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【徒19:20】主的道大大兴旺,而且得胜,就是这样。【Acts 19:20】In this way the word of the Lord spread widely and grew in power.

发表于 2024-06-09

保罗为耶稣的名不顾自己的性命,竭力传扬福音。神也籍他的手行非常的奇事,甚至他的手巾或围裙放在病人身上,病就好了,恶鬼也出去了。Paul, for the sake of Jesus' name, risked his life and tirelessly spread the Gospel. God also performed extraordinary miracles through him, so much so that even handkerchiefs or aprons that had touched him were taken to the sick, and their illnesses were cured, and evil spirits left them.有念咒赶鬼的犹太人,擅自称主耶稣的名,却被恶鬼制伏,受伤逃跑。凡住以弗所的人都知道这事,也都惧怕,主耶稣的名就被尊为大。Some Jewish exorcists who attempted to invoke the name of the Lord Jesus without authority were overpowered by the evil spirits, injured, and fled. Everyone living in Ephesus heard about this and were filled with fear, and the name of the Lord Jesus was held in high honor.


那些信的人,公开承认自己所行的恶事。平素行邪术的,把价值五万块钱的书拿来焚烧,带出行动除掉当灭之物。Those who believed came and openly confessed their evil deeds. Many who practiced sorcery brought their scrolls together and burned them publicly. The value of these scrolls was fifty thousand pieces of silver. Thus they removed the objects of destruction from their midst. 在以弗所这个邪术和拜偶像盛行的地方,在两个国度的争战中,因着保罗的舍己顺服,因着人信而带出悔改的行动,仇敌的计谋失败,耶稣的名全然得胜!哈利路亚!In Ephesus, a place where sorcery and idol worship were prevalent, the clash between two kingdoms unfolded. Through Paul's self-sacrificial obedience and the resulting repentance of the people, the enemy's schemes were thwarted, and the name of Jesus triumphed completely! Hallelujah!


主啊,我们也渴慕看到:你的道大大兴旺,并且得胜!保罗活着不再是自己,而是耶稣基督在他里面掌权,就彰显出耶稣的权能,使被掳的得释放。Lord, we also long to see Your word thrive and prevail greatly! Paul lived no longer for himself, but for Jesus Christ who reigned within him, thus revealing Jesus' power and setting the captives free.主啊,我要快快回转,承认自己的罪,放下手所抓的权利、钱财、虚荣…求圣灵打碎我心中一切的偶像,使我从心里顺服真理,让耶稣做我心中的王…Lord, I want to quickly turn back, acknowledge my sin, and let go of myrights, wealth, and vanity I cling to... I ask the Holy Spirit to shatter all idols in my heart, to make me obedient to the truth from within, and to let Jesus be the King of my heart...


主啊,你从死里复活,你是得胜的君王!你是何等愿意复兴我们,借着我们彰显你的权能和得胜!主啊,帮助我们,不再与身边属血气的人争战,使我们因信与自己的罪,与仇敌魔鬼争战到底!Lord, You have risen from the dead; You are the victorious King! How willing You are to revive us and to manifest Your power and victory through us! Lord, help us not to battle against those around us who are of flesh and blood, but to, by faith, fight against our own sin and against the enemy, the devil, to the end!主啊,我再次献上自己,求你使用我们,夺回被掳的灵魂,使你的国度大大扩张,使人都尊崇你的名!Lord, I offer myself to You once again. Use us to reclaim the souls that have been captured, to greatly expand Your kingdom, and to make Your name honored by all! (付传道Pastor Fu)


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