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2019-11-03 Spiritual Warfare 属灵争战

发表于 2024-01-08

How often do you pray ‘Lord, may Your kingdom come’? 你多久会祷告主啊,愿你的国度降临Do you really know what you are praying? 你真知道你在祷告什么吗? When we sing “God’s Kingdom rules”, 当我们唱你国度掌权时,do we really know what a Kingdom is, 我们是否知道国度是什么,what God’s Kingdom will be like? 神国度是什么样子? I was wondering why the first time I just simply said a prayer to accept Jesus, 我在想当我初信时只是简单做了个接受耶稣的祷告,the disease – “manic depression” I had been suffering from for five years without a cure was unexpectedly healed. 我五年都治不好的狂躁症就意外地得了医治。Doctors said that it’s impossible. 医生都说那是不可能的事,But it did happen to me. 可确实发生了。I can’t deny that I’m healed indeed. 无法否认我得了医治,I no longer need any sleeping pills or any anti-depressants. 我的确从此就不再需要安眠药和抗抑郁药。That’s a fact. 事实如此。 I said a simple prayer like this, 我的祷告很简单,“I’m a sinner, 我是个罪人, I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins, 我相信耶稣为我的罪死在十字架上,I accept Jesus into my heart, 我接受耶稣进入我心里,to be my Saviour and the Lord of my life. 成为我的救主和生命的主。”” That’s it! 就这么简单!The disease was gone! 狂躁症好了!

Why? 为什么会这样?I was wondering what happened in the invisible world. 那看不见的世界里发生了什么事?Why after I had invited Jesus (the Kingdome of God) into my heart the manic depression that the doctors and medicines couldn’t cure had gone? 为什么在我邀请神国的君王耶稣进入我的心后,医生和药物都治不好的狂躁症就好了?With the limitation of our fallen minds, we can’t understand. 我们堕落又有限的脑子是想不明白的。But thank God, we have been given the Spirit of truth through Jesus Christ, 但感谢神,藉着耶稣基督赐我们真理的灵,He helps us to understand the truth and discern the work of God. 他帮助我们明白真理,并能辨明神的工作。So today, we are gonna find out “why” through Matt 12: 22-28那么,今天让我们来从(太1222-28找答案。

1, Fight against evil powers not people V.22与邪恶势力争战,不是与人争战

22 Then they brought him a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute, and Jesus healed him, so that he could both talk and see. 当下,有人将一个被鬼附着、又瞎又哑的人带到耶稣那里,耶稣就医治他,甚至那哑巴又能说话,又能看见。

The context is that Jesus performed a miracle. 这事发生的背景是耶稣行了个神迹,A man who had been blind and mute was healed, 治好一个又瞎又哑的人, so that he could both talk and see. 那人又能说话又能看见。 It’s not a surprise to see that Jesus healed people miraculously in the four gospels. 四福音里耶稣行神迹医治人,并不令人惊奇。There are many stories in the four gospels where Jesus did miracles. 有很多关于耶稣行神迹的事。But strangely, 但奇怪的是,But my question is how they knew that this man wasn’t a normal case but was possessed by demons? 但我的问题是他们怎么知道这个人不是一般情况,而是被邪灵附?In the bible, 在圣经里we see that all the demon-possessed people came to the presence of the Lord was manifested immediately. 我们看见所有的被邪灵附的人来到主的面前都立即彰显出来, In the book of Mark, 在马可福音a man who had been a mute was brought to Jesus有个哑巴被带到耶稣面前, when the spirit saw Jesus, it immediately threw the boy into a convulsion. He fell to the ground and rolled around, foaming at the mouth (Mark 9:20). 他们就带了他来。他一见耶稣,鬼便叫他重重地抽风,倒在地上翻来覆去,口中流沫。 Jesus cast the demons out of the boy当主耶稣赶出那邪灵, and he was healed这孩子得了医治. There’s no doubt that something will happen if someone who is possessing or carrying a spirit comes to the presence of the Lord. 毫无疑问,当人被鬼附来到主的面前就会有事情发生,Because our Jesus is the light of the world.因为主耶稣是世界的光, He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him. Daniel 2:22” 他显明深奥隐秘的事,知道暗中所有的,光明也与他同居。

Throughout these 14 years of deliverance ministry 14年来做释放的事工, now I get used to it 我已经习惯了, that some people first come to my service and go back home dreaming dreams就是有些人第一次来我的聚会,回去就做梦. Some of them dream dreams of revelation of God. 有人做神启示的梦。Some of them dream bad dreams, 有些做恶梦, “snakes or ghosts appears in their dreams to threaten them.” 有蛇或鬼出现他们的梦中去攻击他们。The evil spirits manifest in their dreams and try to hinder them from the Lord to be saved or to be healed.这是邪灵在他们梦中彰显并试探拦阻他们到主前得拯救或得医治。Basically, 基本上,these things happening is because that they or their ancestors have given Satan “legal access” to enter their lives 这些事的发生是因为他们或他们的祖先给撒旦合法途径进入他们的生活, they worship idols, like Guan Yin, 他们拜观音or other images of their gods,或其他的神 or worship their dead ancestors by burning incense or making vows to ask for blessings, 或烧香向死去的祖先求祝福,or being engaging in witchcraft or practicing divination,或者搞算命和其他的邪术 or so many other sins that are involved in the spiritual world to worship Satan 或其他的罪,就是和灵界发生关系去拜了撒旦。

It doesn’t mean that they are all demon-possessed. 但这不见得他们都是鬼附 But it does means that they are seized by the dark power in some degree of their lives that the dark power doesn’t want to let them go. 但这实在是说明他们生命里某些地方正被黑暗权势抓住,并且那黑暗不想他们得释放。

But don’t be scared. 但不用担心,Our God is much bigger than the evil ones. 上帝远大过那些邪灵,He is the creator God! 祂是创造主,He will save and heal!祂要拯救和医治! That’s why we are here. 这就是为什么我们来这里,If we humbly ask His forgiveness若我们谦卑的祈求赦免, He will forgive and heal us (1John 1:9). 祂就赦免我们也医治我们。

But not every disease is caused by demons. 显然不是每个病都因为鬼附。 In John 9, there’s another blind man, Jesus healed him, 《约翰福音》9章还记载另一个瞎子也得了医治,and he explained that it was for the works of God to be displayed in him. 耶稣说是为了显出神的作为来。But this man, after the demons had been cast out was able to see and to speak. 但这个瞎子,因身上的鬼被赶出去,就能说话,又能看见了。So this man’s blindness and speechlessness was linked to the work of demons. 因此圣经强调这个人又瞎又哑,是与魔鬼的工作有关。 What reality is the bible trying to reveal here? 圣经要揭示一个什么真相? 1 John 3:8b explains one of the missions of the Son of God Christ Jesus is to: “…destroy the devil’s work”. 约一38)说神的儿子耶稣基督来到地上的一个使命是除灭魔鬼的作为In other words, 换言之,we can’t ignore the reality of Satan and his work. 是要我们不能忽视撒旦的存在和他的工作。He is the enemy of God 撒旦是神的仇敌,and the enemy of our souls. 也是我们灵魂的仇敌,Jesus our Lord clearly teaches us that the enemy has a mission, which is to 主耶稣清楚地教导我们,撒旦的一个使命是steal, kill and destroy. John 10:10. “……偷窃、杀害、毁坏(约1010In this case, 这个案例里,the man’s sight and voice were stolen, killed and destroyed; 那人的视力和声音被偷窃、杀害、毁坏了, he suffered the physical illness of blindness and speechlessness; 他在身体上生了病,瞎了、哑了,he suffered loneliness, joylessness and hopelessness emotionally; 他在情感上孤独、痛苦、无望,he suffered isolation socially; 他在社交上与人隔绝,and he was bound by the power of Satan spiritually. 他在灵里被撒旦所捆绑。The man’s life had been totally ruined by the work of Satan.这人的生命被撒旦完全毁了。

Jesus tells us that Satan is a thief. 耶稣说撒旦是个贼, He is an expert at stealing our health physically, emotionally, spiritually, 擅长偷窃我们的身体、情感、灵里的健康,and stealing our joy from us by telling lies and deception. 用谎言和欺骗偷走我们的喜乐。Satan is the destroyer. 撒旦是毁坏者,He destroys loving and caring relationships among individuals, families, communities and countries毁坏人与人之间、家庭里、社区里、国家间爱与关怀的关系,by producing self-centeredness –其手段是通过制造自我中心,“I, my, mine…”, 什么都是我,我,我pride and competition, 制造骄傲和争竞、 anger, 怒气、accusation, 控告,““it’s his fault…it’s your fault…”. 是他的错……是你的错……”“I earn more money than you…”“我赚得比你多……” “I’m more capable than you…”“我比你能干……”等意念来毁坏关系。Your spouse is not your enemy. 配偶不是你的仇敌,Your siblings aren’t your enemy. 你的兄弟姊妹不是你的仇敌,Your friends aren’t your enemy. 你的朋友不是你的仇敌。Stop competing with the people around you, 停止与你周围的人比较争竞, love them just the way they are, 以他们的本相来接纳和爱他们,you will effectively close the door for Satan to destroy your relationship with God and people. 这样你就可以有效地关上门,不让撒旦毁坏你与神与人的关系。

Eph 6:12, “for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” 【弗6:12】因我们并不是与属血气的争战,乃是与那些执政的、掌权的、管辖这幽暗世界的,以及天空属灵气的恶魔争战。It teaches us, 这话教导我们, “don’t fight against people, 不要与人争战, but against the evil powers behind people, 乃要与人背后的邪恶势力争战,and fight against the evil powers we can’t see in our prayers. 借祷告与我们看不见的邪恶势力争战。

I’ve seen some Christians’ family members 我见过一些基督徒的家人,who were idol-worshipers, 有拜偶像的,or were addicted to drugs, alcohol or computer games…或沉溺于毒品、酒精或电脑游戏…After these Christians fought against the evil power in their prayers, 当这些基督徒在祷告中与邪恶势力争战,  “Lord, you forgave me as a sinner, 主啊,你饶恕了我这个罪人, I pass the love onto my children, 我愿把这爱传递给我的孩子们、my mother-in-law, my wife (husband)…我的婆婆、我的妻子(丈夫)…but in the name of Jesus, 我奉耶稣的名I bind the evil spirits behind him which cause him to be an idol-worshiper (to be addicted to alcohol…to computer games…or whatever…) 捆绑他背后使他拜偶像 (沉溺于酒精、电脑游戏等等…)的邪灵…… day after day, month after month, year after year, 如此日复一日,月复一月,年复一年,rather than blaming them, 不是去责备,they showed their respect and love to their family members who were caught in sin, 而是尊重和爱那些被罪捆绑的家人, and their family members were set free from worshipping idols, or from addictions. 他们就从拜偶像和各种瘾中被释放出来。That’s the power of God! 这就是神的大能!Our blaming words only keep ourselves from the light, 说责怪人的话只会使我们远离光,but whenever we rely on God in prayer, 但无论何时若我们在祷告中倚靠神,Jesus fights for us! 耶稣就为我们争战! “the reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work” 神的儿子显现出来,为要除灭魔鬼的作为。So don’t fight against people所以不要与人争战,but fight against the evil one, 乃要与那恶者争战,we will see salvation, healing, reconciliation, and restoration in Jesus name. 我们就必看见拯救、医治、和好,并藉着耶稣的名得复兴。

2, The existence of the two kingdoms V25-28 两个国度的存在 25-28

25 Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand. 26 If Satan drives out Satan, he is divided against himself. How then can his kingdom stand? 27 And if I drive out demons by Beelzebul, by whom do your people drive them out? So then, they will be your judges. 28 But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.

【太12:25-2825耶稣知道他们的意念,就对他们说:凡一国自相纷争,就成为荒场;一城一家自相纷争,必站立不住;26若撒但赶逐撒但,就是自相纷争,他的国怎能站得住呢?27我若靠着别西卜赶鬼,你们的子弟赶鬼又靠着谁呢?这样,他们就要断定你们的是非。28我若靠着 神的灵赶鬼,这就是 神的国临到你们了。

Here we are clearly told that first of all, 这段经文清楚地告诉我们,首先,Satan has a Kingdom. 撒旦有一个国度。Secondly, it is not divided. 其次,它没有分裂。 What is a kingdom? 什么是国度?A kingdom is a territory or a place or an area which is ruled by a king. 国度是由一个国王统治的一块领土、一个地方或地区。And the King exercises his authority over the territory or the area or the place. 国王在这块领土、这个地区或地方行使权柄。 A kingdom must have its own citizens and its own Law. 一个国度必当有属自己的公民和自己的法律。So Satan is the king of his kingdom. 所以撒但就是牠国度的王。 Demons are his servants. 魔鬼是牠的仆役。The unbelievers in this world are his citizens, 这世上不信的人是牠的公民,and he has authority over this world-system, 牠在这个世界的体系中有权柄, and over the territory of the unbeliever’s hearts掌管不信之人内心的地土。 (2 Corinthians 4:4). (林后4:4But it’s just temporary. 但这只是暂时的。When Jesus was about to be crucified on the Cross, 当耶稣将要被钉十字架的时候,he declared: 祂宣告:Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the ruler of this world will be driven out (John 12:31). 现在这世界受审判,这世界的王要被赶出去 (约翰福音12:31)Who is the ruler of this world? 谁是这世界的王? Satan. 撒旦。Why? 为什么?The NT clearly tells us: 新约圣经清楚地告诉我们: “you are slaves of the one you obey Romans 6:16” 顺从谁,就作谁的奴仆(罗6:16), “the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient Eph 2:2”. 就是现今在悖逆之子心中运行的邪灵。(弗2:2)。Since Adam and Eve listened to the enemy自从亚当和夏娃听了仇敌的话,and disobeyed God’s commands, 违背了神的命令,mankind therefore became slaves to sin and Satan. 人类就成了罪和撒但的奴仆。 Since then, 从那时起,Satan started to have his territory (his kingdom) in the realm of man, which is within the heart of sinful man. 撒旦就开始在人的世界(牠的国度)、也就是罪人的心中掌权。The whole world is under the control of the evil one (1 John 5:19). 全世界都卧在那恶者手下(约翰一书5:19) Where is the world? 世界在哪里?The world-system like views, values, 世界的体系比如各种观点、价值观, value of money, success, beauty which are all from the fallen world从堕落世界来的对金钱、成功、美貌等的观点, is operating in our hearts. 就在我们心中运行。The world is in our hearts.  世界就在我们心中。So the battlefield of spiritual warfare is in our hearts. 因此属灵争战的战场是在我们心里,But when Jesus the King of the Kingdom of God came, 然而当神国度的君王耶稣来到世上,“the tables were turned”. 形势逆转了!Col 2:9-10, 15 says, “For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, 10 and in Christ you have been brought to fullness. He is the head over every power and authority…15 And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

【西2:9-19159因为 神本性一切的丰盛,都有形有体地居住在基督里面,10你们在他里面也得了丰盛。他是各样执政掌权者的元首。…15既将一切执政的掌权的掳来,明显给众人看,就仗着十字架夸胜。

By the cross, 借着十字架, the penalty for sins of mankind was paid by Jesus Christ. 耶稣基督为人类的罪付上了代价。Satan was totally defeated by the head and the King of kings – our Lord Jesus! 撒旦被我们的头、万王之王——主耶稣完全击败了!Satan’s rule is driven out of those who accept Jesus as their Lord of life and put their trust in Him. 凡接受耶稣作他们生命的救主并信靠祂的人,撒但的统治就从他们身上被赶出去。This is why the first time I accepted Jesus into my heart, 这就是为什么当我第一次接受耶稣进入我的心,the disease of manic depression resulting from the rule of sin and Satan was driven out of my body. 因被罪和撒旦辖制而有的躁狂抑郁症从我身上被赶出去的原因。 Jesus says, But if it is by the Spirit of God that I drive out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. 耶稣说,【太12:28】我若靠着 神的灵赶鬼,这就是 神的国临到你们了。

Remember, 请记住,we don’t have authority to defeat demons. 我们自己是没有权柄打败魔鬼的。After Jesus resurrection, he said, 耶稣复活以后,祂说,All authority in heaven and earth has been given to me.” 天上地下所有的权柄都赐给我了。The authority to live a victorious life is in Christ alone! 能够活出得胜的生命权能是在基督里! The power is not ours but from the Holy Spirit. 这能力不是出于我们,乃是出于圣灵。and He is in us. 并且,祂就在我们里面。That’s why we need to pray. 这就是为什么我们需要祷告。Because we are still living in this world. 因我们的肉身仍旧住在这个世界,And the values of this world still affect us. 世界的价值观仍旧影响我们, The two kingdoms are fighting for their territory on earth, 两个国度正为夺得地土而相争, that’s our hearts. 就是我们的心!Gal 5:16-18 clearly tells us, 5:16-18清楚地告诉我们,that the kingdom of darkness is waging a war against the Kingdom of God through the work of the sinful nature, 黑暗国度正借着肉体的工作向神的国度宣战,and the enemy tries his best to tempt us to do his will. 仇敌绞尽脑汁引诱我们去照牠的心意行。Paul the apostle tells us in 2 Tim 2:26, 使徒保罗在提后2:26告诉我们,that some believers in his age were taken captive by the devil在他那个时代就有信徒被魔鬼掳去的,to do his will. 是要人照魔鬼的心意行。That’s why we need to spend time feeding our souls with the word of God, 这就是为什么我们需要花时间让神的话来喂养我们and praying for the Holy Spirit to do His work within us, 需要花时间祷告求圣灵在我们里面作工,and to fill us. 并且充满我们。So that we will not be led by the will of the flesh, 使我们不被肉体的私欲牵引,for the flesh is still a slave to sin and Satan. 因为肉体仍是罪和撒但的奴仆。But if we are led by the Spirit of God, we are sons of God (Romans 8:14).但我们若被神的灵引导,我们就是神的儿子。(罗8:14

3, Fight against the kingdom of Satan V25-28与撒旦的国度争战 25-28

Some may ask, 有人会问: “since Satan was defeated on the Cross, “既然撒但已经被钉十字架的耶稣打败了,is he still ruling the world system as the god of this age? 牠还作这世代的王掌管世界吗?Has Satan also been defeated by us the believers through Jesus?” 靠着耶稣,我们已经全然得胜撒旦了?” Yes, 是的,Jesus the head has completely defeated the enemy, 耶稣我们的头已经完全得胜了仇敌,but the body –但是身体——the church, (we) are called to live a life of remaining in the head. 教会(我们),被呼召过住在主里的生活。Apart from Jesus we are defeated. 离开主耶稣,我们就败了, If we remain in His truth但我们若住在祂的真理中,and live forsaking the old ways, 过弃绝旧人道路的生活,we are able to defeat Satan. 我们就能胜过撒旦。Therefore, we haven’t completely defeated the devil yet, 因此,我们还没有完全打败魔鬼, the battlefield of spiritual warfare between the two kingdoms is in the realm of our hearts. 两个国度属灵争战的战场就在我们的心里。 Heb 10:13 tells us, 希伯来书10:13告诉我们,the Head is waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool (Heb 10:13). 教会的头正等候祂的仇敌成了祂的脚凳。In other words, 换句话说,the head has defeated his enemy, 头已经打败了仇敌,now He is waiting for the body to defeat its enemies 现在祂正等候身体胜过仇敌。If the body can abide in Him in faith 若身体能信而住在祂的里面就必成就。

But the enemy isn’t doing nothing. 但仇敌没有停止做工。 He has schemes to try to defeat us. 牠用尽诡计企图击败我们。So Jesus warns us, 所以耶稣说,A divided house can’t stand Matt12:25”. 一家自相纷争,必站立不住(太1225)。 Both the kingdom of Satan and the Kingdom of God are each united in their missions. 这告诉我们,撒旦国度和神的国度在各自的使命上是团结一致的, Otherwise, they would be ruined. 否则就必成为荒场。 God seeks to set free and unite people. 神力求释放人、使人合一。But Satan seeks to divide and control people. 而撒旦企图让人纷争并控制人。So if we, as a family, 因此,如果我们作为一个家庭,as a church, 作为一个教会,as a community, 作为一个社区,as a country, 作为一个国家are divided, and not united, 搞分裂、不合一, and if we are against one another, 彼此相敌,we can’t stand. 我们必站立不住。 Where there is no unity, 哪里没有合一,there will be ruin. 哪里必有毁坏。

(think about it, 想想看,why do a married couple get divorced? 为什么夫妇会离婚?Why does a family have division between relatives? 为什么家庭的亲戚之间会有纷争?Unforgiveness, 不饶恕、bitterness, 苦毒、gossip 谗言start out small. 都是因小事而起。I read a story that a sister counted her elder sister’s faults until she died, 一个姊妹直到死时还在数算她姐姐的恶,just because of 5 dollars that her elder sister didn’t lend her, when she needed it for a pair of shoes. 只因她曾需要5块钱买一双鞋,而姐姐却没借给她。Their relationship was broken她们的关系破裂了,just because of a small yeast of unforgiveness. 只因一点点不饶恕的酵进来。Is relationship less important than 5 dollars? 难道亲情还不如5块钱重要?Think about it, 想想看,how do you make peace with your siblings? Your friends? Your relatives? 你怎样和你家里的兄弟姐妹、和你的朋友、你的亲戚和平相处When you feel unhappy because things don’t go your way. 当事情不合你意,你不开心时,你怎么处关系?Are you fighting with people to be defeated? 你是要和人斗让自己被打败?or fighting with the evil thoughts to defeat Satan?还是和自己的不善意念斗去打败撒旦?

In the Holy Spirit, 在圣灵里,Paul the apostle gives us a strategy to defeat Satan’s dividing schemes in 2 Cor 2:10-11, 使徒保罗在哥林多后书2:10-11中给我们指明了一个策略,可以胜过撒但分裂的诡计。he says that Satan tries to outwit us by giving us thoughts of unforgiveness, 他说撒但企图借着给我们不饶恕的意念而胜过我们,but our weapon is to forgive people, 但我们的武器是饶恕人,because Jesus died and forgave us by grace. 因耶稣为我们死,开恩赦免了我们。

In Gal 5:15, he says, 加拉太书5:15,他说: “if you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.” 你们要谨慎,若相咬相吞,只怕要彼此消灭了。 It simply tells us that we are responsible for what we do with in conflict with each other. 这就是说,我们要为如何处理彼此之间的冲突负责。We are called to put on the full armor of God我们蒙召是要穿上神所赐的全副军装 and to resist the devil. 抵挡魔鬼。

It doesn’t mean that we need to address demons about the issue, 这不是说我们要在具体问题上去处理邪灵but we need to repent, 而是我们需要悔改自己的罪,turning from satisfying the desires of the self to God’s will. 从满足自己的私欲转向遵行神的旨意。Then we may close doors for the devil to steal, kill and destroy 因此我们就向撒旦关门,不给它来偷窃杀害毁坏。

The bible urges us to resist the devil. 圣经劝我们要抵挡魔鬼。But how? when we can’t see the enemy. 但是我们肉眼看不见仇敌,如何抵挡呢?To resist the devil is to resist the satisfaction of the desires of the flesh. 抵挡魔鬼就是不让肉体的欲望得满足。In the NT, there is a story新约中有个故事,where Jesus was about to cast demons from a man, 当耶稣要把群魔从那个人身上赶出去,the demons begged Jesus, 魔鬼央求耶稣说, “send us among the pigs, allow us to go into them.” “打发我们进入猪群吧!” From their words, we can see从它们的话可以看出, that demons are ego oriented. 魔鬼是自我导向的。They just do whatever they want to do. 它们只做它们自己想做的事。But our Lord Jesus, 但我们的主耶稣, the King of the Kingdom of light, 神光明国度的君王,when he was about to be crucified, 当祂将被钉死在十字架上,he still exalted the will of the Father. 祂依然高举父的旨意。“Not my will, but Yours be done.” “不要照我的意思,只要照你的意思。”“Father, forgive them.” “父啊,赦免他们!”Christ’ total surrender and his faith in the Father’s will 基督的完全降服和祂对天父旨意的信靠completely defeated Satan’s schemes.彻底败坏了撒但的诡计。Following Jesus in resisting the way of ego orientation, 跟随耶稣抵挡一切以自我中心为导向,“I, my, mine…or we, our, ours…”, “我,我的,我的东西或我们,我们的,我们的东西…” and seeking and carrying out the Father’s will, even when it hurts, 就算己意受苦仍寻求并遵行父的旨意,can effectively resist Satan, and defeat his lies.我们必能真实地抵挡撒旦,并击败牠的谎言。

We are in a battle. 我们正身处一场争战。It is a lifetime battle. 这是终生要打的争战。 We aren’t promised that the sky will always be blue. 神没有应许我们天空常蓝。There will be ups and downs in our lives. 生活中会有高山低谷,How do we not grow weary and lose heart? 我们怎样才能不疲倦不灰心?The book of Hebrews tells us, 希伯来书告诉我们“fix our eyes on Jesus” 定睛在耶稣身上consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Heb 12:3那忍受罪人这样顶撞的,你们要思想,免得疲倦灰心。(来12:3After the healing of the man who was blind and mute, 耶稣治好又瞎又哑的人后, the religious leaders denied the work of God, 宗教领袖们却否定神的作为,and they said that Jesus had cast out demons by the power of demons. 并说耶稣是靠鬼王赶鬼。How can we stand firm in our opposition? 面对人的反对,我们如何能站立得住?How can we stand firm when things get tough? 面临困难的环境,我们如何能站立得稳? Remember, 记住,we are called to fight against evil thoughts belonging to the old self, 我们被呼召要与旧人的恶念争战,against principalities, 与那些执政的、against powers, 掌权的、against the rulers of the darkness of this world, 管辖这幽暗世界的,against spiritual wickedness in high places. 以及天空属灵气的恶魔争战。We are called to fight against all evil thoughts or self-centred thoughts or judgemental thoughts which aren’t loving but dividing us. 我们被呼召要与一切无爱的、只叫我们起纷争的邪恶的、自我中心和论断的意念争战。A divided house can’t stand. 一家自相纷争,必站立不住, A house in unity of God can stand firm in Spiritual warfare. 一家在主里合一,必在属灵争战中站立 By the Spirit of God cast out evil thoughts,借着圣灵赶出自己里面的不善意念, and be united in the love of Christ,与基督的爱合一, we show to the world that the Kingdom of God has come upon us.我们就向世界见证神的国降临在我们当中。


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