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【撒上17:47】又使这众人知道耶和华使人得胜,不是用刀用枪,因为争战的胜败全在乎耶和华。他必将你们交在我们手里。”【1Sa17:47】All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”

发表于 2024-07-30

何等大有能力的宣告,义人必不怕凶恶的信息,因他心坚定倚靠耶和华,深信,争战的胜败全在乎耶和华。What a powerful declaration! The righteous will not fear bad news because their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. They firmly believe that the outcome of any battle depends on the Lord.不凭眼见只凭信心,大卫看的不是外在的环境,看到的是属灵争战,不看敌方多么凶猛、嚣张、阵势浩大,也不看自己年轻矮小,人单力薄,They live by faith, not by sight. David did not focus on the external circumstances; he saw the spiritual battle. He did not see how fierce, arrogant, or large the enemy was, nor did he see how young, small, and weak he was.他只看胜败的决定者—耶和华神。He only saw the determiner of victory and defeat—the Lord God.他深知他们的元帅是神,神必帮助祂的子民得胜,永远与他们同在。He knew that their commander was God, and God would surely help His people achieve victory and be with them forever.


必看见神的荣耀,Faith will see the glory of God.大卫用信心来宣告: ‘你来攻击我,是靠着刀枪和铜戟;我来攻击你,是靠着万军之耶和华的名…David declared with faith: " You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty今日耶和华必将你交在我手里…使普天下的人都知道以色列中有神;Today the Lord will deliver you into my hands… and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel.又使这众人知道耶和华使人得胜,不是用刀用枪,因为争战的胜败全在乎耶和华。他必将你们交在我们手里。’” All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will give all of you into our hands." 倚靠神必不至羞愧。成了,神的名得了荣耀。Trusting in God will not lead to shame. It is accomplished, and God's name is glorified.


每天都是属灵争战,是一场无硝烟的战场,Every day is a spiritual battle, a battlefield without smoke.我们信什么就带出什么的结果,What we believe leads to corresponding results.军兵信他们眼所见的心就消化,胆怯退缩,大卫信神掌权,祂必得胜,他就击败了敌方。The soldiers who trusted what they saw lost heart, were fearful, and retreated.David believed in God's sovereignty and His sure victory, and he defeated the enemy.主啊,我们在信什么呢?榜样已经放在我们前面,Lord, what do we believe in? The example is before us.在人的一生中,充满了困难和挑战,惟有以信为本,深知主是永远掌权的那一位,坚定的相信,祂的慈爱比生命更美好。Life is filled with difficulties and challenges, but only by faith, knowing that the Lord is always in control, and firmly believing that His love is better than life itself, can we prevail.


主啊,求你开我们属灵的眼睛,知道不是与属血气的争战,Lord, open our spiritual eyes to understand that we are not fighting against flesh and blood.借着各样的困难、挑战是为了训练我的生命更像你,增加我们的信心,Through various difficulties and challenges, You are training our lives to be more like You, increasing our faith.不看困难有多么的大,而是看我们的神有多么的伟大。Let us not see how great the difficulties are, but how great our God is.纵然危机四伏,几乎丧命,仇敌越是攻击,我们越是坚定的信靠,像大卫一样深信,只要有主在我们左右我们必不至害怕,Even when surrounded by danger and facing death, the more the enemy attacks, the more we will steadfastly trust in You. Like David, we believe that as long as the Lord is by our side, we will not be afraid.靠着你的圣灵,你的应许,必得胜有余。哈利路亚,赞美得胜的君王直到永远!With Your Holy Spirit and Your promises, we will have more than enough victory. Hallelujah, praise to the victorious King forever! (姊妹Sister Guo)


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