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2022-08-28 Perceive the New Thing 发现新事

发表于 2024-01-08

(Isa 43:18-21)

This is week three of Renew Together. 这周是“共同更新”的第三周,We’re looking at the third appointed bible passage 我们一起来读这段指定经文Isa 43:19-21. We’ll start with verse 18. 我建议我们从18节开始。

Isa 43:18-21, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. 耶和华如此说:你们不要记念从前的事,也不要思想古时的事。19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. 19看哪,我要作一件新事,如今要发现,你们岂不知道吗?我必在旷野开道路,在沙漠开江河。20 The wild animals honour me, the jackals and the owls, because I provide water in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland, to give drink to my people, my chosen, 20野地的走兽必尊重我,野狗和鸵鸟也必如此。因我使旷野有水,使沙漠有河,好赐给我的百姓、我的选民喝。21, the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.  21这百姓是我为自己所造的,好述说我的美德。

From bible this passage,从这段经文里,NZBMS has realised that they need to truly seek to listen to God’s voice. NZBMS认识到他们当真实地寻求神,听神的声音。Today, we’re discovering what is God saying to us through this passage. 今天,神借着这段话要对我们说什么。

1, Forget it. 忘记过去 (v.18)  

Isaiah 43 begins by reminding the people of Israel that they belong to God,  以赛亚书43章从一起头,就在提醒以色列民,他们属于神,“I have redeemed you, I have summoned you by name, you are mine.” 因为我救赎了你。我曾提你的名召你,你是属我的。Isa43:1 In the days of Isaiah, 在以赛亚的时代,many of the Jews were in exile in Babylon, 许多犹太人被流亡到巴比伦,they wouldn’t like the messages God had for them through the prophet. 他们不会喜欢神借着先知对他们说的话。In v.2-3, 2-3节中,Isaiah reminded them that God still loved them, 以赛亚提醒以色列民,神仍然爱他们,and would be with them in tough times. 患难中祂仍与他们同在。God wanted to lead them out of exile from Babylon, 神想把他们从流亡巴比伦中带出来,but the people were caught up in their old thinking, 但以色列民仍困在旧思想中,and couldn’t see the new thing that would bring them hope.看不到能给他们带下盼望的新事物。So Isaiah was calling the people, 以赛亚因此呼唤以色列民,“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” 你们不要记念从前的事,也不要思想古时的事。

We can learn from the past, 我们可以从过去中学习,but we can’t live in the past, 但我们不能活在过去,coz the past can’t give us hope. 因过去不能给我们盼望。We can’t live on yesterday’s strength. 我们不能靠昨天的力量生活,Yesterday has passed. 因昨天已过,We need to see hope and move forward. 我们要看到盼望并继续前进。Sometimes a negative impact from the past remains which we need to change. 有时,我们需要改变的是来自过去的某个负面影响. Let’s look at Psalm 84:5, 让我们来看诗845 “Blessed is the man whose strength is in you, whose heart is set on pilgrimage (or a journey). As they pass through the valley of Baca, they make it a spring; the rain also covers it with pools. They go from strength to strength; each one appears before God in Zion.” 5 靠你有力量,心中想往锡安大道的,这人便为有福!6 他们经过流泪谷,叫这谷变为泉源之地,并有秋雨之福盖满了全谷。7 他们行走,力上加力,各人到锡安朝见神。

We’re on our journey towards spiritual maturity or becoming Christ-like. 我们正走在去属灵成熟或更像耶稣的路途上。It says that they must pass through the valley of Baca, 这里说他们必须经过巴卡山谷 and only when they pass out of it, 只有当他们走过那谷,they can make their valley experiences a spring,经过了才能使他们的山谷经历变为水泉,full of water, full of the Holy Spirit, full of blessing. 充满水,充满圣灵,充满祝福. They can go from strength to strength并且他们可以力上加力, and be able to bless others. 也能祝福到他人。

The name “Baca” means “sorrows” or “weeping”.这“巴卡”的意思是“悲伤”或“流泪”。“a valley” is a low place compared to a mountain. 与山相比,“山谷”是一个低处。So when you’re in a valley of Baca所以当你在巴卡山谷时,it means you’re in a hard time意味着你正处于困境, a place of challenge and difficulty一个充满挑战和困难的地方,where you feel sorrow, 那里你感到难过you feel sad and painful你感到痛和伤心。It makes you weep. 那里会使你流泪 But valley experiences are inevitable. 但低谷的经历是不能避免的。We can’t stop difficult things happening to us. 我们无法阻止难处发生在我们身上。No one can avoid. 没有人可以逃避。Valleys are painful. 低谷有痛苦。It can be in our families它可以是在我们的家庭中; in our workplaces; 在我们的工作场所;or with our friends或与我们的朋友之间. You may be betrayed; 你或许会被背叛了;you may be ignored; 你或许会被轻视了,you may be offended你或许被冒犯了。Whatever it is, God wants us to grow through it. 无论是什么,神的心意使借此使我们成长。Because we’re promised sonship through Jesus Christ因为神应许我们得儿子的名分, God wants us to become rich in faith 神愿我们在信上富足(James 2:5), so that we get ready to share in His kingship, when Jesus returns以至于我们可以预备好,当耶稣再来时与祂一同掌权。Don’t immediately get disappointed, 所以,不要马上灰心,when things don’t go your way.当事情没有按照你的方向发展时,We need to learn to seek His will first. 我们先要学会寻求祂的旨意。

God is good all the time. 神永远善良。No matter what we’re facing, 无论我们面临什么环境He loves us, 祂是爱我们的,He provides for us. 是供应我们的。This is a journey of believing that God is good. 这是信神永远良善的旅程。He wants us to overcome through our experiences of “the valley of Baca”, 祂要我们借着流泪谷的经历可以去得胜,just as Christ came out of the wilderness in the power of the Spirit to be able to bless others. 就像基督借着圣灵的能力从旷野出来,能够祝福别人一样。But you can remain stuck in it, 但你可以一直困在那里,if you choose to be angry and resentful and blaming others, 如果你选择生气、怨恨和责怪别人,like the Israelites came to Marah, 就像以色列人来到玛拉 facing the bitter water, they became bitter. 面对苦水,他们也生出苦毒。

Why? 为什么?Because although they were God’s people因为虽然他们是神的子民, their thoughts still remained in the old,但他们仍留在旧的想法中。Because they had been in Egypt as Slaves for 400 years. 因以色列民在埃及当了400年奴隶,They had been abused and rejected. 被恶待并被拒绝。They had been fatherless. 他们一直是无父孤儿,They had worked very hard. 他们做苦工,Their hearts were filled with worry, fear, and bitterness. 心里充满了忧虑、恐惧和痛苦 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.”  你们不要记念从前的事,也不要思想古时的事。Don’t get stuck in the valley of sorrow through unforgiveness or the old ways of thinking. 不要因为不饶恕或旧的思维方式而陷入流泪谷。The cross of Jesus can turn bitter water into sweet water.基督的十字架可以叫苦水变甜 。God is saying,神在说 “I’ll go through the journey with You我会和你一起走过这段旅程。Behold! 看哪They don’t stay in the place of becoming bitter他们不停留在苦毒的思想里, angry, and disappointed.不停留在生气和失望的思想里。 Instead of keeping records of others wrongs, they forgive他们不记算别人的恶,而是去饶恕; Instead of becoming bitter, they rely on God and show kindness. 他们去倚靠神行善,不是去苦毒论断。 They go from strength to strength. 他们得了力上加力。They see new possibilities, new opportunities and hope in Christ.” 他们在基督里看到新的可能、新的机会和希望。

2, See it. 看到新事(v.19-20)

v.19-20, God said, 19-20节,神说, “I am doing a new thing! do you not perceive it? 看哪,我要作一件新事!你们岂不知道吗?Do you not see it? 看到吗?God promised a new thing. 神应许了一件新事,“I’m providing streams in the wilderness; I’m giving you water; I’m giving drink to you.”我要在沙漠开江河;我必给你水;我必让你喝。In the context, 从整段来看,God promised the people of Israel, 神应许以色列人,that He would provide water for them in the desert on their return from exile in Babylon, 他们从巴比伦流放回来,神必在旷野给他们水喝,just as God had done in Exodus when He delivered them from the Egyptians. 就像神在出埃及记中将以色列民从埃及地带出来一样。Water is also a symbolic of the promised Holy Spirit that Jesus gave us in the NT. 水也是耶稣在新约里应许要赐我们的圣灵的象征。

Eph 5:18 commands every believer to be filled with the Holy Spirit. 5:18吩咐众信徒要被圣灵充满. John 14:16, And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. 18 I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you. 我要求父,父就另外赐给你们一位保惠师(或作训慰师。下同),叫他永远与你们同在,17就是真理的圣灵,乃世人不能接受的。因为不见他,也不认识他;你们却认识他,因他常与你们同在,也要在你们里面。18我不撇下你们为孤儿,我必到你们这里来。Jesus makes it clear that the Holy Spirit is sent to be our helper. 主耶稣清楚的说 圣灵是奉差遣来帮助我们的。He is the third Person of the Trinity. 圣灵是三位一体中的第三个位格。He is God himself. 就是神自己。The Holy Spirit is truth. 圣灵就是真理的灵。The Holy Spirit helps us in every aspect of our sonship. 圣灵来在各样上帮助我们去得儿子的名分。Eph 2:18 says, for through him we both have access to the Father by one spirit. 因为我们两下借着他被一个圣灵所感,得以进到父面前。The Holy Spirit gives us the access and enables us to get into the presence of the Father. 圣灵使我们能够进入天父的面前。Also, 1 Cor 2:10 tells us此外,林前 2:10 告诉我们, that the Holy Spirit helps us to know the things of the Father, 圣灵帮助我们了解父的事 He searches the heart, 圣灵监察人心 and show us the places we need forgiveness 显明我们的内心哪里需要去饶恕, healing, deliverance, and transformation.需要去得医治,得释放,得改变。

It is the Holy Spirit who helps us with the whole process of intimacy with God. 并帮助我们建立和天父的亲密关系。He pours out the love of God within us圣灵将神的爱浇灌在我们心里。 (Romans 5:5). When you are feeling sad, 当你感到难过you can turn to the bible 你可以打开圣经 and ask the Holy Spirit to comfort you through His Word 求圣灵借祂的话安慰你. “Lord, I need your comfort, 主啊,我需要你的安慰I need your encouragement.我需要你的鼓励。” The Holy Spirit is a Person not a force,圣灵不是一种力量,祂像人一样 who can comfort you, 祂可以安慰你and give you strength and fill you with His love.赐你力量和用爱充满你。

He convicts us of sins叫我们为罪,自己责备自己 (John 16:8-9On our Journey towards spiritual maturity, 在通往成熟长大的旅程中,we need the Holy Spirit to show us what’s wrong within us,我们需要圣灵指正我们里面的罪, so that we can turn以至于我们可以回转. Most of us, we’ve experienced, 我们很多人经历过,that God uses dreams to convict us of sins, 神借着梦光照我们的罪,like judgment, 如论断,unforgiveness, 不饶恕,fear or whatever. 惧怕等等。That’s the work of the Holy Spirit in us 这就是圣灵在我们身上的工作.  (Job 33:15-18);  He guides us into all truth他要引导你们明白(原文作进入)一切的真理 (John 16:13a); The Holy Spirit interprets the Word of God to us. 圣灵将神的话启示给我们,When you pray in your dilemma, 当你在困境中祷告,you get a bible verse that instructs you what to do, 你得着一句经文指示你如何行,that’s the work of the Holy Spirit. 这就是圣灵的工作。He tells us things to come要把将来的事告诉我们 (John 16:13b); The Holy Spirit prophesies to us through His Word and dreams. 圣灵借着话语和梦对我们发预言。

Before the pandemic, 在新冠大流行之前,in January 2020, 20201月,I had a dream, 我做了一个梦,in which I saw three photos passing by in front of me. 我看到有三张照片在我面前经过。There were just a small group of people worshipping in the Auditorium at the 2pm service. 梦里只有一小群人来大堂参加下午2点的聚会。I didn’t know why so I prayed eagerly, 我不知道发生了什么事,所以就切切地祷告:“Lord, what happened?” 主啊 发生了什么事?”Then the fourth picture came, 然后第四张照片来了,I saw the number of people had doubled. 我看到人数翻倍了。The dream ended. 梦就结束了。Now I know, 现在明白了,the first three pictures represented three years when we would be in the pandemic, 前三张照片代表了将有三年全球疫情,which was totally unexpected. 这完全出人意料。But God is in control.但神掌权。Now it’s the third year of the pandemic, 现在是疫情的第三年,the fourth picture is coming. 第四个场景将要来到。The new is coming. 新事即将来临。Have you seen it? 你看见了吗?

He reveals who Jesus is to us (John 15:26) ;  祂向我们显明耶稣是谁(约1526);The Holy Spirit reveals who Jesus is to us personally. 圣灵向我们每个人显明耶稣是谁。For example 例如When you feel sorry for your sins, 当你为自己的罪感到难过,and you pray and confess, 你祷告、悔改,and the Holy Spirit washes your sins away 圣灵就洁净你的罪,and fills you with peace and joy, 使你充满平安喜乐,you personally know that God’s love and righteousness is true. 你就能亲身经历、认识神的爱和公义是真实的。He transforms our lives (Gal 5:22); 祂改变我们的生命(加5222 Cor 3:18 tells us,林后318告诉我们 that we’re transformed into the image of the Lord by the Holy Spirit.是圣灵改变我们像主的形象。The Holy Spirit is essential to our transformation 是圣灵在改变我们。

He gives us spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:4-11); 赐我们属灵的恩赐(林前124-11He gives us spiritual gifts to build up the Church. 圣灵赐属灵的恩典是为造就教会。For me, I think that without the prophetic gifts of dreams and visions, 对我来说,如果没有先知性的异梦异象的恩赐,the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge, 智慧的话语和知识的话语 I can’t fulfil my calling to deliverance ministry.我就无法完成医治释放的呼召,and neither can you.你也一样。He empowers us to fulfil what we’re called to do (Acts 1:8).  加给我们力量成就祂呼召我们的使命(使徒行传18)。So the Holy Spirit is essential to all our sonship; 圣灵对我们得儿子的身份至关重要;He is essential to our intimacy with Jesus; 他对我们和神建立亲密关系至关重要;He is essential to our healing, restoration and transformation; 圣灵对我们的医治、修复和改变至关重要,He is essential to fulfilling our tasks.圣灵对我们完成任务至关重要。Without the help of the Holy Spirit, 没有圣灵的帮助,we can’t love God with all our hearts. 我们就不能全心全意地爱神。Because the flesh is full of the love of this world, 因为肉体充充满满的是爱世界,by the flesh Adam failed the spiritual battle, 因靠肉体,亚当在属灵争战中失败, we do too我们若靠肉体也一样失败。

3, Engage with it. (v.21) 参与圣灵

All the works the Holy Spirit does are supernatural. 圣灵所做的一切工作都是超自然的。This is a new journey for us, 这对我们来说是一个新的旅程,that we’re called to engage with the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. 我们被呼召参与圣灵超自然的工作。 All things Jesus did on earth were supernatural. 耶稣在地上时所做的一切都是超自然的。The Spirit within him and anointing him to preach the gospel was supernatural. 圣灵在他里面他去传讲福音是超自然的。His casting out of demons and healing the sick was supernatural. 他医病赶鬼是超自然的。Even when Jesus was about to go on the cross, 就算当耶稣要被钉十字架时,he received supernatural power from an angel to strengthen him (Luke 22:43). 祂是从天使那里得着超自然能力去上十字架。Jesus’ resurrection was supernatural. 耶稣从死里复活是超自然的。After his resurrection, 耶稣复活以后,he said to His disciples, 对门徒说:“Stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high. 你们要在城里等候,直到你们领受从上头来的能力。” Luke24:49”.  The power from on high was supernatural. 这“上头来的能力” 是超自然的。

Without receiving the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit, 如果没有领受圣灵超自然的能力,the disciples wouldn’t have been able to complete their tasks. 门徒不可能完成他们的任务。We’re the same. 我们也一样。We need to cultivate a relationship with the Holy Spirit by surrendering to the Word of God, 我们当藉着顺服神的话与圣灵建立好关系,so that we may produce fruit 就能结出果子,and bring the kingdom down powerfully. 带下神国度的大能。

Isa 61 begins with a statement:  以赛亚书61开头这样宣告: The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, 主耶和华的灵在我身上,因为耶和华用膏膏我,叫我传好信息给谦卑的人(或作传福音给贫穷的人),差遣我医好伤心的人,报告被掳的得释放,被囚的出监牢;2 to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God.报告耶和华的恩年,和我们 神报仇的日子,安慰一切悲哀的人; Why was the Spirit upon him? 为什么圣灵在祂身上? It’ was for him to have the supernatural power to proclaim the gospel, 为使祂有超自然的能力可以去传扬福音,bring people back from the Kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of God, 可以带人脱离黑暗的国度进入神的国,and reconcile their relationship to the Father. 使他们与天父和好。I still remember when I was called to preach the gospel, 我仍记得当我起初被呼召布道时,I only had been a believer for 30 days. 我才做基督徒30天。 The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, 主耶和华的灵在我身上,  it’s his power that enabled me to preach the good news. 是祂使我有能力去传讲福音。God is amazing. 神真奇妙。

When we come to church, 当你来到教会,we prefer to look good, 我们希望别人看我们好,But God doesn’t mind if you’re broken, 但神不介意你是否伤心,if you’re angry at what happened to you, 不介意你是否对身边的事发怒,if you have hidden secret shame or rejection. 不介意你里面是否隐藏着羞耻感或拒绝感God wants to engage in your pain神要介入你的痛,to free you from the yoke of heaviness. 祂想要把你从沉重的枷锁中释放出来。We’re called to have humble and contrite hearts. 我们要有谦卑悔改的心。The Holy Spirit comes into us to bring Salvation. 圣灵进入我们里面是为拯救。The Holy Spirit moves supernaturally to bring healing and deliverance. 圣灵超自然的运行为带来医治和释放。The Holy Spirit moves supernaturally to restore visions in our lives. 圣灵超自然的运行为恢复我们生命的异象。

During The first stage, 在第一阶段,God wants us to receive His blessings through Jesus’ cross and the Holy Spirit. 神要我们藉耶稣的十字架和圣灵领受祂的祝福。But there is a second stage, 但还有第二阶段,God wants to heal us and make us more like Christ. 神要我们医治我们使我们可以更像耶稣。There is a bigger plan we need to discover it in Isa 61:1-4.我们要从 61:1-4看见神更大的计划。It says, 这里说,God wants to crown you with beauty instead of ashes, 神要赐你华冠代替灰尘, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.  They’ll be called oaks of righteousness, a planning of the Lord, for the display of his splendour. 喜乐油代替悲哀,赞美衣代替忧伤之灵。使他们称为公义树,是耶和华所栽的,叫他得荣耀。And they’ll rebuild the ancient ruins. And restore the places long devastated. 4他们必修造已久的荒场,建立先前凄凉之处,重修历代荒凉之城。 He wants to put joy in our lives, 祂要把喜乐放在我们的生命中, joy that can flow out from the inside. 那是可以从内心流淌出来的喜乐。It’s a joy that only the Holy Spirit can give us. 是唯有圣灵才能给我们的喜乐。When you overcome fear, worry, self-pity and other negative feelings by yielding to the Spirit of truth, 当你顺服真理的圣灵,胜过惧怕、忧虑、自怜和各样负面的情绪时,the joy of the Holy Spirit will overflow from within you. 圣灵的喜乐就会从你里面满溢出来。Your life is changed. 你的生命改变了。Moreover, God doesn’t just wanna bless us, 神不单要祝福我们,when our birth family or our church family has been desolate spiritually, 当我们的原生家庭或教会大家庭属灵荒凉because of hidden sin, unforgiveness, and spiritual activity,是因着隐藏的罪、不饶恕和撒旦的工作,we’re called to restore them through the power of God. 我们被呼召靠神的能力去修复他们。

This is the thing Jesus died on the cross for. 这就是耶稣被钉十字架的意义。He wants offspring, 祂要得着后裔,He wants successors, 祂要得着继承人,He wants mature sons to continue His work on earth. 得着成熟的儿子继续祂在地上的工作。We’re called to pray, 我们被呼召祷告,to fast, 禁食,to build  intimate relationships with the Spirit of God, 与圣灵建立亲密的关系,we’re called to stand as representatives of the family, 我们被呼召成为家庭的代表,we repent, 我们悔改,we bring sins, unforgiveness, ungodly activity to the cross, 把罪、不饶恕、不敬虔的行为钉上十字架,so that justice can be administered, 以至公义得着施行、and deliverance can take place. 释放拯救可以开始工作。

This new thing we’re called to engage in. 这就是我们被召唤去参与的新事。We’re called to engage in spiritual rebuilding. 呼召我们当去参与属灵的重建,We're called to engage in spiritual repairing. 呼召我们当去参与属灵的修复,We're engaged in spiritual restoring. 呼召我们当去参与属灵的恢复。Have you perceived it? 你感觉到了吗?

Concluding prayer:结束祷告:

Yes, Lord Jesus,是的,主耶稣, we praise Your name. 我们赞美你的名。
We honour Your name.
我们荣耀你的名。 We thank You for paying the price to surrender yourself to the Father’s will on the cross, which made a new way for us. 我们感谢你付出了代价,让自己在十字架上顺服天父的旨意,这为我们开辟了一条新的道路。Thank You for triumphing over sin and death感谢你战胜了罪和死亡,and sending Your Spirit to be with us. 并赐下圣灵与我们同住。We praise Your name. 我们赞美你的圣名。Lordwe’re asking for the river of You Holy Spirit to flow nightly in our midst this afternoon 主,我们祈求你圣灵的河流今天下午大大的流淌在我们当中。

Yes, 是的,the old way of thinking no longer fits for the new Journey. 旧的思维方式不再适合新的旅程。The Spirit of the Lord was on you and anointing you to preach the gospel 神的灵在你身上膏你是为传扬福音 and heal the broken hearted.医治伤心的人 。First stage, You want us to be save,第一阶段,你愿意我们可以得救 second stage第二阶段, You want us to be healed,你愿意我们得内在医治 so that we can take up our crosses,以至于我们可以背起自己的十字架 and overcome the sense of rejection,我们可以胜过拒绝伤害 and follow You to love those who offend us. 并跟随你去爱冒犯我们的人。

Lord Jesus, 主耶稣,You understand that there’s a process we need to walk through. 你深知我们需要和你一直同工。Lord, we call on Your name, Holy Spirit, come and minster to us. 主啊,我们呼求你,圣灵,求你来释放我们。

If there’s still pain in your heart. 如果你仍心里有伤痛,Don’t live with it.想要离弃他,Turn to God.那就转向父神。 Don’t allow any bitterness, 不要让任何的痛苦,complaints, 抱怨,blaming thoughts to hold you back, 责怪的想法阻碍你,so that you still going through cycles of defeat. 让你仍然延续失败的恶性循环。
It’s finished,
祂早已完成救赎,He paid the price for your freedom.祂为你的自由付上重价。 You can come out of that defeat. 你可以从那个失败中走出来。

Let His love touch your heart. 让主的爱触摸你的心。“Lord, I open my heart to

You.“阿爸父,我此刻打开我的心, Touch me with the power of Your love”. 带着

爱的能力来触摸医治我。” ……

please say after me: 请跟着我祷告:

Jesus, 主耶稣,you walked to that cross, 你走上十架,You were abused, 你被恶待,You were mocked, 你被讥笑,You bore my sins and rejection, 你独自担担了我的罪和拒绝,You were hung on the cross naked, 你被钉在十字架上,You took my shame on Yourself. 你担当了我的羞愧,I embrace Your love and acceptance.  我愿意拥抱并接受你的舍命大爱。

I repent of yielding to relying on myself and man我向你悔改我靠人和靠自己, so that I got hurt 以至于我受伤了。I opened the doorway for the spirit of bitterness我给邪灵攻击打开了门, and judgement to come in. 让论断的邪灵进到我的里面。Please forgive me.请你饶恕我的过犯, I forgive myself, 我也饶恕我自己,and forgive them….也饶恕冒犯我的人…..

Holy Spirit, 圣灵啊,tear down the stronghold of bitterness and blaming within me, 求你拆毁我里面苦毒责怪的坚固营垒,I break my agreement with control. 我奉主的名,破除这纷争的灵对我的辖制,I loose myself from bitterness, judgement, controlling, shame, rejection, in the name of Jesus. 我奉耶稣的名义,从痛苦、论断、操控、羞愧、羞耻中释放出来。

I rebuke the spirits behind them, 我斥责那些背后的邪灵离开 I claim freedom in Christ now, 我宣告基督里的自由 and I step back up into my calling, 我回到你对我的呼召Lord pour your anointing upon me. 主 求你降圣灵恩膏在我身上。

I wanna grow and become a co-worker with Your Holy Spirit. 我要成长,与你的灵同工。 I wanna become a spiritual rebuilder 我要成为一个属灵的重建者and restorer和恢复者, to bring healing and deliverance to the generational ruins of our families.给我们的家庭的累代根基带来治愈和拯救。

Now you can cry out on your own, 你自己可以呼求, and ask the Holy Spirit to fill you with His power and love…求圣灵的能力和爱充满你…….Holy Spirit, 圣灵,come,愿你来, fall on Your people…降在我们当中……pour your anointing upon Your people倾倒你的圣灵在你百姓当中…..   


Father in Heaven, 我们在天上的父,we thank You for Your presence.我们感谢你的同在。 Thank You for telling us to 谢谢你告诉我们:“Forget the former things; “忘记过去,do not dwell on the past.”不要沉浸在过去里。” For You’re doing a new thing. 你正在我们当中做新事。 In You, 因着你,we’re created for a purpose that is to proclaim Your praise. 我们知道我们受造的目的,就是为了要宣扬你的名。             

Thank You for calling each of us to谢谢你呼召我们, be an answer for our family issues.来恢复我们的家庭。 Remind us always 你不断地提醒我们,that we’re called to carry the supernatural power of  Your Holy Spirit to bring an end to the cycle of defeat 呼召我们带着圣灵的权能,来结束这罪的恶性循环,and build a different future  for the next generation of our families.为我们的后代建立一个不同的未来。 We’re the hope to the people around us and to the world. 我们是我们周围人和世界的盼望。We’re to deny the self 我们原意否定我们自己,and allow the Spirit of  truth to speak 让真理的灵在我们里面说话,and work in and through us,通过我们做善工, and bring glory to Your name.并荣耀你的圣名。


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