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发表于 2024-03-19

我叫Helen,来OTBC很多年了。I'm Helen, and I've been at OTBC for many years. 感谢主,带我到这里来接受真理,经历很多的神迹,学习走跟随耶稣的道路。Thank the Lord for leading me here to receive the truth, experience many miracles, and learn to walk the path of following Jesus.


祂是垂听祷告的神。神是信实的配得赞美的!Thank God, He listens to prayers. God is faithful and worthy of praise! 这个周一的早上6點多,我起床就看到我妹Angel发来的短信,说她在急診室。This Monday morning, around 6 am, when I woke up, I saw a text message from my sister Angel saying she was in the emergency room. 原来她上周曰晚上11點多,就自己叫了救护车去醫院的。Turns out, last Sunday night, around 11 pm, she had called an ambulance to go to the hospital. 我赶紧问她,怎么样了?I quickly asked her, "How are you?" 她说,她还在等医生检查, She said she was still waiting for the doctors to check her body; 要做一个透视,有可能是肠的问题。they needed to do an X-ray, as it might be a problem with her guts.当时我突然想到了肓肠炎。At that moment, I suddenly thought of appendicitis.于是就问她有没有发烧,是不是肚子疼。So I asked her whether she had a fever and whether she had a stomach-ache.她说,有的。She said she did. 果然,没过多久,就确诊是肓肠炎,需要尽快手术。Sure enough, not long after, she was diagnosed with appendicitis and needed surgery as soon as possible.因为肓肠已经在里面爆炸了,那些细菌会粘在其他器官上,引起感染而死亡。Because her appendix had already burst inside her, those bacteria could stick to other organs, causing infection and possibly death.


我听到这个消息后,非常难过,赶紧发短信告诉叶姐。After hearing this news, I felt really sad and quickly sent a text to Jane.她说,“你家二女儿不是一样有这个病,And Jane replied, "Your second daughter also has experienced the same problem.家族性遗传的,和家族疾病咒诅有关。要为她祷告。” It's found in the family line, related to the curse of generational diseases. We need to pray for her."


我送完孩子后,赶紧去祷告,然后去医院看妹妹。After dropping off my kid, I hurried to pray and then went to the hospital to see my sister.到了医院,我看到有6个医生和护士,正在忙着给Angel抽血,检查,量体温,做手术前的准备。When I got there, I saw six doctors and nurses busy drawing blood, checking and taking her temperature, and preparing for Angel's surgery.我问医生,“什么时候可以手术?”I asked the doctor, "When can the surgery be done?" 医生回答我,Angel的血压很低,而且身体已经出现脱水现象, The doctor told me that Angel's blood pressure was very low and she was showing signs of dehydration. 要打点滴,要等血压正常后才能手术。She needed an intravenous drip, and they had to wait until her blood pressure normalized before surgery.不然血压低,手术时血的流动速度慢,脑和肾等器官会因无法供血而有生命危险。Otherwise, with low blood pressure, the flow of blood during surgery would be slow, putting her brain and kidneys at risk due to insufficient blood supply, which could be life-threatening.


医生叫护士把点滴放快点,打到血液里希望血压可以升高,而快点动手术。The doctor asked the nurse to speed up the IV drip to raise her blood pressure quickly and perform the surgery sooner. 可是,打了点滴后,Angel的血压从74升到81,但又降下来了。However, after receiving the IV drip, Angel's blood pressure rose from 74 to 81 but then dropped again. 医生又继续换了一袋新的点滴。The doctor decided to give her another bag of IV drip.


到了下午2点,我发现我妹的手脚开始出现黄色偏白的颜色。By 2:00 in the afternoon, I noticed that my sister's hands and feet were starting to turn slightly yellowish-white. 护士又来抽血了。The nurse came again to draw blood. 我的心在颤抖,没有平安。My heart felt panic, lacking peace. 我赶紧去走廊为自己祷告,求主的平安掌管我,I quickly went to the corridor to pray for myself, asking the Lord to fill me with His peace.那一刹,那个发慌的抖就立即消失了。Immediately, the panic and trembling disappeared. 然后我就发短信和叶姐说了情况。Then I sent a text to Jane explaining the situation.叶姐叫我问我妹,要不要做个悔改的祷告,我赶紧进去问她。Jane advised me to ask my sister if she wanted to say a prayer of repentance to turn to God. I hurried in to ask Angel, and she agreed.她说愿意做接受耶稣的悔改祷告。So Angel agreed to accept Jesus as her personal Savior.然后叶姐在电话里带她做了祷告。Then Jane led her in a prayer of repentance over the phone.


祷告后,下午2:48pm, 护士说,血压升到84.5 ,正常了,可以手术了。After the prayer, at 2:48 pm, the nurse announced that her blood pressure had risen to 84.5, back to normal, and she was ready for surgery.果然,手术很成功。True enough, the surgery was very successful.没有什么不良反应,第二天早上就可以吃东西了,吃后也没有呕吐现象。There were no adverse reactions, and she was able to eat the next morning without any vomiting.


诗篇286-7,耶和华是应当称颂的,因為他听了我恳求的声音。Psalm 28:6-7, "Blessed be the Lord! For he has heard the voice of my pleas for mercy. 7 耶和华是我的力量,是我的盾牌,我心里倚靠他,就得幫助;所以我心中欢乐,我必用詩歌颂贊他。The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him."


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