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2021-09-19 How to Pray 如何祷告(1)

发表于 2024-01-08

Before the Lockdown we talked about prayer. 在封城之前,我们分享了祷告。Jesus modelled for us how to be the Son of God on earth, first of all, 耶稣来到地上,为我们树立如何作神的儿子的榜样,by being a man of prayer. 首先,要作一个祷告的人。During the lockdown, 在这次封城期间,we all prayed a lot. 我们祷告了很多。 But I was asked, 但有人问我, how to pray“如何祷告” So now well look at how to pray. 所以现在我们来看看如何祷告。

1, Prayer requires no selfish motives     祷告不要出于自私动机

A prayer wont be answered if our prayer is out of selfish motives. 如果我们的祷告是出于自私的动机,那么这个祷告就得不到回应。One example is in Luke 10, 一个例子是在路加福音第10章中,Jesus was in Martha and Marys house. 耶稣在马大和马利亚的家里。They both welcomed Jesus and were believers. 她们都欢迎耶稣,也都信耶稣。But Mary chose to listen to Jesus words, 但马利亚选择听耶稣的道,in other words, 换句话说,Mary sought to know more about Jesus and mature in faith,马利亚想更多地认识耶稣,在信心上成熟, because faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. 因为信心是从听道而来,道是籍着基督的话而来。While Martha chose to be busy serving. 而马大选择忙于服事。Theres nothing wrong with serving. 服事本身并没有什么错。But the problem is without remaining in the word of God但问题在于:不住在神的话语里, serving upset you服事就心烦, and prayer can be offered in order to manipulate rather than in faith祷告会去操纵神而不是信靠神. In Marthas busyness在马大的忙乱中,she prayed她祷告, Lord, tell my sister to help me主啊,让我妹妹帮我, cant she see that Im overwhelmed?”难道她不看到我忙不过来了吗?” Martha complained, 马大在抱怨,and she was serving with unsettled anger, 她干活,却没有处理里面的怒气,so she prayed in a manipulative way, 所以她用一种操纵他人的方式祷告, she wanted Jesus to do what she wanted. 她想让耶稣做她想做的事。 Lord, tell her to help me. “主啊,让她帮我。”Jesus didnt do what Martha asked. 耶稣没有做马大要祂做的。 Rather, he taught Martha, 相反,祂教导马大, One thing is needed, Mary has chosen what is better, and it wont be taken away from her.  但是不可少的只有一件,马利亚已经选择那上好的福分,是不能夺去的。”(路 10:42What does that mean? 这是什么意思?It means Jesus values us seeking to know Him  这意思是说,耶稣看重我们在内心寻求认识祂,more than just serving outwardly and then get unclean hearts; 远远胜于我们单在外面服事,心却被污秽了; He wants a close relationship with us; 祂想要与我们建立亲密的关系; He wants us to know His will 祂愿意我们知道祂的旨意and make it our priority成为我们的首要任务,so that prayer can capture His heart. 这样祷告就能抓住祂的心。Marthas prayer didnt work. 马大的祷告不管用。 If we pray, Lord, Im busy, and hes doing nothing. 如果我们祷告,“主啊,我很忙,他什么也不做。But I thank you for blessing me in this way但我感谢你用这种方式来祝福我,because I see theres anger, and unhappy feelings within me, 因我看到我内心有愤怒和不满的感觉,I turn to Your humility and forgiveness…我转向你的谦卑和饶恕...fill me with Your love to do Your will…” 用你的爱充满我,让我能尊你的旨意行……” When you seek to be purified your heart and do Gods will, 当你寻求神来洁净你的心,行神的旨意, God will do it for you quickly, 神会很快为你做, because He wants us to be like Him. 因为神愿意我们像祂一样。

In Acts 1 在使徒行传1中,when the 120 believers gathered together 120个门徒聚集在一起,including the eleven disciples, 包括十一个使徒,Peter the apostle suggested that someone could take Judas the betrayers place of leadership. 使徒彼得提议选一人来代替卖主的犹大的使徒职分。So the 120 believers nominated two men, 所以120名门徒提名了两个人,then they prayed, 然后他们祷告说, Lord, show us which of these two you have chosen to take over this apostolic ministry…” “主啊,求你从这两个人中,指明你所拣选的是谁,叫他得这使徒的位分...God didnt reply, 神没有回答,then they cast lots然后他们摇签,the lot fell to Matthias摇出马提亚来, so he was added to the eleven apostles他就和十一个使徒同列. But the fact is that the name Matthias was only mentioned here但事实是,“马提亚”这个名字只在这里提到 and never appeared again in the NT在新约后面再没有出现过. God didnt use this man because He had chosen Paul to be one of the Twelve神没有使用这个人,因为神已经拣选保罗为十二使徒之一。

Our God is a God of purpose. 我们的神是一个有宏大蓝图的神。 He has purposes for our lives. 祂对我们的生命是有旨意的。In prayer, we cant limit God to do what we think is right. 在祷告中,我们不能限制神去做我们认为对的事。Gods work cant be limited by our prayers神的工作不能被我们的祷告辖制。Our own thoughts limit us from understanding Gods work; 我们自己的思想限制了我们去理解神的工作; Our own thoughts limit us from seeing Gods big plan in our own lives, and in our churches. 我们自己有限的小脑袋看不到 神在我们生活,教会里的广阔蓝图So in prayer, 所以在祷告中,weve gotta seek and wait for His will to be revealed. 我们必须寻求并等候他的旨意被显明出来。Therefore, prayer isnt just prayer, 因此,祷告不仅仅是祷告,it reflects our relationship with God, 它反映出我们跟神的关系,how much we know Him, 我们认识祂多少,and how deeply were rooted in Him. 我们的根扎在祂里面多深。

2, The teaching of the Lords prayer.  主祷文的教导

Again, how to pray? 再回到主题,如何祷告?The disciples asked Jesus the same question in Luke 11, 在路加福音11章,在主耶稣祷告完以后 after Jesus had finished his prayer,  门徒们问到主耶稣同样的问题,“Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples. Luke 11:1  “求主教导我们祷告,像约翰教导他的门徒。”

Jesus taught them the Lords prayer. 主耶稣就教导他们主祷文。Today, around the Lords prayer, well start a series of messages about how and what to pray.今天围绕着主祷文,我们要讲一个如何祷告的系列。 9.Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, 10 your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. 11, Give us today our daily bread. 12, forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. 13, And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. 14, For Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory forever.   6:9 ...‘我们在天上的父,愿人都尊你的名为圣。6:10 愿你的国降临。愿你的旨意行在地上,如同行在天上。6:11 我们日用的饮食,今日赐给我们。6:12 免我们的债,如同我们免了人的债。6:13 不叫我们遇见试探,救我们脱离凶恶(或作“脱离恶者”)。6:14因为国度、权柄、荣耀,全是你的,直到永远。阿们(有古卷无“因为”至“阿们”等字)。’”

In the Lords prayer, were taught to pray at least 7 things: 在主祷文中,主教导我们祷告至少有7个内容:

1, Pray to the Father (v.9a). 1,向天父祷告,

2, Praise and Honour Him as Holy (v.9b). 2,赞美尊崇祂的圣名.

3, Pray to change your priorities (v.10) 3. 祷告改变你的优先次序。

4, Cast all your cares on Him (v.11). 4,祷告把你的忧虑交托给祂。

5, Pray for forgiveness and transformation (v.12) 5, 祷告饶恕和生命的改变。

6, pray to overcome spiritual warfare (v.13) 6, 祷告属灵争战得胜。

7, Declare His sovereignty in faith (v.14)7,在信心里宣告祂的至高权能。


3, Pray to the Father (v.9a). 向天父祷告

When you pray, Our Father in heaven,  当你祷告“我们在天上的父”时,remember, 请记住,we're not putting on a show, 我们不是在表演,were not talking to the people around us,我们不是在和我们周围的人说话, but talking to God the Father. 而是在和父神说话。Dont worry whether you speak elegant words or not, 不要担心你是否能说优雅动听的话,God listens the prayers from our hearts. 天父倾听的是从我们内心出来的祷告。Jesus begins the Lords prayer with our Father in heaven.”耶稣以“我们在天上的父”开始主祷文。

Through Jesus’ death and resurrection, 藉着耶稣的死和复活,we received the Spirit of sonship (Romans 8:15), 我们被赐予儿子的灵,we’re called to develop a united relationship with God我们被召与神建立合一的关系, just as the Son Christ and the Father did. 如同儿子基督和天父的关系一样。 So when we call Him, “Abba, Father,” 所以当我们呼叫祂“阿爸,父”时, we’re saying, 我们是在说,“Father, we’ve come to develop our relationship with You in this prayer”. “父啊,我们来是要在这祷告中与你建立关系。” The word ‘in Heaven’ means“在天上”这个词的意思是, that through prayer we’re engaging with heaven and God’s wonderful presence; 藉着祷告,我们正参与神属天奇妙的同在;we’re saying, 我们在说:“Father, “父阿,we’re anticipating Your amazing work in us and through us; 我们盼望你奇妙的工做在我们里面,也藉我们做成你的工;we’re engaging with Your power and blessing in the heavenly realms, 我们来介入与你天上的权柄和福气,and we’re gonna bring them down, 并要把它们带下来, to bring breakthrough in our lives, 给我们的生活, in our marriages, 我们的婚姻, in our workplaces, 我们的工作,in our communities, 我们的社区,or whatever area we pray for, 或任何我们祷告的领域带来突破,for we’re Your sons and daughters.” 因我们是你的儿女。”When we call Him, “Father in heaven”, 当我们称呼祂“我们在天上的父”,we’re reminded of who we are in Christ, 就提醒我们在基督里的身份,and we’re reminded that we’ve gotta walk on earth in alignment with our identity.  就提醒我们活在世上要与我们的身份相称。

4, Hallowed be thy name. 愿人都尊祂的名为圣。

Then, it says, 主祷文接着说:“hallowed be your name”. “愿人都尊你的名为圣。”The word ‘hallow” is translated from the Greek  word “hagiazo”, hallow”这个词是从希腊文“hagiazo”翻译过来的,which is saying that God’s name is Holy. 意思是“神的名是神圣的”。So Jesus is teaching us to pray that God’s name would be treated as Holy. 因此,主耶稣在教导我们祈求“神的名要被尊为圣”。 What does it mean to treat His name as Holy? “尊祂的名为圣”是什么意思?In Numbers 20, 在民数记第20章, After God had brought Israel out of Egypt, 神把以色列人从埃及领出来之后,during their wondering in the wilderness, 当他们在旷野行走的时候, there was a time when they had no water. 有一次遇到没有水喝。Then people became bitter, 百姓就心生苦毒,they grumbled against Moses and Aaron, 他们向摩西亚伦发怨言说:“Why did you bring us up out of Egypt to this terrible place? “你们为什么把我们从埃及领出来,到这糟糕的地方呢? so we should die in the desert?” 让我们死在沙漠里吗?When people are bitter, 当人心里有苦毒,they grumble against God’s delegated leaders. 他们就抱怨神所委派的领袖。

God told Moses to speak to the rock 神叫摩西吩咐磐石,and bring water out of the rock for the people to drink. 使磐石流出水来给百姓喝。But Moses’ spirit became bitter too because of anger, 摩西的心也因恼怒而苦毒,he said to the Israelites, 他对以色列人说:“Listen, you rebels, must we bring you water out of this rock?” “你们这些背叛的人听我说:我为你们使水从这磐石中流出来吗?”Then he struck the rock twice with his rod with anger. 然后他就愤怒地用杖击打磐石两下。The water came out, 有水流出来,then God said,接着神说: “Because you did not believe Me, to hallow Me (niv: honour Me as holy) in the eyes of the children of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them.”v.12 「因为你们不信我,不在以色列人眼前尊我为圣,所以你们必不得领这会众进我所赐给他们的地去。 Notice here, 注意这里,God said, 神说: “you didn’t believe me to honour me as holy”. “你们不信我,不尊我为圣。”In other words, 换句话说,to honour God as holy means to obey His word. “尊神为圣”意味着遵祂的话而行。 In 1 Cor 10:4, They drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them, and that rock was Christ. 【林前10:4】所喝的,是出于随着他们的灵磐石;那磐石就是基督。The Rock represents Christ. 磐石预表基督。 When the Israelites had complained bitterly, 当以色列人苦毒抱怨时,Moses got bitterly angry, 摩西也苦毒恼怒了,the unresolved anger and bitterness caused Moses to disobey God’s command. 因这恼怒和苦毒没有对付,导致摩西违背了神的命令。Because God told him to speak to the rock, 因为神叫他吩咐磐石, (it means to pray), (意思就是祷告)but Moses struck the Rock twice with his rod. 但摩西却用杖击打了磐石两下。When we’re bitter and angry, 当我们苦毒恼怒的时候,we don’t listen to Jesus, 我们不听耶稣的声音, we listen to the anger within us, 只听内心里愤怒的声音,to the language of the sinful nature, 听罪性的话语,then we look for ways to punish people, 然后去想办法报复别人,for example, judging people. 比如论断人。Then we hit Jesus with our words and actions, 这样我们就是用言语和行动去打耶稣,because Jesus said,  因为耶稣说:“‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’ “我实在告诉你们,这些事你们既做在我这弟兄中一个最小的身上,就是做在我身上了。” ( 25:40) When we yield to our unsettled anger or bitterness or unforgiveness 当我们屈服于没有对付的恼怒、苦毒或不饶恕to sin against our brothers, 以至于得罪我们的弟兄时,we disobey God’s word, 我们就违背了神的话, we don’t hallow Him, we don’t treat Him as Holy, 我们没有尊祂为圣,which results in profaning His name. 而是亵渎了祂的名。 So in prayer, 所以祷告时,we need to quickly repent. 我们需要快快悔改。

Another place, 另一处经文,Isa 8:12-13, “Do not call conspiracy all that this people calls conspiracy, and do not fear what they fear, nor be in dread. 13 But the Lord of hosts, him you shall honor as holy (Him you shall hallow, nkjv). Let him be your fear, and let him be your dread. 【赛 8:12-13 “这百姓说同谋背叛,你们不要说同谋背叛。他们所怕的,你们不要怕,也不要畏惧。 但要尊万军之耶和华为圣,以他为你们所当怕的,所当畏惧的。It says, 这里说,we hallow Him, we honour Him as Holy 我们尊祂为圣,by not fearing what men fear, 不要惧怕人所惧怕的,but only revering God. 只要敬畏神。 Let God be our fear. 以神为我们所当怕的。 In other words, 也就是说,if you fear God, 如果你畏惧神,and not fear man, 不惧怕人, in this way you hallow Him, you honour Him as Holy. 这就是尊祂为圣。 Proverbs 29:25, The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe. 【箴 29:25】惧怕人的,陷入网罗;惟有倚靠耶和华的,必得安稳。 In other words, 换句话说, the fear of man cripples us. 对人的惧怕使我们成为无用人,It limits us from doing what we’re called to do. 使我们在做神呼召我们做的事上受限。Remember the unfaithful servant Jesus mentioned in Matt 25, 记得马太福音25章主耶稣讲的那个不忠心的仆人吗,because of fear, 因为惧怕,he hid his talent in the ground, 就把他的才干埋在地里, he didn’t do what he was entrusted to do. 没有完成神托付他去做的。Fear caused him to be judged as a lazy and worthless servant by Jesus.  惧怕使他被主耶稣判为又懒惰又无用的仆人。 In that way, he dishonoured the Lord. 这样,他羞辱了神的名。 So when Jesus returns 所以当主耶稣再来,to reward His servants, 赏赐祂的众仆人时,this person will receive no rewards but punishment. 这个人不会得到奖赏,只会受到刑罚。God wants to reward us, 神愿意奖赏我们, but if we dishonour Him 但我们若不尊重祂,by yielding to fear and disobeying Him, 却顺从惧怕、不顺服祂, there’s no reward for those who practice disobedience and lawlessness. 那些不顺服和不守法的人必得不到奖赏。 For God is a God of Justice. 因为神是公义的神。He rewards His people who are faithful and diligent, 祂必赏赐那些忠心又殷勤的人,but He judges His people who are unfaithful. 也必审判不忠心的人。He is to be feared.祂是我们当怕的。

Exodus 34:6-7, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, 7 maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin.  【出 34:6-7 “耶和华,耶和华,是有怜悯有恩典的 神,不轻易发怒,并有丰盛的慈爱和诚实, 为千万人存留慈爱,赦免罪孽、过犯,和罪恶, We love to hear that! 我们喜欢听这话!Our Father God is merciful; 我们的父神是慈悲的;He is full of compassion; 祂充满怜悯;He is gracious to help us; 祂以恩典帮助我们;and He takes a long, long…time to get angry; 祂一再地宽容、不轻易发怒;He is willing to forgive our sin. 祂愿意赦免我们的罪。 That’s our God. 那是我们的神。We love it. 我们爱这话。But it goes on to say this: 但它接着又说: Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.” 万不以有罪的为无罪,必追讨他的罪,自父及子,直到三、四代。God didn’t decree His words to the unbelievers 神不是对那不信的人说话,but to His people of Israel. 而是对祂的子民以色列说的。What does that mean? 这是什么意思?Do the verses contradict each other? 这两节经文互相矛盾吗? How can a loving and forgiving God still punish His people who sin? 一个充满慈爱和饶恕的神怎么还会刑罚祂犯罪的百姓呢? Brothers and sisters, 兄弟姐妹们, we’ve come into a Kingdom 我们已经进入了一个国度,which is not a lawless kingdom, 并不是无律法的国度, but a Kingdom of Holiness and righteousness, 而是一个圣洁公义的国度,where there’s no sin! 那里没有罪!Where God reigns in His ways and rules according to His truth. 在那里,神以祂的真理,法则掌权。That’s why we still need to deal with the sinful nature 这就是为什么我们仍然需要对付旧人,and learn to be led by the Spirit of truth.  并学习被真理的灵引导。

So in these two verses, 所以在这两段经文中,God is saying: 神在说: “I’m full of mercy and love, “我大有怜悯和慈爱,I’m willing to forgive iniquity, transgressions and the sins of those who hear My words and repent in faith. 我乐意赦免那些听了我的话并信而悔改的人的罪孽、过犯和罪恶的人。But to those who constantly refuse to repent of their specific sins 但对那些一次次拒绝悔改自己具体的罪,and continue to walk stubbornly in their sin, 并继续刚硬行在罪中的人, I’ll show them My Justice, 我必向他们显明我的公义, and they will suffer  the consequences of their disobedience. 他们必承受不顺服的恶果。And even their descendants for three or four generations 甚至他们的三、四代子孙,who follow in their forefather’s sinful ways will be affected.” 追随祖先罪恶道路的,也必受罚。” That’s very serious! 这是非常严重的! That’s why some Christians are still affected by the influence of their family generational curses. 这就是为什么一些基督徒仍会受到家族诅咒的影响。Because they refuse to change to be more like Jesus.因他们拒绝改变更像耶稣。

Some people don’t like hearing that, 有的人不喜欢听这个, because they think Jesus has died for them, 因他们认为耶稣已经为他们死了。but it doesn’t mean God’s Kingdom is lawless. 但那并不意味着神的国是无法的。Think about it, 想想看,if you immigrated to NZ, 要是你移民到新西兰,ignored the law of the country, 你若不理新西兰的法律,and practiced lawlessness, what would happen?不遵纪守法,会怎样?You’d end up in jail. 你会被关进监狱。In the same way, 同样,你不能说,you can’t say because the King is love, 因王是爱,who died on the cross for me, 为我死在十字架上,so I don’t have to worry about breaching the law or rules of His Kingdom, 我就用不着理会神国的法律法规了,that I wouldn’t be put in jail. 因我必不会关进监狱。Jesus clearly tells us in Matthew 18, 耶稣在马太福音18章明明地说,the one who was forgiven but refused to do what the King told him to do,被免债的仆人若是不行王吩咐的,Jesus said,主说,“34 In anger his master handed him over to the jailers to be tortured, until he should pay back all he owed.” 主人就大怒,把他(下在监里)交给掌刑的,等他还清了所欠的债。 ( 18:34) Who are the jailers? 谁是掌刑的?Who are the ones who torture people? 谁是折磨人的? Satan and his evil spirits. 是撒旦和属他的邪灵。Those who refuse to obey the King’s word and show no mercy to their fellow servants那些不愿顺服神的话、不怜悯同伴的,are put in spiritual jail to be tortured. 会被关进属灵监狱里受折磨。Oh, no. Lord, we surrender! 哦,不要,主,我们愿降服!Let’s quickly do what Jesus says, and crucify any lies and lawless practice of the self on the cross with Him, 让我们快快地听从祂的话,将谎言和肉体的无约束的行为与主同钉十字架,so that we can prosper when we walk in His Kingdom.让我们在神的国度里可以通达。

Romans 9:33 As it is written: "See, I lay in Zion a stone that causes men to stumble and a rock that makes them fall, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame." 就如经上所记:我在锡安放一块绊脚的石头,跌人的磐石;信靠他的人必不至于羞愧。( 9:33) What does that mean? 这是什么意思?In the bible, Zion can refer to the city of Jerusalem, 锡安在圣经中指的是耶路撒冷城,or the dwelling place of God. 或指神居住的地方。 Mount Zion is the place where Yahweh, the God of Israel, dwells锡安山是耶和华、以色列的神居住的地方(Isaiah 8:18; Psalm 74:2), the place where He is king (Isaiah 24:23). 是神作王的地方。 So it says, 这里说,God lays a Stone which is Christ, 神在锡安放一块石头,就是基督,the King of kings, 万王之王; in His dwelling place, that’s us, 放在神居住的地方,就是我们; whoever does not treat Him as King, 凡不把他当王的,whoever trusts in himself and distrusts the King, 凡信靠自己而不信靠这位王的,will stumble or fall, 必然跌倒。what does that mean? 什么意思?Will suffer pain or loss; 必要受痛苦或损失的。 but whoever trusts in Jesus, 凡信靠耶稣的,and put Jesus and His truth first in everything he does will never be ashamed.在凡事上将耶稣和祂的道放在首位的,必不至羞愧。

There’s a hymn called “what a friend we have in Jesus”, 有首赞美诗叫耶稣恩友 I believe you all know it. 相信大家都知道。 It was written by Joseph Scriven, 作者是Joseph Scriven who was born in 1819 in Ireland. 1819年生于爱尔兰。 He graduated from Trinity College with a bachelor’s degree. 他在三一学院学士毕业。 This young man was engaged to a young lady, 后与一位年轻女子订婚。 however, on the day before their wedding, 但在婚礼前一晚, she fell from her horse, and was drowned in the water below. 未婚妻意外堕马溺水死了。 Joseph stood on the other side watching helplessly. Joseph在对岸眼睁睁看着这一切发生却毫无办法。 By the age of 25 he had moved to Canada, 二十五岁时,他前往加拿大where he organized a private school and preached in the area. 组建一所私立学校,并在当地传教。 This intelligent young man fell in love again, 这位聪明的年青人再次恋爱,but his second fiancée died of pneumonia before their wedding. 可就在婚礼前,未婚妻却因肺炎病故。 There were so many tragedies which happened in this brother’s life, 这位弟兄经历了太多不幸, but he didn’t get discouraged, 但他却没有灰心,rather, he wrote this:他写下这样的诗句: “What a friend we have in Jesus, 何等恩友慈仁救主,all our sins and griefs to bear!负我罪愆担我忧; What a privilege to carry,何等权力能将万事, everything to God in prayer!来到耶稣座前求! Oh, what peace we often forfeit,多少平安我们坐失, Oh, what needless pain we bear, 多少痛苦白白受, all because we do not carry, 都是因为未将万事, everything to God in prayer.来到耶稣座前求。

Brothers and sisters, 弟兄姊妹,Jesus is not just our friend, 耶稣不只是我们的朋友, He is our Saviour, 祂是我们的拯救者,He is God, 祂是神,He is our King, 祂是我们的王, the King of kings, and the Lord of lords. 是万王之王,万主之主。 Jesus died on the Cross to demonstrate His love to us, 耶稣死在十字架上,以此表明祂爱我们,His resurrection brings us life. 祂又从死里复活,赐给我们生命。 Jesus loves us 耶稣爱我们and He longs for intimacy with each of us 祂渴望和我们每个人有亲密关系He longs to fill us with His fullness祂渴望用祂的丰满来充满我们, Why do we have to suffer pain or loss before we come to revere Him? 我们为何宁愿不敬畏祂而白受痛苦? Why do we have to suffer pain or loss because we trust in ourselves rather than in Him? 我们为何宁信自己不信祂而遭损失?Let’s come to Him and say, 让我们来道祂面前,说: “Our Father in Heaven, 我们在天上的父,Hallowed be Your name. 愿人都尊你的名为圣, We honour You as Holy. 我们尊你为圣, We repent of our ways and trust in You我们悔改自己的道路来信靠你, because You love us. 因你爱我们。Heal us from the fear of man, 求你医治我们惧怕人的罪,guide us to revere You alone.”引导我们单单敬畏你。


Concluding Prayer 结束祷告:

Yes, our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Your name! 是的,我们天上的父,愿人都尊你的名为圣!We come to praise Your name. 我们来到你面前,我们赞美你的名。 Let’s praise Him on our own...让我们每个人自己来赞美祂……

You’re Holy, Holy Holy, 圣哉,圣哉,圣哉,Lord God Almighty, who is, who was, who is to come. 昔在、今在、以后永在的全能者,You’re the same yesterday and today and forever. 你从昨日、今日、一直到永远都不更改。You’re our solid Rock, 你是我们的磐石,our Fortress, 我们的山寨,our Rescuer, 我们的拯救者、our Shield, 我们的盾牌、our salvation, 我们的拯救,and You’re our place of safety. 我们的避难所。Your ways are righteousness and peace, 你的道上有公义和平安, Your words are trustworthy and true. 你的话语义哉!诚哉!

Thank You Lord for teaching us how to pray. 感谢你教导我们祷告。Today, we’ve heard that Your love is not for us to become lawless, 今天,我们听到说,你的爱不是为了叫我们不守你的法度,but to encourage us to obey You, 而是激励我们顺服你,so that we won’t fall into sin again; 不至于再次跌倒犯罪;

Your love is for us to Honour You as Holy to trust in Your Word not trust in the self; 你的爱是要我们尊你为圣,信靠你的话,不信靠自己;Honour You as Holy我们尊你为圣,by not fearing what men fear, 是不惧怕人所怕的,but revering You, 而是单单敬畏你;through dealing with our own unsettled anger, 藉着对付我们里面未平复的怒气、bitterness, 苦毒、unforgiveness or other issues within us, 不饶恕和其他罪,our relationship with You may be developed, 使我们和你的关系可得建造,and we may be free from the torment of the evil one.使我们脱离恶者的折磨。

Let’s ask God, 让我们求问神:“Father, I want a breakthrough, 天父,我愿意突破, I wanna honour You by not fearing what men fear, 我愿意尊你为圣,我愿不再怕人所怕的, but revering You alone, 而是单单敬畏你,I need You to enlighten my heart我需要你来光照我,to see whether there’s any unresolved anger, fear, bitterness, unforgiveness within me…” 看我里面有未平复的怒气、惧怕、苦毒和不饶恕没有……If anything, or anyone comes to mind, bring them to the Lord to deal with them. 如果你想起有任何人、任何事,把它们带到主面前来。

“Lord, forgive me for making my own thoughts and my own judgements主啊,求你赦免我,我以我自己的想法我自己的判断my fortress and my safe places作我的山寨和避难所,that I have used to yield to我习惯顺服它们 causing me to easily to get angry使我轻易发怒,and giving the evil one opportunities to build strongholds of fear, bitterness, rejection within me, 给恶者机会在我里面建立惧怕、苦毒、被拒绝的营垒。today, I come to the power of Your word, 今天,我靠着你话语的大能, I’ve made up my mind to honour You as Holy, 定意尊你为圣,and as my King, 尊你为我的王,I’m forgiven by the work of Jesus on the Cross through Your blood, and I’m willing to forgive others…因耶稣十字架上所流的宝血,我愿意饶恕他人……

In the name of Jesus, 奉耶稣的名,I break all agreements with fear and unforgiveness and self-centredness, 砍断我与惧怕、不饶恕、自我中心一切的约定, and I only agree with Your word. 我只信你的话。 I rebuke the spirit of fear, spirits that belong to darkness, go out of my life…斥责惧怕的灵和黑暗权势,离开我的生命……Holy Spirit, fill me, and renew me. Lord, 求圣灵你充满我,更新我。I refocus my life on the eternal Kingdom. 主啊,我愿再次将我的生命聚焦在永恒国度, I’m identifying with You. 我的身份在你里面……

Thank You Father for this afternoon, that Your presence is here to sanctify us and cleanse us with Your truth. 感谢天父今天下午与我们同在,感谢你用真理洁净了我。We thank You for Your love, 感谢你的爱, which encourages us to grow more like Christ the Son. 激励我们成长,更多成为耶稣神儿子的样式。Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be Your name! 我们天上的父,愿人都尊你的名为圣!We honour You as Holy, we honour You as our King. 我们尊你为圣,我们尊你为我们的王。 We need You continue to stir our passion我们需要你继续搅动我们,to love Your Word and walk in Your commands,搅动我们热爱你的话语、搅动我们乐意行在你的旨意中, so that we may remain in Your love to love, 使我们在你的爱里就可以去爱,and overcome fear. 使我们胜过惧怕。We’re part of Your loyal family on earth, 我们在地上属于你君尊的皇室,may we live out our loyal identity in Christ to declare the paise of You愿我们活出基督里君尊的生命,来宣告向你的赞美- the King of kings and the Lord of lords on earth——全地的主,万王之王、万主之主!


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