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【撒上10:6-7】耶和华的灵必大大感动你,你就与他们一同受感说话;你要变为新人。 这兆头临到你,你就可以趁时而做,因为 神与你同在。【1Sa 10:6-7】6The Spirit of the Lord will come powerfully upon you, and you will prophesy with them; and you will be changed into a different person. 7Once these signs are fulfilled, do whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you.

发表于 2024-07-10

以色列人要立一个王。撒母耳预先宣告了三个兆头,显明是神拣选了扫罗做以色列的王。The Israelites wanted to have a king. Samuel announced three signs in advance, indicating that God had chosen Saul to be the king of Israel.神仍然在掌权!当神的灵感动扫罗时,他就跟先知一同受感说话,并且要变为新人。撒母耳预先告诉扫罗,当这兆头临到,你就可以趁时而做,不要胆怯,不要退缩,当刚强壮胆,因为神与你同在。God is still in control! When the Spirit of God inspired Saul, he spoke with the prophet and became a new man. Samuel told Saul in advance, when this sign comes, you can take advantage of it. Don't be timid, don't shrink back, be strong and courageous, because God is with you.


在士师记里,当神的灵降临在人身上,这个人就成为大能的勇士,带领百姓争战得胜,脱离仇敌的欺压。In the Book of Judges, when the Spirit of God descends on a person, that person becomes a powerful warrior, leading the people to victory in battle and escape from the oppression of the enemy.在旧约,圣灵还没有内住在人里面。因着耶稣为我们死,为我们复活,圣灵住在我们里面,永不离开!圣灵可以翻转改变一个人的生命,使软弱的变为刚强。圣灵的能力如此浩大!In the Old Testament, the Holy Spirit had not yet indwelled people. Because Jesus died for us and was resurrected for us, the Holy Spirit lives in us and never leaves! The Holy Spirit can transform a person's life and turn the weak into strong. The power of the Holy Spirit is so great!


以马内利的神,与我们同在!圣灵这宝贝放在我们的瓦器里,要显明这莫大的能力,是出于神,不是出于我自己。Immanuel God, be with us! The treasure of the Holy Spirit is placed in our earthen vessels to show that this great power comes from God and not from ourselves.主,再一次求你更新我,被圣灵大大感动后,时时预备迎接考试,并在环境来临时,定意否定自己,顺服圣灵趁势而行,拆毁里面不信、怀疑、骄傲、自我中心…各样的坚固营垒。Lord, please renew me once again. After being greatly moved by the Holy Spirit, I am always ready to face the test. When challenges arise, I am determined to deny myself, obey the Holy Spirit, and take advantage of the situation to destroy unbelief, doubt, pride, self-centredness, and all other strongholds within me.


圣灵在我们里面,不是软弱的,而是有大能的!叫耶稣基督从死里复活的能力,正在我们里面。主啊,我信!你是何等愿意在你的教会——在我们身上,彰显你属天的能力和荣耀!The Holy Spirit within us is not weak, but powerful! The power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead is within us. Lord, I believe! How willing You are to manifest Your heavenly power and glory in Your church—in us!圣灵啊,充满我们,掌管我们,使我们靠着圣灵,趁势而行,胜过罪恶,操练爱神、爱人、爱仇敌…荣耀你的名。Holy Spirit, fill us and control us, so that we can rely on the Holy Spirit to take advantage of the situation, overcome sin, practise loving God, loving others, and loving enemies... glorify Your name. (付传道Pastor Fu)


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