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【可16: 20】门徒出去,到处宣传福音。主和他们同工,用神迹随着,证实所传的道。阿们!【Mark 16:20】Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.

发表于 2024-04-08

耶稣被钉十字架的时候,门徒软弱,怕逼迫,逃的逃,藏的藏…但看见了复活的耶稣,又被圣灵浇灌充满后,完全翻转,从耶路撒冷,犹太全地出去,在周围到处为耶稣作见证,宣讲钉十字架的耶稣已经复活,神已经立耶稣是主、为基督了。When Jesus was crucified, the disciples were weak, afraid of persecution, and fled or hid. But upon seeing the resurrected Jesus and being filled with the Holy Spirit, they were completely transformed. They went out from Jerusalem and throughout Judea, testifying about Jesus who was crucified and risen, declaring that God had made Jesus Lord and Christ.悔改的人很多,耶路撒冷的教会被建立起来。 Many repented, and the church in Jerusalem was established.主与门徒同工,门徒们越来越有信心,放胆讲道,奉耶稣的名医病赶鬼,神迹奇事不断的时候,逼迫也来了,有使徒被抓进监牢的,司提反殉道后,在耶路撒冷的门徒们被逼迫,散到各处,但他们刚强壮胆,仍然出去传道,主借着门徒的手行了很多神迹,门徒在患难和逼迫中,流血舍命,经历千难万险,把福音从耶路撒冷传到欧洲、非洲、亚洲 …As the disciples became increasingly confident, they boldly preached in Jesus' name, healing the sick and casting out demons. Despite continuous miracles, persecution arose. Some apostles were imprisoned, Stephen was martyred, and the Jerusalem disciples scattered. Yet they remained courageous, continuing to preach. The Lord worked through them, performing many miracles. Despite suffering and persecution, they spread the gospel from Jerusalem to Europe, Africa, and Asia.



主啊,因你流血舍命,一粒麦子死了,结出许多籽粒,在地上建立了教会,一代代的宣教士被圣灵差出去,效法你的脚踪,用你的大爱把福音传到地极 …Lord, because You shed Your blood and died like a grain of wheat, You produced many seeds, establishing churches on earth. Generation after generation of missionaries were sent out by the Holy Spirit, following in Your footsteps, spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth.你知道人不能信你,是因黑暗权势的拦阻,你就用你大能的膀臂,神迹奇事施行拯救,使人眼睛得开,从黑暗中归向光明。 You know that people struggle to believe because of the powers of darkness. So, with Your mighty arm, You perform miracles and save people, opening their blind eyes and leading people from darkness to light. 主啊,我们今天能得着你宝贵的救恩,都是你差人将这奇异恩典传给了我们。 Lord, today we have received Your precious salvation because You sent people to share this amazing grace with us. 主啊你说,“要收的庄稼多,作工的人少。’ 感谢你用真理装备我们,用你的神迹大能医治我们,等候我们的信心爱心成长起来,可以被你更多的差出去。You said, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few." Thank You for equipping us with truth, healing us with Your mighty miracles, and nurturing our faith and love so more of us can be sent out. 主啊,愿你赐我们,跟你一样有舍己爱灵魂的心,呼求说, ‘主啊,我在这里,求你差遣我,我愿与你同去…’ 求你带领我们与你同行,借着我们的手为你的福音行神迹大能,让万国万民看见你,归向你!阿门! Lord, grant us hearts like Yours, willing to sacrifice and love souls, crying out, "Here I am, Lord, send me. I am willing to go with You." Lead us as we walk with You, performing mighty miracles for Your gospel through us so that all nations may see You and turn to You. Amen! (陈弟兄Brother Chan)


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