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发表于 2024-03-19

我叫丽丽,在OTBC聚会一年多了。I'm Lili, and I've been attending OTBC for over a year now.感谢主,给我这个机会做见证。Thank the Lord for giving me this opportunity to give a testimony about Jesus and His reality.


在上个主日,有些弟兄姊妹看见了。Last Sunday, some brothers and sisters noticed that,就是聚会后,当下午茶快结束的时候,我的右耳朵那里肿起来了。after the service, as afternoon tea was wrapping up, my right ear started to swell.在厕所里,我突然发现,我整个右边的脸都肿的歪了。In the church toilet, I suddenly realized that the entire right side of my face was swollen.旁边就有人以为是得了腮腺炎。Someone nearby thought it might be parotitis.


那时,Jane已经快服侍完其他的弟兄姐妹了,我就赶紧叫她看我的脸。At that moment, Jane was almost done ministering to two people, so I quickly called her over to look at my face.她就带我进了大厅,她就问我,你觉得会是怎么一回事呢?”She took me into the auditorium and asked, "What do you think might be going on?" 我说,我想到了今天我很认真的听道, I said, "I was listening to the sermon carefully today, 当我要转向神的时候,那恶者就要继续来扰乱我。but as I was trying to turn to God, the evil one would try his best to continue to disturb me.我先是感觉到我的左耳朵赌住了。Initially, I felt my left ear was blocked.然后右边的耳朵部位就开始肿起来了。And then the right side of my ear started to swell.我觉得我应该是得罪神了。”I think that I must have sinned against God."


在年初时,我和一位慕道朋友约好了,一起去AA考驾照的理论考试。At the beginning of the year, a friend of mine and I made an agreement that we would go together for the learner's license theory test at AA.但我突然接受了一个意念说,那么久了,她一定自己去考过了,不用等她了。However, suddenly, I had a thought that she must have already taken the test herself after all this time, so I didn't need to wait for her anymore.于是,我就信了那个意念,我就自己去报名考驾照了。I believed that thought and went ahead to register for the driving license test by myself.可是,我正在背题要考试那天,那个朋友发信息告诉我,她正在等我,她没有去考。However, on the day when I was preparing for the test, my friend messaged me, saying that she was waiting for me and hadn't gone to take the test.我心里很内疚。I felt very guilty.


正在这时,房东又发信息来,说要来看她的院子里的植物。Just then, the landlord messaged me too, saying she wanted to come over and check the plants in her yard.本来我租房子的时候,房东说不用我去浇水,有雨水就可以了。When I rented the house, the landlord had said I didn't need to water the plants as there was enough rainwater.现在她又说要我去浇水。Now she asked me to water them.我帮房东剪了草坪,她说草坪太干了。I helped trim the lawn, but she said it was too dry.


于是上周六下午,我在院子里拔草的时候,心里就充满了抱怨。So last Saturday afternoon, while I was pulling weeds in the yard,我就抱怨,为什么这些房东要求那么多,my heart was full of complaints. I grumbled, wondering why all these landlords demanded so much, 我做什么他们都不满意,我要怎么做才能让他们满意呢。never satisfied with whatever I did. I wondered how I could ever please them.这个问题好像又回到了我和我妹妹的关系上。It felt like this issue was circling back to my relationship with my sister.我总觉得我是对的,我做了很多,都是她不对,我没有不饶恕。I always felt I was right, I did a lot, and it was all her fault. I couldn't forgive her.


在周日聚会前,我居然写不出来饶恕这两个中文字。Before the last Sunday Service, I couldn't even write the two Chinese characters for "forgiveness."就算我照着手机学着写了,当我脱离了手机,我还是怎么也不会写。Even if I had tried to copy them from my phone, as soon as I was away from it, I immediately forgot how to write them.


上周日听完Jane讲道,我突然想起来了这两个字怎么写。After listening to Jane's sermon last Sunday, I suddenly remembered how to write those two characters.后来,Jane带我祷告,我看见了自己信谎言。Later, Jane prayed with me, and I saw myself believing lies.当那些意念来时,我就信,我就觉得自己是对的,于是,我就开始责怪他人。When those thoughts came, I believed them, feeling that I was right, and then I started blaming others.“世人都犯了罪,亏欠了神的荣耀"All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."我信自己的判断,就是信谎言。When I believed my own judgment, which was not truth, I began to believe lies.当我信了谎言,就开始责怪他人,给魔鬼地步,那恶者就来偷窃,杀害,毁坏。When I believed lies, I started blaming others, giving the devil a foothold, and the evil ones came to steal, kill, and destroy.


那天Jane带我祷告,悔改。That day, Jane led me in prayer and repentance.当我听了神的话,我的耳朵祷告完就好了很多。When I listened to God's word, my ear felt much better after the prayer.第二天,肿就消了。恢复了正常。The next day, the swelling disappeared, and my ear and face returned to normal.感谢主,这件事让我学习了,我的耳朵当听神的话,不能听自己的猜疑。Thank the Lord, this incident taught me that my ears should listen to God's word, not my own suspicions.


神是真理。感谢主!God is truth. Thank You Jesus!感谢主的医治!Thank the Lord Jesus for healing me!


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