你赦免我从前体贴肉体的罪,求宝血洁净我,也求圣灵破除我里面因体贴肉体而建立的“抱怨、负面思想的营垒”(可以更细地求蒙光照),将我的心意夺回顺服基督。Lord, please forgive my sins of carnal indulgence in the past, and ask the precious blood to cleanse me. I also ask the Holy Spirit to break the "complaints and negative thoughts" that I have built up in my body because of carnal indulgence (I can ask for more detailed enlightenment), and take back my mind to obey Christ.因你付上受苦、舍命的代价来爱我,给我动力,不要再体贴肉体,死在过犯中,与神隔绝,叫你伤心难过。Because You paid the price of suffering and sacrificed Your life to love me, give me the motivation to stop carnal indulgence, die in transgressions, and separate from God, which makes You sad and upset.主啊,你受痛苦、死己、复活,将圣灵赐给我,是叫我在各样不如意的环境里去得胜,活在你的真平安里。Lord, You suffered, died to Yourself, and resurrected, and gave me the Holy Spirit so that I can win in all kinds of unsatisfactory environments and live in Your true peace.


阿门!我相信,主的爱要在患难里显出更大的得胜能力,加给我力量去顺服圣灵,不体贴肉体而死在过犯中。Amen! I believe that the love of the Lord will show a greater power of victory in suffering, and give me the strength to obey the Holy Spirit, not to be carnal and die in transgressions.带领我一天思想你的话,使我认出体贴肉体的意念,不再顺服,而是交托祷告你。Lead me to think about Your words for a day, so that I can recognise the thoughts of carnal indulgence, no longer obey, but entrust and pray to You.复活的主在我里面活,靠你得胜每一天,活出在烦乱的环境里,内心仍有真平安,荣耀你的圣名。(可以继续为自己、别人、教会代祷。)The resurrected Lord lives in me, relying on You to win every day, living in a chaotic environment, and still having true peace in my heart, glorifying Your holy name. (You can continue to pray for yourself, others, and the church.) (叶牧师Pastor Jane)


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