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2023-03-12 Gratitude (2)

发表于 2024-01-08

Gratitue (2) 感恩(二)

How long ago did you say “thank you” to someone? 上一次你对人说“谢谢”是多久以前?How long ago did you say “thank you” to your parents or spouse? 上一次你对父母或配偶说“谢谢”是多久以前?Last time we talked about being thankful to God. 上次我们分享了向神感恩,Today, we’re looking at showing appreciative to people. 这次让我们来分享向人感恩的信息。

1, The exegesis of giving thanks. 关于感谢经文的解经

Let’s get started with 我们先来查 1 Thess 帖前5:16-18, Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 16要常常喜乐,17不住地祷告,18凡事谢恩,因为这是 神在基督耶稣里向你们所定的旨意。 Have you once asked this question?你有问过这个问题 “what’s God’s will for me?” “神对我的旨意是什么?”,or “I don’t know God’s will for my life.” . 或者“我不知道神对我生命的旨意是什么。” Here, it says, this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for us, 这里说,神在耶稣基督里向我们所怀的旨意,that we need to be joyful always. 就是要我们常常喜乐. How can we be joyful always when life gets tough? 但遇到难处时怎样才能常常喜乐呢?Some people may immediately blow up when facing pressure 当压力大时,有的人立马就发作了

It teaches us, to pray constantly. 神教导我们:要不住地祷告 When you pray, 当你祷告的时候,you lift up your eyes to the King who rules over the universe, 你举目注视掌管宇宙的王,when you magnify Jesus, 当你尊耶稣为大,the power of God will help you overcome your anxiety, 神的能力就帮你胜过焦虑,then, peace and joy will come in平安和喜乐就会进入你心中。One Thursday afternoon, 有个周四下午,the church office rang me, 教会办公室打电话给我,saying that a man was in the church building asking for prayer, 说有个人来到教会请人为他祷告,coz he saw demons around his house that night, 因他晚上在家里见鬼了,his stuff was flying around the house, 说他看见家里的物品到处飞,he was freaking out. 他吓晕了。During the conversation, 在交通中,he said that during the night demons had choked his neck, 他说他被鬼掐住脖子,he couldn’t move, 动弹不得,he was in panic. 他惊慌极了。After a short conversion, 简短对话后,God started to reveal something to me in my heart, 神开始在心中给我启示,so I asked him if he was willing to say a short prayer of confession with me. 我问他愿不愿意跟我做一个简短的认罪祷告。He agreed. 他同意了。As I was still leading him in the prayer, 当我正带他祷告时,he suddenly shouted out, 他突然大叫起来:“I’m feeling much lighter.” “我现在感觉轻松了。”

You could see peace come upon him. 你就清晰的看见平安临到了他。The power of God is Superior. 神的大能超乎万有。Prayer of confess is needed for us to rejoice in His salvation.  悔改的祷告是必须的,若我们想常在救恩里喜乐。V.18 says, God’s will for us is to give thanks in all circumstances. 18节说,凡事谢恩是神向我们所怀的旨意。In other words, 换句话说,God’s will for us is that we become the most joyful and grateful people in this world. 神向我们所怀的旨意,就是我们成为世上最喜乐感恩的人。Last time we learned that we’re not called to be thankful for the bad things, 上次我们学到,我们不是为坏事本身感恩,we’re grateful because God remains the same. 我们感恩是因为神永不改变,And He is able to turn the bad things into good.祂足能将坏事变好事。

Here, “give thanks”, the word “thanks” is translated from the Greek word “Eucharisteo” 这里的“谢恩”中的“谢”是从希腊字Eucharisteo翻译而来,which comes out of Luke 22:17-19, 这来自路22:17-19Before Jesus had taken the meal, 耶稣在饭前,he gave thanks, 感谢神,in the original language, it says, 原文里这样说,“he took the cup and “eucharisteo.” 他拿起饼来,就eucharisteoThe root word of “eucharisteo” is “charis”, meaning “grace.” Eucharisteo的字根charis,意思是恩典。Jesus took the bread and he saw it as grace, 耶稣拿起饼来,他看到这是恩典,so his response was to say grace, 他的回应就是说出恩言,giving thanks to God. 为恩典感谢神。“charis” is also related to the Greek word “chara”, 字根charis又和拉丁文chara有关,which means joy. 意思是喜乐。Grateful people are always joyful people. 感恩的人总是喜乐的人。Ungrateful people are always complaining, bitter and grumpy. 忘恩负义的人总是抱怨,苦毒和坏脾气。Jesus was a joyful man. 耶稣是喜乐的,He never turned grumpy in adversity or rejection.他遇到逆境和拒绝从不苦毒。We also can live out a life full of thankfulness and joy. 我们也可以活出充满感恩和喜乐的生命。

If today someone give you an iPhone as a free gift, 若今天有人送你一部iPhone 手机, will you be thankful for the free gift? 你难道不因白白的礼物而感恩吗?Yes. You will. 是的,你会Now Jesus loves us. 耶稣爱我们。He forgave us on that cross, 他在十字架上饶恕我们,and gave us His eternal life for free, 白白赐给我们永生的生命,that’s God’s grace. 这就是神的恩典。How can we receive the free gift without expressing our appreciation? 难道我们收到免费礼物却闭口不感谢吗?

Roman 1:21, For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 因为,他们虽然知道 神,却不当作 神荣耀他,也不感谢他。他们的思念变为虚妄,无知的心就昏暗了。It tells us that being thankful is so crucial for us to stay awake, 这句话是说感恩对于我们属灵上不糊太重要了,so we don’t fall into spiritual numbness. 不然我们灵里会变得麻木。Why the people became foolish, 他们为什么变为愚拙,and their hearts became darkened, 并且心地昏暗?because although they knew God, 因他们虽然知道神,like some of the NT believers,就像有些新约的信徒 although they encountered God in some way weeping, 虽然他们经历神,被感动流泪,yet, number one, 然而,第一,they didn’t glorify Him as God. 他们不把他当作神荣耀祂。It means they didn’t respect God by doing things to please Him. 意思是他们不做讨神喜悦的事,以表达对神的尊敬。Pride and self-centredness darken the heart. 骄傲和自我中心就让人心里昏暗了。Number two, nor did they give thanks to Him. 第二,也不感谢祂。The word “giving thanks” is the same Greek word “eucharisteo”, “感谢“这个词在希腊文里是eucharisteomeaning grace, being thankful. 意思是恩典,和心存感谢。It says, they had received grace from God, 这里说的是,他们从神领受了恩典,but they didn’t respond to grace with thankfulness. 却未知恩图报、以感谢报恩。They just took it for granted. 他们以为理所当然。Then they became foolish. 于是他们就变得愚昧了。Therefore, gratitude does not just requires us to say the words -  “thank you Lord,因此感恩不是单要求我们嘴巴说,“感谢主”,but also requires us to do things faithfully.更是要求我们做事忠心 Be faithful to God and to His people,对神和对人都忠心 including to be faithful to our spouses, 包括对我们的配偶忠心and to the church we’ve committed, 并对我们委身的教会忠心because the Church is the tangible body of Christ. 因为这是基督有形的身体。 

I’ve witnessed some believers, 我见过一些信徒,who have experienced God’s deliverance, 他们经历了神的释放,but took it for granted 但却以为理所当然,and sought a better life for themselves 为自己追求更好的生活without serving God’s church and obeying His commands. 既不服事教会,也不遵行祂的命令。Then later on, 过不多久,their relationship with God and people deteriorated, 他们和神和人的关系恶化,and troubles, depression, sadness, frustration, and the influence of their family curses came back to them again. 患难、压制、忧伤、沮丧、家族的咒诅又再次追赶上他们。Self-centredness only leads us into bondage. 自我中心只会使我们被捆绑,But gratitude leads us into abundance and joy.但感恩引导我们得丰盛喜乐。

2, Practice thankfulness in words and actions.以言语和行动操练感恩

Our theme verse for Last year is 我们去年的年度经文是 Col 西2:6, So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. 你们既然接受了主基督耶稣,就当遵他而行,7在他里面生根建造,信心坚固,正如你们所领的教训,感谢的心也更增长了。 It tells us, Jesus died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins, 这里说,耶稣为我们罪得赦免死在十字架上,the grace of God isn’t for us to consume 神不是叫我们去消耗恩典,but for us to be changed into people full of thankfulness. 而是要我们改变成为充满感恩的人。In other words, 换句话说,spiritual maturity is a result of the growth of gratitude. 灵命的成熟是感恩生命的果子。Ingratitude breaks all relationships. 不感恩破坏关系。Think about it, 想想看,you did something for someone, 你若为别人做了什么,but he never showed appreciation to you. 但那人却不感谢你,It seems that you owe him, 好像你欠他的,or he has the right to get you to do things for him. 或者好像他有权让你为他做事。Are you happy to help him again? 你以后还会高兴的帮他吗?No. 不愿意。no one likes ungrateful people. 没人喜欢忘恩负义的人。But unfortunately, by nature we’re grateful.不幸的是,按本性我们都如此。

Think about ourselves, 想想我们自己,when we were teenagers, 十几岁的时候,did we thank our parents from our hearts for what they had done for us? 我们为父母的付出从心里感谢过他们吗?Sitting around the table, 坐在饭桌边,were you feeling grateful and said, 我们是否心存感恩说:“oh, mum, thank you so much for the meal you cooked for me.” . “哦,妈妈,谢谢你煮饭给我吃。”or did you pick at the food and say, 还是你会挑剔食物说,“What’s this? I don’t like it. “这是什么啊?我不爱吃。”Now look at your teenage children, 现在,看看你自己的孩子,do they really appreciate what you’ve done for them? 他们是否感谢你为他们所做的?Sitting around the table, 坐在饭桌边,instead of thanking you, 不但不感谢,they’re picky and focus on whether they like it or not. 他们还要挑剔食物,他们关注是自己喜不喜欢。That’s why we’re sinners in the flesh因此在肉体里我们都是罪人。

But we’re now followers of Christ. 但我们现在是基督的跟随者,We’ve gotta show an example of how to be grateful for our children to follow, 我们就当为自己的孩子做如何行出感恩的榜样,so that they may learn to be thankful people. 让他们学习成为感恩的人。We start this with say the words ‘thank you for…” 我们从说‘我为什么什么感谢你“开始。I remember when Susie was a teenager, 我记得Susie十几岁的时候,we started to practise saying “thank you” every day in our home, 我们在家开始操练每天说“谢谢你”,coz as Chinese, we didn’t say the words with our lips quite so often even though we appreciated each other’s work. 因为我们中国人就算是心里感谢,嘴上也不大说出来。The first time I said to Susie, “Thank you for listening to me.” 我第一次对Susie说“谢谢你听我说话”,Susie looked at me with surprise, 她看着我很惊讶,then she smiled and replied, 然后笑着应了我一句:“the bible says, Children should be obedient and listen to their parents. haha.” “圣经说,儿女要顺服父母,听父母的,呵呵。“

Now it has become our family culture, 现在这已经是我家里的文化了,we say “thank you” to one another for small things every day. 我们为每天的小事彼此说谢谢。The words “thank you” spoken from the heart do have magical power. 从心里说出“谢谢你”这个词,是有神奇能力的。It can also change the atmosphere and your relationship with others.也会改变氛围,改变你和他人的关系。

Two weeks ago, after Ace’s surgery (Susie’s dog), 两周前,Susie的狗狗Ace做了手术,we went to the clinic to pick up Ace, 我们去诊所接它。as I walked into the vet’s office, 一进到兽医办公室,I could feel a heavy atmosphere there, 我就感到一种沉重的氛围,so I said these words to the vet from my heart, 于是我真心对兽医说:“oh, thank you so much for the amazing surgery you’ve done for Ace. “谢谢你给Ace做了这么好的手术,This has given Ace a second chance to run, 这给了Ace第二次机会可以再跑动,which is really needed for the rest of Ace’s life. 这是它余生最需要的。We really appreciate the work you’ve done for Ace.” 我们真的很感谢你为Ace做的。” You can either think that you have the right to get the vet to do the operation coz you’ve paid money for it, 你可以因你付了钱,就觉得兽医该为你做事,or give thanks to the people for the effort they’ve made to do the job for you. 你也可以为他为你的付出去感谢他。But if you just say “thank you”, 但是,如果你只是说“谢谢”,it can be empty and  meaningless它可能是空洞和毫无意义的. You’ve gotta add what you thank for. 你需要加上你为什么事感谢他And let people know what you really appreciate for.  让他知道你在感谢什么 So after saying that, 说完这话,I could feel the atmosphere immediately became lighter, 我感到气氛马上轻松了,and the vet smiled and seemed to forget what he had been worried about. 兽医笑了笑,似乎忘记了他正忧愁的. And later on, 之后 he said this to us,他对我们说 “I actually did a small thing, 我其实做了一件很小的事you guys are doing a hard job.你们做的真是不容易阿。” SeeThe words of “thank you for this and that…” from the heart do have magical power. 由心里说出“谢谢你做了……”,是有神奇能力的。

It makes people feel understood. 它让你感到被理解。 Feeling understood connects you to others被理解的感觉将你和他人拉近关系and makes both you and others feel welcome. 让你和他人都感到接纳。If you practise be thankful from the heart to others如果你操练发自内心地对他人表达感谢, you’ll give the enemy less opportunity to create an atmosphere of rejection and judgement, 你就会给仇敌更少的机会去营造拒绝和论断的气氛and to damage your mental health and your relationships并少给仇敌机会来损伤你的心理健康和人际关系. A grateful attitude changes both the atmosphere and the relationships and makes you a joyful person. 感恩的心态会改变属灵气氛和人际关系,让你成为一个快乐的人。

How many of you want to change the atmosphere in your home? 有多少人愿意改变你家里的气氛?First, 首先,build an altar to praise God, 建立赞美神的祭坛;second, 其次,show your appreciation to your family members by saying “thank you for…” from the heart, 表达你对家人的感谢,发自内心地对他们说“为这谢谢”。“Thank you, mum (dad), for doing this for me…“谢谢你,妈妈(爸爸),为我所做的……Thank you honey, I really appreciate you for doing this for me…谢谢你,亲爱的,很感谢你为我所做的……Thank you my dear son or daughter for doing this for me…” 谢谢我亲爱的儿子/女儿为我所做的……” You need to look for reasons to say thank you. 我们必须找理由去说感谢的话。Why?为什么?Because gratitude must be cultivated intentionally, 因感恩的心是需要刻意培养的 ingratitude is natural,忘恩负义是本性 which is a sin.不感恩是罪。Ingratitude shows that you don’t trust God to be Good to you, 不感恩是在表明你不信神是好的so you turn to the enemy所以你转从撒旦,and become complaining, grumpy, bitter, sour, unforgiving, greedy, and sad.变得抱怨、发脾气、苦毒、酸溜溜、不饶恕、贪婪和自卑自怜。

Gratitude always involves a posture of humility. 感恩总是蕴含着一种谦卑的姿态。When you thank people for what they’ve done for you, 当你感谢别人为你所做的一切时,you’ve recognized the effort they’ve gone to for you, 你承认他们为你所付出的努力,and you don’t take it for granted, 不会认为这是理所当然的,your understanding of what people have done for you warms people’s hearts and restores your relationships.  当你认可别人对你的付出,就会温暖对方的心,修复你们之间的关系。

3, The practice of thankfulness restores. 操练感恩可以修复关系

In 2 Tim 提后3:1-4, it says, 提后3:1-4说:1But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.你该知道,末世必有危险的日子来到。2因为那时人要专顾自己、贪爱钱财、自夸、狂傲、谤讟、违背父母、忘恩负义、心不圣洁、3无亲情、不解怨、好说谗言、不能自约、性情凶暴、不爱良善、4卖主卖友、任意妄为、自高自大、爱宴乐、不爱 神, It says, 这里说,the sinful characteristics during the last days is 末世的主要特征是:people being self-centred, 人自我中心、disobedient to parents, 违背父母、unforgiving and ungrateful. 不解怨、忘恩负义。In other words, 换句话说,the Church in the last days will be filled with ungrateful people. 末世的教会将充满忘恩负义的人。And the Church has a vital task, 并且末世教会有一个艰巨的任务,which is to help them change from self-centredness to cultivating gratitude as a daily spiritual discipline. 就是帮助他们脱离自我中心,让“培养感恩”成为每日的属灵操练。

Pro 17:22, A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up bones.喜乐的心,乃是良药;忧伤的灵,使骨枯干。 It says, 这里说,when you complain, 当你抱怨时,you aren’t counting God’s blessings in your life, 你没有数算神在你生命中的祝福,you’re not thanking God for the food you eat, 你不为有食物吃而感谢神,for the house you live in, 不为有房子住而感谢神,for the people God put around you to guide you into eternal wellbeing. 不为神放人在你身边引导你走永生蒙福的道路而感谢神. Then your inner man will be overwhelmed by your negative thoughts, 你的内心就会被消极的意念吞灭,full of poverty, self-pity, and sadness. 充满贫穷、自怜和伤心。And diseases will get you. 疾病也会临到你。

A joyful heart requires us to practice this basic discipline in our everyday lives. 要得着喜乐的心,需要我们在每天的生活中操练这个基本原则。Find reasons to thank God and other people, 找理由去感谢神和人:“Jesus, I thank You! “主耶稣,我感谢你!I thank You for Your Cross. 我为你的十字架感谢你。Even though I made a mess of my life. 虽然我把生活搞得一团糟。But thank You for forgiving my sins and bearing my daily burdens. 但我感谢你赦免我的罪,担当我每日的重担。Thank You for loving me as my Eternal Father. 感谢你这位永恒的天父如此爱我。I thank You for using people around me to prune me and train me to be more like you. 感谢你差人在我身边来修剪我、训练我,使我更像你。Thank You Lord! 感谢主!I’m blessed, 我是有福的,I’m content with so many blessings You’ve given me. 你给我如此丰富的恩典,我的心满足了。 Yes, Lord, my joy is complete because of You!”  是的,主啊,我因你而喜乐满足!

A thankful mindset helps us to overcome self-centeredness, bitterness, and anxiety. 感恩的心可以帮助我们胜过自我中心、苦毒和忧虑。It heals our souls. 能医治我们的灵魂。A thankful heart changes the spiritual atmosphere. 感恩的心可以改变属灵气氛,It changes the cold world and turns selfish people into kind people. 可以改变这个冷漠的世界,让自私的人成为良善起来。I heard a story long ago, 很久以前我听过一个故事,I’m not sure if it’s true or not, 我不确定这是不是真的,but the story hugely touched my heart. 但是我的心被这个故事极大地触动了。A Christian who was a truck driver, 有个基督徒是个卡车司机,got into an argument with his wife in the early morning. 那天早上他和妻子发生了争吵。On his way to work, 在去上班的路上,he started to pray, praising, and thanking God for his wife. 他开始祷告、赞美、感谢神赐给他这位妻子。The more he counted the blessings of marriage and thanked God, 当他更多数算神在他婚姻中的恩典、更多感谢神的时候,the more his heart was filled with thankfulness and love. 他的心就更多被感恩和爱充满。

So he rang his wife and said, 于是他打电话给妻子说: “Honey, I love you…bala bala …”“亲爱的,我爱你……” Hanging up the phone, 挂了电话 he stopped at McDonald’s drive-thru to buy himself a breakfast there. 当他在麦当劳汽车餐厅停下来要买早餐,He was inspired to pass the grace of God on to others, 他的心特别感动,要把上帝的恩典传递给别人. So he prayed and he bought two breakfasts at McDonald's, 于是他心里祷告着,在麦当劳买了两份早餐,one for himself, 一份给自己,and another for the next driver. 另一份给下一位司机。The cashier asked him, 收银员问他: “Is this for your friend.” “这是给你朋友的吗?He said, “Yes, for my friend, but I don’t know him.” 他说:“是的,给我的朋友,但我不认识他。”The cashier looked at him surprised, 收银员惊讶地看着他,and he said to the cashier, 他对收银员说: “Please tell him, ‘God loves you, have a great day’.” “请告诉他,‘上帝爱你,祝你有愉快的一天’。When the next person came, 当后面的人来了,the Cashier said to him, 收银员对他说: “This is a free gift that your friend ahead of you bought for you.” “这是你前面的朋友送你的免费礼物。” “Who is that??” “他是谁??” he asked 他问。The Cashier said, 收银员说: “he said he didn’t know you. but he wants you to have a great day. “他说他不认识你,但他希望你今天过得愉快Because God loves you.” 因为上帝爱你。”

This person was stunned for a moment, 这个人愣了一会儿,he looked at the food, and he said, 他看着食物,说:“I can’t just receive grace without responding to the grace, 我不能只接受恩典而不回应恩典, please count me in, 请把我算上,I’ll buy a breakfast for the next driver.” 我要买一份给下一位司机。” And then, when the driver after him got the free gift, 当他之后的司机得到了免费的礼物,he also refused to take it for granted, 他也不认为这是理所当然的,so he blessed the next driver after him. 所以他祝福了他后面的司机。

That morning, 那天早上,when people heard the news, 当人们听到这个消息时, they all rushed to that McDonald's to queue up, 他们都冲到那个麦当劳排队, to get grace, 去得这份恩典,and to pass on grace with their acts of thankfulness. 并用他们的感恩的行动去传递这恩典。This beautiful story lasted more than 20 minutes.这个美好的故事持续了20多分钟,and it warmed the small town during a cold winter. 这美好的故事在寒冷的冬天温暖了这个小镇。

We’re called to be the most thankful people in this world. 我们被呼召成为这个世界上最感恩的人。Shouldn’t we receive grace and also pass on grace with our act of faith in thankfulness? 难道我们不应该领受恩典,再带出信心的行动、怀着感恩的心将恩典传递下去吗?

Let’s stand up on our feet and turn our hearts to God with our eyes closed. 让我们站起来,闭上眼睛,将心转向上帝。 In these last days, 在过去的日子里, full of ungrateful people around us. 我们周围有很多不感恩的人。 We once were one of them, 我们曾经是他们当中的一员,but now, Jesus, 但现在,耶稣,we thank You for Your salvation and love. 我们感谢你的救赎和大爱。 Lord, You didn’t deserve the cross, 主啊,你不应该被钉在十字架上,but You bore our sins and suffered the rejection and the pain of death for us. 但是你为我们担当了罪,为我们承受了被拒绝和死亡的痛苦。 We once pierced you by our ingratitude, 我们曾因我们的忘恩负义刺透了你,but You didn’t repay evil with evil, 但你没有以恶报恶, rather You shed Your blood for us. 反而为我们流血舍命。But now we wanna respond to Your grace with gratitude.   但现在我们要以感恩来回应你的恩典。Today we repent of our ingratitude, 今天 我们悔改自己的不感恩 failing to say “thank you”,该说谢谢时没有说 failing to respond to grace with passing grace to others该去传递恩待时没有传递, failing to bless others该去祝福他人时没有去祝福…Today, we come before You and repent, 今天我们到你面前来悔改

You can tell the Lord, 你可以告诉主, I failed to glorify You by showing gratitude to people, 我没有用感谢人去荣耀你。Today, I wanna thank You今天我要来感谢你, Now you can thank God for what He has done for you, 现在你可以为你感谢他所做的事, or thank God for the things your parents, 或感谢上帝为你的父母,or your spouse, 配偶, or your children, 孩子, or your colleagues, 同事, or your friends, 朋友,or church people, 甚至是教会的人, have done for you…为你所做的一切,or you can ask the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of your heart 或者你可以求圣灵打开你的心灵的眼睛,to see which areas of your heart are still filled with ingratitude,看看心中哪些地方仍然充满了忘恩负义、complaint, or disappointment that need to be exposed, 抱怨或失望,需要被显露出来,where you feel that you have the right to have them do something for you, 你觉得你有权让他们为你做你想要的事,so you haven’t even showed gratitude to them by saying以至于你没有对他们表示感谢,说“ “thank you for doing this for me 谢谢你为我做这些

Today, 今天, I’m gonna start to learn to thank the people You put around me to help me.我要开始学习感谢那些你放在我身边帮助我的人。Now if you’re husband and wife, 现在如果你们是夫妻, I encourage you to hold hands together, 我鼓励你们手牵手,and thank God for your spouse, 为上帝赐予你的配偶感谢神, and also you look in your spouse’s eyes, 并且 你去看着你配偶的眼睛,and thanking them for what they’ve done for you. 感谢他(她)为你所做的一切。Young people, 年轻人, if today, the Holy Spirit has touched you, 如果今天,圣灵感动了你,I encourage you to go to your parents, 我鼓励你去你的父母那里, and thank them, 感谢他们。 you can thank your mum or dad for cooking for you, 你可以感谢你的妈妈或爸爸为你做饭,or thank them for doing laundry for you 或感谢他们为你洗衣服,or thank them to support you financially或谢谢他们的经济支持 or whatever comes to your mind或任何你想到的事情,just speak words of thankfulness to them只要对他们说感谢的话 to show that you’re not an ungrateful person, 去表明你不是一个忘恩负义的人 and you remember what they’ve done for you.  你记得他们为你做的。If there’s a need to say sorry, you can do it too. 若需要道歉,你也可以道歉

If we’re single here, 如果我们这里是单身的,if you’re reminded that you need to say thank you to someone who has served you, 如果有人提醒你,你需要对服侍过你的人说声谢谢,you can go to the brother or sister, 你可以去找那些兄弟姐妹,and say, ‘thank you for doing this for me.” 对他们说,“谢谢你为我所做的一切。”Let’s do it right now。让我们现在就开始吧。


Yes Lord, we praise Your name, 是的,主,我们赞美你的名,we praise Your mighty name. 我们赞美你大能的名,The name that saves Your people from their sins. 赞美你将子民从罪恶中拯救出来的名, The name that is full of grace and power to set Your people free from their bondage. 这名是救你的百姓脱离他们的捆绑的、满有恩典和能力的名。

Lord, we thank You today for Your blessings on our lives, 主啊,我们今天感谢你对我们的生活、 our families, and our relationships. 家庭和人际关系的祝福。Thank You for teaching us that there’s nothing like gratitude, 感谢你教导我们,感恩的果效无与伦比. Help us to cultivate gratitude intentionally 帮助我们特意的去培植感恩 coz if we take the blessings we’ve got for granted and become entitled, 若我们觉得你给我们的恩典都是理所当然的,并且觉得是我们该得的then we’ll live a life of no longer being passionate about You. 我们的生命就会对你失去热情。

Lord, restore us, 主,复兴我们we ask for an increase of grace over us and the whole church for this year, 我们祈求你今年加倍的恩典覆盖我们和整个教会increase gratitude within us, 加增我们里面的感恩remind us that if we express thanks to people in responding to Your grace, 提醒我们若我们回应你的恩典,向别人表达感谢,the atmosphere around us will change, 我们周围的气氛就会改变, our relationships will improve, 我们的人际关系就会改善,and our spiritual life will grow in You, 我们的灵命就会在你里面成长,what a fundamental and great spiritual principle we’ve got today! 我们今天得着的是何等的基要却是极妙的属灵法则!Lord, help us to walk in it and produce fruit for You. 主,求你帮助我们在其中行走,为你结出果子。Amen! 阿门!


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