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发表于 2023-12-27 00:45:03

...,万物在你面前都无法隐藏,求主光照我们一切的伪善、不信、骄傲、贪婪,如今转道归正。O Lord who search people’s hearts, nothing is hidden from You. Shine Your light on all our hypocrisy, unbelief, pride, and greed. May we now turn and repent.复活的主...
发表于 2024-05-13 20:23:05

...耶稣被出卖,门徒都逃跑了。听说耶稣复活了,门徒仍是不信。When Jesus was betrayed, the disciples all fled. Even upon hearing of Jesus' resurrection, they still didn't believe it. 耶稣复活后,向门徒显现,将天国的事讲明。After Jesus rose, He appeared to th...
发表于 2024-04-12 20:00:37

...何等恩典,你竟然在乎我,你的宝血为我流,虽然我悖逆不信,与你为仇,但你依然爱我,依然差遣你的仆人提醒我回转。 What grace, that You care for me, Your precious blood shed for me. Though I rebelled in unbelief and enmity against You, You still love m...
发表于 2024-04-05 18:45:32

...so that those who believe may not perish but have eternal life. 人因不信就没有安全感,总以看得见的为可靠的,认为那些可以拯救自己,最终发现,一生走到尽头,原来势力才能,金银美食都不是自己的拯救,耗尽一生所有都是虚空。Bec...
发表于 2024-05-05 19:25:53

... Lord, did not understand His words.知道耶稣复活后,又惊恐,又不信,又惊奇。 They were afraid, unbelieving, and amazed when they heard of the resurrection. 当他们亲眼看到复活的主,他们就喜乐了,他们的生命改变了。 But when they saw the risen Lord with t...
发表于 2024-03-31 19:07:03

...求圣灵带领我一直地信靠顺服,奉主耶稣的名,斥责一切不信、怀疑、谎言的灵出去和离开…Lord, You are the author and finisher of our faith. May the Holy Spirit lead me continually to trust and obey. In the name of the Lord Jesus, I rebuke every spirit of unbel...
发表于 2024-05-01 19:17:09

... fountain of healing, healing all kinds of lameness within people.因人的不信,偏行己路,把圣洁公义者弃绝并杀害了,他没有咒诅没有怨恨,在最痛的时候打开宽恕的门,把爱活到极处,用你宝贵的生命换回我们卑贱渺小的生命,饶恕接纳,...
发表于 2024-05-01 02:18:10

...ed by Judas, His own people rejected Him again. 再出卖他,把他交给不信的外邦人,They betrayed Him too and handed Him over to unbelieving Gentiles. 尊贵的主,我们的万王之王,宇宙的创造主受到的待遇是:The treatment received by our honored Lord, the King of kin...
发表于 2024-03-20 05:51:43
