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发表于 2022-07-31

我的名字叫婧。My name is Jing. 我是在2019年作为妈妈带孩子来参加OTBC教会的Mainly Music. I came as a mom to attend Tuesdays Mainly Music at OTBC. 然后我被Jane邀请去了教会办的春节晚餐Then Jane invited me to the Chinese New Years dinner, 她传了福音给我,我就开始去周四的华人小组,在20193月受了洗,现在又在本教会做管理员工作。And also she shared the gospel with me, and I started to attend the Thursdays bible study. In March 2019 I was baptised, and at the end of the year I was employed as the Administrator of the church. 自从信了主,认识了罪和基督的赦免,一点一点,我的生命改变了,我的家庭改变了,一切走上了祝福 Since Ive received Jesus as my personal Saviour, I started to know what sin is, and the power of Jesus forgiveness, a bit by bit, my life has changed, and my relationship with my family members has changed, Ive walked on the path of blessing. 今天我想和大家分享一个我上周的小见证,Today I want to share a testimony with you which was from last week.

上周三的晚上,我看了一个小视频,就对天主教拜圣母像,追捧教皇有了一些论断和看不惯,看的时候胃开始有不适感。Last Wednesday night, while I was watching a short online video, I was holding judgement against how Catholics worship Mary and the Pope. Immediately, I felt pain in my stomach while I was watching. 到了晚上睡觉的时候,整晚胃火辣辣地灼烧痛,一夜无法安睡,直到第二天也没有办法去上班,在家躺了一天。That night, I couldnt fell asleep as I felt a strong burning pain in my stomach, and I couldnt go to work the next day. I had to stay in bed for the whole day. 人在身体软弱的时候呼求神的力量就小,我只在迷迷糊糊的睡眠和疼痛中对神说:我的身体是你居住的圣所,求你使我好起来。While my body is weak, I couldnt pray earnestly, I was in pain as I was falling asleep. At this time, I spoke to God: My body is your Holy temple, please heal it. 下午傍晚的时候做了一个梦,梦里说,亲人吃饭没有邀请我,亚述人邀请了,我差点去吃,梦就没有了。I had a dream that afternoon, I dreamed about my family. They were having meal together without me, but Assyrians invited me. I almost joined with the Assyrians, but the dream ended. 我不知道什么意思。I couldnt figure it out.

当晚查经,因为胃不舒服,我睡得迷迷糊糊,醒过来刚好是715分,一定是圣灵的提醒让我可以至少参加zoom的查经。That night we had Bible study, I woke up just in time to join Zoom and it was 7.15pm. I must have been reminded by the Holy Spirit. 晚上查经的内容是徒3,使徒们被圣灵浇灌后行的第一个神迹奇事。We were studying Acts 3, which is about the first miracle Peter the apostle performed after the Holy Spirit was poured out upon them. 然后叶姐就问大家,你们当中在教会里做服侍的有没有羡慕这种医治释放恩赐的开一下音频说说。Jane asked everyone: Do any of you who serve in the church desires the gifts of healing and deliverance? 我就想也不想赶紧开了音频连连说“我渴望”,I quickly unmuted myself and said “I do! “ 叶姐就说相信这些说愿意得着这能力的也是神在你们心里面做的,and Jane said who believes in these things and says yes must be from God’s good work. 213 因为你们立志行事都是神在你们心里运行,为要成就他的美意。Philippians 2:13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. 我听了以后心里一股热浪,留下两滴眼泪,相信是圣灵在里面感动了我来阿门。My heart was so touched by hearing this and hot tears came out of my eyes, I believed it was from the Holy Spirit. 后来又讲到要得着这属天的单以耶稣基督关系为至宝的就是要放下一切属世的私欲和人所看为贵重的。Then Jane talked about how to gain heavenly treasure which is an intimate relationship with Jesus: To put aside all worldly desires and values. 引用约22:21-30.  Also quotes Job22:21-30. 晚上的查经很有得着,心里面也很感动,渴慕这种权能服侍。The bible study was very rewarding, I was deeply touched and longing for such a power of healing and deliverance. 结束的时候,叶姐带领大家做了信心宣告医治疾病的祷告。At the end, Jane led us into a prayer of healing.


当夜,胃没那么疼了也睡得好一些了,可是第二天又开始头疼了。That night, my stomach hurt less and I had a better sleep, but the next day I had a bad headache again. 就发信息问叶姐,并把那个梦告诉了她,I wechat Jane about my dream, 她就解释那梦,告诉我,she explained it to me, 是不是属灵上被攻击了,it was a spiritual attack, 是不是心里接受了责怪,自怜,被轻视。拒绝感,导致了被攻击了?did you accept any blame? self-pity? Ignorance? Feeling of rejection to expose yourself to a spiritual warfare?  亚述人在圣经是代表外邦人。Assyrians represent gentiles. 转向外邦人,投靠外邦人的想法,是不是在家人这里受了拒绝伤害?Did you feel rejected in church family and turned to a Gentile way of thinking?

我跪下来祷告,在祷告当中认罪悔改,也赞美,站起来头的确有一点不疼了,I knelt down to pray and to repent and to give praises to God, and the headache was getting better, 但是走动站起坐下的时候还是有偏头痛,我知道祷告没有彻底。But I could still feel a light migraine whenever I stood up or walked around, I knew I needed to pray more. 想到叶姐说: 属灵争战一点不能自大,神要呼召一些器皿可以成为贵重的,那贵重的不是地上人所认为贵重的,那是自洁的。I thought of Jane's reminder, "Don't be arrogant in spiritual warfare. God is calling some vessels that can be made for noble purposes, not those that are noble in the eyes of the world, but those that are willing to be made holy."自洁就是随时自己自愿来主面前省察自己的不洁,可以得洁净。To be made holy means coming to the Lord at any time of your own free will to examine your heart so that you can be cleansed. 


我又跪下来继续祷告赞美。So I knelt down to pray and praise the God continually. 感谢神对我个人很触动的经文,Thanks God for giving me some personal scriptures, Psalm 144:1b who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. 1414b 我只要在我一切争战的日子,等我被释放的时候来到。Job 14:14b All the days of my hard service I will wait for my renewal to come. 我又默想历代志下约沙法王面对大敌来攻击,先承认神的大能,又承认我们是不能的,Then I reflected on the king Jehoshaphat in 2 Chronicles when he was facing the great army, he declared God’s almighty power and admitted people of Judah were powerless, 最后宣告 then he declares,  代下20:15b 因为胜败不在乎你们,乃在乎神。2 Chronicles 20:15b For the battle is not yours, but God’s.然后就不停宣告神的大能赞美神,之后有感动就唱起 “神羔羊配得”,And then I declared God’s almighty power and lifted His name up to praise Him only. And I started to sing” Worthy is the Lamb” spontaneously. 神又感动我继续祷告,I kept on praying, 圣灵光照我想起文士和法利赛人抓住一个行淫的妇人要用石头打死她的事,And the Holy Spirit shone the light on me, and I remembered how the teachers of the law and the Pharisees had taken a woman who had committed adultery, and were about to stone her to death. 我就流泪悔改,想起自己何等骄傲,常常也像这些法利赛人无怜悯,忘记自己罪人的本相。I repented with tears for I was just as proud as those Pharisees showing no mercy and forgetting I was also a sinner. 也像浪子的故事里面的那个大儿子,不以神的喜乐为喜乐,不明白神要的是我们真实悔改的心,不体贴神的意思。And I was also like the elder son in the parable of the lost son, who did not take joy in God’s joy, and did not know God wanted us to repent truly and understands His good will. 雅1:23-24 因为听道而不行道的,就像人对着镜子看自己本来的面目,看见,走后,随即忘了他的相貌如何。James 1: 23-24 Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like. 忘记自己也需要神的怜悯,也是罪人的本相,就谦卑痛苦悔改。I forgot I was also a sinner who needed God’s mercy daily, so I wept and repented. 想到耶稣是何等地谦卑不定我的罪,Jesus is so humble and he never condemns me. 马11:29我心里柔和谦卑,你们当负我的轭,学我的样式;这样,你们心里就必得享安息。Matthew 11:29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 然后能想起来的罪统统都认了,任何的骄傲、论断、自义、无怜悯的都在神的面前承认。Then I confessed every sin I could think of, like pride, judgment, self-righteousness, and lack of mercy. 虽然每天也认罪悔改但是很多的心思意念其实没有十万分地去警醒祷告去打,Although I said prayers of repentance every single day, but I didnt earnestly deny my own thoughts and get my mind renewed with the truth 一个酵进来全团发起来。A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough.

祷告完站起来,一看时间中午12点,头不疼了那个压制出去了,我就去洗澡洗头了,After the prayers, that was 12 at noon, God had lifted me up and my headache was gone. I went to the bathroom and had a shower, 好像那被鬼附的,鬼赶出去以后就穿上衣服改换一新一样。Just like a demon-possessed,  after demon had been casted out , That man would stand up and dress himself like a whole new person. 当我告诉叶姐我头不痛了,她也很高兴,After I told Jane I was totally fine now, she was happy, 因她本想下午放下工作来我家给我按手祷告。Because she  wanted to spare some time to come to my house and to place hand on me to pray for me. 但感谢主,神让我自己经历争战靠主得释放,But thank God for leading me through this spiritual warfare and delivered me. 神也使这诗篇成了我亲自经历得着的诗篇。And thank God for making Psalm 108 as my personal Psalm. 1神啊,我心坚定!我口要唱诗歌颂!My heart is steadfast, O God; I will sing and make music with all my soul …4因为你的慈爱大过诸天;你的诚实达到穹苍。For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the skies…13 我们倚靠神,才得施展大能,因为践踏我们敌人的就是他。With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies.


提后221 人若自洁,脱离卑贱的事,就必作贵重的器皿,成为圣洁,合乎主用,预备行各样的善事。2 Timothy 2: 21 If a man cleanses himself from the latter, he will be an instrument for noble purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work. 2223 你若归向全能者,从你帐棚中远除不义,就必得建立。 Job 22:23 If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored: if you remove wickedness far from your tent.




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